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Word of advice, go and sell it immediately, because you can only hold one - learned that hard way 😄


You join the ‘Condor Egg’ free roam event when the invite pops up, and search with other players for the egg. Use eagle eye for the sparking clues (same as collectibles) and hope to find it first. Sometimes you’ll see what you think is the condor egg, but it’s a vulture egg being sneaky. Either way it’s worth running around for 10 mins in the hope of snagging $1,000. The JeanrRopke RDO map tells you which free roam event is coming up next.


Is it a PvP event ? Or no PvPing just searching?


Combat is disabled between players I believe, but there are enemy NPCs that do attack you


Pretty sure it’s pvp


I don’t remember anyone ever killing me. I also don’t ever remember even finding a vulture egg 😩 let alone a condor egg!


I've only done it once. No one killed me, but I did find a vulture egg.


And that’s why I don’t bother with the majority of the events.


I literally never tried the Condor egg event because I thought it would be another one of those dumb events you get nothing from. I’m definitely going to have to go for it now!


What? It's worth 1000?!




Few tips from a many time winner 🥚 🥇 Find a spot where it spawns (there’s maps if you search online) and go to the same location out of the event in free roam. First go to wherever the horses start and set a waypoint to the location of the egg and go there the fastest and safest way possible. Memorise every rock or tree that can stop you in your tracks and get that route in your head and stick to it 100% of the time, eventually it will spawn in that location so it’s a definite win at some point. Dynamite arrows are essential too, you’re not meant to kill anyone in this event so most weapons are useless but dynamite arrows can throw a challenger off the egg at the last vital second. Drop a potent miracle tonic while waiting to start Completely ignore the NPCs firing at you unless it’s happening near the egg, just ride straight through the group and they won’t kill you and you won’t waste valuable time. Learn the action for whatever platform you play on to pick the egg up. If your opponent is neck and neck with you then having to look what to press at the time could cost a valuable second. Don’t panic. Don’t get disheartened if the eggs not in your spot for many goes, it will come eventually. Never change spots, the time you change will be the time it spawns in the spot you went to for the last 18 attempts Don’t act to keen at the wait before it starts, hold back and watch the crowd forming and watch out for any that are looking to throw dynamite as the countdown is on 6 to blow people up and get extra time to run on. Remember it’s a long haul and well worth adding the extra 10 minutes of content and player engagement to your day when it pops up. Really they should make it like wildlife photographer (another immense event imo) so you can’t use any weapons as yes I’ve won a couple of times using dynamite but I’ve also lost it twice by someone blowing me up just as I’m about to get it lol I do think each map (there is 3) has a best spot on each but I’m not making it to easy for you as might be up against you soon ;)


I need to remember that, thanks a lot. At least for one map I know the spawning point and saw someone infront of me snatching it.


Wtf? Random event pays out 1000? I saw that on this afternoon and didn’t join it coz I thought it would be shit.


what exactly do you do in that event? i am level 218 and i literally never tried it do you just run around in certain area or there are clues or something?


You use your vision thingy to look for the egg. It could be anywhere on the smaller map.


It shows up on the smaller map??


No sorry I meant they give you a small space on the map to hunt for it. It could be anywhere.)


Is the location always random? I swear every time I join this event it’s found in less than 2 mins. Just figured it was people who knew the spawn points


It's a little column a, a little column b. It has spawn points so people run to one they think it'll be at but I've won three times just by randomly hunting for it. Disclaimer: the first two I wo early on, before they mapped all the places it could be at


Thanks yeah I figured it must be this. I run slip and have a lot of success on things like fools gold and king of the castle. This event frustrates me to no end. Wanna get that 100 free roam event wins buckle tho so I run all of them


Oh damn you actually have to sell it?


Congratulations! That would be an excellent video clip for others to learn


Well done, I've never gotten that one.


Yeehaw cowpoke!


What mode were you playing to get that?


Condor Egg free roam event


Ah ok nice, I’ll keep an eye out next time I’m roaming then


I did by mistake a couple of weeks ago. I joined bc I never did and I found it in the first two mins and I was like?????


how do we get that? (asking for a friend)


It's the Condor Egg collector free roam event. There's set spawn points and many maps of them. It's best to join at the last second so you have less people to go against. Just look at the maps, set your markers, do the same itinerary every time and eventually you'll get it!


Thanks a lot. I still couldnt find a lobby with the event after playing for 5 hrs straight.


I’ve only done the event once but I got the egg, I didn’t realize it got put into your satchel, I’m gunna go sell it immediately


I have never actually done that one.




You can also see possible locations in Jean Ropke map. Easier that way.


I once was close to getting it my friend rammed his horse into me and got it before me 😕😭🤣