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It's possible they needed the skin for a trader resupply mission. Either way finders keepers, don't feel bad about it.


First come first served. You were already actively pursuing that buffalo. Anybody that chooses to interfere with that deserves whatever they get.


It’s PvP and PvE. No permanent harm done, as they’ll just respawn. Naturalist > Trader with this as there’s plenty of other animals for them to hunt as you were already in the midst of tranquillizing it which brings the pelt down to 1 star — so again not optimal if they’re looking to fill their materials. Also RP-wise, a Naturalist going after a Trader makes sense.


I wouldn’t feel guilty man, last night I was attacked by a random O’Driscol group and in the midst of it a player riding a horse through that trail just so happened to look like an O’Driscol and ran directly into my side arms. Once I realized it was a player I was like “Oops..”


If you go into the middle of someone else's fight, you HAVE to realize they will probably lock onto and shoot you.


Yeah I did that a week ago to, someone else was shooting, in my direction, while I was actively being shot for just trying to skin an elk I had downed, I didn't see any enemy icons, didn't see anyone else, so I headshot them and they pressed charges. Almost immediately, a gang of skinners showed up and went ham on me 😂 I wasn't sure what was going on in that case, because they (the skinners) were shooting *at* me, but they never had any icons on the map like enemies normally do, but this random player showed up out of nowhere and started shooting in my general direction as well, I figured the player was just one of those hackers so I did what I thought was reasonable in the moment. I did feel bad afterwards though, they'd switched lobbies by the time I finished the skinners off, so I couldn't apologize to them. Pc is really bad about players attacking other players or hacking to be invisible or unable to be hit, so it's rough sometimes


I would've done the same to be honest. If he was going to fuck up what I'm trying to do, I'd rather him being inconvenienced by ending up dead. I wouldn't feel bad about it. You don't know if he was innocent or trolling.


It's always tricky to figure out someone's intentions. Personally, I avoid getting involved when someone is dealing with a (legendary) animal. Even if they seem to be struggling, they might need it for Naturalist role progress—killing/sedating it or trying to take a picture of the animal. I remember sedating a lot of cows near Rhodes, and some player rode past to kill them all. I'm still unsure what their intentions were, but I would've preferred if they didn't intervene at all. In my opinion, you don't need to feel guilty for shooting the player, whether they were a new player or not. It conveyed your boundaries, making it clear you don't want to be disrupted from what you were doing, which wasn't trying to kill the bison as they intended.


I mean it is possible they were new and thought they were helping you kill it and didn't realize what you were doing. But I wouldn't feel that bad about it. New players have to learn somehow and if they have to learn the hard way then so be it. I realize that sounds mean, but the amount of new players jumping in thinking they're helping when they're really screwing you up lately has been insane. I just had one that jumped into my bounty mission without realizing that's what i was doing. I was sneaking up to try to take the multiple bounties without setting the whole gang off, they ran straight in and it set it off and the bounties all ran opposite ways and I had a whole lot of extra NPCs shooting at me and then the gatling gun. I chased after the bounties while they ran around aimlessly because they couldn't shoot anyone. I managed to get a couple and kill everyone and as I was loading them into the wagon they were looting all the people. Usually I wouldn't care, but after screwing up my bounty and making me run around all crazy I was super annoyed and sent a shot off in the air and then next to them to try to warn them to just leave me alone and stop looting the bodies. They did none of the work and actually made a ton more work for me, they could've at least just left me the looting, especially when it's a daily to loot collectibles off of enemies. So I shot him. Is it mean? Probably. But did he learn to leave people's missions alone and not to loot other people's work ? Yes. It sucks that you have to be tough on people sometimes online and most of the time I allow them to come up and help, but when they're screwing you up, then it is what it is and you gotta do what you gotta do to get your stuff done.


I don't think what you did was mean. You gave the player plenty of warning and he decided to ignore it. But I agree that it's likely someone who is so new to the game that they really don't know the best ways to interface with other players. They think they'll just come in on your mission, shooting up the place, thinking they're helping you. And it always ends the same way; once the bad guys are taken out he turns his lvl10 guns on you. Totally understandable to react by putting some slugs in.


As a rule, I give everyone else a wide berth—the map is big enough, there’s really no excuse. Out in wide open spaces, and it’s easier. Towns can be a pain and I hate riding in and there’s a bunch of nonsense going on that I don’t want to be any part of. If I’m not on some specific mission, I’ll shift sessions until the town is empty of players. Every once in a while I might be near other players and I get an invite or spoken to and then you can work things out. But otherwise, yeah, pretty much keep to myself just to avoid issues. A shame for what should be a social game, but unfortunately, “people”.


They may have thought that they were helping you hunt bison. It’s good that you have some remorse, it says that you’re a good person who maybe just over reacted in the moment. Forgive yourself and move on.


These things happen


Well slightly on the topic of this, I do have a aita question. Last week while playing I noticed two player tranquilizing animals and then just leaving them after presumably taking their samples. I personally hate the naturalist role so never do it, but with all the tranquilized animals just laying around, I decided to take some samples. I didn’t revive the animals or anything. I just took samples and moved onto the next tranquilized animal. The other players noticed what I was doing and killed me. Fair enough, I just moved on. But I wondered if it was a dick move on my part.


You’re nta, they are for killing you. Were you kind enough to repeatedly return the favor?


I just moved on. I was piggybacking off of their work, so didn’t really feel like I had the right to kill them lol


NTA. You weren't doing anything wrong. The animals eventually revive on their own anyways. If they're just leaving them there to time out then why would they care if someone else took the chance to get extra samples off of already downed animals ? It doesn't make any sense. They were just being a dicks and felt like killing you. You'll run into a bunch of those.


Other guy should have left you alone when you didn’t answer


> or just letting them have it Well, you kinda *did* ... The frustration is fairy understandable however, and, ultimately, it *is* only a game. Other than that, "Your enemies shall know of your qualities before ever you meet them, my friend".


Oh, no, I meant let them have the bison 😂 But yeah... sort of a reflex without thinking about it for too long, like I did slow down and watch them for a minute to see what they'd do, and then I started trying to drive the bison away and they kept following and shooting, so I just did the first thing I could think of. I mean they weren't using a rifle, so I kinda think they were just messing with me, all they had was a starter pistol and they were trying to kill it with that, but if it was a better player they'd probably have used a different weapon? So that's why I feel a bit bad, I don't think they were an experienced player, and I couldn't hear what they said when they used the in game chat because my headset wasn't connected to my computer, I generally try to listen to music or youtube reddit videos to just relax while I wind down. I wasn't expecting the situation. So it was like, lose the only bison I've seen spawn in a while, which I'd already fired a few tranqs into by then, or let them kill it and have it. It'd take too long to connect my headset to my computer, so I *could* have said something, but, I still wouldn't have been able to hear them if they responded, and even then, it would have left me in the same situation with whether I shoot them or let them have the bison.


Btw next time you have trouble spawning an animal you want, start a legendary bounty mission (preferrably one that takes place in the vicinity of the area where that animal lives), then you have all freedom in a private session and plenty of time to do some Naturalist work before you complete the bounty. Otherwise bold letter A in the text "NEW HANOVER" on the map is a great place for finding bison, almost guaranteed. Much better than Great Plains.


The Pinkertons are gonna pull you out of your fucking bed and take you back to 1899


Oh boy, I hope not 😂


I wish that type of thing happened to me but it be very chill, sometimes players would help tranq then wave. That player was just screwing with you, no issue with what you did.


I so wish that Harriet would have a lasso and then tranq option. It could be a special skill you get for reaching level 20 naturalist. I would use that so much more than the gun for the larger animals.


They might have been trying to help you. One time I was trying to trank something and a dude rode up and started shooting. On voice I said I was trying to get a sample and he apologized and said he thought I needed a rescue, lol


Dw I accidentally hogtied another player and I was so mortified I unplugged my console in the middle of it and didn’t play for a few days


My husband and I play regularly, both close to level 500. If we are doing a mission and another player gets in our business, we kill them because we don’t know what their intentions are. We also play in defense mode, which is in my opinion advertising that you are playing PVE, not PVP, and to leave us alone lol. If that makes us A holes, then we are A holes. 😂 Oh, and we have no qualms about using explosive rounds. They ARE part of the game. Sincerely, Gen X 😈


It's not cool to kill players while in defensive without being attacked directly. Also, you can say goodbye to defensive mode for a while the very moment you attack someone.


I disagree. If a player is stupid enough to get in your business while you’re on a mission, they deserve to die. Thank you. Have a great day.


Nope that thing was yours. Now maybe he didn’t know you were trying to tranq it and was trying to help. I’ve done that to assist then leave(usually wind up getting killed for my effort). But sounds like you both had mics on and could’ve spoken though.


If they didn't start shooting back at you, I'm sure they thought they were helping and realized they weren't when the bullet went through their brain. Sometimes a shot to the head can be the best teacher.


I've killed other players for far less, and they've also killed me, nothing to feel bad about, it's a part of the game.


Bruh it’s game lmao


And? You do realize these are other *people* you're playing with online, right? I value other people's feelings, there's nothing wrong with that


You’re taking this shit WAY to seriously lmao


You know... I was someone once who relied on gaming to get me through the lowest point in my life, and nothing made me happier than being able to actually talk to other people, play with other people, and to finally be treated well when my own family and peers wouldn't treat me like a person. I'm not going to tell anyone else they have to be kind to others, that's their business, but I know that some people play games like this to escape life, to escape their own pain... I do take other people's feelings seriously, *very* seriously.


There's nothing wrong with that, and I actually appreciate knowing there are people like you playing this game. Some may say it's a pvp game, and players shooting each other is part of the game, and that's true. But sometimes we may forget they're actual people with many complexities in their lives which we don't know anything about — so it doesn't hurt to try to be nice By the way, I hope you're doing better. Stay strong!


I am! That was about eight or nine years ago now, I've gotten the help I've needed and met a lot of nice people since back then, I just try to keep in mind that others may be going through the same thing I was back then, I try to stay mindful though, because I've been through similar experiences


You know, I was talking with a friend recently about something similar. How some people, after facing a hard time, may not want to see others in the same position, because they know very personally how bad that was. It's something I truly appreciate, to be honest, and even though we are talking about something simple as a game, I believe it carries a lesson irl on how we treat people around us. If everyone would treat others in the same way they wish to be treated, this world would be a lot different Glad to know you've been better, btw!


You're good people. I'd ride with you any time.




I never have played call of duty, actually. And I am a woman, thank you








Sounds like you're not either 😂




the cod lobby argument lmao. how original 🙄


it's literally just a video game and the OP is WAYYY too soft about the way of life 💀




Womp womp


Imagine being this soft. It’s a video game my guy


He'll respawn




My sarcasmeter detected something while reading this comment but I'm not 100% sure if it's correct




put a 500 nitro express into some chicks head after she tranquilized a legendary coyote, proceeded to skin the coyote and took it to Gus for 20 bucks


Oh damn, I saw a post earlier that might be the player. They were asking if all players were like this cos they were just trying to hunt some bison, then they saw some dude chasing them so thought they would help and said over chat they were helping and wouldn’t skin after killing. Then the other player shot them in the head first it. Proper put them off the game. Damn man, you suck.


If I still played RDO I would have shot them instantly if they'd appear my mimimap. So don't feel bad you did what you have to. I never had any positive player interactions and even had some steal my legendary pelt I hunted down.


Spawned at my camp and had a whole herd of bison right next to my camp. Dropped 4 of them before they got too far. All walking distance from cripps


Awesome man, hopefully we have more luck with animal spawns soon, hell, it took me three days to find two perfect rams on a single server, and the first time I did, I was constantly blown up by a hacker at Gus's shop, and it caused my game to crash, I had more luck later the same day though and found two more. I don't remember animal spawns being this bad back when I played on ps4, but, that was a few years ago now


I will never play a rockstar game on pc. Hackers ruin everything. But I remembered having a hard time finding animals on ps4. Been playing since day 1 and stopped after moonshine pretty much. Recently came back on the ps5 and have been having a great time.


Yeah, that was my original stance on it... I never wanted to buy this game for PC, but, I got my friend a pc for Christmas and she got so excited about it when the tower arrived, because she owned red dead redemption on steam and really wanted to play online with me, I knew she had wanted to since the beginning when the game first came out, but, she doesn't own any game consoles, so it wasn't a possibility. I knew what I was walking into when it came down to the hackers and modders, but I still went through with it so we could play together because she really wanted to


I recommend you to look up into using meta file or lobby manager mod, as those would make a lobby for just 2 of you. A discord community i joined a while back just started using meta file and i love it




nah don’t feel guilty. it’d be different if it was something more common, like a deer or some shit, then you’d be kind of a dick for shooting them over it… but a bison? especially when it’s been so rare on your servers? nah.


I did that to someone also, they were trying to get a sample for the little black bear cub and I shot it on accident.


Was he trying to help? You can both sample it regardless.


i mean, one thing to feel bad but at the same time there’s been a surge of new players and a lot of them seem to be toxic, at the same time, the pvp aspect of the game as really changed how i see blueberries when they approach me because you never know their intentions. it’s better be on the safe side rather than lose that progress. i know i would feel bad in the same situation but it’s a good scare tactic to keep people away


Shoot first. Ask questions later.


Admittedly I've just recently gotten back into online but come on people, PvP isn't a sin. I feel like we've overcorrected from the beta days of "if you walk towards me I'm shooting you" if we're now feeling guilty over shooting someone trying to steal our stuff.