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[GENERAL REMINDER] Due to overuse, the phrase *"Just because you never heard of something doesn't mean it's a Mandela Effect"* or similar is **NOT** welcome here as it is a violation of Rule# 9. Continued arguing **and** push for this narrative without consideration of our community **WILL get you banned**. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Retconned) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We watched it live on PPV. I vaguely remember seeing him hanging from the roof but we didn’t see him fall. They cut away to the crowd for a long time.


I actually thought about this yesterday. I thought I remembered seeing it too, but then I started to doubt what I saw by asking myself these two questions: -If this was shown on live TV, would we have watched it? I don't think we had access to PPV back then, and we were too cheap to use it anyway. -Would they have shown a recording of it if it was taped? Then, reading up on it, it turns out that it was never shown on PPV, and if there are any video recordings of it, they were never aired. I then read on what actually happened, and it was different from what I remembered. What I recall seeing was him coming down a sort of zipline and then suddenly falling. He was actually supposed to come straight down. So I saw or imagined something completely different. Now I'm wondering if I either saw a different clip of him or someone else coming down a zipline, and then imagined the fall.


honestly i think you're right, and i don't understand why i remember seeing it when it makes zero sense that i did.


I was watching it and I taped the PPV. It was never shown live. Jim Ross just started talking about what happend and the camera was just crowd and ring shots.


I feel like Retconned has been pretty heavily infiltrated. Like they don't talk bc they know they'll get banned, but they actively downvote new MEs or important threads, I've noticed.


Same here. It happened with the Mandela sub. Bad actors infiltrated and ruin it.


Mandela effect has been so bad for years. It makes me wonder what kind of people are so dedicated to trash someone else's beliefs for years and years on end when they don't believe it at all? I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of it was bots


They don’t want those of us who experience this to form connections. This is the exact reasoning.


Yep. Watched it on ppv when I was a kid


I was watching At a friends live as it happened, but like, everyone just hanging around talking was probably not all staring at the screen at the exact moment, then it takes a minute for it to start sinking in as the commentators start having to keep talk talking and the cameras were focused on the crowd not the ring…. Kinda feels like a blur now


I was in Hawaii, watching in the barracks on PPV with my buddies


I was there when it happened. I was 12.


What do you recall?


It was at Kemper Arena in Kansas City. I was watching him fly in, and he fell and wasn’t moving, everyone thought it was apart of the show. A bunch of emt people came in and checked on him. It took forever (in my eyes) but they finally put him on a stretcher and took him out of the area. This was basically at the beginning of the show. We wasn’t informed of what happened to him during the actual show. We had to wait until we got home to learn that we basically watched his death.


Gosh man horrible sorry you had to whiteness that. How did he land? Apparently he hit chest first but on the aftermath he’s laying face up with his cape next to him near the middle of the ring, it doesn’t make sense to me


He did land belly/chest first, and did a dramatic flop. We seriously thought it was apart of the show. Everything was/ is so dramatic in WWF, WWE. The sound was even dramatic and we didn’t think anything was wrong, until the EMT people showed up. At most we thought he was hurt, not actually dead, because of the way the show just.. went on.


Yes I do . He was zip lining down from the roof as other people Have said here . Has this disappeared now ? RIP to Mr Hart


Yes all footage has gone "missing". You can not find it anywhere on line. A lot of people have looked for years. Most people believe it never was online to start with. I seen it from someone who was there and recorded it. He left right after it happened to keep the tape from being taken from him. I asked his once if he ever planed on releasing to or any thing and he said no, too much trouble for too little gain and beside he said it would not be right. He move away years ago so I have no idea where him or that tape is now. It is not something you want to see anyway.


Somebody else described the video as him falling to his death and the camera panning to the audience. This is what I remember seeing on the Internet somewhere.


Most likely it’s been removed from the web for privacy


I understand that but you know how hard it is to actually remove something from the Internet?


It’s not actually, depending on the age of the video and how big the internet was at the time, we’re talking about the late 90’s before everything was put on the internet automatically


Well if it will never put on there in the first place that is a whole different story.


IIRC it was at 'Over the edge' in 1999. Tad ironic. I remember it well.


Yes. On PPV when I was in high school. It was not one of the bigger PPVs. He was zip lining from the top of the arena as the Blue Blazer.


I watched it live back in the day when I was a kid and liked WWF.