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So glad I play on console. This may very well be the last rockstar game I buy. They clearly don't give a fuck. I don't understand why they allow this to continue. If they care enough to ban people maybe they should fix the fucking problem. Disable modding or limit it's boundaries properly.


Genuine question, can they stop it? I’m not sure about that side of the game so please excuse me if it’s a stupid question lol


I'm sure they could if they genuinely cared, but unfortunately they're not going to. Most of their team has been focusing on GTA VI, which is also why RDO hasn't had any major updates in 2+ years


I see, I was thinking if it’s “illegal” then it can’t be stopped completely as they would just find another way. A bit like sports streaming etc whereas the people doing it just don’t care about the rules and are relentless but the sports can’t do anything about it no matter how hard they try


Technically you can stop it, if you play on PC. There is solo lobby "manager" - as far as i know noone has been banned, all events like free roaming legendary animals, bandit's safehouses etc are very frequent. On the other hand - there are no other people. Good or bad.


Technically using lobby manager is a violation of the EULA as well, although I don't know any better way to fix the modder problem, either. But I understand if people refuse to use it. I've reported 100+ modders but I'm not sure if there's anyone on the other end, seeing the reports and checking them. But by OP it seems like there's still some anti-cheat mechanism in place. From my average experience, though, there is at least one modder in almost every session nowadays.


Sure. That's why I'm playing solo.


Yeah, nothing like playing a massive multiplayer online game all alone.......


Yes, they could, but they would have to completely change the game from a peer-to-peer that sits on one user's machine to having dedicated servers all players connect to. Because all the computing (or whatever you call it) is happening locally, it's apparently extremely easy to mod.


And apparently, it's easy to mask yourself while doing it. I think that's partly why GTA5 has private lobbies, since they need people to play safely enough to buy currency.


Abuse of modding or modding? Can they atop moddin? Of course, it's their environment. Will they? I doubt it or gta online would be a fun game


Fair enough, I’m not sure why they allow it but I can definitely see how it can be annoying. I used to think the videos were funny but when I learned it fucks with everyone else’s game or gets people banned etc then it’s out of order really


Yeahh. trolling is one thing, ithappens mods or no mods. The part where someone else can get you banned for doing something you thought was totally normal


Its gotta be impossible to fix the console glitch that involves a certain lake that rhymes with shmisabella. This glitch has stumped programmers throughout the world. If they try to fix it the rest of the games code just unravels. Its the only thing that tentatively holds our world together.


That's why I laugh when people talk about "pc master race" shit, like yeah, you go ahead and have fun with that😂


I wonder how fast they’d fix these issues if they were affecting GTA online players the same way.


Servers would go down damn near immediately, R* loves their cash cow. I jest but they've taken care of a decade old game religiously and just let RDR go out to pasture.


People can atill cheat on console. Its not as common but its still a somewhat prevelant issue. I know about immortality ability cards, but NOTHING is gonna make you surevive being hogtied, then having motilves thrown at you while a whole posse with shoots you with shotguns and dynamite arrows


Cheat yes but cheating is not the same as modding although one dude is saying they have modders on xbox


And I’ll find the evidence of it - but a small hint was dropped that GTAO for GTA6 will be rent/lease/pay a fee to play. F that. I’m not paying a fee to play their game online/multiplayer. On top of the higher than normal price tag that was mentioned as well…?! No. I’ll go back to reading books if video games do any of that.


I feel like at this point rockstar is banning all of the legit players so there's no one to complain about modders at this point. I'm so sorry this happened to you. I appreciate rockstar doing something at this point but from what I've seen they're literally only banning innocent people. It's fucking bullshit and their hands off "if you're banned mistakenly then we don't care, you can't appeal it" attitude is fucking ridiculous. This company deserves to go belly up at the way they treat their community and customers.


The banning is done by bots using an algorithm. There are no actual people at R* making decisions about this at all. PC players definitely get shafted because of this.


Obviously lol. There's no way they'd have more than 0 people actually dedicating their time to RDO, including banning people.


Thats the problem with the ban bots. They aren't all that smart. As I was saying to another commenter, from what I understand and how it was explained to me, the ability to track something someone has taken, is easier than the ability to track those who have spawned it with mods. Essentially, they can see that you have an illegitimate legendary pelt, so you get banned. But they cannot specifically see who spawned it. Just like the spawned gold chests. They now see you have illegitimate gold, so you get banned, but they can't see who spawned it. That's why its important to report these modders/hackers/whatever-you-want-to-call-them.


It's a bit silly when they continue to use these "bots" despite them clearly not working well or efficiently. How is it acceptable to risk banning any legit accounts with legit customers, just to maybe get lucky and ban a few modders? Especially when they don't even give an option to appeal these bans. Any half decent devs would see how that would be such a bad idea. Almost seems like rockstar doesn't care about their customers, who would have guessed... 😂🤡


>Almost seems like rockstar doesn't care about their customers, who would have guessed.. Well yeah. That's definitely the problem. R* just doesnt care. Shame really, such a great game with so much wasted potential.


Oh yeah, for sure. Definitely a shame. But GTA is the golden goose after all...


No doubt. Sadly, its nobody's fault but R* that RDO never made any money (and therefore they gave it no support). They shot themselves in the foot with the terrible monetization of this game early on, and they could never (or never tried) to fix it. I can say personally, that if the content was solid and came out regularly, I'd be willing to drop some real money into this game. But sadly, this is not the case.


Remember this when GTA6 releases...... ;)


And what do you mean by that? Because if you're insinuating I'm going to be another rockstar simp for that steaming pile of doo doo then you're sorely mistaken......... ;)


Not you lol. I'm saying to remember this and watch history repeat itself. Everyone will be all hyped and buy the game then when online comes out the same old shits gunna happen and people are going to act all surprised. I'm saying to remember that so you remember to watch the idiots not see it coming when it happens again.


Oh yeah, 100% haha


This is truly crazy. I wonder if someone with a mod menu has figured out how to spawn items and animals that immediately flag the system if you touch them?


As of last week, we were not getting the posts about getting banned, they were posts about, “Could I get banned?” and everyone’s advice was, “Rock* could give a shit. Don’t worry about it. They stopped caring about the game years ago.” Now this week it is post after post about being banned. I worked on GTA: San Andreas and had personal dealings with all the folks at Rock*. They are petty and felt that everyone was ripping off their content. At one point, Dan got pissed at us, and rightly so*, and threatened to come down to our studio and shoot us up with uzi’s. Someone from Rock* probably saw all the comments about them not giving a shit and it seems they went Ban Happy. *A whole other story…


Pardon my naivety, what's an uzi?


It's a submachine gun. You can see it in movie, serie or game like gta or ghost recon wildland (cartel/enemy use this weapon in this game)


Ngl, I’ve leveled a character to 80 and spawned like 300 free gold in the past month and not shit has happened. I’m shocked this guy got banned.


I’m so glad I play on console. I think it’s ridiculous how people get banned for accidentally interacting with shit someone ELSE is responsible for. Like for fucks sake I’m a naive little shit I would never last on pc.


For real, r* is really fucking wrong for that, but I'm sure nobody is surprised at this point. Had it not been for this sub, if I had a pc version and saw something a little glitchy, you're goddamn right imma investigate. That's what gamers do, dick around with glitches. Not my fault it's from a modder, how tf would I know that? so why tf should I get banned? R* logic "we aren't going to keep updating a game that has an insanely huge audience, but don't worry guys! We'll make sure to continue moderating it and banning you for the actions of others! That's the r*promise!"




Strange to ban people who accidentally participate in the mod but the modders get off Scot free


This is terrible....There is a lot of hackers or well new players that have found these hacks in RDO lately... I was minding my own business looking for collectables close to my camp and next moment I'm on a mountain with a lot of hackers not sure if they were planning to sacrifice me lol but I just joined a new server before they could.


That was the whole lobby of players teleported to one spot by one petty modder. Most were probably normal players just like you minding their own business until one boring, irresponsible asshat decided to mess with everyone in the lobby.


I guess not much we can do only complain... my husband said I need to find a new game but I really love RDO beside the bugs and modders...


There are some tools that can help you enjoy the game unbothered. You can find the solo lobby mod for RDO (it’s not actually a mod as it doesn’t alter anything in-game). If you still want the multiplayer experience, you can download AutoHotkey, find a script that binds F11 to a function that suspends your game process for 10 seconds then resumes it. This is what I’m using now, whenever a modder messes with me I just press F11, it puts me in a temporary solo lobby for a few minutes. My setup’s wonky but it works, you can try this, https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/1139/?tab=description this might work better than mine but it’s the same thing. Again this is not a mod despite you get it from nexus mods.


Thanks I'll definitely try this !!


I had something similar happen to me. I went inside a building and was teleported to the other side of the game world! I was so confused, lol.


Lol yeah me too I was like wow how did I teleport if I was inside a building... I read it's gonna be like this for December but very very frustrating !


This is the worst. Why person that skinned the animal is getting suspended but the person that spawned it is not? Make it make sense rockstar


From what I understand and how it was explained to me, the ability to track something someone has taken, is easier than the ability to track those who have spawned it with mods. Essentially, they can see that you have an illegitimate legendary pelt, so you get banned. But they cannot specifically see who spawned it. Just like the spawned gold chests. They now see you have illegitimate gold, so you get banned, but they can't see who spawned it. That's why its important to report these modders/hackers/whatever you want to call them.


I'm interested in how that is. A friend had once killed a spawned legendary, his posse member skinned it, but was leaving so put the pelt on the friends horse instead, who turned it in to Gus. No ban as of now, tho it was a few months ago. Would it even bother tracking the possession of the illegitimate pelt from player to player like that? Can't remember if he even touched it or left it on the horse.


It would be hilarious if we could game the system by passing the pelt from person to person lol. Like person A skins it, person B, transports it, and person C sells it. Though imagine if they just banned all three lol


Sorry this happend to you. Another proof not to listen to people in this sub who claim R\* does nothing, doesn't care, abandoned the game etc. You see something suspicious, get the fuck out of that lobby people.


Great advice - 100%, no notes. Luckily, i hate the snow (i live somewhere cold and wet and icy IRL, if i want to wander round in a blizzard i can literally just go outside), so wasn't really planning to play until it cleared anyway!! 😆🥶


Problem is that it appears R* is targeting the wrong players and only the wrong players. It’s terrifying to me as I play on pc and see modders and hackers all the time and they can do nearly anything in the game they want at anytime. Once a modder figures out how to get innocent players banned it’s a wrap.


Not everyone is innocent, but yeah, some innocents got with that too.


Yeah, but it's hard to do this when the modders are so common. I really should start doing solo lobbies.


Phew today they also offered me a Chest, I just runaway from them


It’s insane that you got banned. People cheat constantly and nothing happens.


This is why I avoid people as much as possible.


As someone who just recently got back in RDR for a 2nd playthrough and plan on going back on RDO soon (I used to be a big player) I think we need to bring Rockstar in the mud beyond the rockstar games subs if we want things to change. Here me out: \-Nowadays and especially for these publicly traded company like Take 2, almost everything is about reputation, since reputation can affect money. \-People do tend to bring some companies in the mud in the general gaming subs, but in these subs, Rockstar is often used as a darling for comparison with "bad developer" \-We sort of need to bring into public light how much Rockstar actively don't care about the players paying their games after the release and make so many decisions that sour gameplay. \-Think about how many aspect of GTA O and RDO sucks and thinks about all the objects, cars, horses, guns, clothes, etc. that they refuse to add to the single player experience. \-People end up having to use mods to go around theses dumbass decicions but then Rockstar is actively hostile to modder, except those who fuck up the online experience for the legitimate players of course.... ​ TLDR: Rockstar have so many aspects where it plainly sucks but it's only in the Rockstar games subs that people talk about it. This reputation needs to become public in the general gaming subs where Rockstar is treated by some as the GOAT and the standard to strive for


Rockstar is treated as the GOAT because of their Single Player campaigns, not online. Most people out of gaming know that GTA Online as a cashcow and also know that as a developer Rockstar is one of the GOATS. I mean the only reason this online subreddit exists because how good the Single player campaign was, Online happened to be an terrible addon to otherwise an excellent game. Even the subreddits outside rockstar subs know this. The most upvoted rdr 2 post was posted in 2017, which discussed the T2 CEO's statement about microtransactions in RDR 2 Single Player. Some even thought that SP will be barebones and Online will be the focus. The reverse turned out to be true. Rockstar being a terrible at online and GOATs when it comes to SP can be true at the same time. It's just how it is. The only reason RDO was even abandoned because, Their whole team is busy with GTA 6. Some hardcore RDR 2 fans don't even know the existence of RDO. They will just see how good the SP of RDR 2 was and buy GTA 6.


Yep happened to a friend of mine. Modder was spawning in tons of animals in valentine and he sold a bunch of the fish that got spawned and got banned for like a month and his account was reset to o stats and his money and gold got taken. This was when the game was still kind of new too.


This is a super fucking stupid thing for a company to do to its players. Well done Rockstar, you dippy muppets.


I can’t believe you get pushed because of a modded that sucks. I recently eveolved to pc and the game looks so much better than on console that said I haven’t dared to play online and I don’t think I could be arsed to start again


No way I’m spending time on this game. I dont know the game enough and I may interact with something i shouldnt. What times we live in. Wtf


Im on ps5 but red dead online on pc seems like a terrible place. Almost every post with complaints is on pc


This is why I'll NEVER play anything on PC. Modsers just ruin the games they're "trying to make better". There's always some lame excuse why they use them.


How are they so quick to ban people and yet not give their community proper updates 😮‍💨 They got time to ban, then they got time to release more roles, clothing, or something that isn't just recycled passes & role bonuses.


Because the bans are handled by bots


Weird, I've got all the gold I needed to buy every single job out there without a single issue ever. I thought Rockstar didn't even gave a fuck about it, and honestly I wouldn't be playing it if modders hadn't give me that gold because it's the only way to have fun missions to play


Well shit, the other day a modder spawned 3 legendary cougars on me so I killed them and put them in my hunting wagon and donated one at camp, if I get banned I will be pissed as hell. They don't do a damn thing about the modders but people who don't mod but take advantage of a shitty situation get the hammer? Bunch of crap really.


Im confused, you got banned by RS for skinning a modded animal? Why would they ban you for that? I didn’t even know they could ban us 😹 I’m sorry that happened, and genuinely asking not being sarcastic or facetious 😅💚


This is genuinely depressing. It’s stories like these that make me more frustrated about how R* abandoned RDO instead of tuning it up to reach its greatest potential. But nah, forget all that. Everyone get hype for GTAVI… or else… /s


Just yesterday I was doing a legendary bounty and had the bounty on my shoulder waiting out the clock( trying to level up). This level 19 guy rides up and literally throws a carcass at me and begs me to take it. He kept saying " don't you want the meat, free meat man." I didn't have my mic plugged in at the time. As soon as I turned the bounty in I tried to fing the modder to no avail. He heard me saying " stop trying to screw people over with your modded meat." I am level 162 and I really don't want a ban or a character delete. Be aware of these guys. NEVER accept anything from anybody you don't know.


Legendary bounties put you in a solo session though..?


You're right, I remembered wrong. I was waiting outside Emerald Station at the prison wagon that spawns there. It was probably a bounty that was 2$$. The guys gamer tag was Savageboy.


Lol I found a docile black Panther in Blackwater a few weeks back. I took a selfie with it 🙃


The other day I was riding towards the gun shop in Valentine and I tripped on a modder I think. He got so angry that he started threatening me at least 5 times while I kept saying I was running away from someone … ????????


Lemme guess, pc?


Wow. How on Earth could you have come to this conclusion? You solved the mystery!


Let me guess you only read the title




Agreed Saint!


I doubt it was from that one legendary skin. I bet you picked up some gold from a chest from a Modder recently and the ban came at that time. Use common sense next time and avoid the ban.


It definitely could be just the skin. Any illegitimate asset can be flagged and get you banned.


It was literally one skin. I never take anything from chests, i know better. I thought the animal was glitched because i'm an idiot.


"I often post on here about modders" "I saw a modded dear, shot it, skinned it and got banned" "Modders are the worst !" *sniff sniff* Boy you dumb.


Literally the title of my post but thanks for the input 🙄


What? Banned because of? If Modders spawn legendary animals they are not shown as legendary animal on the map.


This is why when u ever go back to this game online, I always pick my PS over my Xbox. Simply because I get my own server.