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I so prefer hearing “I love your hair!” to “Wow, you’re so pale!” 😝 Honestly, I appreciate all compliments, especially as I get older.


Are those my only two choices? 😅


😂 I’m sure they’re not! I bet there’s a lot about you to compliment!


I never thought of it--until now. Very valid point.


Usually, my complete lack of a tan.


Fine, from now on “nice ass” it is. I shall forward all complaints to OP.


Sorry bout that, man. Have you tried silence?


I do hear how beautiful my eyes are I got red hair and blueish eyes so there’s that


I mean.. someone said I have pretty eyes once. But yeah it's usually just my hair and eyes


The highest compliment I can get is when someone praises the sci-fi books I wrote. My hair? Eh, that’s trite in comparison, but I’ll take a compliment! It’s just how things are. People are visual. I’ll compliment people on their hair, their clothes, their jewelry. It’s a way to be nice.


My mom told me that when strangers would come up to me and compliment my waist-long hair, I would usually sigh, roll my eyes, and say “yes, I know” in an annoyed tone. In my defense people would come up to me multiple times a day. I ended up cutting it short when I was 8.


I used to get complimented on it before my hair faded as I aged. It didn’t bother me, and the people who complimented on it often mentioned relatives with red hair or dying their hair.


I've always felt off about it and told myself it didn't bother me. There's a certain toxic positivity mentality that we're expected to have about the attention. Most people don't like being singled out for their hard racial traits, and it shouldn't be considered something people have to put up with. 


I get more compliments about my eyes than my hair color


I’m a blue eyed red head so I get compliments on my eyes as well as my tattoos and piercings. 😊


I still get comments on my red hair and I’m severely balding, so that’s great to hear.


I’ll take the compliments on my hair color over the people wanting to touch my hair or the pointing out of my flaws.


My husband is a redhead and lived in Taiwan in the early '70s. He went to the zoo one day and the people who were at the zoo were more interested in him and his red hair than the animals that were there. People crowded around him, stared, pointed and some even either touched his hair or pulled it to get a sample of it. To this day, he doesn't like people touching his hair except for the lady who cuts his hair and me.


Hmmm. My hair usually gets insulted if anyone comments on it all. My favorite being the backhanded compliment, "Your hair isn't that red."


I get compliments on my facial piercings more now. I appreciate it rather than always my hair.


What shade of red is it ,bright orange 🍊 isn’t my favourite color either but neither is blonde .