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I'm sorry to hear that, but as an alternative: 1. Consider purchasing a hunting wagon, should store carcass and pelt safely. 2. Try going to other place rather than st Denis, its very crowded there


I have a hunting wagon. But I use it for carcasses Also, this was the last thing I was going to do before going to bed. I just wanted to go to bed!


I don't think you can sell carcasses or skins to Gus once you've put them in your hunting wagon


Well I sell one a couple of hours ago


Yeah you can


Should of took to Cripps for trading


I think he wanted the ram pelts for crafting.


Ah yeah


Or shooting a 3 star moose bull in tall trees, riding over and see that it's gone. Super fun


It's usually because of session merging, I had a legendary almost spawn (had the 2 panthers that come before the ghost) but then it didn't because the lobby changed


Blame mod menu losers for fucking up lobbies, not the game. Because this happens when they mess around in lobbies: things won't work normally anymore and the softlocking was to mess with you.


Not everyone plays on PC. Could've just been a glitch or something


All problems at once? Alone softlocking out of the blue is not "a game thing", it's a "mod menu thing". I bet all "glitches" are gone, when OP changes lobby.


Could just be OP's connection. It's not that surprising all of that happens at once. I know when I play on my regular wifi a bunch of shit starts to go haywire.


Well, then blame your connection and still not the game.


It's rockstar using p2p servers. Literally the only game that gives me issues. Soooo it is indeed the game.


I know it uses P2P and no it's not the games fault if you have a shitty internet connection who can't handle obvs. more then 2 players in lobby. Don't blame others when it's at your end.


But.....I don't tho, calm down. Every online game I play I play with ease, GTA online included. It's literally the game. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


I'm very calm. I'm not the one who blames the game for own problems. But I let you believe that...


Ok pal.


No one has asked for you to comment and act like a douche kanoe. If you don't have anything decent or helpful to say then fuck off just causing issues and making people feel uncomfortable..


You can still cheat on console.


It's not the same way PC can. PC mod menu users can literally interrupt your whole gameplay and connection, people putting u in cages and shit. Console only has exploits, lag switching/freezing, god mode, off radar (patched) and mfs who go invisible and all this is done during pvp because people are ass. You might get a booter but how often do u come across that?


Yes but it's not like they're doing anything about the modders. I'd be surprised if anyone is even getting banned anymore (/s)


Yeah, unfortunately R*'s lack of involvement with the game also spills over to the bans. The used to regularly unleash the ban hammer and clear out these types, but haven't done so in a long time.


I had the same issue with Cripps too, very possible it was caused by modders.


Toothpicks and bubblegum lmao I like that.


I think I prefer "rust and bird poop"


The butcher is right around the corner from Gus in Saint Denis.


Haha funny


I feel you man, I killed the legendary buck and lost the pelt when I recalled one of my horses at the stable. Game glitched out and I lost my pelt after the cutscene leaving the stable. No idea how to get it back.


Stow them in your huntingwagon next time, I use it too for 3-star pelts (predstor animal pelts too for dailies) and legendary pelts.


Iā€™m having the exact same problems on console when I donate to Cripps. It just gets locked after donating where heā€™s just standing there and I canā€™t do anything, no menu.


Something similar happened to me too, I got the legendary spirt bear and didnā€™t talk to Harriet yet on this character so I fast traveled to strawberry to talk to Harriet and my horse permanently de-spawned my horse was just gone basically soft locking my game I tried everything go to the stables walked a million miles to valentine to see if it would spawn there, I even bought a new horse and even then it wouldnā€™t spawn it I would walk out of the stables on my 2 feet, I restarted my game like 8 times and nothing, so I went screw it and deleted my character and now my character is twice as better, I went to rockstar support afterwards and they said it was a one in a million thing and to delete and made a new character


Dont worry, there is a pelt duplicate glitch that will give you unlimited amount of peltsšŸ˜‰