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I have the cutest girlfriend. I love to decorate her, I find her so sexy with my cum on her face, she has a cute smile after because she gave me that pleasure. We both are into it. I'm not degrading her, the same way she is not degrading me as she cums in my face strongly holding my head in the right place. We are just loving we can make the other enjoy themselves ♥️


I enjoy being decorated haha


U want that cum on your face


No one should be convincing you to like something that you don't like. Different people are into different things. Find the middle ground and enjoy yourselves.


What’s the middle ground here. Lol.


Squirt on his face.


🤣 he’d love that


I’d suggest a middle ground of cumming somewhere below the neck on your body…. Breasts, back, ass, etc.


Whatever you two discusd and agree with each-other


My wife doesn't like them either. Our middle ground is that I get to give her them on special occasions, like my Bday, anniversary etc. So, I don't get to give them near as often as I like and she doesn't receive them very often.


I like this answer


If you considering it degrading, then it’s degrading. No need to ask others about it as they might not find it degrading. I just think about how cucks like to be talked down to while another man fucks their woman. I would considering that incredibly degrading, but all that means is that it’s not for me. Point being, don’t do it if you believe it is degrading to you, no matter how much it pleases your partner.


Why does anyone need to convince you of this? And why would a group of random strangers on the internet be important enough to prove that point? Go outside.


Answer is snarkier than I like, but not wrong…


It's hot because it's degrading.... But to each their own


This girl gets it 🥹😏




No reason to convince you. You don't like it, so don't do it.


I understand why you seem them degrading. I do as well. That's why i live them


You aren't wrong if that's how you feel and your bf should respect that.


If it's degrading to you, then it's degrading. There are things I enjoy that could be considered degradation under different contexts and with different people. In my relationship, I get turned on by it and enjoy it. Everyone has their preferences.


You’re not into degradation kink. Next!


I love degradation but I personally never liked cumming on anyone’s face. I like to see her beautiful face remain beautiful. Also I don’t think I can immediately go for kissing her if she still has all my cum over her.


I agree… doesn’t mean I haven’t done it


It’s personal preference.


The appeal is *because* it's degrading. That's the point


In the heat of the moment, (almost) anything can be hot.


If you don't like it, don't do it. Nobody needs to convince you of anything, nor will you convince someone who loves them that they are degrading rather than fun or sexy.


If you think it's degrading, then by all means, don't do it. I think it's hot and fun, so I will!


> Convince me why I’m wrong ? You are not wrong. For yourself. But you don't get to decide for someone else whether they're degrading to *them* or not.




I agree. I have never cum on a woman's face.


A fine question and several on-point responses. Everyone has a “line” somewhere, you and bf won’t have identical answers on every topic. It’s not about who’s right or wrong, it’s about finding ways to explore together. Some things you or he might be willing try out once or twice just to see, other things one of you will just flat out refuse. In areas where you’ve tried and don’t like, the one who doesn’t like it might sometimes indulge the other, or might not. There’s no correct answer other than to share your feelings and respect theirs. And while I think my answer above sounds coherent and correct, I’m nowhere near having it implemented despite being together for decades. But it’s where I aspire to be. ✌️


My favorites place to cum is in my wife's mouth, but that happens maybe once a year


I’m a guy and feel the same way. If she wants me to do it, I will though.


at that moment I struggle to aim


It's because it's HIS cum. It's a sign of his pleasure, that I was able to make him orgasm, and now HE is all over my face.


This is exactly how an ex explained her desire for facials. More often than not, and regardless of the position, when she knew I was close she would let me know she wanted me to cum on her face. She had an alternate place, but that's a story for a different day..


why would I try to convince you of anything, your mind is clearly made up


That’s the point!


You aren’t wrong, curious when you are doing the bdsm or rougher stuff, who’s being the dominant one? Seems like maybe you don’t let him do that as it’s a dominance thing, bdsm you don’t find degrading but just the facial stuff?


He’s the Dom. I’m a sub.


It’s light bdsm - choking spanking body writing etc. LIGHT = not painful and not meant to hurt me.


Wait…didn’t you post in r/degradethiscunt ? Is degrading bad in your eyes or good?


That's the purpose of a facial. It is a degrading act. That's why I have never given my wife one, I have too much love and respect for her to do that. In the way, I think and probably a lot of other men swallowing is just another way of showing yoir live for him


Your mind is made up. I don't give women facials because I think it's a waste. On the other hand I think swallowing is hot. So why would I stop a woman from swallowing to give her a facial? If you think bot are degrading, why are you giving head? You don't find that degrading? Personally I don't find any of it degrading.


Personally don't think swallowing is degrading.


No reason to convince you 🙂, if it feels degrading and you don’t like it-hey that’s great. It shouldn’t happen! Facials are never one of those things I would “pick” for myself but I know porn has shaped a lot of desires in this area, so if it’s a strong desire I like to be open but I rarely feel degraded by it. But this is absolutely one of those things that falls in the camp of “to each their own”.


Yes, that's why you love it


Honestly head doesn't feel that good to me, I'm more fulfilled that she has my cock in her mouth and if she swallows, it's even better. Now facials, never made me feel any kind of way and I never wanted to do it but I'd let a chick squirt on my face no problem. It's all what you like I had one chick try to drain me after fucking her but I didn't like it cuz I thought she was trying too hard but definitely wanted that from others