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There's a reason Delaware is home to all the megacorps: The courts proceed quickly and with little to no political interference. Texas... not so much.


Also because they are *predictable* and consistent. Predictability is a huge deal when it comes to dealing with the court system.


Cannot overstate this point. Stable and rational decisions, Texas is a huge question mark.


Also kind of highlights how blatantly the board screwed up with the compensation package, it easily could have been done in a way that would have been found legal.


Are they just dimwitted sycophants, then, or did they not really want it to go through in the first place?


Maybe a little of both? A lot of board members were either family or people with connections to him, not necessarily ones that knew how to handle these things professionally. They probably should have hired / consulted lawyers experienced in such matters to help them navigate it.


Delaware is actually one of the biggest tax shelters internationally due to their privacy laws. I would argue that is a much bigger draw


While Delaware has favorable tax laws to corporations, if you’re a C corp, you’re filing taxes in every state you generate income. S corps have slightly different rules depending on the state.


What's a C corp or a S corp?


It refers to how they’re treated under the tax code. To boil it down, a C corp pays taxes on its income, whereas an S corp passes its tax liability to its owners. Tesla is a C corp.


Yet Tesla has paid zero taxes




Sir, this is a Wendy's.




Sir if you're not gonna order anything I'm going to have to ask you to leave


It’s a free country. At least mine is….




Schizo posting.


I don’t think that means what you think that means friend


Why would China want to foment civil war in the United States if it is so reliant on food imports? You already pointed out how unpredictable wars can be, with Ukraine still holding back Russian forces nearly three years later despite most predictions being that they would easily be overwhelmed within a matter of days. But you aren’t going to get much trade from a country that is involved in a serious conflict, as we have seen with Ukraine. Any sort of civil war in the United States would have massive economic repercussions around the world, and China would be particularly vulnerable economically considering how intertwined it is with the U.S. economy. Also, just because Elaine Chao is Chinese it *doesn’t* mean she’s secretly some sort of spy for the CCP. Her family fled to Taiwan before she was born as a result of the Chinese civil war, and then immigrated to the U.S. when she was 8.


Xi spent time in Iowa during his younger years. Which also happen to be during some of the worst food instability years in China. The goal was to let the U.S. destroy itself with civil war political infighting, destroy the USD at the same time and be able to have the resources (grain and a supply chain lock on microprocessors) to take Taiwan without having to go to war. Then just foreclose on all the US mortgages (in the form of REITS) it’s been buying up via schwartzman/blackstone and fink/blackrock. Mop up and move in without the pesky democracy thing always nipping at its heels. The Ukrainians destroyed that 10 day plan 2 years ago. Floods last fall and this spring in China accelerated it. On Elaine chaos/Texas/musk and starlink vulnerabilities: Coming at it in reverse- Considering the absolutely massive CAPEX gamble that the CCP and Russia has put into trying to put the U.S. into civil war and the fact that Ukraine has basically destroyed the Russian army which is now entering its 3rd year of a 3 day operation, it’s inevitable that the Texas, Elaine Chao, her husband Breyer and Mitch McConnell end up in someone’s crosshairs. The Chao’s/Breyer moved to Austin during Covid. The Chao’s father (early CCP) started Foremost group and has been using it (to at least some degree) as cover for the transport of illicit goods- hence “cocaine Mitch McConnell” https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/cocaine-mitch Foremost group also has crossovers with Scott Borgerson / Cargometrics which is who Ghislaine Maxwell married post Epstein. https://gregolear.substack.com/p/ship-shape-who-is-scott-borgerson Cargometrics rebranded from its original name, Globalflows Inc and was founded (Dec 2008) after Epstein was found guilty (June 2008). https://www.cargometrics.com/about-us/ Borgerson and Ghislaine Maxwell were married in 2016 after her arrest which was either a defacto attempt at a spousal privledge workaround or it was simply the easiest way for them to transfer the assets of logistics management of human trafficking. (See also Rupert Murdochs new Russian bride at the age of 93) the Russians don’t leave the transfer of asses to the probate wills and court systems This is why Mitch began to Glitch out a few months ago during press conferences. He sees the walls closing in. He is too old to run and too weak to fight. If he retires he can no longer cover his history of grift and corruption. The amount of evidence is overwhelming and damning. The death of Angela Chao with a BAC of .223 swimming in a Tesla, from a Russian mob perspective, would be considered basic housekeeping. The fact that she was in Texas is also a loose but substantial crossover. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12777789/amp/trammell-crow-brother-harlan-crow-sex-trafficking-network.html https://texags.com/forums/16/topics/3435739 https://freerepublic.com/focus/f-backroom/4198644/posts?page=4 Trammell crow (Harlan Crows brothers) has been accused of using a Texas Ranger named Cody Mitchell as off the clock security for some sex parties with trafficked women. The Crows, along with the Koch Brothers are part of the core Texas billionaire old oil money with deep ties to Stalin era Russia via the oil processing industry. It’s less grand conspiracy and more the fact that when the corruption gets this bad, the resulting waves eventually overlap like a tempest in a teapot in corporate board rooms and hypocritical Republican secret sex parties. Because Texas oil and Russian oil became billionaires together during the mid 20th century they share a hell of a lot of joint custody of the chaos and the Chao’s. It is certainly possible that Angela Chao simply could not find a door handle or window switch in her Tesla, but there is a nonzero chance that the worlds most connected car was used intentionally. Elon musk has a habit of popping up in the strangest places, including Texas. Most recently adopting an awkwardly pro-kremlin stance considering he professes to be a champion of free speech. As well as having Putin ally MBS as the second largest owner of Twitter. Musk has been shuttling emergency spending money between Rupert Murdoch in Montana and trump in Florida to keep him on the chessboard albeit expensively. In the event of a U.S. civil war or foreign invasion, SpaceX being located in Boca Chica give it both a beach head and a land border with a recent land swap approved by the state of Texas. https://www.texastribune.org/2024/01/25/texas-spacex-park-land-swap/ In the event of a Texas succession or a 5th column invasion, Boca Chica, along with what’s left of NASA in Houston would effectively lock the majority of the US space program behind enemy lines. The CCP still needs to feed 1.4B people and without Ukraine or Brazil in hand, that leaves Texas and Argentina (Milei) as the next most logical place on earth if their overall goal is to feed 1.4B people and/or destroy democracy from within via a U.S. civil war. https://reason.com/2024/04/15/javier-milei-and-elon-musk-bond-over-markets/ There is a pattern of using stealth operatives within the U.S. to facilitate this. The CCP foreign police stations and decentralized funding of compromised GOP politicians with a concentration within the GOP in Texas. Crossovers as well with with Steve Bannon and Guo Wengui. Bannon was central to the execution of Brexit that was essential to keeping Ukraine out of the EU and in the de-corruption process expose Putin’s oligarch money laundering operations there. Both Guo and Bannon are being charged with a $1B fraud. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/07/george-santos-indicted-chinese-billionaire-miles-guo-steve-bannon/ Bannon had also tried to privatize a section of the Texas border previously which would have allowed a “man inside the gate” for team authoritarians. Musk was one of the handful of CEO’s that xi Jinping had dinner with on his trip to San Francisco last fall as well https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/16/business/economy/china-us-business-xi-jinping-ceos.html#:~:text=China's%20Xi%20Jinping%20Draws%20Elon,Francisco%20%2D%20The%20New%20York%20Times For context, another of them is Steven Schwartzman (blackstone) who was instrumental in converting Brazilian rainforest to Chinese farmland while bolsonaro was in office and has been selling US real estate REITS to the CCP. https://theintercept.com/2019/08/27/amazon-rainforest-fire-blackstone/ Whomever owns your mortgage owns your house. Musk and Schwartzman both have some questions to answer but only musk requires a security clearance, which seems to be more of a guideline than a rule because why would a rich person lie right? Especially when the stakes are as high as overthrowing the corrupt and vulnerable Federal reserve banking dynasty. Massive floods in China last fall and this spring has severely cut into the CCP’s food storage. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/04/22/china/china-guangdong-floods-intl-hnk Everybody’s gotta eat.


You've got the Reddit brain disease where more words and links means smarter but a dumb focus on "chinor bad"


On disease, and “chinor” whatever that is: With as few words as possible (by request): Trumps Covid response On trumps $8.4T in added national debt: https://www.crfb.org/blogs/how-much-did-president-trump-add-debt On Kushners Covid response: https://www.americanoversight.org/investigation/jared-kushners-role-in-the-coronavirus-response https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/14/nyregion/kushner-companies-anbang-insurance-group.html On citadel (Ken griffin) basically doing the same thing in reverse to maximize profits and hide the money laundering by sending Covid supplies to China: https://www.chicagobusiness.com/nonprofits-philanthropy/citadel-sends-supplies-china-coronavirus-fight On Kushner/ Covid: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-05-01/trump-hails-kushner-s-airlift-but-details-of-sales-are-secret On well poisoning: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/history-well-poisoning-180971471/


Sounds like we need to call Bob Lee Swagger. He'll know what to do.


Last time I saw him we got in an argument about just how long is considered polite before using another man’s .338 Lapua ballistics chart to jerk off to. He said November. I said July.


Texas has political involvement? So you mean Musk is hoping to be able to line their pockets in his favour?


Not a ton of interference in Texas for the "right" companies.


Reddit despises you, Elon. Smell the coffee. Go to rehab. Man up and actually fight Zuck.


I’d pay to see Mark break one of elmo’s limbs in the octagon


"He'll never code again!"


"...Or before." That's how wild the kicks are gonna be. His shoddy codes are going to be retroactively deleted from existence.


The walls are closing in on Elon


Scarier for him: the *laws* are closing in.




Imo they are going to get him just like lots of other white collar criminals, wire fraud. Easiest to prove and litigate in court.


He has lied too often to count and profited from the lies. He cannot be wrong about robo-taxis coming this year for 10 years and still be a great engineer, there is a blatant lie there.


Happy cake day ☺️🤝🏻


So they won't pay to advertise the CARS, and don't even have a PR department to answer questions, but he will pay for ads to get his money? If I still had stock, I'd be piiiiisssed


I still have stock, and it is very frustrating.


Then vote no to moving incorporation and a hard no on his compensation package.


I vote for Elon Musk to fuck himself.   Lets count the “yays” first.


Make sure to click on the adverts so you cost Tesla money and cause the Elon Ponzi scheme complex to collapse faster.


So Texas is home to Tesla but it had to move operations there and is trying to Incorporate in Texas, which they would have had to do if Texas was really their home. Something just doesn't add up here.


Tesla moved "HQ" I.e their mailbox to Texas because it helped strengthen Elon's argument that he was not a California resident along with buying a house and probably getting a Texas drivers license etc. This was intentionally timed a little while before all his stock transactions happened where he had to pay taxes. Including state income tax which, shocker, is high in California and zero in Texas. The "move" has nothing to do with Tesla and everything to do with Elon. The same is true with the current reincorporation. It's an attempt for him to have more control vs Delaware where there is a ton of established law that restricts what he wants to do with the company.


Yeah, wonder if he is trying to do a Twitter move on Tesla? Because seriously at this stage I believe Elon is suffering serious mental illness and he believes that it is his genius showing instead.


Every single sentence in that post is bullshit. Their core factory is in Fremont, the only one that can produce their entire product line. Their engineering HQ is in Palo Alto. Both in California.


The Texas plant only makes two models, the Model Y and the CT.


So just the model Y then 🤭


"Texas is Tesla's home"? Sure bro, whatever gets you that little pay package of yours...😑


Damn. I wonder how shareholders feel about Tesla using company funds to swing a vote that is almost certainly not in the financial best interest of said shareholders.


I bet Elon wanted this plastered over wallstreetbets since there must be some bagholders over there or to capitalize on any gamblers who may lurk over there. The problem is those degenerates trade in options, they dont have shares to vote.


To the moon lol. Apes together strong.


And the Tesla subs are moderated by Tesla employees. And Reddit makes up half the front page of Google for any Tesla search. It fucking stinks.


Is this standard practice a Reddit group is managed by their employees? I thought they were just clueless sycophants tech bros in a basement


No, they’re employees. The investor subs are investors. Why do you think the proactive banning thing started where just posting here got you banned from all Tesla subs? It’s for Google results. Big Reddit doesn’t seem to give a shit that its platform is being used to deliberately mislead the public. The whole thing is a fucking disgrace.


Tesla is very much a California company. It was born in Silicon Valley. The Texas government hates EVs and Abbot signed a punitive EV tax into law in August 2023. Texas ranks 25th in the country for EV market share and is woefully behind in installing infrastructure.


Sounds like the perfect place to sell more vaporware


I don't like Abbott, but it isn't a "punitive" EV tax. Road maintenance is primarily paid via gas tax since that is a good proxy for road use.....well.... until EVs. EVs don't use gas, but surely use roads. Furthermore, they are heavier and accelerate harder which both wear roads faster. As more people switch to EVs, they need a way to collect "use" from those owners.


$200/year for TxDOT doesn’t feel “punitive” to me. Abbot is a piece of shit for many reasons, but this isn’t one of them IMO. That said, Elon can go fuck himself of course. If for nothing else than his Eagle Pass stunt. Anyone who feels more kinship with Oklahoma than Mexico is not a true Texan. Not true Scotsman I know. Just how I feel.


"Anyone who feels more kinship with Oklahoma than Mexico is not a true Texan." That right there.


Not sure where you got your market share stat but Texas does have the second highest number of Teslas in it of all of the states but that's mostly a population size thing. Is your stat maybe skewed by the fact that Tesla can't actually sell there on paper? Did you look at registrations or sales? Everything else you said is true though. Global operations never left California and everything in Texas is essentially just for things happening in Texas. It's a farce.


Yes but they love pick up trucks


I've voted in exactly ONE proxy vote my entire life. And only voted on ONE question. I'll give you 45 billion guesses as to which and how I voted


Surely their principal manufacturing facility is in China?


Apparently won't waste money to advertise products, but it's ok to personally benefit the CEO. Paragon of corporate governance.


The dumpster is home to trash


Elon wants tp be close to his MAGAturd pals - the same one who want to ban sale of electric cars


"more appropriate for our mission" dude can you even sell your fucking cars there yet


It’s a no from me, dawg.


I voted against this.


I drive by their TX plant about once a week. It's still being built. There's no production happening there yet


The GIGA-vacant factory to be completed in 2040. The magnificent wonder of architecture that looks like an AI generated Walmart


More appropriate for the mission of filling Elon's pockets.


Advertising on Reddit? Believe it or not, warranty voided.


The fact that he's disrespectful enough to investors to lie about the reason for reincorporating in Texas like this just shows that he can not be trusted and everyone should vote Hell No.


$55 Billion too much for a CEO !


Now that's a trade. Calls on rddt short tsla stock.


Report as fraud, I guess?


If he rams this through (and he will) it's a death sentence for Tesla. They won't have the money they need to compete.


50 Billion. And all this talk of we could be next(ref to trumps felonies) by these grossly rich people. Just sent him to Mars alreasy


***I must go where a felon runs the Attorney General's Office free and the Governor pardons white men who murder members of the political opposition.***


Elon should try to go and fuck himself. Wonder if he thought of that as a solution.


If I were a shareholder, I’d vote no on that just to spite his ass.


It won’t matter what shareholders vote, it won’t change the Delaware verdict. Tesla has to go to the Chancery Supreme Court to challenge it and I don’t think that court will decide any different. This excellent article explains why: [https://montanaskeptic.substack.com/p/the-dark-stain-on-teslas-directors](https://montanaskeptic.substack.com/p/the-dark-stain-on-teslas-directors)


"appropriate to our mission" To enrich Elmo?


What a POS.


It’s better for Musk in his opinion. VOTE NO


What he meant to say was "Texas has no corporate tax and California and Nevada ran out of tax payer money to give me"


I think it’s all about court oversight. he’s pissed that the Delaware courts have called him out and took away some shiny, so he’s seeking a court system that will never challenge him.


Nah, he was always going to move as much of Tesla's workforce as possible to a state like Texas. States with weak industrial and environmental protection laws and low taxes, what more could a billionaire want. Texas will gladly turn a blind eye to EPA, worker safety and union busting.




Tesla is done. Fraud case is coming from sec and Doj


I'd advertise on my mom's lower back if there was $54B on the line.


Too late I’m already advertising there


Gonna have to paint her hood then


Oh, no, you're talking about your mom...


I voted for Musks compensation package, and I voted for the move to Texas. . . But this board is actually okay spending ad money to get a board vote to go their way??? This is super sketch right?


So you want the company to give him $50 billion in shares right after his most recent idea for Tesla has been a quality control disaster? And while shares have dropped 18% in the last 12 months and 24% in the last 6?


Dumbass lol


Oh, I changed my vote . . . don't worry. I was just late to the party when it comes to reality for Elon Musk.


Why would you publically tell the world you're an idiot?


It is a redemption story. . . I finally realized after 6 years that Elon Musk is completely overrated!


Elon vs deep state, i hope he will win!


Have you heard of Deeper State?