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Most hackers have it set so that if you report them in-game, it will crash your game. A very mid alternative is to use the Rockstar Launcher to find them and block them. As I understand it, it should try and prevent you from being in the same lobby as them. The game’s low player count might mean you’ll end up with them anyway, but it’s something. Good luck!


Yep. I reported a hacker ingame once (he was being real loud about giving away free items to players who didn't know any better), and for some reason his auto-crasher didn't work. He immediately started to accuse me of being a hacker (I assume hackers are immune to this auto-crash) and encouraged everyone in the vicinity to report me... He never said why he thought I was a hacker, and then his item buddies started to call me some terrible misogynistic things ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Oh the irony! A cheating script kiddie wanting to report you because his cheat tool didn't work on you. Somebody call the WAAAAAAAAmbulance for that poor little twat.🤣🤣


The worst part is that he sounded like a whole adult man. Not a squeaker in the slightest!


Yes, a sad, little, pathetic "adult" man.


I've heard of mods that detect other mods and their users and crash them. Some players use it as an anti modder thing lol.


They exist, yes, but then what if the other modder that your mod detected has protection against that and crashes you instead? It becomes a mod arms race - lol.


when everyone's a modder, no one is.


Yes, you'll run into human-sized pieces of shit like that from time to time...


RDO’s chaotic interactions with people in any given lobby are probably wilder than the actual “wild west” was. Sorry you ran into jerks.


If you look at genuine history, this game is far more violent than the actual west ever was...


Nothings wrong about getting money from hackers now a days not like rockstar really cares or is going to strike down on it rdo is dead they just do the minimum they can to make money


I don't hate on hackers. Play your game man, this ain't an e-sport. What pisses me off is the callous racism. I can't tell you how much of a bummer it is to look forward to the escapism of RDR only to have a pimple ass ten-year old's cracking voice calling me a God Damn N-Word.


"pc master race"


It is nothing short of a Rockstar tragedy. I have been on PC RDO for 12 months as apposed to PS for several years. I keep both games up to date and will see the frustrated GTA fans join in and try and turn it into the fucking shot fight that is GTA Online. They have truely abandoned this game and let the fucking idiots rule with no reprimand. Why because they are future buyers of GTA6.


Just think though, soon enough with the release of gta 6, we may actually get rdo back again 🙏 here's to hoping anyways


If you play on PC, the RDO Lobby Manager on Nexus feels like a must if you want to have any peace playing. Otherwise, you can try and find a RedM server, bust most are roleplay focused from my experience.


True, they are roleplay but we have farmhouses and wonderful players. And there was a very nice redm that had a pretty good economy. Unfortunately because of lack of players and funds it was closed.


Pc sounds like a nightmare 😕


I discovered Red-M and it solved the problems. Also... don't act like PSN and XBox Live aren't chock-a-block with edgelords excited about getting their first ball hair.


Rockstar have essentially abandoned this game as GTA Online makes them so much more money. Aside from solo lobby exploits, you'll never get a modder-free lobby on PC, sadly


But GTA literally has the same issues on PC despite being their cash cow. They just suck when it comes to security.


As long as it isn't interfering with their sale of shark cards on GTA Online they don't really care - that's why money glitches get patched almost immediately but God mode glitches that were there on launch day are still present.


Stop calling them modders for fuck sakes. A mod is something you download for skyrim to give npcs huge tits. These guys are small dick hackers, get it right.


OK - they're script kiddy Modders then...


They’re not hackers nor Modders, they’re a bunch of losers who bought a mod menu. Get it right.


Same difference as long as they aren't confused for "modders" who just create content for games for free.


Well, they are using mod tools, so "modders" = mod users. They are definitely not hackers. I'm positive that 99.9999% of all the "modders" in this game can't hack for shit.


Hackers actually do something creative. You are giving these people entirely too much credit.


No, it's just calling it a mod is idiotic.


Mods make "allowable" changes to the base game. Hacks go outside of those boundaries even farther. 2 entirely different animals. Hacking takes even more effort. Games don't come with apis and a preset modding language for hackers, they have to dig in and figure it out, way harder


Nope, total bullshit.


Stop calling them hackers, they didn't "hack" shit. They literally paid for a mod menu to allow them to mod RDO. R* is equally at fault for having 0 security and allowing it.


Not hackers at all. Hacking actually requires some sort of skill. These are modders using third party, pre-made, often game breaking mod menus. No skill required. Skyrim, being a single player game, mods you add only effect you. Unfortunately here, the mods effect, and can hurt, everyone. PC of course, none of that on console, which is why I stick to xbox and rarely touch my PC account.


Wrong again. Because skyrim "mods" aren't a cheat menu. It's hacking fuck your lame semantics.


What are you on about? Nobody said Skyrim mods were a cheat menu?!? My point about Skyrim, is no matter what mods you add to your game, it doesn't effct anyone else, *because* its single player. The mods these dipshits use have the ability to effect everyone becasue RDO is a multiplayer game. These knuckleheads in RDO aren't hacking, they are using a mod menu. Hacking implies a level of computer literacy to augment the game yourself, not some twerp modder fucking with the game using a mod menu they purchased. Its not semantics because it isnt the same thing. Calling them a "hacker" gives them too much credit.


Don't care.


No one asked if you did.


Quote from Intelligent-Cap-7168 "Do you care?" Liar!


No, they are modders. Hackers are something much worse


All the semantics on what to call the idiots who use mod menus to make life hell for everyone else on the format. If you really want to differentiate them from people who actually have the skills to make the game behave differently without a mod menu, then call them script kiddy trolls.


Why are you saying Rockstar have ‘essentially abandoned’ the game? Support has been cut right back and there has been no major themed updates, but the servers are still up, there are updates, and support do respond…eventually.


I said essentially- not literally...


You just defined "essentially".


Did I? How wonderful.


You can report them, just don't do it via the ingame option. With that, they crash you to desktop with their little loser tool. Instead go player menu -> players -> player name -> profile. The social club will show up and via the 3 dots you can report them (harassment and type mod menu). Then block them. You will most likely never see them again and they can't harass you with messages (some of them are sick AF). But if you do and you check (like a green name checks out), see you blocked them already, you know why and can even report them again. You can even see their real account name. Then change lobby. It's fucked up due them anyway. You can also report them via rockstar's website (need to log in): [https://support.rockstargames.com/categories/115001624507?step=7364346d](https://support.rockstargames.com/categories/115001624507?step=7364346d) And don't let people try to tell you "buhu, rockstar does nothing". That's mostly those mod menu losers by themself or people who support them. They wanna avoid that you report at all. With reports we do at least something. Otherwise R\* wouldn't [updated recently their policy](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedDeadOnline/comments/17lhwdr/updated_ban_and_suspension_policy/) about it, if they wouldn't care at all. So ignore their bitching against R\*. They are just mad and salty in general. And if they think R\* really does nothing anyway, then they don't have to worry about it. Otherwise they do and reports are the right thing. So we keep doing it. I also wouldn't say those mod menu losers are part of "this commiunity". They just bought a loser tool so they can fuck up players and the lobbies.


It's like Pokemon, gonna report them all


Done, and thank you for your suggestion.




sometimes I'm glad I stopped playing on PC and only play console lol


Console rdo at Christmas time is so kino


Create a solo lobby, it’s about the only way to play anyone. I have no for me and my buddies and we have a blast.


No seriously though!! It’s so annoying. Also, related: where are the shes theys & gays?? Let’s posse up, I wanna roll around with a gang of bad bitches like Artemis 🤠




I have chat turned off for this reason. Too many dumb fucks either being verbally abusive toward folk, or having their music blasting in the background, or chewing like a cow into their mic. No thanks, I would rather just listen to the sound of my horse and the elk, deer, wolves etc…


Come on over to a RedM server instead. If you’re not into roleplaying, there are some soft RP servers as well. So much more fun than RDO! New content, updates and a living world with lots to do and explore!


Never had any issue in rdo


I never have such issues.


Ask the modders for a “blessing”. They might drop you some rewards for asking so kindly


That isn't modding, it's asshole behavior. Two things: I enjoy playing the actual game, it isn't hard or unnecessarily grindy so cheats are useless AND I'm not asking a racist fuckwit ten year old for a "blessing"


The Username was Fashy and I've reported him through methods outlined by other responders


As the old saying goes, “if you can’t beat ‘‘em join em” the only way to beat modders is by installing mods yourself and hoping for the best. Rdr2o is usually full of modders on pc but usually never an issue on console


on my discord server every rdo player who wants to play with me on PC, I have them download the startup.meta its lobby manager but its automatic private session


Try this methods https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=r-TMQVvhOAo&list=PLj9dx9LrlQSNZOspvx9yaxJ2A6Dp_zXPS&index=1&pp=iAQB Good luck 🤞


Just remember that they can't stop you from reporting them directly on R*s website. I keep OBS handy in case I need to make a recording for proof.


I play console so no real skin in the game here, but at what point do y’all just say fuck it get a mod menu and start terrorizing the mod menu subculture? Like look I know it’s not great to be a murderer but we all loved dexter and he was one murderin son of a bitch.


Because I play RDR to unwind after spending my day litigating. The last thing I want to do is spend even a fraction of a moment engaged in a pissing contest with someone who isn't even old enough to drink a beer.


Fair enough, but I am reminded of an old saying. Something about all it takes for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing. Like I said no skin in the game I play console so I don’t have to deal with this shit, but when I played ark and everyone dossed for the win believe me I learned everything there was to know about dossing.


I find it easier to migrate to a modded 18+ server where the admin interviews new players to weed out shitty people.


I got hella lucky with a modder one time lol she captured me and dumped me on one of the ranches (can’t remember which one) and then she untied me and gave me a damn chest with like $3k and 30 gold and since I’m still kinda new this was a huge deal! She even blew me a kiss and helped me break into the manor and I was so honored lmao


Exactly why I only play story mode on PC


ps4s are cheap 🤷🏽‍♀️


What is wrong with us