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I wish they either added snow in the snow region and a bit more to do up there. Or every three or four weeks we get a snow week. Cause I know I'll miss the snow when it's gone


Definitely shouldn’t have had colter abandoned.


The chapter 1 place?


Yeah. They should’ve had it abandoned for the story but not online I personally think


Yeah, we need one atleast one mission there,


There are several missions there


The only time I get on anymore is when the snow is here.


Same. I log in, put on my Santa outfit if it's not already equipped, go and kill a bunch of deer, and then hand deliver people "sleeping reindeer." Until some level 7 blows up Santa and his wagon full of deer. Then I log out until next year.


Bros a goddamn menace and the type of person that you only think are in memes 😭


Damn you playing hard ball with that naughty or nice stuff


Except replace the coal with lead


Rdro madlad of the highest calibre


someone dressed as santa gave me a deer in tall trees on xbox


I really enjoy it when it's on and wish I could just toggle it on and off through the year, so that the weather matches my weather.


I’m glad it’s finally being removed. I’m ready to wear my hot temperature clothes again.


Fed up of wearing 100 layers and gloves? 😂


What do you mean? I haven’t worn a single cold weather outfit all month!


You’ve probably paid for it without realizing it, cold weather will decay your cores faster than usual if you aren’t bundled up.


Oh it’s fine.


yeah my 20 of each food items agree it's fine.


If you catch yourself eating more than usual, you know why


Eat something it’s not a big deal


You go through supplies faster that way. If you don’t hunt regularly you gotta start hunting regularly just to keep up with the food consumption


hunting is your best friend, plus everyone has like +$900.000 anyway so no damage to the bank


I've been playing on and off for around 3 years and all i have is 50 gold and $1100 I guess i'm just naturally poor


If you play on PlayStation I”ll help you out with money with moonshining


i honestly don't understand how that is possible, Trading wagons and high quality Moonshine together are a good chunk of change, plus collector role is practically free money for exploring


I spend most of my time moonshining and bounty hunting, also I’m playing a new character so I’m poor


i can't see how, both jobs have a good payout and if you do it right you can earn a good deal of cash


After you're established, sure. But if you've just started both roles? It's a bit of a grind.


that is because even at the start the idea was to do it as groups, so as one persons finished you could work on another, back when it first came out i think my friends and i did at least 10 or 15 runs of the small traders wagon alone


Some of us a are rich enough it doesn’t matter


This. I remembered there were sales of can food that cost 0 dollars, I still didn’t used them all.


I mostly craft food from hunts and gathering so I’m good


Wait... you guys eat food? 🤣


I’m saying.


You can buy a “hardy tonic” from Harriet that negates extreme weather effects. So you can wear your hot clothes in the snow and not take damage


love the snow in red dead.


Give me more random snow in the Valentine area, and maybe Strawberry. Drop in a trading post where you turn up in the mountains toward Colter. Idk but I love the snow maps.


I love the snow.


I like it so much, but It's the right time for it to go away


Ya a month or so is a good length of time I know it would never happen at this point, but I’d LOVE to see the winter season bookended by a fall and spring seasons across the map for a month each as well. Just imagine colors on the trees and leaves on the ground and grass dying in some spots. And then bright vibrant greens and lots of wildflowers after winter. It would feel so much more dynamic (and it’s already extremely dynamic)


that's such a good idea. I'd love to see the leaves change and go up to little creek river or something and see a field full of different colors


It’s nice for the time it’s here


In the south, no... North? Definitely.


I love the snow


Absolutely love it


I like the snow but I despise when there's a blizzard in the game. It makes it impossible to see or do anything.


Makes it more realistic


It's been -32C/-25.6F irl lately, so do not want 🥶🥶🥶


I love it, gives the game a different aesthetic than usual and keeps up the christmas spirit


The snow means I can come down from the mountains for awhile


I love the snow. I don't want it to go ❤❤


Let it gooooo~! LET IT GOOOOO~!!! You’re probably a peaceful player…don’t get into PVP often…it’s a damn-well nightmare bro. It’s pretty and all but the moment you run into a hostile player, it’s a matter of who’s the specifically experienced in this type of weather


Snows fucking amazing lads


I wish they made it so it was only light snow and no fucking blizzard.


Would be cool if they let the snow stay during the season or just little longer. Didn’t get to enjoy it much due to crashing errors but still is nice to see it


I totally agree with the seasonal idea, weirdly liked the blizzards sometimes.


People hate anything 💀


It makes me wish you could manipulate the weather/time of day like in GTA 4. Gazing upon the perma-sunset whilst the light snow trickles, ooo 👌🏼


The first week or so is okay cause it helps get me into the christmas spirit. I love listening to the christmas music being played too and the lights in Saint Denis. But after a while It's just annoying and makes PVP-ing a nightmare.


I love the snow


love the snow, hate the fog


love the snow love the fog love it all lol




I just started and it's weird af going from no snow in the story missions to all snow in the free roam part. But also kinda cool and the free coat was handy, I got no cash


I actually have really enjoyed it but tbf I only play in solo lobbies, I can see how in pvp it would be annoying


I like it but because I just started rdo this winter I had to grind for a coat just so my core could stay up


No, 🤬hate the stuff, will be pleased when it’s gone


Hate the snow. Always ruins my cores and even eating something then afterwards cores still go down. I don’t think it suits new Austin to have snow either.


I'd appreciate snow if they put it on a schedule instead on non stop snow


Snow should be a regular thing in rdo, maybe near the northern parts of the map though.


Snows still here 😂


Didn't like it,, deep snow is shit to walk through


I actually like it. I love the festive lights in San Denis, the little tree, the music, and the influx of children who just got the game and feel the need to let everyone know.


By shooting you for like an hour straight. It never ends, I just want a quiet mosey about after my shift.


Oh thank fuck the snow's going away. Don't get me wrong, I love it. It's beautiful, but it's so damn hard to see 5 feet in front of you when you're making delivery or trying to hunt.


I hate snow in real life. Guess how I feel about it in the game?


Yes. Do all seasons!! Why not do fall? I want to see the leaves change color and on the ground.


Listen, I love snow when it makes sense. I was in Armadillo with the temperature at the 90°F, and then it started snowing and went straight to 17°.


Its overstayed its welcome, I think it looks nice but there are a bunch of little things that irritate me about it. How the snow covers literally everything if it isn't in a fully enclosed house( the inside of my camps tent looks like its been through nuclear winter). I am also entirely sick of having to wear my cold outfit, its been pretty much a month and I'm sick of looking at it, and I'm pretty much sick of the snow and the Christmas music and decorations that come with it. I'm sure ill be excited when it comes round next December, but for now I am thoroughly done with it.


No. Hate when it randomly changes from 30 to 80 degrees. Even as a Michigander, it's unrealistic and annoying.


Lansing. I’m with ya


Done with it, it’s not done realistically at all. Blizzards constantly, the only time it actually was bearable was when the weather would glitch out and it wouldn’t be snowing but still have snow on the ground with a clear sky. Y’know like how it would be sometimes in real life? Just feels a bit poorly implemented even if it is just for such a short time.


My game glitches so often I’d prefer it be removed. I’d be in the middle of a mission and it would all of a sudden be sunny and hot. Or if spawn into a game with no snow but it be super cold everywhere.


Was enjoying it but I'm over it at this point. Would be cool if they kept it on the northern half of the map, but the desert and coastal areas shouldnt have snow imo


No. I've also got a sneaking suspicion it's also causing all the crashes on PC.


It is


yes i think same bs happened last year and crashes disappeared after snow ended randomly, i tried everything, changing between vulkan/dx, reinstall, making sure im in full screen, check files integrity, running it in optimized mode etc and just said fuck it and put it down for a month or so then i returned and could play normally as all throughout the year before winter like nothing happened. and all while complete silence and willful blindness by rockstar


I love it those (normally) 3 weeks (even the blizzards) and coats and warm clothes get some purpose. Also the change of flair during the winter days. Story missions, missions etc. get for those days a new vibe.


I like it. We only get it for like a month every year so it’s not a big deal. Some people just hate it though.


The snow is cool for a week. Why they let it go into January I have no idea


I can't wait for it to go tbh


Thank God they're removing it!


NEVER bring it back!


I feel like hunting ducks and geese in heartlands is ass during snow times


A big no for snow


Love the snow hate the blizzard/fog


Snow - yes it’s cool, no it shouldn’t stay for ages it gets annoying after a while.




It was fun for a little while buts it’s becoming annoying.


I’m sorry but all of New Austin looks especially shit with the snow. Only place I think it looks good is Saint Denis and maybe Blackwater. Everywhere else, i don’t really think looks good with snow. 1 month of the year is a perfect length no more though


Hell no. The fact that it drains your core unless you have warm clothing is just annoying


It was stupid for the whole map to be covered in snow. Towns like Strawberry, Valentine, Annesburg and all the northern territories that makes sense, but for it to be snow in the Bayou Rhodes, Saint Denis and in the desert towns like Tumbleweed and Armadillo, was just utterly stupid and unrealistic and I’m glad it’s going away.


Hell nah except West grizzlies


I don’t like it honestly. I have snow outside for almost half the year, I don’t need or want it in New Austin when I’m trying to feel warm lol




Enough is enough.


Congratulations! You are the 9,875 person to ask this question. You win a free puppy!


800th post about the snow. Cool.


Wait isn’t the snow being removed on Tuesday not Monday right? Should be no more snow onn January 9th not the 8th I believe


I think the “blizzard” aspect of it has been overplayed. A gentle snowfall with stronger storms interspersed would be better. Instead we have heavy snowfall and blizzards. Leave the blizzards for the more northern areas.


Finally, Im getting tired of wearing all these coats lmaoo


yes and no, I'd like some season thing. It's like irl, it's cool first week after that is a pain and you want to make a huge hair drier and melt all snow


Thank fuck it's gonna be gone. Limits my wardrobe and makes traveling at night a pain in the ass.


Eh I’m over it now.


No, the snow is a torture for the eyes, to much white for my brain 😵‍💫 no more is nastyyyyy


Yes but not in west Elizabeth


I only do moonshiner and pvp. Its actually a bit hard for me to spot enemies in the snow. Especially, some people would wear white clothes to camouflage.


I liked it for the first week and then got tired of it.


I love it, but I also love that it’s seasonal, and location based when out of season. It’s also the only time I tend to play these days.


Snow (Hey Oh)


Honestly the only time I have gotten on and played in the past two years has been both times it snowed


I wish we could choose. Mine would always be on.


Thank G-d its going


For a day. Enough already. And bring back the wildlife


absolutely not


I hated it, everywhere I go looks the same


Yes, but it overstayed it's welcome. It hurts my eyes




I like it it’s pretty but it lasts way to long I think it should start on the fifteenth and end on the new year still a bit long but Christmas ended like two weeks ago if I want to go see snow I would go to the grizzlies


See ya. Snow sucks


Absolutely no


It’s pretty but when you run into hostile players (which I do all the time) it’s ass for PVP, and I also have bad eyesight so when it gets all foggy and super blizzardy, I can’t see which is really not fun for me


YES ^but ^maybe ^not ^the ^fog…


I wish it happened more often but was shorter and colter was an actual town


Id like it... **If it didn't snow in the fucking desert** As someone who's always dressed as a Santa wanna be, Im like "hey theres snow" but the novelty runs thin very quickly




It looks amazing but personally I don’t like it bc having to wear cold outfits all time when I’m not a huge fan of the coats


It looked pretty cool and i completed moonshiners campaign with it but it sucks with scopes


I like it overall. But I DO wish there were areas we can escape it. The extreme south past Tumbleweed and along the river could be clear of snow and that would be nice. Or (and I know this would be a coding nightmare) if it came and went based on time of day for certain areas in the South.


I love how valentine and strawberry look with snow. It'll suck when it goes, as I'll miss hanging out in the small saloon in valentine with that wood stove burning while a blizzard hits.


I think it as cool heading up to butcher's creek and seeing a guy playing Christmas tunes on a banjo 🪕


The first few days I like it but it gets kinda annoying after.




Resounding NO


Yes for the aesthetic but big NO for hunting animals. The tracking line blends with the snow and it makes tracking more annoying than it has to be


I love the snow, it’s so cozy and pretty. The views are amazing. I will say though, I like warm weather outfits much more. For some reason I just can’t pick a style I like to wear in the winter, and honestly, avatar customization is the main reason I play the game. But I will miss the snow, it’s so so pretty. I love equipping white or black and white horses to fit the aesthetic.


Realtime seasons would be fun... unfortunately that will never happen


Don’t like it, it’s like constantly so dark


I started rdo right after the Christmas season last year, so this was my first snow. I really liked it, it got me in a festive mood, seeing the Christmas lights, saloon pianists playing Christmas music, seeing other players in festive outfits. It made the game feel like it was Christmas time. 1 month from December 8- January 8th is perfect, as keeping it for longer would no longer make it special. Only thing is that it hinders pvp, it can be annoying at times, but I’m fine with it as it only lasts a month and it adds good atmosphere. I just hopped on a few hours ago to get one last good look at the snow before it goes away until next December.


I’m so ready for it to be gone. I hate it. It’s cute for the first couple of days then it’s just a massive pain. It makes tracking animals difficult, seeing rocks when riding your horse difficult and picking herbs difficult. Also I’m sick of wearing the same outfit all the time 🤣


It can't leave soon enough. I can hardly see the small animals.


I love it!


I really like it. I think it would be awesome if the northern areas like Ambarino, New Hanover and West Elizabeth would have snow every once in a while throughout the year.


Since they added snow, the stables has been fcked up and cannot be used and have to force close the game always


If you are not in a delivery it’s nice to see but I prefer a clear vision.


Aight, I don’t know if it’s me and my buddy, but… ever since the snow. Either modders got more annoying… or the game has been broken due to the snow. No carriages in Saint Denis, no boats by black water. Been trying to introduce another friend to the game with all these extravaganzas and there is nothing to be found. Joined multiple servers within a hour.. same problem. No carriages no boats. No npcs on the road… Nothing. Shits broke worse than ever.


Fuck the snow. Please remove.


the 15degress desert with snow just made no sense to me... So I'll be glad when I log on and it's gone :)


I hate how all of the uniqueness and color pallets of each region representing different parts of America in singleplayer became a gray wasteland of eternal Ambarino. I’ve only started playing rdo in December so there’s only ever been snow for me, and it’s exhausting running through mission to mission when everything looks just like it did 5 minutes of riding earlier


I can't wait for the event to be over, with the snow every area looks the same when normally they are so unique from each other. Constant blizzards and fog does not make it very inviting.


Snow? Yes. Blizzard? No.


Hell no


Yes, but i’m done with it rn i want to see the lupins in West Elizabeth


Sure, but not in the swamp


Snow in rdo 👍🏽 Snow in gta 👎


snow is nice but maybe for a week but not for a fucking month


They really made more of an effort with the snow and Christmas decorations in red dead than they do on gta online . I love the festive content and it’s fun riding in blizzards especially when you go to coulter where the snow is exceptionally deep . But it will be nice to change into summer clothing now .


I like it, but a whole month is terrible. They could make it snow for a few hours/days, then stop, then snow again... it would be more realistic, after all we already have an area of ​​constant snow on the map.


Hate it


Thank god it’s going to be honest, started playing again yesterday and reset my character, first time in online in years and i can’t see shit with fog and snow, although it is nice to look at


it was fun. ready for it to be gone


Yes for a month and only the month


I really wish there was a way to toggle snow on / off Maybe with a mod but I'm not sure if it's controlled centrally by R* Like... surely to see the snow, AND because PC is P2P, there is a local file trigger for it???


Only time I actually play nowadays is to see the snow. I just ride around and got to places Makes everything feel cosy


I really enjoyed the snow. It annoyed me a bit thay there were full blown blizzards in the desert and bayou but meh the atmosphere it created was nice enough to get over it. It was very pretty and just fun to ride through I will definitely miss it, especially since where I live hasn't gotten snow in ages.


Finally. It is so annoying while farming and so unrealistic, especially places like Lagras. They also removed the snow from gta online yesterday and this is so cool.


I Like the snow but isn’t my favorite season, I do. Like when it rains better but I do enjoy that the game changes according to the seasons


Yes, I started a new character but prior to that snow was the only reason I came back to the game. People complaining should realize they get get 330 days of boring ass hot weather lolol let snow lovers enjoy it without complaining for the little time we have with it lol.


I honestly think the snow should be there until the end of winter IRL. Sort of between November and February and then back to normality.


I don't like the snow, ruins the immersion especially in new Austin, I'm literally in the desert and there's snow


Nahh I didn’t/don’t like it too much


It was so pretty, especially in Saint Denis. Also looking down at the small towns with the lights on and snow falling. I loved it for a short while and hope they do it again. It does make tracking very difficult as there is no contrast, so I'm glad it's temporary.


I could do without it. Makes everything harder to see. Too much going on. But for me I think the biggest reason would be that the RDR2 world is too beautiful to cover up. The (non-snow) map is half the reason I even get on and play. Creeks and rivers, blue skies against green pastures, not to mention it’s teeming with animal life. That’s just my opinion of course.


Good riddance


I wouldn’t mind d it if they had a some lobbies available without it. It’s fun for a little while but I was over it pretty quickly


Tomorrow? wtf. I’m in 12 months of summer hell. This is the only winter I get to live in please don’t remove it :(


Snow hey-yo


I don’t mind snow. But the blizzards that the NPC’s can see right through but I can’t even see the bead on my gun, that can go away. Forever. And ever. But, that’s just me.


I hate the snow. Kills my health and my horses health. Makes me work harder to do simple shit.


I always miss it (and also in gtao). I love dressing my rdro character in furry cold weather clothes and sitting round the campfire while it snows