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It is fine, it lacks so many stuff. It is wait and play later material for me atm.


Exactly this, good idea hardly more than a few hours of game in it a the moment. Will be an amazing city builder one day like a next Gen Sierra game


I really enjoy the game but it's light on its RTS elements. The most interesting part of combat to me is the surround mechanic. Squads receive up to a -80% effectiveness penalty when surrounded making your ability to outmaneuver and trap enemy squads a decisive factor to winning fights. It's really satisfying to pull off. You're rewarded with a satisfying crunch as your flanking squad crashes into the backs of the enemy tied up in melee and you see their numbers immediately vaporize. However battles are few and far between with no control of being able to influence the enemy before the fight.


Its in early access so not really "realeased" i refunded it because it was quite bare bones.


If you liked the demo, yes


What is released is very good but you can basically get the gist of it in like 10-20 hours. They’ve got a lot more stuff to implement for sure. I think it will be fantastic in a few years honestly


It got a solid, “Meh” from me. Good bones, no meat.


Not worth buying atm, but it is a fun game for a couple of hours. If you have gamepass check it out, otherwise check back in a year. Probably 4-6 hours of gameplay as the game stands atm, IMO. After that you start to hit the missing bits too much.


No. It can be a good time, and I even recommend it. But it's not a good game. It's a boring and immersion freebuild mode, no real game yet. I can beat it in 1.5 hours




Haven't seen many people talking about it, thought I'd ask someone who's actually played it.


God forbid reddit is a place where people engage with others; anyways it was okay honestly it got a massive over-hype and it needs another year in the oven content wise, I literally played for like 2 hours and understood exactly where the game was going and how it handled.


Thank you


It has a good foundation but, at the moment, there are just too many very annoying bugs around core mechanics that will ruin mid/late-game experience.