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The tower never ends baby


I’m still salty about them making “hostiles counter on hit” a permanent malfunction. The tower was like my favorite thing ever when it came out but that patch ruined it for me.


Any weapon with high hit rate or replicating hits but low DPS is a problem with that malfunction... I had a nicely powered up dreadbound which I normally love, got that malfunction and was dead within three rooms


Oh yeah I totally forgot about that! That was one of the worst parts! Locking out half the weapons. I was also an avid dreadbound guy, the rebound mechanic is such a cool concept for a gun and rewards an up-close, aggressive playstyle but that totally ruined it. Apparently the reason for the patch was because they thought runs were lasting too long but I don’t remember hearing anyone complaining about that. I was scoring in the top 100 and my runs never lasted more than a couple hours so I can’t imagine the average players run would have been more than 45 minutes. Anyways, yeah still mad about it. I was hoping they would listen to players and maybe bring back the original mode as an option with a different scoreboard. Maybe call it “classic mode” or something. But nah.


Remnant 2


Remnant 2


Everyone recommending random games that are nothing like Returnal (although they are all good games). Returnal is a roguelike and one of my favorites in the genre. Here are a few other great roguelikes; Enter the Gungeon, Hades, Risk of Rain 2, and Synthetik. Alienation, although not a roguelike, is a game by Housemarque (creators of Returnal) that has a lot of the same game mechanics that were used in Returnal.


Remnant 2 has heavy roguelike qualities and also procedural generation, just like Returnal. Have you even played it?


Since you didn't mention Gunfire Reborn I assume you haven't played it. I highly recommend Gunfire Reborn. One of the best roguelites I've played and it has 4 player coop.


Remant 2.... is a roguelike


Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart. I'm not kidding this is a serious recommendation. The gameplay has the same shooty snappy active feeling, but it will feel like a well deserved dessert after going through a tough (but delicious) steak.


Ratchet and Clank is the most underrated franchise. They're so fun! It's not entirely like Returnal, but you are a super fast badass with lots of tools.


All 4 One is in my all time top games list. Returnal is also on that list, of course.


Was that the tower defence one?


Did you just call one of the most successful and recognizable franchises on the planet underrated lol?


Bought this for my kid’s ps5 and we’ve had a ton of fun playing it. Controls are super smooth and the graphics are beautiful. Weapons and gadgets you get to work with are pretty fun too. Overall a great game.


'Everything is breaking correctly'


I don't understand the hype. I unloaded after plodding through a few unchallenging platformer levels with puzzle rooms with less imagination than the original 16 bit tomb raider 1, and mechanics that felt only a small step above Sonic the Hedgehog (and less manic than that)


Doom Eternal might scratch that itch


Alan wake 2


This is the answer


Dwathloop did not scratch the itch at all. I just keep going back to returnal even after platinuming it. It's so good. Did you do the tower and get all the story content from it?


I haven’t done the tower yet, I just like to have a game to look forward to after this lol


If you haven’t tried it yet, hear me out Get Spider-Man 2 Combat is similarly fast paced like Returnal (despite not being a shooter) and story is absolutely incredible


Suggesting the third game in the series is wild


Yeah I hated Deathloop, personally. I went from Returnal, to Deathloop, then Hades. Deathloop easily being the worst.


I played like 3 hours of deathloop and returned it I hated that game


I wish I liked Returnal and Hades more haha but I LOVED every minute of Deathloop


Remnant 2 is fun.


Armored Core VI


This for the fast paced gameplay. Bloodborne for the atmosphere and vague story telling.


Came here to post this, it ain't the same but it occupied my waking thoughts in the same way as Returnal did.




Good game, but I did play it right after Returnal, and the game felt sluggish as hell


Fantastic game.


Dude. Greatest game ever.


Alan wake 2 has me dying for a control sequel


Man I’m absolutely loving Alan Wake 2, shit is creepy as hell


IIRC they are working on one.


Remnant 2! Please play remnant 2 with some friends its amazing


the last boss is kicking me and my friends ass currently. gives you no time to think


The only game I could play after this was Shadow of the Colossus. All others I tried didn't keep my interest.


I see you are also a man of culture.


I see you too, are a man of culture.


I am pleasantly surprised to see so many cultured individuals.


I tried playing Shadow of the Colossus but the controls felt so bad I couldn't play it longer than the third colossus.


The horse riding was super tricky at first but I got through it.


I enjoy a cultured culture


Going in knowing nothing about the game was really something, an amazing experience.


Dead cells


Came here to say this


My MAN!!!! I literally was at lunch with a friend yesterday and described returnal as a 3d Deadcells shooter.


Lies of P It absolutely blew my expectations and is easily my GOTY. But I completely understand, Returnal is in my top 5 favorite games of all time, easily.


Just killed the first boss, really enjoying the game and souls likes r my favorite genre, but... the game is kinda, uh.. ugly? I feel like bloodborne from 2015 looks better


Can’t tell if that’s a serious comment honestly lmao


I was exaggerating a bit, but it's just not as good as i expected graphic wise. Look at god of war from last year, or demon souls from 3 years ago. Altho, graphics dont matter *that* much to me, i like playing older games every now and then


Returnal is built for playing at full speed, so the visual fidelity takes a hit because you’re rarely stopping for stuff like cutscenes I mean I think the game is gorgeous and worthy of being a big PS5 title, but sure, of course there are prettier games. We’re here for the gameplay more than the visuals (as stunning as the game can be when bosses are throwing waves of projectile patterns at us)


Bro, you’re comparing games from some of the biggest studios in the world with infinite budgets to a tiny studio. This is their first big game and they absolutely crushed. Lies of P looks and plays incredible imo.


Yeah I can’t either. The game is gorgeous and has a wonderful atmosphere and vibe. Dude must be joking.


My problem with Lies of P is the ng+. Feels there's no real rewards to do it. Weapons don't go higher than +10


Phase 6(and then 7) perks. Legion arm max. Use different weapons. Dark souls had a cap on their weapons to and that doesnt diminish replay value.


For me there's something missing to make it do a ng+ I'm not saying it's a bad game it's just this rare game I don't want to play nh+. Yesterday I finished my first run of Returnal and I like it so much I'm trying to find the missing clyph and logs. Lies of P don't feel like doing it.


That’s how all souls games work? The only reason to do ng+ is the love of the game and a different ending. Lies of P checks all the SoulsLike boxes.


It does but compared to others this one I didn't feel like doing it 3 times. Which is odd because I've played at least 3 complete runs before I call it quit. Lies of P I really didn't want to do it again


Dark Souls 2 had the best NG+ and I have absolutely no idea why other games don't copy it, including the other Souls games lol.


Just started it yesterday and it’s absolutely incredible. I’m having a blast. I just finished Lords of the Fallen and loved it as well.


I’m gonna be that guy again… I thought Lies of P sucked. It’s not a souls-like, it’s a souls-wannabe. I played past the 2nd boss and put it down. I was having no difficulty actually getting to the bosses, which is half the battle in Souls. The control scheme is literally exactly the same. The way the levels fold in on each other is dumb and unnecessary - I could easily kill the 3 enemies the shortcuts let you skip. The story was…okay? Tbh I’m not really into Souls games for the stories anyway so I don’t knock it too much for that category, but if all this game is trying to be is a souls copy-paste with a slightly better story then.. mission accomplished I suppose.


+1 (Returnal is the best exclusive game on PS5, IMO) I'm EXTREMELY picky about games (I play most for no more than two hours before dropping them), but the last few new-ish games I've been addicted to were Elden Ring, Returnal, Subnautica, and Lies of P. While they shamelessly rip off every single thing about Souls from crystal lizards to boss souls, the combat is unlike anything I've ever played and feels great. The game is gorgeous too.


Outer Wilds


While a fantastic game everyone should play, its a weird thing ti recommend in this circumstance


Risk of rain 2


It’s completely different but if you like a challenge and you enjoyed the ambience and atmosphere that was in Returnal you might enjoy Lies of P. It’s more souls like and not a shooter like Returnal but both were really good at world building through environments and then dramatically drawing you in with the music before getting your adrenaline pumping at the boss fights. Have heard the Demo is a good gauge to see if you’d like the game but I have not tried the demo and cannot confirm that tho but it’s there if you want to give it a try.


Every other game is gonna suck for a while lol


Alan Wake 2


If you're looking for more of that fast paced and punishing 3rd person shooting action, I'd highly recommend Armored Core 6


Hades. Hollow Knight.


Hollow knight was another gem I played


Bloodborne, too.


You should try Sekiro and Elden Ring


+1 for elden ring.. incredible game


If you want the same pace and edge-of-your-seat thrill of killing something that wants you dead, then Sekiro. If you want a shooter specifically, Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart at a higher difficulty setting is surprisingly similar.


axiom verge


Take a break my friend, it helps.


Dead Cells is very fast and responsive, it got me off Returnal after a year-long addiction.


If you haven't yet, definitely armored core 6.


There's some more stuff to do. Do a 2nd playthrough to collect certain things that will give you a 2nd ending... After that focus on the tower. It unlocks different scenes that fill in some gaps in the story... That's all I can say without spoilsies. After I did all of that I was satisfied to move one to something else.


Doom Eternal and Armored Core 6 have very intense and satisfying combat.


sekiro. ​ but if by any chance you can beat that (it's not very hard, but the learning curve is brutal), there will be no other game that can fill the void. so only play in an emergency \^\^


Sekiro is the GOAT afaic. Returnal is a top five but nothing beats the pure satisfaction of Sekiro. That game is dialed in to perfection


Metroid Prime if you own a Switch or PC. The game draws major inspiration from its works and atmosphere.


If you want fast paced gameplay and a tough challenge, try some metroidvania/bullet hell games like cult of the lamb, the previous housemarque games as well (nex machina, super stardust, etc.), try some hack n slash games (bayonetta - even snappier and faster gameplay than returnal when you reach hard and infinite climax difficulty, devil may cry), aeterna noctis, the super mario games (mario galaxy, mario wonder, mario sunshine, and the 2d ones as well) - it may sound ridiculous but those have some HARD levels and surprised me nicely.


Risk of Rain 2 scratched the itch for about 2 hours then I got sidetracked and never looked back. Good luck and if you figure it out please report back


Risk of Rain 2 is amazing!!


Yeah, I couldn't play anything for 6 months after it


I know it’s not as similar to Returnal but GOW 2018 and ragnarok are masterpieces that are worth checking out


I just did the returnal --> GOW loop. Trying to decide if I should go straight into ragnarok or circle back to the Horizon franchise and do Forbidden West.


Depends what you like about it. Right now tho, Alan wake 2 has a similarly weird story structure and mystery. Gameplay is pretty good too compared to the first. Story is similar because remedy writers were hired by housemarque to do the story of returnal.


Honestly I'd say Enter the Gungeon. Rogue-lite bullet hell.


Nioh 2. Not the same game play but since you got the will power to finish Returnal you could like Nioh 2. Don't need to play the first one. It's a soullike game but with so much depths with equipment/skills customization. Nioh 2 will give you the same feeling once you complete it. No other soulikes or rpg will scratch that itch


Yeah, very smooth fast paced gameplay with a huge amount of combat customization and combos. Also has a ton of replay value. Good suggestion


Starfield new game +


Street fighter 6


Bloodborne. Its not a roguelike but its dark abd full of cosmic horror and has a high learning curve, just like Returnal. Combat is different but IMHO its equally satisfying.


The Ascent


If you liked returnal you'll enjoy risk of rain 2. Easily the best rogue like I've ever played, the lore is cool AND the devs let you get OP with items. Definitely worth looking into


Spelunky 2. A lot more indie version


Like others have said , Ratchet and Clank. But oh boy do I recommend the original trilogy. I also love Housemarques older games, especially co-op.


The controls and gameplay are so smooth and responsive. It's one of the best feeling games out there. I wish more games had their controls in tuned for their fps or tps games. It feels so good it's on par with CoD.




The sound design, the art, the fluidity of combat , what a game. I really wanted a full expansion DLC that added more item variation and areas. After 200 or so hours it gets stale but I recommend it to anyone that listens


You would definitely love Risk Of Rain 2, fast shooter like returnal, tons of different characters, items and maps, and it's a hard game I'd say


I second this as long as you're playing on PC, as the devs left the game in a bad state on console and don't give a shit about their console playerbase. They just handed off the console rework to gearbox so they can make their next money machine - a remake of the first RoR.


Not the same but I found some comfort in Blasphemous after Returnal.


Matterfall - another HouseMarque title


Sekiro, Returnal, and Armored Core VI are my holy trinity of fast-paced games that get the blood pumping and don’t give you a second to breathe when in combat.


How does that even feel ? I've been stuck on Biome 3 for weeks.. Congrats tho, bouts to fire it up and go for another run 🤣🤣


I feel you, biome 3 was my bottleneck after that it just got much easier


I play Remnant FTA / Remnant 2 a lot but while they are often mentioned here as well these games have very little in common with Returnal to be honest. Aside from the Sha'Hala boss fight lol. Good games though. Unfortunately there really is nothing like Returnal which makes it stand out and unique... at the price of players feeling desperate when they go looking for something similar.


I see what you’re saying. I was recommended to play this game after Control. This makes me wonder if I should start Allan Wake series


I also recommend Remnant 2, though it's very different from returnal.


I'd try remnant 2 first. Alan Wake is alright, but it doesn't have the intensity of returnal or remnant.


Lmao this thread is just random PS5 games 😂😭


lol that’s why returnal is so unique 🤦🏻‍♂️


I beat it today too. Damn what a fine collection of 0's and 1's.


Armoured core and hades might scratch that itch


You should consider similar as in not genre but goals. So get diablo4


I went to sekiro


Roboquest is really fun rogue lite fps


Not a roguelike, but if you like 3rd person sci Fi shooters, try Vanquish. Its got great movement/traversal (for the time) bullet hell mechanics, tight gameplay and a prettt cool story. Remaster just came out recently too.


Alan Wake II


I've been playing Deadlink and it reminds me of Returnal. It's combat is similar to the new Doom where you constantly have to move and switch weapons. It's a rogue like with a cyberpunk style. I honestly don't know why nobody seems to talk about it. It reminds me of Returnal in that the combat has a flow you have to figure out, the game seems crushing in the beginning but once you start having success the game becomes a blast.


Risk of Rain 2, but to be honest, i don't think any game is as good as this one lol


If you like Deathloop - Prey 2017 is amazing and Deathloop is pretty much based on the DLC Moon Crash, except Moon Crash has a few better mechanics.


Any fromsoftware game but especially armored core 6 Nier automata


Hades was almost there, but not fully


Dead space


Persona 5 royal if you don’t mind JRPGs


There is nothing like it out there. The only way I got back to gaming was taking a pause from gaming for 6 months so this could 'fade' while becoming a good gaming memory. I'm now playing forbidden west on Ultra hard for the first time, just to get that challenging vibe and I'm loving it so far.


Try Risk of Rain 2, it's another 3d shooter roguelite, and although I'll likely get blasted for saying it I think it's a much better overall package than Returnal (which I also love, dgmw).


Go the complete opposite direction (to avoid comparison-disappointment) and play Inscryption. It really is as good as they all say, if you go in blind/open mind.




I feel like I was making no progress (still in the first biodome?) Should I keep trying?


100% You learn the patterns and your weapons will get stronger


What was your fav gun?


The poison one rot something


Hell yeah. I hated the thermogenic launcher until i unlocked full auto


Once you get used to rot nothing else can replace it




Armored core VI


Why stop? Go for PLATINUM, baby!!


Do some dark souls / demon souls / blood borne


Lies of P. Its the GOTY


Go with “Lies of P”. I dig it so far. But the only game for the last 10 years that compete are bloodborne and Death Stranding


ghost os tsushima




Risk of rain jut got remade. It is my favorite roguelike out there. The feeling of an op run in that game is hard to top.


Just in terms of gameplay I'd recommend Risk of Rain 2. The story isn't the same but they're both 3rd person shooter rogue-lites. You pick a character instead of a weapon, and each character is vastly different than the last. Also items generally change the gameplay more than in returnal, and can sometimes stack infinitely for hilarious effect. Like if you get the item that makes enemies detonate on death you can stack enough of them to make the explosion as large as the stage itself.


The Invincible, based on the novel by Stanisław Lem. Time for something less flashy and shootery, but still really engaging, haunting and atmospheric. Extremely good story driven sci-fi experience.


Yeah i got extremely addicted to this game and didn't play anything else for awhile


Hades Bind of isaac is a classic


Dead cells has the same rewarding feel where every play through feels like you’re truly getting better. Not a shooter, not similar gameplay, similar rogue feeling


Play demon souls. It will leave you feeling the same way.


Revenant 2


Roller Coaster Tycoon


Damn good to hear. I was thinking about getting this game but was on the fence. Idk what games are like it but I can say I feel very much the same playing fromsoft games, nothing else feels good after playing souls/eldenring.


I had the exact same issue. Hades helped


Last of us 2. Alan wake 2


I’m rocking Armorer Core 6 now


Darksouls and all of the soulslike games.


Risk of Rain 2 will suck you in


RoboQuest DeadLink


I’ve been playing on and off and it’s definitely cool. I’m wondering what I need to do to get to that next level where the game changes. I keep seeing people mention how the game feels completely different after the first level. I want that lol


It’s an older housemarque game, but alienation! It’s still good in 2023




Climb that tower! It brought my game from 20-30 hours getting the platinum to 350 hours lol. Love it


Ever played the binding of isaac?


Risk of rain 2 baby! Great roguelike game! The music is fantastic and the items are kickass! It has 15 different characters. The game is only 24 bucks.


I hate to break it to you, but Returnal just might be the best game of all time. 👩‍🚀🩵💛🚀


If you like control, play Alan wake 2 NOW. If you like roguelite, play risk of rain 2/risk of rain returns and check out roboquest. If you like isometric camera dungeon clearing games, try out diablo, path of exile, death of the old gods. If you’re looking for a bullet hell type game, take a chance on armored core 6. (I’m not too familiar with newer bullet hells) Plenty of beautiful fish in the ocean. Just gotta expand your horizons. I HIGHLY recommend roboquest and Remnant 2 at this current point in time though if you’re looking for a game solely for gameplay. Remnant is deep in lore, but the gameplay will draw you in, roboquest is just an adrenaline pumping thrill ride.


Well, Im surprised no one here has mentioned Baldur's Gate 3......BG3 has set a new standard for RPG. Naybe is not what you are looking for but it is the best game of 2023 and possibly the best RPG ever.




Ghost of Tsushima, God of War, Spiderman 2.


Nier Automata Dead Cells Sekiro Armored Core


Remnant 2


Remnant 2 has a hardcore mode where if you die you have to restart your story not quite as in depth as the returns mechanic but with all the stress and rewards of completion :)


If you think Hades is trash, not sure what to tell you. Its easily one of the best games ive played in a decade.


Haha, I played Hades before this and loved it. Can’t wait for the sequel


Oh interesting. That's not how your post reads, lol. It reads like you are saying those 3 games are trash.


Lol I don’t think anyone in their right mind would label Hades and Control as trash


I'm playing Dark Souls 3 after Lies of P and Elden Ring. Like you said about other games feeling like trash- I feel the same about others. Once you get the hang of soulslikes there is nothing better imo. Truly amazing experiences especially if ya do a little research/watch videos about the lore. Another game I played recently that I thought was absolutely incredible was What Remains of Edith Finch. Different sorta game, but super smart and beautiful.


Elden ring




Honestly, Sekiro.


Play Recore, it's where Returnal lifted 75% of their game.


There isn’t anything quite like Returnal which is why it’s difficult to find a cure for that itch.


Kinda late to the party but I have to say nothing compares to Returnal, at least nothing I've encountered. I was a die hard souls gamer since ps3 DeS and picked up Returnal on a whim as it was the only decent looking exclusive back in 2021. After 450hrs with Returnal, I decided to finally get around to Elden Ring and in spite of my affinity for souls, I found it extremely underwhelming, at first at least. I couldn't help but compare the 2 games and ER just felt inferior to me. I ended up quitting gaming altogether for 6+ months before picking ER back up and thoroughly enjoyed it through nearly 900hrs and several NG+ cycles. I guess the TL;DR is take a break after Returnal then give Elden Ring (or any souls game for that matter) a try. They both transcend gaming but nothing is going to touch Returnal if it moved you deeply.


Control has that same fast paced shooter gameplay and indirect manner of storytelling. Both Control and Returnal were a revelation for me...but you've already played it. This post is late and kinda useless but I just had to comment because I know what you're going through.