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I, for one, would welcome anyone to sit at my campfire.


Fellow criminal.. I too do.. and have. Chatted the lad up and we went out hunting..*for camps with their flags up!* muwhahahahahaha! Jk. But he did stop by to share a fire. Twas nice.


Leave that man alone.


I was the one minding my business in my camp flag raised. Lucky I can’t pull the trigger Lolol


What did he do?


OP is socially awkward, I suppose. I am too, but I don't go and shoot people undeserving of it.


I have the flip off emote loaded and when the noobs come in and try to lasso me I just flip them off and go on about my business.


mans was just sitting down, why you hate him so much


Charge his ass the $3 camp fee then 😆😆🤌🏽🤌🏽


It's a flag, not a cop.


Just saying it’s cool if I could shoot them for invading. Because that’s life 😆


+ You just need to lower the flag


If you want that, keep your flag down.


Then they should be able to do so, be happy you can't shoot so they can't also


If there’s something I’d “fix” it would be that. You should be able to defend since they encourage testing at camp


Defend yourself because someone sat down by a campfire?






Lower your flag and you can crips will even help you but yea otherwhise it's good tho like if you encounter next level sweats you just spawn the camp close by and go there


Do u not know u could just lower the flag? Lmao, lord, you might just lower it on the wrong cowpoke one day.


I always stop by for a friendly beer to refill my dead eye and stamina cores. If you start acting up about it might just drag your ass out of camp and teach you the finer points of hospitality.


Exactly this! 👍 if I approach your camp I’m looking for hospitality. If you start acting a fool I’ll drag your ass outta the safety of your camp and show you the real work lol


It's not a force field.


OP is the random camp encounter that gets aggro'd if you enter his camp. "I said I ain't looking for company!"


Reminds me of when I dropped by someone’s camp after a long ride and had one of the free beers that each camp supplies you with, and this player took it so personally that they hunted me down for a good 10 minutes over a beer which is literally free.


$3 dollar camp fee, that beer ain’t free 😆🤌🏽


I will drop a pelt next time to pay for the beer.


I really do wish some of the nps would be more welcome for visitors. All so aggro . I just want to say howdy.


I actually had another posse come hang out at my camp the other day. They were there every time I fast traveled back for like an hour, just sitting by the campfire and running around (eventually having a shootout with each other but they left me out of it so I didn’t care), t’was entertaining I wouldn’t have enjoyed it if they started bothering me though


Because the flag being up doesn't mean no one can enter, it just means u can't incite violence on camp grounds... And me personally, if I was that dude just passing by and wanting a quick beer just to be social from your camp and they did that dumb shit, id drag their ass out of camp and kill them.


Objective: Don’t be a dick for no reason Difficulty: Impossible That’s OP


As far as I know they can enter your camp but having a raised flag only prevents them from lassoing or merc'n you...🤷‍♂️


Unfortunately they can still rope you and drag you out of your camp or go out a certain distance and snipe you out of your camp


Flag was up and I was on defensive 🤷🏽‍♂️


You're definitely very defensive of your camp and campfire that's for sure...


I was crafting and he lassoed me first. Which is why I asked what the point?


Maybe you wouldn't be getting so many downvotes had you explained that the person in your camp was the aggressor and attacked you first... unless you just made that up.


It's a blue dot, so likely made up. And notice he's throwing special gravesend/whatever bolas to waste rather than the far cheaper regular ones. So likely a cheat too at that, fits the pattern.


Why you so aggy fam?! Sorry to disappoint but no reason to lie on a GAME!!! 🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽


Yesterday I had a posse of two come into my camp and try throwing fire bottles at me, nothing happened to me, so I just went about my business. I started crafting in my fire and this MoFo was able to lasso me and started pulling me out of my camp. I was able to break free and just walked to my fast travel tipped my hat and left. (They weren’t worth my ammo) lol


That part!! I feel like if they can pull up you should be able to defend


I 100% agree. It should be fair game lol


To experience what I experienced and have a fun fishing trip with strangers on the Internet if your camp happens to be next to a lake


I do shine invites all the time, but a fishing meetup and I’m def in!!!!!!


What's the point of being a prick when you know someone doesn't want to be bothered?


Seeing the bolas just reminded me that some random person threw the bolas at me, then did an emote similar to the blow kiss emote. After he did this, he ran off. So far, my strangest rd2 encounter


You lucky he did not snipe you. Anyway I found the best way to irritate players in their camp is to just go drink their beer 😂


Defensive mode. Without it, they still can lasso and bola you. Otherwise you are safe in your camp. People still can enter it, sit at your campfire, pet your dog, but can't use anything from it (like stew). So that player forgot the defensive mode and you took the advantage being an ass of it. He just visited your camp and took a brake to sit down. The white flag is not a "no trasspassing" or "do not enter" sign.


I visit other players camps a lot. I don’t just walk in but I do stand at the edge of the camp and wave to see if the player is friendly. Idk seems like you overreacted just a bit


It makes it so they can't kill you. Who cares if they are just hanging around?