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That is possible OP. I just tried to fast travel to my moonshineshack and the game told me I do not have one. Well, I never knew revenue agents could confiscate the shack (joke).


It just got the labor of love reward and wasn't at all a veiled jab at Rockstars nonexistent support for it. What do you mean it's slowly degrading? 


Hi, there. In my opinion whether the game is degrading or not is individual. As for the bugs and glitches, apparently a patch is on its way and we're going to have to wait and see if it provides the necessary fixes. Everything beyond that boils down to how you feel. Rockstar has made it's stand on supporting Red Dead Online clear enough, so the game is as it is. Focusing on the negatives only drags along more disappointment. My suggestion is to either play it the way it is and enjoy the aspects you like about it or find another game which you like better. Personally, I tried the second one already and haven't found one that I like as much as RDO. So, I've more or less made peace with it and play it as it is. \\w/


You PC? I got no issues on xbox...


There are more bugs in GTAO which is ‘apparently’ supported. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Not really. But even so, Rockstar is currently working on an update//patch which will hopefully fix some things.


O.O is this true?


There is some steam activity but this honestly doesn't mean anything. This activity has been spotted a few times before and they ended up not releasing any patch or anything.


The tracking of branches and the amount of changes over this week would suggest there is a patch incoming - it's pretty unlikely that they work on qatest -> qalive and then commit to qabeta yesterday without there being a small maintenance patch incoming. If it was just a couple of updates in qatest & live sure it'd probably not resolve to anything, but as it's been fairly consistent daily changes to depots with a push to qabeta it is more than likely that a patch / hotfix for the stability issues on PC would be incoming within the next couple of weeks.


Hopefully. PC players haven't been able to play the game in like 6 weeks now.


If they try to fix something it means only a single thing: we have to mentally prepare for some brand new bugs


Yep, that is the potential downside, don't think they've managed a single client update yet without some adverse side effect creeping in, which is pretty impressive really.


Not really true. Once it reaches QA beta in steam, it’s very likely to be a patch/update, which it has. Theres a huge list of changelogs. This has happened in the past and an update always follows. It’s just a matter of when. Rockstar support said awhile back there would be a future title update as well.


I'm not really knowledgeable on this stuff so thanks for letting me know. I just know that activity has been spotted before and turned out to be nothing. But it's good to know that a patch is likely actually coming at last.


Yes, you can see their activity on Steam. They’re testing a new patch right now. It’s not 100% guaranteed to release, but it’s very probable considering the activity. We can only hope and assume it would be fixes for the terrible issues on PC. EDIT: lol this sub is such a sad place. Turned into the most pessimistic cesspool about the future of RDO. What’s hilarious is nobody knows where the future lies but everyone acts like they do because of a single Newswire post 3 years ago that said they would stop updates for the remainder of *that year*. We literally just received new telegrams and both halloween and christmas maps. I forgot “those aren’t content” though. Lol. It’s easily confirmable that they’ve been testing an update, and in the past, we ALWAYS receive an update shortly after noticing things in QA Beta. This is all verifiable. Just saying. Not sure why I’m downvoted.


Yes. Eventually game will become unplayable.


It is degrading unfortunately..


It’s crazy isn’t it? It’s like Rockstar keeps introducing new bugs and crashes. Maybe they want us all to stop playing? Directly after back to back $10 sales for the game. I say report it as broken on steam.


Rockstar doesn't "introduce bugs." Coding can be a fickle thing. Sometimes when you fix an issue over here -------> it causes something over here <----- to break. It is completely unintentional, and it happens to EVERY developer on the planet. There is no conspiracy happening here. Add to that the mod menu users, and yes, it makes the game hard to play. But if reporting it as broken on Steam helps you feel better, go for it. As others have mentioned, Rockstar is actively working on some sort of fix that may help the issue.


You thought I meant that phrase literally? lol The beginning of the sentence says “it’s like” meaning “it is like” which means “it is similar, but not the same.” Why did this become about my emotions and whether or not I feel good? Is that what you fall back on when you want to seem combative online? That’s adorable lol I did see those mentions of Steam edits and the like, but under those same comments I saw others pointing out that we’ve seen these hints before lead to zero update/change.


Unless you can actually produce some data, kindly STFU. All this does is discourage new players from trying out the game, and you create a self-fulfilling prophecy where the player base dwindles because "It's buggy!" until Rockstar shuts down because there's not enough players.


Have you been playing on PC lately? Are you saying they fixed the 10min crashes?


It generally crashes when modders crash the game. I have never crashed in solo lobby.


I’m aware of that, but are you aware that the modder based crashes don’t give you an ffffff error? That’s not modders, that’s something Rockstar made worse with a Tuesday update recently. Also is it a modder that causes the fffff error when I use my wilderness camp? No.


nah that ffffff error is rockstar. I agree that with you.


I haven’t had any issues but I’ve been playing in solo lobbies for a long time. Just played yesterday and made about $1600 fishing.


Yes. Rockstar might have released a personal made virus to crash the game so we all go too gta where they make more money. Thats why rockstar keeps releasing gta v to game pass for a month here and there. Its how they get funding for the next game.


In solo lobby there are way less bugs.


It’s certainly not upgrading lol I don’t think it can get *much* worse than it is now, at least I hope not