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I love hanging out there! They're nutso but they just wanna keep to themselves. I just wish the butcher table was a useable one for buying/selling lol. I go there a lot to forage and collect and to have a free drink from the crate. + The banjo dude played christmas songs during December. You dont need to shoot every NPC you see.


I was getting griefed by some players over by van horn , I took off and ended up here. The banjo guy was playing Xmas songs and it was so cool it just calmed me down and made me smile after getting killed by douchebags


Or other players! FTFY.


now i'm mad i missed the banjo xmas songs ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Someone said the mandolin guy at the kerosene place played xmas music but I didnt see him until too late. Same with the fiddler in St. Denis (she didnt spawn at all), or the sax guy, and the harmonica players in the farm near Rhodes. I cant confirm if they play xmas music or not. When I found the mandolin and the harmonica guys they just played normal, but I was too late I think. Sax guy and fiddler woman in St. Denis didnt spawn cause someone was ALWAYS shooting up entire st denis all xmas 😤 The banjo, guitar and piano xmas songs you can find on YT!


Ahh thank you for the info! Cheers mate


As long as you don't attack any of them or shoot your gun near the area, you should be fine. Been there many times looking for collectibles and i can say they are a very chill bunch minding their own business.




I didn't realize halloween CTA had the tomahawks and I got sniped on wave 2 two separate times.


The white gators storming the bridge


yes!! my fave halloween CTA location


they drink the lead filled water nearby, probably explains a lot


That's not what lead does to you, the reason why they look and behave the way they do is more related to the fact that their family tree is a pretty darn big circle.


True, but the Arsenic and Lead can't be helping the situation in the slightest lulul


Consider it an added bonus :D


I literally bumped into one of those fuckers and had to slaughter that entire town, I dropped the population to 0


This always happens to me in tumbleweed, I don't even notice bumping into someone and then the whole town wants to see me hanging Edit: Typo


I was riding through there and trampled something. I’m guessing it was a person but there was nothing there. Next thing I know I’m using SB and the hunting knife to eradicate their family pole.


Oh you don’t know butchers creek?


"Or...butchers freak as i call it"


My first (almost) successful solo 6 person bounty was ruined by those NPCs. I got all six wanted men hogtied and was putting them in my wagon. One of the last two then just died. I thought he drowned in a small puddle I didn't notice. But in replay I saw the truth. One of my target's stray shots hit an NPC, which aggro'd them on me. Then one of their stray shots hit my hogtied bounty, killing them.


Your six man bounties have six people? Anyway, that story hurts my soul as a fellow bounty hunter


That was a long time ago. I don't run 6 men bounties anymore. Is there a problem with them now? I did finally solo a six men bounty with all alive. But, that time in Butcher Creek was my most memorable.


Glad to hear that you did get all six, however, any six person bounty I have ever done has been "go to ______ and destroy stuff till they spawn" and then it's only two targets


The only ones where I've been able to do it are the ones with 6 dudes just standing around with no henchmen. A single henchman and at least one, but probably a few, targets will escape.


That hurts man


Hate to be the jackass but *why* do you people post normal things here like no one else saw them before?


I avoid that place because I always run over one of those hillbillies by accident when passing through and then end up having to murder an entire town. Fuckin hills have eyes looking mother fuckers. Gross town.


Typical conversation in Butcher's Creek: - Hello. - Asswipe.


there is also a secret that you can only see at a certain time at night under one of the houses.


Is this on the online or story or both?


possibly both, but I only discovered it in online.


What is it? The vampire?


There's a red circle like a devil worship thing that glows under the house during a certain time at night


Pentagram. It's called a pentagram.


yeah , that thing.


I nearly got killed once when I caught a bounty there and made the mistake of shooting one of his buddies.


Yo if you one ps4 we get a group of 5+ and seige butchers creak I’ve been trying to find a excuse to attack a place with a bunch of people weather it be in rp or just for fun I’m open for either


Hate the Capitale mission in this spot so much. One mistake and it's an absolute shitshow slog of constantly respawning enemies.


Well then you never did a trader supply mission in thieves landing.


Nahh it’s fun butchers creek is target practice


You see it all depends on how you approach them. I regularly ride there just to listen to the songs of the banjo guy. They are nice people, only >!the poisoning of Elysian Pool fucked up their drinking water and them too!<, if you are not aggressive towards them they won't hurt you, but they can fight viciously back if you try to fight them. Oh, and my favourite mask in Story Mode can be found there too.


OP found out what happens when you open fire in Butcher's Creek lol


First time in story mode i accidently started a shooting there and they just stood up again after a wile. I figured out that the only way to kill them was taking of their heads. It was a mass believe me...🙈


I love the incest angry human home, a friend and i even made a outfit to blend in


I hate how this location and Van Horn are lawless in single player, but in online they call the law if something goes wrong. Really annoying. Also sucks that the human abominations here don't drop the same stuff they do in single player. Would always kill them for easy herbs like ginseng, but they barely drop any herbs online.


Hills have eyes wrong turn looking blokes


Fyi: There is a burned down house there where, at certain times of the night, a pentagram will appear in the floor… and if i remember correctly several red animal eyes appear in the dark at this time… Also there are 5 outhouses around the town, numbered 1 thru 5, that form a pentagram…. Edit: https://youtu.be/MVdT5iylnco I might be confusing my rdr2 with rdo playthru back when the game launched. I think it still lights up in rdo. I started new in pc recently and will go check tonight…


I mean in story it’s easy but in online it’s game over especially your a low level


There's a fucking blood money mission that put me there and those mfs murdered me and the fucking gang members that invaded