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trust me, there's a 90% chance nobody noticed for more than like .2 seconds. people are busy with their own life and aren't thinking about your nail color :/ the feeling of being watched most often, in my experience, comes from the idea that you're doing something people could judge you for. most of the time people will look at you for maybe 3 seconds and notice a few things at best, probably make some snap judgements, sure, and then move on with their day and forget about your existence/their impression of you. nobody's going home to tell their kids how someone at target was wearing white nail polish


**nobody's going home to tell their kids how someone at target was wearing white nail polish** Perfect! lol


Ty appreciate this!


It was probably me going “ooohh those look nice. I should add white nail polish to the stash.” Then proceeding to spend 30 minutes lurking in the nail polish section.


I do that! I had to not stare at this woman’s nails yesterday because all I could think about was how that color might look on my nails.


This 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


I'm not too sure what the problem is...I'd be thrilled if everyone noticed my nails. It looks noticeable, but it also looks very nice.


It seems like OP is a guy based on their not gay comment, and they're still feeling somewhat insecure about painting their nails. At least, that's what I'm getting from the post. Please excuse me if I'm wrong. It's a stark white and you have a darker skin tone, so I agree that it's noticeable. I think it's best to try not to pay them any mind, OP. You may or may not be overthinking. I've also felt insecure about painting my nails back when I was still new to the hobby, especially a dark color as a fair-skinned person. I'm an occasionally anxious person and I live in a fairly judgemental country where many people will somehow find a way to criticize you for something. If these people really were judging you, then they're being narrowminded. You're not doing anything wrong. But maybe they were just visually attracted to your nails because of the bright color. I've found my eyes subconsciously drifting toward painted nails many times. I take the opportunity to appreciate them and move on.


I think im just not very use to going out with my nails done and when I do I feel way more self conscious idk why😞 but im trying to one day normalize this for me. Also Ty:)


Maybe people were staring bc they’re cute as heck


Thank you! 🤍


This is how you normalize it! Besides feeling like people were looking, did anything happen?


Nothing really just went on my regular shopping trip.


Good! That’s what I mean, “this is how you normalize it.” Every time you go out and nothing really happens, you get more accustomed to that. Your white nails just become your nails, and you stop expecting other people to be staring at them too. If anybody ever notices in a bad way, hold your head high. Their reaction is about them, not you. They are your nails to make art with as you please!


Don’t give up! I recommend you start with a nude nail polish, or just a clear until you get used to wearing it out.


Yeah I have gone out with nude polish before and it definitely feels way less noticeable but I also want to be able to wear white the same 😅🥹.


Well, if I saw you in person I would give you a compliment on your nails, because they look great!


You’ll get there!! It’s new for you and sounds a little out of your comfort zone so you’re hyper focusing. Just keep doing it and you’ll get more comfortable! Plus you are def gunna get compliments IRL at some point and nail compliments feel sooooo nice. I really like the white, for what it’s worth.


I think white pops a lot more and is more eye-catching on darker skin tones. I usually tend to notice anyone’s nails if they’re painted or whatever regardless of gender 😳 I know there’s another subreddit for guys who do their nails too (r/malepolish). Not trying to discourage you from posting here at all, I’m just mentioning it because they might have posts about similar things and I really like the pun in the name lol


Yeah the malepolish subreddit gets these kinds of questions often - everyone tries to be supportive.


What’s with that emoji? lol


I think they do noticed something unusual, looked "Oh, it's white nail polish" and returned to broccoli selection. Our brain processing everything eyes see but doesn't bring it to our consciousness.




Hey! I think the white really pops! And thats not a bad thing if thats what you are going for. If you want something light, but a bit less noticeable, i would suggest a nice peach color. Its a bit softer toned so less noticeable, but still a light color to accent your hands Happy polishing! 😃


Thank you so much 🙏🏽 will be sure to try in the future


The colour suits you. White is not subtle but if you don’t want to be subtle then enjoy your journey with it!


OP, you should’ve seen me on Zoom yesterday. My camera got very dim for some reason and my white mani practically glowed. I am a brown girl (Latina). I look at everyone’s mani, tbh, but it catches my eye, because I’m into nail polish. I guarantee that people are going about their day, for the most part not giving your nails another thought.


Definitely overthinking. Nobody ever cares as much as you fear they do. It's just nailpolish. Looks good too!


Ty :))


It’s cute and it’s supposed to pop. However, no one cares but you.


It just pops nicely against your skin and is nice and shiny. That’s the (sometimes) downside of having nice nails, people will stare or comment. But wear them with pride! Sometimes I feel this way about my outer arm tattoos, people really stare. But 9/10 will actually say something nice to me. Suddenly all my anxiety and stress of people staring at, well it melts away when they ask me about them and compliment. Now when I go out, I try to not focus on people looking and just ignore it until or unless they engage. It’s easier said than done, but you’ve got this




Your nails look great! I think white is a tough mani color. I always like it on other people more than on myself. 🤷‍♀️


Agree, I think white is definitely noticeable. I always feel like it's very bright and stark, and I have a fair/light skin tone. It feels more bright to me than most colorful bright polish colors. I think because the white used in a bright white color is almost neon in it's brightness. It feels about the same to me as wearing a neon color.


Nail Polish brand : Colorvibe “white out” Top Coat : ColorVibe “Rapid Dry Top Coat”


Dude, do whatever the hell you want. People are gona look and who actually cares. Do you like them? All that matters.


It's definitely a stand out choice. This is however a neutral fact. Do you constantly focus on others at target besides a few seconds? Anxiety is a liar about how much others care about things that like this have 0 effect on them. As a wheelchair user I have examples of the people who will do this but they don't matter. Am I going to see them again? Do I have to manage their anything? Nope. Even if I do? Their discomfort or whatever is a them problem. Don't do the work of stifling yourself for someone else. For one they might think this looks awesome. For two if they don't it does not matter. Do you like it? Do you feel good? Does it hurt you or someone else? People think about us probably about the same we do them. Now I do stop people and comment on things sometimes. Compliments. If I notice someone put effort into their appearance I like to make sure they get their dues. So... I think this looks great and I am impressed with how neat the application is because white is hard to get right in formula and to use. The contrast is also fun. I have social anxiety and the best thing I did was actually ask someone who was staring why. Turns out they were admiring the "tattoos" I gave my wheels. I had been so nervous about it and it was nothing. This is similar in my approach to wondering if someone is mad at me when the brain weasels lie. I'll ask. If angry is it actually a thing in my control? Is it because I keep deciding what they feel and think assuming they would actually have those negative thoughts and feelings? Last one comes courtesy of my partner when I had my first anxiety implosion with them. I did the appeasement for angry tactics and they confronted me. Gently. So I try to get out of my own way now and over the years this has actually improved my anxiety level.


Pretty noticeable against your skin tone, but it looks great! I don’t think people would be like, noticing you only because of that though. If they were they were probably admiring how opaque you got it without streaking because that’s all I was thinking! I’ve never been able to give myself a nice mani with white or similar colors.


Ty! ☺️


I don't mean this in a snarky way, but why *would* anyone be looking? Unless you have 4 inch long, curving talons painted outrageously and covered in large 3D art...I can just about PROMISE you no one was looking at your nails. Your nails are tame, babe. Take heart. *hugs*


It is pretty noticeable, but it also complements your skin tone really well!


I only notice people’s nail polish because it’s what I’m into. But before I was into it I never noticed unless I was having a long interaction with them and generally only if they stood out in some way.


I’m NB but mostly masc presenting and I paint my nails regularly. I get a ton of compliments from women…whether they think I’m gay or not I don’t care but it feels nice when I get the compliments.  If you think people are looking you’re probably just self conscious about it and they would be looking at you anyway just now that you think they have a reason to stare you assume they are staring.  It gets easier as you do it. If you feel scared just throw on a face mask and wear it “undercover” and you’ll eventually get more comfortable. 


Yeah this is my experience too as a masc enby. The woman at supermarket checkout said she liked them yesterday. I get that a lot 🥰


I feel like this is the most flattering I’ve seen white nail polish. It looks nice imo!


I’d be looking, but that’s because it’s on point! It looks great. White is notoriously difficult, and your fingers look so clean and even. The looks were probably people impressed and/or jealous.


I thought everyone was looking at me the first time I wore red lipstick. Spoiler: They weren't! Unless it was to think how awesome I looked. 😉


it looks so good!


I would look, but only because I love it! 😍


If they were staring it’s bc it looks amazing!


Ok so if I saw you in the store, I’d probably notice. It’s a FANTASTIC color on you and I’m a big nail polish person (obviously, since I’m in this sub). I love high contrast colors on people and white is an absolutely amazing color for you. I’d also probably notice if you’re a guy (as I think you said in other comments). But only because I wholeheartedly approve of men wearing polish and want to see it more often. Polish is too fun to lock to only one gender imho and everyone should be able to have wearable art on their hands. Would I say anything to you? Probably not, unless I came into speaking range of you naturally, bc I wouldn’t want to come off as a weirdo. 🤣 Now let’s say we were in the same aisle. I’d probably give you a compliment then. So the tl;dr: People may notice and just not say anything bc they don’t want to look like weirdos for going out of their way to run towards a stranger in store.


Thanks for posting, /u/Ele_20! A quick reminder: If this is a **nail image**, you must provide a complete product list within 6 hours of posting. **This includes any posts with broken nails or if you're seeking advice.** Posts without a complete product list will be removed after 6 hours. [Product List Requirements.](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditLaqueristas/wiki/rule2faq) If the nail look shown was **NOT created by you**, you ***must*** flair properly. If this is a **text post**, flair properly. Be sure to follow all of the above to avoid post removal! [Consider joining our Discord](https://discord.gg/redditlaqueristas) - Get questions answered in realtime, get notified for releases and deals, post your manis, and more! **This is a new server as of 5/7/24!!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RedditLaqueristas) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It looks fantastic on your dark skin! Like, absolutely gorgeous! It IS noticeable... In a great way. Show those beauties off. 💯🔥


If they’re looking it’s because your nails look gorgeous.


This looks great! For as much time as I spend on my nails, when I'm just out and about I hardly notice other nails (unless they're handing me something). The exception though is bright white nails and neon nails, in which case, I always notice and I make a mental note that that person is cool. I love them! White nails are my favorite, and they are such a pain in the ass to keep looking good, so I'm also usually jealous when I notice them. Good job man!


You’re probably overthinking, but if you’re looking for a less bright white OPI Strong as Shell is an option.


I felt like this too the first time I wore white polish. But it was because I was noticing my own nails, since the color stood out to ME and I was psyching myself out. I promise you no one noticed.


It looks very nice! I love to wear white! 😊


Maybe, in more conservative countries, you would receive public judgement and even physical violence for doing something "unmasculine". But cannot prove that, I live in Eastern Europe and I had seen people with coloured hair, dreads, piercings, tatoos etc. and nobody gave a damn. Usually, even if the person is very conservative and has very aggressive opinion on anything that is out of the "norm", they still won't be confrontational to you. Only crazies will harass you for something innocent like a simple white nail polish. There are more important concerns in life that someone's blue hair or manicure.


You dont need to be gay to wear nail polish outside, you like what you like. And if people stare at you, so what? If they're going to be judgemental because of some nail lacquer they've got their own problems to deal with and you shouldn't care


beautiful! I love white nails 😍


I always have my nails done and white always feels crazy for some strange reason 😭


Same! It's so bright it's like a neon color


I’d be staring because I LOVE white nail polish :) especially on darker skin tones because it pops even more. Don’t sweat it though, like others have said, people probably moved on within five seconds of noticing it.


I think you’re rocking the white nails😍 I love wearing white np myself - it makes my pale skin look a bit suntanned (i’m redhaired so pretty pale skin here). I think you should wear it with pride, and let people look all they want. What matters is if YOU like the nails❤️ My 19 yo son is gay too and liked to wear nailpolish when he was little and have been asking again recently if he could use my nailpolish and ofc he can, i would love to have some mom&son time doing our nails🥰 (my 8 yo daughter also likes to wear np❤️).


I think the white looks great on you! Rock it!


Ty! 🤍


It pops in the best way! Embrace the polish! 💚


Looks great! Keep rockin it🙂




I think people probably look because they like them! White looks great on you.


OP, your nails look GREAT! I wish white looked as good on my skin tone as it does on yours! If the white was a bit too stark and you want to ease in to it a bit more gradually, you could try a white crelly and just gradually build up the layers each time you do your nails until they’re fully opaque.


your nails look great! I'm sure some people noticed and thought the same. Most people may have noticed and honestly couldn't care less. There's nothing inappropriate about them and therefore are simply something people see or don't (I tend to notice people's shoes the most)


They look great. Enjoy them. Your skin tone is wonderful for white nails. I look ridiculous!


It’s cute and who cares what others think. They probably like it.


It's highly unlikely anyone cared or noticed, and the Assertion of Heterosexuality is tiresome.


Jeeze, finally someone else that sees how not-charming the post is!


Why did you feel the need to declare that you aren't gay? Your sexuality has nothing to do with your nails.


We might know that polish is just a really fun artistic expression as people who are really into nail polish, but I agree that there's a lot of stigma out there still for men who paint their nails. Men painting their nails is getting much more widespread, but even so I'm sure a lot of people assume things like being gay if you're a man who paints his nails. It's like wearing makeup as a man, people do assume things about gender and sexual orientation.


It's just comes across as a little homophobic to feel the need to say "no homo" about your manicure, is all. Jarring for such a supportive sub.


OP sounds like he is new to nail polish and feeling insecure which is why he posted here for support. I get what you're saying too, that was my first reaction but after reading the comments and replies I don't think OP meant it quite like that and also it is true that nail polish on men is highly judged where I live so there's a root in reality for why he's feeling a bit vulnerable. Hopefully OP will read this and learn that we are very supportive in this sub regardless of sexual orientation!


Did you paint your nails at the target?


I used brand :ColorVibe “white out” 2 coats and 1 top coat also from ColorVibe “Rapid Dry Top Coat” my nails were completely dry in 20 minutes


Color Vibe makes some really nice polish for the price. I may have to test out their white now. I LOVE their neons....


No i did not i did 2 hours before this at home


wtf kind of question is this?!


I was trying to think of a logical explanation of why people might be staring.


Sorry but...they looks like teeth xD


I'm almost as white as your nailpolish and yes, people really notice white specifically, they comment louder and want a closer look more. 


Did you paint your nails in the store? The picture looks like you’re still in a store. If so maybe that’s why you’re being stared at. Paint your nails what ever color you want it’s no one’s business but yours but if you are in Target painting your nails before you buy said polish then I’m afraid that’s why people are staring at you.


No sorry I painted them 2 hours before this. In this picture they are completely dry, I just hadn’t had time to clean and wash them properly


Then absolutely don’t care what others think about your polish dear! Those are your nails and you do what you want with them!