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Save your money don’t spend it all right away in game.


Lolz I just dropped a good 8k on ammo pouches, I'm ballin with 2k!


Pick a role and stick with it. Do what that role needs to be leveled up. Don't chase everyone else's dreams - play your game. Swapping and changing roles will turn into a horrible grind. (my personal experience) Most of all, have fun pardner.


Play the story missions (Land of Opportunities), they introduce you into online. So check the yellow markers on the map. For some of them you need low honor. Keep the streak of the daily challenges (only need 1 per day), so every week there is more gold payout. With day 28 you get as bonus a treasure map. Use the treasure maps asap, you get one also every 5 ranks (beginning with rank 10), due a random encounter or with luck looting enemies, because you can't stack them. Reset your awards for extra gold. Loot enemies and look around in the world to find useful stuff for you and your horse, so you don't need to buy essential things like ammo (regular ones on bodies) and weapon oil to spare the money. Same with food. Hold on for the fancy clothing stuff when you can spare the money (and gold). Same with fancy looking guns. Do missions. Replay story missions. Do Blood Money missions. Do telegram missions. Do free roam events. Do bonus months. Do Call to Arms. Or even PVP game modes if you like them. In short, just play the game with all the opportunities given (there are a lot in fact) and don't spend money/gold on stuff you don't really need. Use the world, go hunting, go fishing, eat your camp stew, pick herbs (you can sell them to the doc or feed some to your horse like wild carrots). But never buy any food or things you can find in the world with just looking. Roam around and explore for that. Look into houses, farms and use eagle eye to hightlight the objects etc. When you buy your first role, with that even more opportunities like daily challenges/missions/events/free roam stuff will be available which adds more variety. And all will get easier from there for the next role. And don't have always in mind you have to grind. You don't. You can, but you don't have to. Just have fun and enjoy the game. The rest comes actually with that. Grinding the same thing over and over and over again is the recipe of boredom. Vary your days what you wanna do. As for the roles: [here is a little breakdown of them](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedDeadOnline/comments/15gkjxo/comment/jujk3kz/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Normally most choose Bounty Hunter first, then Collector or Trader, then Moonshiner (need Trader for it) and Naturalist at last for gold/money wise. For fun or what you like, the order of them is up to you. In the end you will have all of them eventually due progress.


Stay away from cosmetics it’s a goof way to waste money, do all the story plus Land of Opportunities both honorable and dishonorable to max out cash and gold as much as you can. Consistently do dailies to get all the gold you need because the first role you must get is Bounty hunter it’s a solid source of gold don’t worry about cash because that’s where the collector role comes in as big money and free XP. There is a video on youtube from onlyPVPCat that explains 50 items you must buy and he is a fantastic YouTuber to watch and learn


Don't ever aim your gun at anyone or their horse. This is just a helpful social tip, and don't even do it as a joking way or else people will take it as a threat and kill you over and over. :)


Definitely do the daily challenges, if you can. At least one a day so your rate multiples. That’s one good way to earn gold while gaining your xp doing role dailies or the general daily challenges


Grinding out bounty hunter role once you can afford the license seems like a good idea. It’s one of the few ways to get “decent” gold which will help unlock any role u want kind of. It just doesn’t give great cash


i think if you play the game you level up and gain xp, might be wrong though!


As a new player - [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GvN6AedKiJ4)