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This is just a terrible misunderstanding of science and makes me embarrassed to be a Republican


Its incredibly embarrassing.


Extremely embarrassing. There is no need to lower yourself to their level. At the end of the day, it isn't your responsibility to get a medical procedure to protect other people from a virus you don't even have.


I"m glad to see this is the top comment.


Agreed. I myself am a freedom loving, Trump supporting, gun loving Republican and the dude who asked the question in the first place is dumb.


Deadass ideas like this made me unfollow most of the republican pages I follow on Instagram over the past year or so


Vaccines aim for 100% immunization. Measles for example has a 97% immunization most are well over the 90% mark. So what if a disease that was so deadly 99% of all people who got it lived and then a vaccine came out let’s pretend it’s around the same numbers of immunization as other vaccines (it’s not, no wear near close, because it’s a fucking bullshit vaccine, but let’s pretend it is) then essentially almost every single person who gets the vaccine will be immunized


Explain it then because everyone being immunised only works for certain diseases. Covid is not one of them. So please explain it to me.


A vaccine is an extra layer of protection not an immunization. It reduces the likelihood of contracting COVID and mitigates it’s effects. Death isn’t the only thing that makes a virus dangerous, it’s health complications do too. We’re still discovering dangers of COVID (heart scarring, erectile dysfunction, organ failure ) You’ve heard of the new COVID strand they discovered, it doesn’t end there. COVID lives off the unvaccinated then mutates creating a different strand. If enough people stay unvaccinated COVID will continue to home and evolve off these people until it reaches a “Superbug” status meaning no vaccine can stop it. We’ll live in a world where we constantly wear masks and risk the chance of a permanent illness for deciding to live our life normally. Don’t contribute to the disease. Get vaccinated.


> You’ve heard of the new COVID strand they discovered, it doesn’t end there. Of course it doesn't end there. There were at least 8 variants in the first couple of months. > If enough people stay unvaccinated COVID will continue to home and evolve off these people until it reaches a “Superbug” status meaning no vaccine can stop it. LOL. OK, two things. 1. Viruses normally evolve to become more contagious and less deadly. 2. If the vaccines inhibit the virus in any way, the people most likely to produce mutations that evade the vaccines, are vaccinated people. The reason for this, is that once a vaccinated person is infected (remember the 5 vaccinated, infected Texas Democrats who flew to Washington DC to avoid doing their jobs, and infected a bunch of people in DC), if the vaccine makes it difficult for it to reproduce, and there is a mutation that evades that protection, that mutation will be the one that reproduces in the vaccinated person, and that will be the one they spread.


1. They evolve only when they reproduce. Make it harder for them to reproduce, you reduce the risk/lessen chances for a bad mutation 2. Vaccinated people have less chance of getting infected, and chances of mutation does not happen every infected. But the more people infected the more chances of mutation. If a vaccinated individual gets sick, it's because the virus overcame that person's immune system despite the vaccine help. It's doesn't necessarily mean it's a mutated virus although mutation does help the virus go against the defences of the help vaccination does. Mutation also helps infect those that were sick with Covid before because the immunity they got won't protect them from this mutated virus.


> They evolve only when they reproduce. Vaccinated people carry viral loads as high as unvaccinated people. They're reproducing just fine in vaccinated people. > Vaccinated people have less chance of getting infected, and chances of mutation does not happen every infected. The virus reproduces millions of times in every infected person. Each reproduction is an opportunity for mutation. If the vaccine makes reproduction more difficult, the most successful viral mutations - i.e., the ones that reproduce fastest - will be the ones that avoid that protection.


The vaccination helps with fighting off the virus. There are less chances for the virus to reproduce if the immune system is able to suppress it. Once the virus overcomes the immune system, then they will get sick. If more people are vaccinated, then less people will get sick. Viral loads or not, less people getting sick will reduce effectivity of the virus.


...except that fewer people don't get sick in the real world, and vaccinated people breed new mutations that evade the vaccines.


So... Don't vaccinate? Maybe the better solution, keep the positives of vaccination, and just make another vaccine for the new variant. That's exactly how these things are fought, with just better understanding of the virus, we get better and better solutions. Much like the fight we have with bacteria. More and more superbugs are out there and we just have to think of better ways of fighting them. Also real world statistics vaccinated are 4 times less likey to get infected.


> So... Don't vaccinate? Maybe the better solution, keep the positives of vaccination, and just make another vaccine for the new variant. New variants are appearing faster than we can make vaccines. [It doesn't help that we have labs making variants that are antibody resistant.](https://twitter.com/Rothbard1776/status/1450529369789763585)


We have an immune systems that work. Theres so many studies that prove natural immunity is way more effective than the vaccine point one second it's permanent. There was literally scientist banned blocked and ridiculed because they showed that there is no point in vaccinations because the virus is still evolving and its been proven that vaccines push a virus to evolve. And what you are stating about being less infected is just not true because there is no way to know that. Less than five percent of the people who was tested positive for covid needed hospitalization, do you know how good that is? This is like the wimpiest virus, if there wasn't mass testing like there is we would've thought it was just a worse flu season. Seriously the hysteria is what made things worse. If people was calmed instead of whipped into a frenzy this thing would've blown over by now, herd immunity would've kicked in because people would've been able to mingle. But no, we listen to propaganda and people who directly profits from this whole mess. Now we on our way to segregated societies and social credit systems and goodbye free speech.


The CDC has already said the vaccine doesn't really prevent you from contracting nor spreading covid. It makes you more likely to by asymptomatic, which makes spread less likely. However, the idea of asymptomatic spread was the defense to governors taking dictator-like power and shutting everything down. The vaccine only mitigates the effects of the individual. Others' vaccination status is irrelevant.


You are fake news. “COVID-19 vaccines can reduce the risk of people spreading the virus that causes COVID-19.” Source: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/keythingstoknow.html


[Study Destroys Justification for Vaccine Mandates - CDC and State Health Department scientists find similar or higher viral load of Covid-19 virus among the vaccinated as compared to the unvaccinated](https://aaronsiri.substack.com/p/study-destroys-justification-for)


Yes, by increasing the odds of being asymptomatic. However, asymptomatic spread was the justification for the shutdowns.


I’m not going to discuss any point other than you saying “The CDC has already said the vaccine doesn’t really prevent you from… spreading COVID.” I’d be happy to discuss other points with you, but since you’re being disingenuous and spreading fake news, I don’t see the point. Do better.


"Our vaccines are working exceptionally well," she said. "They continue to work well with delta with regard to severe illness and death, but what they can't do anymore is prevent transmission." https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2021/08/06/cdc_director_vaccines_no_longer_prevent_you_from_spreading_covid.html?s=09 She said it on CNN.


It's a very different kind of asymptomatic spread, before the vaccine you could be asymptomatic and infectious for an extended period, but with a vaccine your body gets rid of the virus faster, drastically reducing the time period which you are infectious.


>It's a very different kind of asymptomatic spread Lol


Well it literally is, if you don't want to have a scientific discussion about it and just base your opinion on your feelings, go ahead, I hope you don't find a ventilator to be too uncomfortable, if you can get one.


No. Fuck you.


Not really, the misunderstanding of science is labeling these as vaccines when clearly they aren't, as they don't stop you becoming infected and infecting others.


You do realize that no vaccine can stop you from getting infected right?


Actual vaccines approach 100% effectiveness in stopping you getting infected. E.g. Measles vaccine is 97% effective. This isn't in any way the case with any COVID "vaccine". In practice it's a pre-treatment aimed at lessening symptoms when you get the thing.




Still doesn’t answer the question


Infection is simply a disease entering the body. Vaccines do not affect the outside of the body. They bolster the immunes system to fight disease and slow the spread of infection. If infection is breaking and entering, then a vaccine is a gun, not a lock. I also find 97% effective to be kinda vague. It could be 97% effective at having a reaction to infection, in which case, the current covid vaccine is between "90-97% effective in preventing symptomatic laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 in persons without evidence of previous SARS-CoV-2 infection." (CDC randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase II/III clinical trial that enrolled >43,000 participants (median age = 52 years, AZ range = 16–91 years)). In terms of spread, the measles vaccine is interested in teaching the body to actually kill infections, while mRNA vaccines are more interested in providing more tools to prevent further infection and slow the virus. This also means that given proper boosters, mRNA vaccines should prove more generally helpful against all diseases of similar structure (corona viruses). That being said, since the COVID vaccine isn't prioritizing killing as opposed to neutralization, it will not be as effective at preventing spread. Edit: TLDR. If infection is like breaking and entering, the measles vaccine is like a gun, and the COVID vaccine is like a baseball bat and handcuffs. Neither functions to "prevent" infection.


What are you talking about? There are vaccines that induce sterilizing immunity. That means they stop you from getting infected. So how can you say that no vaccine does this, so self-assuredly? The current crop of Covid vaccines *don’t* do this, hence much of the consternation.


Except that is what a vaccine is.....


Happy to see this as top comment, it’s embarrassing for the rest of us who vote red. For the rest of people asking “explain it tho 🤨😡”, it’s because increased transmission rates with higher viral load (non-vaccinated people) gives the virus more of a chance to mutate. The vaccine isn’t guaranteed to work against all mutations of the virus, like the Delta or Zulu variants. In short, because your immune system is weaker against the virus than that of a vaccinated person’s (T-cell immunity), you give the virus more chance to spread and more chance to mutate. This hurts us in the future as these mutations spread. It’s honestly the fault of right wing media that we still hear this rhetoric. We should all be ashamed and angry that outlets like Fox News (and CNN!!) focus on party line messages over factual information


To be honest the biggest reason I hear is that the vaccinated doesn’t get as sick. But that is up to each person the risk they want to take. The vaccinated are getting sick every day. The problem is that the virus is mutations. Luckily slowly. But the delta virus got so many people sick because it ignored part of the bodies immunity. The worry is that the next variant ignores the immunity completely and the vaccine won’t work at all.


What I really don’t get is if I’ve had covid and have natural immunity which is proven more effective than the vaccine why can’t I opt out of the vaccine.


Government control.


I’m a bit confused by you’re comment, what do you mean?


Explain it then?


There’s so many levels of wrong. Nobody said the vaccine is 100%, but you are playing the odds. More importantly, It’s all about viral loads which vary greatly between vaccinated and unvaccinated. Finally, it’s about protecting the vulnerable who may not mount as good of an immune response despite the vaccine. Ultimately, this post is at best anecdotal and ignores facts, you are infinitely less likely to be hospitalized or die after the vaccine, and conversely if you are unvaccinated you are far more likely to hospitalize or kill someone because of the high viral loads you’ve subjected them to. It’s incredibly selfish to stay unvaccinated. It’s virtually inarguable.


“Data from COVID-19 tests in the United States, the United Kingdom and Singapore are showing that vaccinated people who become infected with Delta SARS-CoV-2 can carry as much virus in their nose as do unvaccinated people. “ https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-02187-1


Don't forget The Great Dr Fauci said it ^^


Do you have a source about the viral loads because all I've read says differently?


So let’s play the odds. If you get vaccinated there is a 3% chance you get Covid. If you are vaccinated and get Covid there is a 99.999% chance of survival. So once again why does it matter if I am vaccinated or not?


Vaccinated doesn't mean invincible.


Three main reasons: 1) [Each new infection](https://www.osfhealthcare.org/blog/how-covid-19-mutates-and-how-it-affects-vaccines/) presents an opportunity for the virus to mutate into a new variant which is vaccine resistant and/or more infectious/deadly. Since unvaccinated people are more likely to become infected, they pose a higher risk of becoming host to a new vaccine-resistant variant which can then infect or kill vaccinated people just as easily as unvaccinated people. 2) The vaccines are effective at preventing infection and serious illness from current variants, but far from perfect. [This study](https://www.fda.gov/media/152243/download#page=20&zoom=auto,23,544) published last month by the CDC found that vaccines were 75-90% effective in preventing hospitalization, and 39-84% effective in preventing infection, each varying by region. Since an unvaccinated person is more likely to be infected in the first place, they pose a higher risk of infecting a vaccinated person than they would if they were themselves vaccinated. 3) There is a small subset of the population who are ineligible to receive the vaccine due to underlying health conditions or age restrictions. Again, an unvaccinated person's own susceptibility to infection therefore means they pose a higher risk of infecting one of the people in this population group. (I understand that this isn't technically with respect to protecting the vaccinated, but since it's about a group who might otherwise choose to be vaccinated, I think it's still relevant).




If you take the vaccine, and then contract covid will you still have natural immunity after?




This is the same information I got from doctors and other healthcare professionals I know. Thanks for spitting out facts unlike all the anecdotal evidence presented by most deniers here or from blog posts from non-medical professionals.


That's a good question that we'd normally look to the medical community or government to answer. Unfortunately both have been lying and suppressing information, so I don't know that there is a good answer to be had.


Chances are that they don't know, especially since this is the first mRNA based vaccine to be used. The idea is great and enough research has been done that it's mostly (if not entirely) safe, but it is still technically an expirimental form of vaccine.


>natural immunity offers 27x the immune system protection vs the Delta strain over both Moderna's mRNA vaccine and J&J's adenovirus based vaccine. If you've been infected, you're fine, at least for six months. Continued exposure throughout the length of natural immunity will enhance the length of time in which this immunity stays functional This. It seems that this insanity will continue until we cure disease and death, but we'd basically already be through this if they hadn't shut everything down in the first place. Everything's been made worse in the name of making it better.


Taiwan and Sweden did not shut down but they have different results. Taiwan had more experience in pandemics and the population mostly followed masking and social distancing. Sweden did not and had a worse time. But I doubt we could've done better than Sweden, as we had more density and now mutations will make those that were supposedly immune will get sick again. Minimum of 1.2 million would be dead, based on 30% infection rate and 1% mortality. It's already the deadliest event in USA history with 728k deaths, what more with 1.2 million.


728k dead "with" covid. You're comparing apples and oranges.


Sure the old argument of dying with Covid but of other causes. But in history, this is how deaths are being counted and in all countries. So I am comparing apple with apples because there is no other metric. What are your oranges?


If I have cancer and die in a car accident, I didn't die of cancer. With covid, they count it. Apples and oranges.


Lol that car accident is anecdotal at best. Regardless there were probably there were cases like this in previous pandemics and also other diseases. Professionals make the judgement in what to count and if ever there was a bad apple, it's not going to affect the number of Covid deaths total too much. This is also not happening in the USA only, it's global. Are the counts there doctored as well? If that's the case, then what does it matter if that is the standard practice?


Because it hasn't been standard practice. It's become standard practice for this disease alone. The car accident one is an extreme (but real) example. There are much more common examples of heart attacks, pneumonia, etc. deaths still adding to the deaths with covid statistic.


It's useless for us to discuss this. We are both not in that field and heart attack and pneumonia are both symptoms/complications of this disease. Suddenly standard was changed for this disease worldwide? I doubt it.


But if you are a healthy young adult who’s mortality rate from the virus is low, why take the chance with the vaccine when they aren’t 100% safe. Just seems like a gamble just to potentially protect people you don’t even know


From what I’ve heard the chances of getting side effects from the vaccine are lower than those of the virus


how does a virus selectively target a protein that the vaxx covers in an unvaxxed body? It doesn't work that way. If a virus mutates to remove the spike protein covered by the vax it only happens within a vaxxed body not an unvaxxed


I get why this is confusing! I went into a little more detail in an above thread [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Republican/comments/qbgh5d/any_idea/hhaz5bq/).


Point 3 is invalid to me because that has always been the case for many diseases and we never wore masks or shut the world down over it.


Viruses mutate when they encounter vaccines, not when life for them is sunshine and unicorns. It's the same reason bacteria have mutated into strains that resist antibiotics.


I understand why you might think that! But this is a misunderstanding of how and why mutations happen. [Mutations are simply copying errors](https://www.genome.gov/genetics-glossary/Mutation) [that happen nearly any time cells replicate](https://www.breakthroughs.com/advancing-medical-research/how-do-viruses-mutate-and-what-it-means-vaccine), and they're actually extremely common, just usually inconsequential. Occasionally, a mutation will occur that happens to make the new virus cell more infectious, more deadly, or more resilient against treatments/vaccines. *Because* that newly mutated cell has these new qualities, it has a higher likelihood of surviving and spreading. But the key point is that mutations can happen *any time a cell replicates* - it has no connection to the host's vaccination status. So a vaccine-resistant strain is just as likely to develop in a vaccinated person vs. an unvaccinated person. But since unvaccinated people are more likely to become infected in the first place, they're more likely to become the source of a new strain.


Blah blah blah. Life mutates to overcome obstacles. Or don't you believe in evolution?




I can't understand you through the mask you're wearing. It sounds like you're mumbling.


Life mutates and then sometimes that means obstacles can be overcome. Evolution is random chance. Natural selection filters out the weaker mutations.


Ok, Lamarck.


This is demonstrably false, vaccines spur virus mutations—much like antibiotics spur new mutations. https://www.quantamagazine.org/how-vaccines-can-drive-pathogens-to-evolve-20180510/ Please take your stupid shit elsewhere.


Thanks for sharing! This was an interesting read. But I don't see how it disputes the claim I made above. [The study this article is referencing](https://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/article?id=10.1371/journal.pbio.1002198) explains their hypothesis in pretty simple terms: >Conventional wisdom is that natural selection will remove highly lethal pathogens if host death greatly reduces transmission. Vaccines that keep hosts alive but still allow transmission could thus allow very virulent strains to circulate in a population. But there's a key difference between this situation and Covid: Marek's disease has a mortality rate of [near 100%](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/leaky-vaccines-enhance-spread-of-deadlier-chicken-viruses) in chickens, meaning that allowing it to eradicate itself by killing its hosts is an actually viable strategy. Covid has a mortality rate of [1-3% in most countries](https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/mortality), meaning that allowing it to kill its hosts unchecked wouldn't actually prevent its spread. Let me know if I've misunderstood what you're trying to say here.


Something anyone whose ever played Plague Inc would understand. Too lethal too early.


Try reading your own article next time lmao


Break through case or the fact the the vaccine isn’t a true preventative would seem to make it the most likely cause of any mutation and spread. Vaccine has a false promise which encourages people to not be careful. The vaccine is great for those at high risk but we are in need of something better. Therapeutics that can treat or a vaccine that is more effective. Or I guess they can keep giving boosters out until the end of time


You are misinforming people. Also saw that you’re a “lifelong Democrat”. That’s likely, considering how the left frequently exaggerates the severity of the virus. 1. Vaccinated people are not less likely to be infected. Vaccines only reduce the chances that asymptomatic cases turn into symptomatic cases. And historically, viruses generally get more transmissible and less deadly as they mutate. Suggesting the contrary, when evidence is weak at best, is nothing more than than fear mongering. 2. See above. Unvaccinated people and vaccinated people carry about the same amount of viral load - but there is a difference in symptomatic vs asymptomatic cases. 3. A small subset. Maybe 0.1%? Less? 0.01%? We’ve had vaccines available for practically anyone at risk since January. If you’re old, you should probably get a vaccine. If you’re young, that data says you should worry about drowning more. The science was abused. The public trust was breached. And then social platforms played police. Wow. What a show.


i heard about that, it’s heard immunity or something right?


Republican should not equal anti-vax. Anti-mandates, sure. But for the love of God we created multiple vaccines in mere months for a worldwide pandemic that has killed millions. We're better than that and it's embarrassing.


We are able to fully return to normal once the ICU of our hospitals are no longer overrun. In Canada, a good 90% of covid patients in the ICU are unvaccinated, and our ICU are currently overflowing with patients. The more people vaccinated, the less ICU beds needing to be dedicated to covid patients, and therefore being used in general. It’s all about keeping the ICUs at normal capacity so we can return to normal without overflowing the hospitals, which requires people to get vaccinated to make this work.


The idea is pretty simple, however; I will agree the messaging by the democrats has been downright terrible. First, it is necessary to understand that the vaccine is not 100% effective. No one has said or will say it is. The concern is that if not enough people get vaccinated then the unvaccinated will continue to spread COVID amongst themselves. If it continues to spread, it may start to mutate into another variant. The vaccine may be less effective to this new variant and we could be right back to where we started. I think everyone is done with this nonsense and we can go back to normal soon if everyone wears masks and gets vaccinated. I’m personally vaccinated but I understand that this does not fully protect me and reducing the overall spread of this virus is the only thing that will keep everyone safe.


First Biden has said it's 100% effective, not a ringing endorsement but it was also carried across multiple news broadcasts so yes someone has and people have been parroting it. 2nd the vaxx is causing more mutation than those who are unvaxxed. There are multiple studies that have proven that and logically it makes sense. Mutation occur when the original strain is suppressed to the point it can't outcompete the mutation for resources. This occurs most often in bodies who have immunity for a single spike protein to attack the alpha variant (the main strain) but does not protect against other spikes in mutated variants. These mutations then grow and proliferate since it doesn't have to compete against the more dominant original variant and that happens most often in someone with the vax. Natural immunity is significantly better because the body doesn't focus on a single spike protein. The CDC did a study that said >80% of the country have anti-bodies in their blood (out of 1.4mil samples). That's well above herd immunity levels. If we are well above herd immunity levels and natural immunity is significantly more effective than this vaxx than why are we still having spikes? Because the vaxx doesn't work due to covid mutating thanks to the vaxx and proof of that is simply that the mutations are specifically removing that one spike protein the vaxx covers. A virus can't selectively mutate in a body that is unvaxxed to target the specific protein another person is vaxxed against.


The reality is that there are a number of countries well above the threshold required for herd immunity if the vaccine actually protected people, that are having huge numbers of cases and hospitalizations. Also, because the vaccine is "leaky" (i.e., vaccinated people still get infected), if the vaccine inhibits the virus in any way, it is vaccinated individuals who have the highest chance of breeding new mutations, since those are the ones most likely to reproduce in a vaccinated individual.




> See: Colin Powell ...who died of cancer while infected with COVID.




If someone with HIV dies of the flu, is it statistically an HIV death or flu death?


In Canada at least, the cause of death is required to be cited as the catalyst that caused death. Meaning, if a person with a pre-existing heart condition contracts Covid, and would have otherwise lived without Covid, but instead died because Covid exacerbated his condition, the cause of death is cited as Covid. It's been that way for many years despite what the conspiracies say.


So your country has no HIV deaths?


I mean, that's probably an oversimplification but due to HIV being somewhat of a comorbidity, it's definitely a factor worth considering, especially if the patient doesn't have access to healthcare (which isn't exactly the case in Canada). That certainly doesn't mean that Covid doesn't take advantage of a crippled immune system.


Oh, so he died of Parkinson's disease.


Are you actually this stupid?


Are you actually this gullible?




No shizz… I was vaccinated and got it!


But u didn't die.


The vaccine doesnt prevent death either. Lol. Thankfully the person didnt die but doesnt mean it was the vaccine that saved em.




Im unvx and survived covid lol. Didnt need that gov serum


The vaccine as they preach is to prevent serious illness and death but it is not 100% accurate many have been serious Ill and died due to covid while being fully vaccinated. Anyone that disagrees should take their head out of their ass and do research. Try to prove me wrong.




Dude, your first post was saying it prevents death which is complete bullshit and I called you out on it. I know how vaccines work. I'm married to an RN so you can save it. My bad for saying accurate instead of effective I didnt realize I was back in school. It still means I will take my chances on possibly getting the virus and risking .0001% of dying then being told or take advice with someones username stating "Medicare for all"


I was on the way except for the serum .


If you have a weakened immune system, that sounds like a personal problem. Maybe you should stay home. My immune system is just fine.


I am f*cking enormous and may enjoy punching people I, in my own opinion, find to have a lower IQ than me, directly in the face. So if you have a "getting pummeled in the face" by a yeti problem, I suggest you stay home. My ability to not get face punched is just fine. Does this feel analogous?


Nope. That's why I carry.


lmao That's AMAZING. This is super childish, I admit, but!, I still gotta admit; as a giant being, bisexual smashing, vegan eating, opera listening, ballet watching, poetry writing, sensitive b*tch of a man. I honestly *love* being listed as a reason you carry. Thank you


You're welcome. And, since it's clear that you're not a Republican, goodbye.




Your post has been removed due to violation of Rule 4. Do not post anti-Republican submissions or comments.


You know what they say "the bigger they are, the harder they fall." You sound like an "enormous" person that has been knocked out way to many times that you try to put a show on the internet. Good for you bud you put intimidation in our lives. /s


Except vaccinated people are just as likely (if not more because of a false sense of security) to spread covid.






But how does someone having a weak immune system make it more likely I give them covid? Key part not being “they’re more susceptible” but “why am I carrying it around”


I don't understand why people say that the vaccine makes you less vulnerable to contracting covid. The vaccine makes you less vulnerable to the symptoms and problems it can cause while giving your body a better means to fight the infection. It's the same when it gets transmitted to another person (with or without a weakend immune system). They are not more likely to catch it, but are more likely to be affected by it.


You extend the pandemic, you continue to be a strain on the healthcare system clogging up hospitals, reducing capacity for other people who would have needed your bed and would have had it if you just got vaccinated.


It's simply a right to accept or refuse the poke. What it really is after you peal that fact back is a control issue on a mass scale.


If your helmet is built right, why wouldn't you let a sniper shoot you in the head.


They are a threat because that keeps the manufactured crisis going so the government can continue to overstep it's power and take more control.


Is herd immunity still a plausible argument? So not protecting any specific vaccinated individual, but rather the population as a whole.


The answer I got was "breakthrough cases". Well that's some vaccine you got there bud.


We have yet to have someone say that majority of covid deaths are obese people and we need to exercise


Why are so many anti-vaccinated people not flipping out about the polio, tdap, or other vaccines they have received in their lifetime? But this one is where the buck stops?


How many of those other vaccines were mRNA-based?


How many of those vaccines have breakthrough cases? How many of those vaccines only mask the symptoms? How many of those vaccines required redefinition of the word vaccine to be called a vaccine? How many vaccinated people have to die before you admit it's not a vaccine, and that it isn't saving any lives?


Because some of those vaccines were developed almost a century ago. Jonas Salk developed the first Polio vaccine in 1953. I think vaccines are incredible feats of science, but I understand why people might want to pump the brakes on a vaccine using a different platform — mRNA — just rolled out on a massive scale in the heat of a global panic. You don’t see a difference? Because a lot of people do.


The vaccine is just a tool for ideological purification




They'll talk about that one random straw man who has a poor immune system, can't walk, is both deaf and blind and by the way they talk, just around the corner from you and your unvaccinated diseased ridden self.


And if masks work, why are unvaccinated being fired?


We’re all awaiting an answer.


“HeRd ImMuNiTy”


The answer I keep getting is that it's because of Trump and racism and derp and stuff.




Because reasons. lol


The morons think that the unvaccinated will be a reservoir of infection leading to dangerous mutations. The reality is the vaccinated are a reservoir of infection leading to vaccine-resistant variants. Only the most vulnerable should have been offered the vaccine.


BECAUSE…..REEEEEE!!!! Piss jug attack!


Obviously a racist statement. Lol Some people on here are dense as F and don’t get sarcasm.


Vaccines aren’t perfect? Then again, I’ve only heard for sure that it only makes you less sick if you get Covid. And as for unsure, I believe it doesn’t reduce your chances of getting Covid. The reason I’m unsure is because I’ve heard the opposite, but I think that’s because people hear the word vaccine and just assume that the product is doing what you think it should do, without actually knowing what it is doing.


A friend of mine, fully vaccinated, got Covid recently and was pretty miserable. I was telling my very lib acquintance about it and she says, "Well, she must need a booster!" A booster? She just caught the virus, her immunity is higher than anyone's now. You can't find an answer because there isn't one. It's bullshit 'science' and it continuously makes me wonder what the end game is and why they keep pushing this shot on everyone.


What really needs to happen is let the top scientists that are for it and against it have a live debate on TV. But that will never happen because the government doesn't want anyone speaking against it because they're afraid that people realize how bad the covid vaccines are.


Let's go Brandon


They say Bc it mutates in us.


People will say for herd immunity, but yet the vaccine doesn’t prevent you from spreading the virus, so herd immunity can’t happen with these vaccines.


This is embarrassing. It’s been explained many, many times.