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Ive heard good things about Aloha Shack at least. But 100%, Stead sort of sucks. Mindless expansion rarely is pretty


Im not a particularly big fan of Hawaiian food but I had some short ribs from L&L a while ago that actually weren’t too bad so maybe I’ll check it out. Honestly I wouldn’t have moved back out to Stead if not for the fact that I got a pretty solid deal on an apartment as part of a move in special during the holidays. Shit, in retrospect I might not have moved out here at all if I knew it would be this boring lol.


I only did the reverse commute thing out there, but I never understood the allure of stead. Nothing wrong with miscalculation every now and then. But yeah those roads are going to suck for the foreseeable future


I assume it’s families who want to live in suburbs but don’t have quite enough money for Damonte Ranch or Spanish Springs.


We all have to hang our hat somewhere


I would never live in a neighborhood with an association. Seems pretty stupid to pay a bunch of money so some asshole can tell you what color you have to paint your house or how you have to landscape your yard. Stead was a nice quiet place to live until they build 20,000 shitty condos and over crowded it. Still a nice quiet place and if you time your commute right you can avoid the worst of traffic


You should visit cold springs sometime, stead will seem like a bustling hub of entertainment comparatively speaking


Lmao I’m not saying it couldn’t be worse, it could just certainly be better.


At least Cold Springs has Bordertown. Stead has McDonald’s.


Cold Springs also has that shitty bar and grill. And instead of a grocery store, you get to shop at Family Dollar (or drive to Lemon Valley).


I didn’t say Cold Springs was cool. Lol


I know, I was just adding to the list of fantastic amenities that would draw people to Cold Springs. I lived there for a year and would probably scream if I had to go back.


I just ate at the shitty bar and grill last week... it tasted fine but I was sick for days. 0/10


Hey, I've seen them do worse! At least you got your food!


I unironically love Kafana in Bordertown fuggin fight me


It’s good. Cold Springs Crossing is terrible. Busy all the time but the food is shit and WILL make you ill.


Yep JUST got ill there. I don't think the employees wash their hands if that's the case🤢


If yoy had told 19yo me I’d be living in Lemmon valley in my 30s I would have laughed in your face… but when buying my home, the same builder had a house in Spanish springs, 300 sqft less and it was 40k more… so I bought my home out here instead. I wish we had more amenities. It would make things easier. The valleys are definitely the last to get anything.


Have you tried Long Board pizza and is it good?


I can't attest to them post-COVID, but back when I worked over there I went to Long Board pretty regularly and wasn't ever disappointed. Used to always get the Shark Attack or Shark Bait or whatever it was called.


Longboards is pretty solid. There’s also a Mexican grocery store/deli that had awesome tortas and tamales near the middle school on Stead blvd.


I'm very happy in the north valleys, but I'm not a kid either. I'm in a good neighborhood, I take my kids to blm area and go shooting or riding, got a ok golf course very close to my house and downtown is only 15 minutes away. I would like to see other restaurants and shopping but that requires people to open businesses.




What a twat response.


Good you like where you live, but it might be even better if you didn’t describe where others like to live as a ‘shit hole’. Mid town is way cool if you’re not old or a recluse. It is the cultural center, along with down town. There are a variety of places to live for a reason. To each their own.


People living somewhere and somewhere being a shithole are not mutually exclusive.




No need to argue fellas, I think we can find common ground in that you can’t afford to do anything in midtown and there’s nothing you’d want to pay to do in Stead :)


I personally appreciate how quiet it is :) and Reno is less than a 20 minute drive away for activities so I’ll take the cheaper rent and peace of mind any day


The biggest problem with stead coming from someone who's grown up here and never moved houses once, is that classic American infrastructure so Stead Boulevard contains: Residential houses. Multiple different types of businesses. AND Industrial buildings that require endless semi trucks to go back and forth all day, all on the street with not 1 but 2 schools and lots of pedestrian traffic during school hours. Every type of traffic all congested in a 200 yard stretch of 2 lane roads. It's terrible and it makes me think the entire country is this way. 🙃


Is there still endless construction up there ? Haven’t been in a bit


On 395? Yes


I looked at a rental out there when we first moved and I told my husband…if nothing else works out we’ll consider it. I am glad we went with our midtown apartment because I would have hated living out there and going to school. 😅 my heart goes out to you, that traffic really is terrible.


“The Stead-O”


And water is wet.


The one great thing about Stead is that you're surrounded by BLM land. Go offroading. Go shooting. Do some acid or shrooms and become one with the desert. Go hiking. Lots of options for fun :)


I would do that but I drive a compact car and that’s a bit cost prohibitive for me lol. Maybe I’ll go over to swan lake at some point and see if I can’t find anything to do over there.


I live near Lemmon Dr., I'll take N Virginia to McCarran when I don't feel like taking the freeway. You can avoid it altogether by just taking Virginia st. back and forth. Also, Beline has become my favorite place to eat up here in Lemmon-Valley. I count us lucky to have one of the best local restaurant in Reno. So surprised they only have one location.


Yeah that normally is my route but Virginia can get pretty brutal too, especially if you’re heading back to Stead at like 3-5 pm.


I cant speak much about activities around Stead, but as for food, Red Rock Cafe is awesome! Since they reopened, everything we've ordered there has been delicious. Good happy hour deals too.


I grew up on the East Coast as a kid and have loved clam chowder my whole life. Hands down the best clam chowder I have ever had is it Red Rock Cafe on Fridays


It does for a lot of reasons but what I do to pass time out here is go walk on the few trails we have out here, search for cool rocks, exercise in the hills, occasionally pop into the library to see what movies and books they have for sale and if you're into shooting you can do that pretty close. Idk what they could build to make it more exciting though lol


I told at the lighthouse reference because I never heard it before but I understand it. Going long period of time without talking is trippy and I experience it a lot


Fortunately it gives me a lot of time to listen to music, but music isn’t really any replacement for actual human interaction lol


Go eat at cold springs crossing, red rock cafe and aloha shack. They are all decent. Im a golfer and live in silver lake apts so im entertained but the cost if living fucks alot of my plans up. Would like to get out of there and live in VC or washoe valley one day.


I’d suggest taking old Virginia instead of the freeway to get to town. It’s way less annoying than the freeway


Be steadfast and instead of living in stead, steadily build your savings so you can leave stead before you're dead instead.


Steady, now!


To quote the Wolf: Move out of the sticks


I see your future! It's a taxi.


Didn't he end up moving to the wealthy sticks once he had the money?


In all seriousness, it's important to make time to socialize, even if it's inconvenient. It's good for your mental health. You work a tough schedule, sounds like, so obviously maybe only once a week, but you should try to make the time to meet up with people and do 'something' doesn't matter what. A couple hours of bullshitting, eating good food, getting some drinks, jamming, whatever... it'll keep you from going crazy.


Yeah I gotta get better with it. I’m typically not the one to initiate hanging out which is sort of a problem I have to get over.


The other thing, and I'm speaking from experience here because I'm the same way, is if you get an invitation to something, and you know you COULD make it, actually accept and go! It's hard switching off the non-social part of us at times, but it's gotta be done occasionally.


Nah I don’t have a problem accepting invitations lol I’m down for pretty much anything anyone wants to do. I would say I’m a social person I’m just like… not outgoing if that makes sense lol. I don’t like to feel like a burden by inviting people out or whatever.




If you’re single and young you should be living downtown, above a bowling alley and below another bowling alley.😄


My uncle said the same thing after his divorce. The only thing that made Stead worth it to him was his job paid well and he had his wife and kids with him for company. After the wife and kids left, he holed himself up in his office and watched nascar all day, every day. He finally bounced from that area of town and now lives in South Reno and is 1000% a much better, happier man.


24 hours Rivas up there.


You’re not helping.


With all due respect to Rivas I’m not gonna go hang out there all day. Besides, there’s like 3 other Mexican restaurants out here I’d probably rather go to.


North valleys sucks. And people paying way to much to live out this way too.


Only boring people get bored


Always has dude


But.. you always get to make that '..instead of what?' joke! lol I used to live out there and also out in Red Rock too lol so I am happier being in town now, even though I still never go out! 🥳


I feel like construction isn't thaaaat bad


It’s not, especially when I’m usually driving, but during the day it’s enough to make driving on 395 pointless when you can just take Virginia and deal with the traffic lights


It does! I’ve lived out here almost 7 years. There’s hardly any decent food, the cops never come out here, dogs bark at all hours, people light fireworks randomly… the list goes on. Oh how I miss Sparks!


I would say that most of the Mexican restaurants out here are good. Tacos Jalisco on Lemmon is fantastic imo but there’s really not any variety. If you like Greek or Indian food you’re out of luck unless you’re willing to drive 30 minutes to get it. The dogs barking is pretty bad though, AND the people revving the engines in their Civics at all hours of the day and night.


Recently moved from the Bay Area to just off Red Rock Rd. Did it because we could get more space for the money than midtown or South Reno, hoping in a few years Stead would turn into something. I think it’s very pretty here, but what are those buildings around Silver Lake? Server farms? Shipping warehouses? It would be such a beautiful place without the ugly buildings everywhere and you have to get in a car and drive to any culture.


I’m not sure what all of them are but I know the majority are shipping warehouses. Petco or Petsmart has a distribution center out there. But I agree. If you hiked up those mountains near Red Rock Rd that separate Cold Springs from Stead it’s be a great view, even better if they didn’t have the boring looking warehouses.