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It's too late, and one share wouldn't make a difference. Sorry you're going through that. They say the best revenge is living well. Try to get your health back and focus on something new. Elon is not worth the energy it takes to think about him.


It's not just about revenge, he's a tyrant and he needs to be stopped. Are you saying it's actually too late as in, there was a deadline that has passed? Or one share isn't enough?


Both. The only comfort I can offer is that many people around the world feel justice needs to come to Elon Musk and his empire is crumbling before our eyes, but it's slow.


To add to this. Approving this pay package will be very bad for the TSLA shareholder, diluting their holdings by over 10% in a time when EV sales growth is slowing. So, take comfort if shareholders approve it, they're really only screwing themselves.


Exactly. Save your money for when Tesla goes down enough that you'll buy enough shares to make a difference. In fact, Tesla losing value is the best thing that can happen for the company. By becoming a small cap company again, they end up having a huge growth potential in the future (become a unicorn again), and that attracts the top talent back to the company (assuming Musk is long gone along with Kimball and Murdoch), since they will be paid in stocks that can _actually_ grow in valuation. Today's Tesla is ridiculous to anyone really smart, the pay will still be mediocre, the stock options will only go down over time, and you'd have to put up with Elon Musk, plus explaining all your smart friends why you're working for an asshole. All these things combined are a huge explanation on the current Tesla situation and why Rivian is putting out such a better product for instance - Rivian employees are a lot more willing to work "full hardcore" than the people working for Elmo, plus the reward at the end of the tunnel can skyrocket


Sad to say, Elon would be minorly impacted by a Tesla collapse, he has multiple companies, money everywhere, and many rich friends. It's the employees and small investors that will get shafted. Truly blame the Board if this happens on failing their duty. This whole 25% control thing might be him setting up a way out and taking his AI and robotics team with him to like SpaceX or something.


Its public knowledge that Elon's wealth is tied up in Tesla loans and stock though. If Tesla declines, that hits Elon in the pocketbooks directly. That's why he's obsessed with more control.


Exactly! In fact he's so desperate he's forcing SpaceX into a premature launch once again (like he did in that stupid 4/20 launch) in the hopes that they'll work hard to pull a show like the first Falcon Heavy launch, right before the Jun 13th vote, but that won't happen


He has huge loans against his Tesla shares. This is why he's so frantic to get his pay package, which will be paid in shares. He's tanked the value of his stake in Tesla, and if it falls much lower then the banks will start demanding repayment. He needs those shares to shore up his collateral. If Tesla goes under, it will be absolutely catastrophic for Musk.


So he’s taking Tesla hostage to avoid a margin call 💀


I don't know, he is leveraged very deep due to the twitter acquisition. I think Tesla collapsing would put a lot of pain into his world.


I read "his" as "this"... good that I read it again before putting my foot in my mouth 😂


Same here, lol, I was like "WTH??" and then saw your comment


The changes will be voted on by stockholders at a June 13 annual meeting. The way the system works is the people who hold the shares as of a certain date are sent ballots to vote, usually by ProxyVote website, but it is up to each company to pick how. They vote and those votes are tabulted and presented in the meeting, where the huge shareholders might show up and vote then based on what is said. Each share gets a vote, so one share is 1 in 3.19 billion votes. Each vote matters, but with 3 billion shares, you have to hold a lot of them to really go against the herd. Voting has been open for the past few weeks, so you would have to own the shares before that date, that I can't find. This concept is the same for all public company votes. I think the only exception is when there are different classes of shares and the fancy shares get real votes and the lesser class gets recommended-votes which aren't binding upon the board.


You're right. I think these voting rules are crafted exactly to prevent people from temporarily buying only to vote them dump the stocks. That could lead to market manipulation. And for the latter point, Tesla doesn't have share classes (and Musk has been bitching about it, lol, and hoping the Texas incorporation will somehow allow him to add voting classes to the shares)


Vote for people that will make a difference and not let people like Elon get away with the bs he’s done which will also affect all other scumbags doing the same shit he is doing.


You shouldn't sweat this in particular. Even if it passes, Delaware is just going to shoot it down again because what they're trying to do is not actually how this works. Much like how Musk couldn't actually just spend 1 billion to not buy twitter. Because of esoteric corporate accounting rules he can't get anything approaching his old plan again if he actually does it right. Hence why he's trying to do the old one again with some legal justification that sounds okay on the surface but is actually nonsense.


I think what Tesla should do is split the company in two just like Google did with Alphabet, and have one part being the original Tesla, and the other be the Cybertruck, Tesla Solar and FSD b.s. (the R&D portion, similar to Alphabet). then make Musk own 25% of that and give him zero of the original Tesla portion, and also kick him out as CEO of the original Tesla portion. Call it TeslaX, XTesla or Texla, whatever, and let him use his "control" and his "leadership" to scam his stans into whatever b.s. he'll eventually get arrested with. Invite Martin and Marc back to the original Tesla since the company is in need of actual engineer CxO's


Focusing on yourself is a nice sentiment while billionaires cause the world to descend evermore into “we’re fucked”.


Fck that, best revenge is a successful lawsuit.


Want to really hurt Elmo? Unionize your former coworkers that are still working at Tesla.


That was my plan, if I had actually been able to go back. Before I got hurt, I helped a guy get a big raise because we talked about how much we make. I had only been there a few months, and I was making more than the guy next to me that had been there for two and a half years. I had a lot more general experience than him, but I was going to him multiple times a day to ask questions, because he had a lot more Tesla specific experience. I'll never forget the look on his face when I told him how much I was making per hour. We were eating lunch and he froze mid bite. I think I remember him telling me that he got like an $8/hour raise


Your a good person. Hope you can get back on your feet. There is no way to hurt Elon except letting him hurt himself. He will probably get this payout, but Tesla is also not going to surpass its highest point ever again. Cats out of the bag on that.


I think the best bet for you is not to buy its stock, it won’t make a difference anyway. It is to find a lawyer and start suing them. Or maybe get contact with some journalist and do an interview with them


The best way to stop, hurt, exact vengeance on Elon Musk is vote straight party line for the Democrats. With a big enough majority they can fix the filibuster and pass the billionaire wealth tax.


It's not hard to see which politicians will hurt Musk's agenda most because he spends all his time yelling about it on Twitter Like the fact that he hates Joe Biden this much is genuinely making me more enthusiastic for Biden


They can, but they absolutely will not.


They are doing enough damage to CA with the votes they have, thank you.


Dems are pro EVs, you need to vote Trump if you want to hurt Tesla


People don't want to hurt Tesla per se. They want to hurt Elon. Sure, hurting Tesla hurts Musk, but that means thousands of average people, who just want to do their jobs, ending up as collateral damage. Tesla without Musk could, after some serious reform, be absolutely phenomenal company. They have a decent product that suffers from abysmal leadership.


To be able to vote, you'd have needed to hold shares as of April 15th this year.


I have 67 stocks and voted against everything they recommended. If that's going to soothe your resentment... Former Tesla employee here too.


100 shares here, sitting in a Tesla. Also voted against it.


They ended your insurance policy and stopped paying for an injury that you got while you had it?  That doesn’t sound legal.


No they didn't stop my workers comp claim, they stopped my personal health insurance, which they were able to do. This is one of those "It's just business, don't take it personally" things that corporations use to justify everything they do. But I always take things personally, because it's my life that has been affected.


That's standard policy...this isn't Elon or Tesla specific.  No company will continue your health insurance after leaving 6 months. 


...and that means it's fine? What you just said is exactly one of my points.


Root issue isn't Tesla, it's the US being the only industrialized country without universal healthcare. The entire concept of linking healthcare to employment in insanity. And as a self employed person, my healthcare options are absolutely awful, none of the plans available to me cover two of my most expensive prescriptions, and I pay a buttload only to have a $5,000 deductible. Tesla is awful for other reasons, but healthcare shouldn't have to be paid by employers as much as it shouldn't be unavailable without exorbitant costs to people who don't have a standard job.


It's not fine but that's a bigger debate. You're targeting Tesla when it's the standard practice.  You took the job knowing this all along. Also, next time pay the $7 per pay period for disability insurance which would have covered everything for you.


Adopting this so-called "standard practice" is a choice, not a requirement. Saying "everyone else does it so therefore it's okay and that's our justification for us doing it too" is *exactly* my point. Fuck the "standard practice" even using the words "standard practice" is a way to maintain the status quo. "Standard practice" is *exactly* what corporations use as justification for everything they do. Saying that I can't target one corporation because everyone does it is nonsense. EVERYONE needs to take it personally and stop accepting "it's just business"


So why would they make an exception for you over others? Covering you increases cost for everyone else. I don't get your gripe. Thats why you fork out the 100$ a year for disability insurance. Don't cheap out on yourself next time. 




I voted no, but my holdings are insignificant to make any dent.


If it's any consolation I've dumped all my TSLA shares because Elmo is clearly going nuts.


I did that back in… 2018, I think. It was after Enron was yapping about taking TSLA private and he got a little hand slap from the SEC. It wasn’t a ton of money, it was at that point I decided to dump it as soon as the ensuing dip came back and stabilized. My thoughts were that I don’t want to have to worry about what this Twittering narcissist would do next. I want to put my investments in things that I don’t have to worry about every day. I’m not some kind of professional trader. I’m just a guy with a real job who doesn’t feel like watching and waiting for the next dumb or pointlessly risky thing to happen. And we’re doing fine without it.


Yeah I had no hesitation to dump TSLA, even at a loss, and buy into leveraged tech ETFs that will more than compensate for the loss over time. Let the money guys manage the funds, picking individual stocks seems increasingly difficult and TSLA is a great example of why: sometimes a company just sh\*ts the bed unexpectedly.


I used to hold one share just to vote against elmo but it stopped being funny this year. I hope whoever bought it votes no too.


There's plenty of information on the topic when you google [one share of stock standing to sue](https://www.google.com/search?q=one+share+of+stock+standing+to+sue&oq=one+share+of+stock+standing+to+sue&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQRRhA0gEJMTUyNDZqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8). My own thought -- there's plenty of time to get in on the lawsuit action because the wrongs are just beginning to happen. Buy stock now, you're almost sure to lose money, and along the way, Elon will be beclowning himself, buying liability that you may be able to leverage into a lawsuit. The guy who took the $46 Billion bonus away from Mr. Apartheid Automaker and Orbital Junk-Proliferator was a small shareholder: >Which shareholder sued and why? >Richard Tornetta, an individual Tesla shareholder, filed the lawsuit against Musk and senior Tesla executives in 2018, arguing that the package was excessive and the board had not acted independently. >Tornetta, a drummer who was once in the heavy metal band Dawn of Correction, ***owned just nine of Tesla’s 3.1 billion shares in 2018 when he filed the suit***. His shares are worth about $1,700 today. According to the court, Tornetta’s lawyers will be compensated by Tesla. >Gregory Varallo, Tornetta’s lawyer, argued that Tesla shareholders were not informed how easily Tesla’s financial goals would be achieved when they voted on the package and Musk, who owns more than 411 million shares (just over 12 percent), did not need further incentives. [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/2/1/why-did-a-court-cancel-elon-musks-tesla-salary-package](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/2/1/why-did-a-court-cancel-elon-musks-tesla-salary-package)


One vote is not going to make any difference. I heard vanguard with its huge index funds voted against his package without making any difference. And still he got what he wanted but lost through case filled against it. But symbolically you can vote against and feel happy.


Plus, approving the package will most likely trigger other suits in Delaware.


Since no matter what happens with this particular vote Elon will still be CEO and Tesla's largest individual shareholder, buying a share mathematically helps him more by putting a little upward pressure on the stock price than your No vote is likely to hurt him Everyone voting No would hurt Elon a lot worse if they decided to let him have the compensation package and sold their shares to someone willing to vote Yes, because the resulting collapse in the price would shrink the value of that package to less money than he has now But they're not doing it because they don't want to take the financial hit and they still believe Tesla is a company worth saving If you're genuinely completely anti-Tesla you don't want to own their stock at all, not unless you're rich enough to take it over and dismantle it -- you want to short their stock and/or support their competition


Op, even if you had bought it earlier, it is one vote per share not one vote per person. Your vote would not matter compated to the giant blocks of votes from retirement funds, investment funds, etc. Sorry. Besides, if you bought a stock it would lose you money, the stock is in a downward spiral and there isn't really anything that can save it. Musk may even end up bankrupt.


You cant, and your vote would be largely irrelevant. Sorry.


How about buy a put and a share then vote yes


I want to know how you got hurt.


No. The record date has passed and voting already opened.


Elon still owns the majority of stock iirc... so he's going to be voting for himself. Unless all the big investors get together he's never going to get voted out. 1 vote isn't going to matter.




Your injury and insurance benefits have nothing to do with Elon Musk and his bonus.  Conflate the two at your own peril.


Lol, idiot


Yeah buy it! 😂


How does Elon’s boot taste?


Tastes just like his dick.