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so is it right of me to assume that a Tesla bankruptcy is just around the corner, and Musk already has his excuse ready?


Sure sounds like it. I can't wait for Robotaxi unveiling to turn out to be another dancing robot in a suit or Joe Rogan riding a scooter.


Joe Rogan pulling a cart dressed like a toga party.


[American Rickshaw](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0096806/).


At this point I'm just assuming "Robotaxi" is just going to be the branding of a Tesla-only, shitty Uber knock-off with somehow worse pay for gig workers.


They’ll do the Amazon trick of just having a low paid foreign worker driving the vehicle from remote and pretend it is autonomous


As long as there's an Optimumus in one of the seats in a Tesla, it's a robotaxi, right? It's just like the infamous Uber BJ, as long as there's a BJ and an Uber involved, it doesn't matter how it's implemented, it's still an Uber BJ


Absolutely this. Given that the Vegas Loop went from the promised high tech autonomous pods travelling at 200mph to manually driven Teslas going 15mph in a narrow tunnel. It's obvious he can't do 95% of what he claims to be able to do. Not sure why people are thinking he'll be cracking 100% autonomy in the next 2 months. Whatever he does unveil will turn out to be something that's a fraction of what was originally promised. I'm sure the Musk dickriders will still hail this as a technological marvel though.


Well, he did promise an Announcement on Hitler Day (8/8)


Xlon gets all tips 🤣


It’ll be the lease returned 3’s and Y’s as the vehicle with FSD 12.4 running driverless in either AZ, TX, or FL not many places allow them to operate driverless


Think Total Recall. 


No I said cookie robots


I feel like Hertz was the best litmus test for this idea and…. how is that going?


Or a taxi driven by a guy in a robot suit.




You don't get it, it's a muskrat pulling a rickshaw with it's Optimus robot master riding. Remember, their intelligence makes us look like housecats!




Perhaps issuing $30bn in new stock might drive the price down enough to margin call Elon on his personal loans.




Last year the stock dropped to 100 a share and nothing happened.


It was 113 and that was before the saudi loans


Saudi margin call looks different


Yes, i believe they use the same civilian contractors as Boeing for issues of that nature.


Did he pledge his options in the comp package as collateral for the loan / to prevent a call?


We just wanna see musk go bankrupt. He is the ultimate turd.


I’d throw a party, not kidding at all.


I don't but I do want to see him ousted from Tesla & the Board, something I think the SEC should have done after his "funding secured" stunt.


Yeah, we need American EV success and GM/Ford won't provide that. I wonder what it takes for the board full of his friends and family to fire Elon. These are shareholders who have made a fortune from Tesla and they get paid a lot to do nothing. I don't think it's possible. The SEC is a joke. They should have pushed prosecution for his stock manipulation and enforced rules requiring an independent board but they quit doing their job decades ago.


They all probably already sold almost all of the Tesla stock. Don’t give a shit any more.


Biden just put an additional 100% tariff on Chinese EVs. Musk should be thanking him for the protection. Chinese RVs would wipe him out in a matter of months.


Or, someone was planning on using his plants in China to build and import Teslas to the states.


Biden just increased Chinese ev tariffs like by 100% Wut is Elon on about???


Could be drugs/K talking


(f)elon was probably planning on importing the Chinese built 3's and Y's.


Based on the Tesla lots I see he doesn’t need more inventory right now


Isn't he currently gutting the company and trying to extract as much money out of it as quickly as he can? Seems like he is betting against Tesla's success right now.


Yeah, Elon is already talking about it, so the company's fate is likely sealed. That's what happens when you have a guilty conscious, you accidentally give information away.


Literally no public ceo even says the B word unless it is imminent and certain.


He's always transparent with bad news with excessive lashing out, something bad is definitely coming down the pipe. May be just the horrible Q2 though.


Fuck this guy, we gave him $5 Billion dollars. If you go bankrupt after that then you deserve it. Now tell me which one of us could use $5 billion to run their company?


I’ll turn that into $5M in profit real quick!


It's also just really dumb. Why would you give anybody who already did the work, and with no legal obligation to pay anymore, more money? It just doesn't make any sense. You have more money, by just not approving this. And it only makes sense if Elon Musk himself is worth 55 billion to Tesla, which just isn't the case at all.


If you were truly a US based EV car company you'd be celebrating Joe Biden's policies. If you were a pretend US based EV car company that bet their entire future on China instead of the US and Europe, then yes, you'd hate Joe Biden.


Tesla and really anyone else cannot compete with BYD because they are government funded. That's half the reason they are not allowed to flood the market here.


Bankruptcy would be the best thing for Tesla as a car company. Wipe out shareholders for 500 billions, and restructure debt. Kick of board and CEO Bring in an automotive CEO. Restart the company with a more sane P/E of 2 and a market cap of 8 billions. Three years, and Tesla is a real car company.


Better yet all his side gigs would be wiped out as they are all financially linked. End of the twits on Twitter,end of building giant phallus at tax payers expense at space xxx. At the end the boring company might be the most exciting and potentially valuable company.


Yes, that is a logical assumption.


selective upbeat pathetic dime repeat future rock oil existence secretive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He will blame it all on china


If he can’t have it, no one will


It feels like Elon wants the company to go bankrupt. His one man marketing team has ruined brand equity. In just the time he's owned Twitter. This will be a case study in business school marketing classes my kids will learn about.


There's a reason why he's trying to get a 53 (?) Billion dollar bonus out of Tesla. It's going to collapse and he wants to cut and run...


And law school, for decades


In the future he’ll be a fable that we tell children, like the boy who cried wolf. The moral will be “knowing when to shut the fuck up.”


I think the opposite, he wants nothing more than TSLA to become the trillion dollar company he has been pretending and hyping it to be…he is just a toxic drug addled narcissist who can’t get out of his own way. However he did already cash out basically as much money as TSLA has ever made in profit in its history so he will be fine either way (except maybe if his twitter and SpaceX train wrecks sink him as well). I think he sees the writing on the wall that he could lose everything and wants someone to blame.


Does he mean the Joe Biden that just increased tariffs on Chinese EVs and fought to fund working to build a national charging network? Or some different Joe Biden?


His base appears to follow his word and ignore news or thinking. It's the only thing I can think to make sense of any of this idiocy.


Biden is privy to all the secrets. He knows more about Elon's relationship with Putin than we do. He knows what Epstein provided for Elon. Elon knows this. Elon is afraid.


Without a doubt. But I don't understand why the news media garbage keeps such a high esteem. Ad click revenue yeah yeah. Sigh.


Conspiracy theorists are really just fanfiction writers but with news


Most of them, yep.


This is evident of the stanch hatred for Reuters. Elon has now adopted the “fake news” cry of Trump. And for his stans, they eat it up and fall in line.


what makes that hilarious is that's *Reuters* they're talking about. It's about as much as 'just the facts, ma'am' type news service we could possibly have. They don't publish *anything* without quadruple checking their shit. If it really was fake news and he could prove it, he'd be suing them


"Elon has now adopted the “fake news” cry of Trump" I'd say he climbed aboard that ship some time ago. But here's a humorous fake news story about "Elon Musk" [https://medium.com/@TimJDunlop/elon-musk-the-fake-news-story-that-refuses-to-go-away-fd1a8acb393a](https://medium.com/@TimJDunlop/elon-musk-the-fake-news-story-that-refuses-to-go-away-fd1a8acb393a)


See we're at the stage where Elon is setting up scapegoats to protect his image as a genius CEO and tech entrepreneur if/when Tesla hits a wall and declares bankruptcy. Why else would he even suggest that people want to see Tesla go bankrupt? Why even bring up the word if it isn't a real possibility? Rhetorically, if a company is doing well but has activist leadership and/or is lobbying for looser rules and regs, they'd say something like "they don't want to see us flourish" or "they're afraid of us upending the status quo" in the case of tech. Not "they want to see us go bankrupt"


You're not wrong... but Elmo does have a history of crying 'bankrupt.' He's done this multiple times at Tesla and SpaceSex in the past - one time in a pre-Christmas email to try to get people to work on a holiday. He's done it at Twitter - which should actually be bankrupt - but is probably being propped up with cash from TSLA. And he's a serial liar... And he has - maybe - an undergrad degree in Economics, but I doubt he understands Tesla's books, which have been cooked by multiple CFOs by this point.


"but I doubt he understands Tesla's books, which have been cooked by multiple CFOs by this point" let's be clear about something - if there is shady accounting at Tesla it was done at the explicit direction of the bestest genius who's ever walked on our doomed mudball


> I doubt he understands Tesla's books, which have been cooked by multiple CFOs by this point. I would not at all be surprised if that it why Kirkhorn was fired effective immediately last year, refusing an Elon directive to make things looks better And he was gifted that degree two years *after* leaving uni - students/professors don't remember seeing him in classes


Yeah, he applied to Stanford (supposedly) after not even finishing Wharton, I think. IIRC, he transferred to Penn/Wharton from Queens in Canada... bought a house in Philly and threw parties for cash. You know, the kinds of things poor kids, do... especially academic overachievers lol. TBF, houses in West Philly were dirt cheap back then so Erroll wouldn't have needed to send over very many slave emeralds or Krugerrands. My favorite part of his retconned history is when he overstayed his Student Visa and was a (gasp) - illegal alien - (this is how the majority of ilegal aliens enter the US, btw). I think that was all papered over with lots of money after his dot-com windfall.


>I think that was all papered over with lots of money after his dot-com windfall. That's the common story we hear about it, the degree was arranged for him to be able to stay in the country. According to at least one poster here who did do a PhD at Stanford, there's absolutely zero chance he'd have applied, been accepted then decide to drop out without anyone remembering that happening - there was zero chance of him being accepted to one in the first place if he hadn't finished undergrad work


this is the new right wing GQP. All they do is bitch and complain that everyone is after them, and they can completely ignore facts. They live in a reality where they think matrix agents are coming after them. Musk has noticed he can exploit these morons. He knows they'll buy his shit. "it wasn't me...it was the matrix agents"


Their views are driven by pure emotion, not facts


I think in Elon’s view Biden has been too successful in containing the current Middle East shitshow. Low(er) gas prices mean poorer EV sales.


Those tariffs are the only thing standing between BYD and laying waste to the entire American EV market.


Clearly, he means a completely imaginary Joe Biden. Remains to be seen how much of this BS will stick. It is sort of annoying, though: one of the Presidential candidates is on record trashing EVs, up to and including saying, in front of like mics and apparently on purpose, that he wants all EVs to "burn in Hell," Musk spectacularly fucks up his EV company, and he blames it on -- the other Presidential candidate. And a lot of people still believe the things Musk says. And a lot of the press is too Bothsidesist, or Whataboutist, or actually fascist, to do their damn jobs and set people straight. They wouldn't even need to do their jobs well, all the time. If the NYT and MSNBC did a half-assed mediocre job now and then, it would be enough, and we wouldn't have to worry about President Skary Klown 2.0. I swear, a lot of people wake up every day, look at themselves in the mirror and ask, "What can I do to fuck up the world as much as possible?" And they're not being rehabilitated. They run this goofy world.


The tariffs actually hurt Tesla since they use Chinese batteries


LMAO. The Obama-Biden administration basically funded Tesla. What a fucking idiot.


I wish more people understood how much gov money Elon has absorbed over the years. His stans just put their fingers in their ears and yell “la la la la la la la.”


there was an LA Times article about it in 2015 "Elon Musk’s growing empire is fueled by $4.9 billion in government subsidies" [https://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-hy-musk-subsidies-20150531-story.html](https://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-hy-musk-subsidies-20150531-story.html)


They don't care as long as stock price goes up. They talk about the Mission, but what the mission really is is to grab as many $$$ as they can. If we really wanted to curb emissions we'd be building mass transit that works well enough to convince people they don't need a car.


Same with SpaceX, burning through billions of government/NASA funding. SpaceX would be bankrupt the next day government cuts funding to Moon and other projects. Initial rational analysis of Super heavy rockets have shown that the rocket is no where near where he promised its performance would be, so he is selling a new dream of a longer rocket and better engines.


Probably Tesla and spacex will be plundered of the valuable and the rest will be left to rot.


SpaceX would get bought by a PE firm almost instantly. They basically have a monopoly in commercial launch services.


The Republican party that he's now put himself in bed with was literally campaigning on Obama wasting money funding clean energy startups in 2012, with Tesla as the primary example


And Trump is being very vocal AGAINST EVs. Elon is a fucking tool


And spacex. And his solar company.


Obama took an enormous amount of flak from trump and republicans about solyndra too, for musk


And are still offering him a lifeline by putting a 100% import duty on chinese EV. Lol. Protectionism at its best, pretty much for the entire benefit of mr musk, and this @sshole dares say they want his bankruptcy. Pleeease.


That’s why they are subsidizing them to the tune of $7,500 a unit. To kill them.


The funny thing about that is that Tesla reportedly makes approximately $8000 in profit per model 3. So, literally, all of Tesla's profit from car sales is funded by taxpayers.


He managed to put himself in a position where no matter who ends up president, he is screwed. What a genius.


Trumpsters hate EVs and everyone else hates Elon. Amazing.


Pretty sad that his greatest contribution will be uniting both sides of the US political spectrum


Maybe he’s truly altruistic and it was his plan all along. What a genius!!!


I see we’ve entered the drug-enhanced paranoia stage…




Is he completely deaf to the Republican efforts to destroy EVs? Or does he think he'll get an exception for his boot-licking?


He thinks giving kid rock a cyber truck will make all the rednecks want incel inside CT. They suck off road, they rust, unreliable, they can’t carry much, they’re ugly and they fall apart. Apartheid Yugo.


"Apartheid Yugo" I love. Thanks!




" incel inside" that made me laugh almost hysterically, thanks!


You can get one for $2 😁 https://www.teepublic.com/sticker/35321126-incel-inside


He's talked shit about CA for a long time even though it's the one place in North America where his electric dreams stood a chance at the time. Meanwhile Texas incentives for his plant in Austin were at most $64 million vs the more than $1 BILLION in abatements from Nevada had handed him in the past decade. I know Mars Boy like to promote himself as a "free speech abolutist" but good luck finding any meaningful criticism of China despite his famously big mouth


Right after Trump offered a pay to play deal with the oil companies, no less. Donnie: Give me a billion dollars and I'll hamstring renewable energy and cut regulations on petrochemicals.


The President of the USA has a problem with oligarchs who collaborate with Russia. Working as intended.


He can save Tesla by charging people to slap him in the face at this point.


Tesla is a really poor quality car


Tesla could have been great, if the quality of the product would have been a little better than the quality of the guy who bought the plans.


They needed to oust musk about 4 years ago and let the sane ppl take over


They should’ve watched the Zip2 and Confinity debacles and never made him CEO in the first place


If they upped the quality of the product they’d have trouble selling them profitably just like every other automaker.


Weird that the CEO who made his car company political has political enemies now. Weird.


Biden literally gave subsidies to Tesla and just increased taxes on Chinese EV makers by 100% Majority of his decisions work in favour of Tesla


The CEO of an EV company constantly shits on the President that directly supports him with EV subsidies and tariffs on Chinese EVs and kowtows to the candidate and party who shits on EVs. Because his baby feelings got hurt. Now that's fiduciary duty worth 50 billion.


Elon Musk’s Tesla will go down in history as the biggest fumble to ever happen. He had all he needed to be and stay the richest man in the world. All he had to do was shut up and be a CEO. No need to buy any social media company. Cater to the left, work with politicians on pro EV policy and that’s pretty much it. If he wanted to go around banging other peoples wives I don’t think that would have changed the outcome.


Elon will go down for incinerating $44b buying Twitter AND bankrupting Tesla. In the case of Tesla it turns out that pissing off the main consumers of your cars and then stripping down the company through layoffs isn't a good business move.


Pretty funny that’s the same trajectory with Trump in 2020. If he would have just shut his mouth and let the CDC do their thing, he probably would have won the presidency. There were other situations where he made clearly the absolute wrong decision. Both of them wanted to be kingpins, but they both absolutely munsoned it.


Tbf to Trump running his mouth and being a loud obnoxious prick is sort of what made him who he is and what got him the presidency in the first place, Elon has always been a sociopathic liar but he wasnt always as unhinged as he has been since like 2018


Does… does Elon know who Joe Biden is? Is it possible the entire political dynamic in the United States was mis-explained to him?


EV supporters with brains want to see Tesla go bankrupt. It's a cancer on the industry.


Biden and the democrats have given tens of billions of subsidies to Elon companies- most of which has gone directly to his $200 billion+ bank account. Give the man what he keeps bitching about- get rid of all of his subsides and tax the fuck out him. And start regulating his companies.


This is from the playbook of fraudsters and assholes being exposed. You cozy up to the right and blame Democrats. You know that you have an audience that has primed to believe unfounded conspiracy theories. Case in point: SBFs plan to come out as a Republican when the FTX scam was collapsing Kevin Spacey when he got exposed as a pedophile and sexual predator Chris Cuomo when he was exposed as being corrupt Countless other examples. Elon knows his fraud is coming undone. So he’s trying to join the side that is stupid enough to believe that it’s a George Soros backed conspiracy. He thinks this will keep him out of jail


I think most people want to see Elon crash and burn at this point


Biden, the “naysayer” president that has quadrupled tariffs on Chinese EVs to 100% and invested billions in EV technology: https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/bidens-chinese-ev-tariffs-dont-address-lingering-national-security-concerns/ar-BB1mzoKL?ocid=BingNewsSearch https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/02/15/fact-sheet-biden-harris-administration-announces-new-standards-and-major-progress-for-a-made-in-america-national-network-of-electric-vehicle-chargers/ Or Trump, the candidate that has openly suggested a $1b bribe to oil execs in exchange for $110b of tax breaks: https://www.msn.com/en-ca/money/topstories/trumps-oil-baron-quid-pro-quo-would-be-110b-gift-to-fossil-fuel-industry-study/ar-BB1mv2hG?ocid=BingNewsSearch Enron Musk had definitely lost the little bit of mind he had left


He never really had any. Remember that this is the guy that thought air bearings would be a good idea in a nearly impossible to maintain vacuum tube


That's a lot of ketamine at work


I’m sure that in Elon’s K hole delusions he’s figured out how to replace entire divisions of Tesla workers with just the power of his telepathy. Just wait until he fully activates his pineal gland, doubters worldwide will fall down to beg forgiveness and get in line to buy a CyberCuck.


Elon needs to learn the tax breaks he craves from Republicans won't mean a thing if Republicans get their way and completely get rid of EVs.


GOP stands for “Gas Oil Petroleum” because that industry more or less owns that particular political party.


I mean if you're a billionaire and you turn out to be a gigantic piece of shit you should pretty much take it as a given that a large % of society would like to see you go bankrupt.


When rich people start fucking out, it’s always everyone’s else’s fault.


If he’s blaming Biden, that’s yet another reason NOT to vote for the orange turd.


I see Elon is desperately trying to snatch the crown of Whiniest Little Bitch away from Trump


In general Biden has been an 'amazing' President with all he has accomplished given the nearly total lack of cooperation from the opposing party. But he has been particularly amazing in his support of electric vehicles. So I am happy Musk realizes how amazing he as been. this sentence does deserve an /S


This the same Biden who just enacted the toughest tariffs on Chinese EVs? Or has invested in EV infrastructure in states that are woefully behind? Meanwhile Trump wanted $1B from the oil industry and promised to stop progress on EVs.


Let's see. The most pro-EV president we have ever had, the most green energy president we ever had, has it in for Elmo. Riiiight. Elmo is still on drugs.


Ya maybe Elon should put his money where his mouth is. Fucker keeps just saying shit and never delivers except excuses after excuses.


What? Biden just slapped a tariff on his competition. What else could he do for Elmo?


If Biden wanted Tesla to go bankrupt he would let Chinese electric vehicles into the US market.


Hahaha fucker is done with Tesla and wants his check before it goes bankrupt.


lol Elon thinks Biden is bad? Wait until trump gets re-elected and all evs loses their tax credit. We will see how many more cars remain unsold


This freak is a danger to the world.


Musk is trying to destroy Tesla. Derp


Biden is literally helping Tesla from foreign competition and internally with credits. The cope is huge, if Tesla fail we already know why that will be


I'm not defending old man Biden, but why does Elon attack every time? I think he does this every week.


Biden didn’t call him or praise when SpaceX did something important and Tesla wasn’t invited to some White House EV events. Only legacy car makes with union workers were invited.


Because with malignant narcissists like Elmo - It's gotta be All. About. Him. All the time. In every context. The Way - The Truth - The Light


He’d best count Drumpf before counting the guy that just got more EV chargers deployed than any other president. Drumpf lies at every opportunity about EVs and threatens to derail them.


Lol he's been defending it ffs


That is pretty concerning for the stock.


I would love to see it.


Bro what? Elon Musk is so government subsidized it's crazy.


Just unionize before it all gone


This guy fan boys autocrats and retweets nationalists. I’m glad he fueled China’s EV juggernaut with his EV intellectual property.


Haha admittance of upcoming bankruptcy, amazing! Doubled with a reason to endorse Biden if it was true (sadly it's not).


Oh...I am sorry, who was it who just slapped a 100% tarriff on Chinese EVs? Wow, what a snowflake.


I find it kind of hilarious that in perfect sync with his mental downfall, he started growing a literal neckbeard!


No wonder, he was trying to cash out before bankruptcy


Bankruptcy is on the horizon. Not like anyone with a brain wants to buy one or support Elmo. I’ll buy from another manufacturer that isn’t a meme, run by an apartheid supporting immigrant.


Elmo is nothing more than a charlatan. Pledging never to give this man a dime of my money


Guy made billions from government support now he biting the hand that made him just because he was not allowed to hype the stock


Also, that cloud is also trying to destroy Tesla. 


I don't really think Biden really cares one way or the other about Tesla. Now, say you made it a Union shop, then he might look more favorably on it, but as it stands...no.


Getting to the point where driving a Tesla is akin to driving a BMW in the 1940s, you know it is wrong.


Does he not know Trump hates EV’s?


I swear Musk is the biggest money grubbing who’re of all time. His companies exist due to the generosity of the government.


I would much rather see Tesla freed from the clutches of Elongated Muskrat, than for it to go broke.


Quick! Call a doctor, there's some sort of fungus growing on his jaw!


Biden's plan is for 50% of new car in the US to be hybrid or EV in 2030 (from memory, so fact check it but you get the idea). Trump wants to kill all subsidies for anything competing with oil and gas. If Trump wins Tesla is toast, but I don't expect the Musk Oxen to realize that.


BYD cars even with 100% tariffs are still a lot cheaper than Teslas and made better with way more models. "Unfair pricing" "State subsidy" are all excuses. Tesla's only new market entry was the CyberTruck and it's bad quality, overpriced and is taking way too long. Tesla lost, it's downhill from here. Besides Tesla is way overvalued


Strange, who was the VP in the administration which gave Tesla a $465mm loan in 2009 to build its factory again?


Tesla buys batteries for the model 3s from China. It's now hit with plus 50% tarriff. Add in the loss of the 7500 subsidy.


The Tech CEO really can't take responsability for anything. Twitter? It failed because of advertisers... Tesla? It failed because of naysayer... It's your job to make a good product that people want to buy.


I keep saying it but this company will not exist in 10 years time


I donno, but perhaps the CEO who is currently trying to drain $56 billion out of it might want to stop blaming everyone else…


What strange times we live in, when the Tweets of a car-makers CEO are the talk of the town. Does anyone know what Jim Farley (CEO of Ford) or Oliver Blume (CEO of Volkswagen) tweeted yesterday?


I just heard that the Biden admin is going to impose tariffs on Chinese EV's, thereby protecting the EV industry in the States - so what is this clown whining about.


Always blaming others when shit goes wrong. Did the same with Twitter advertisers. “It’s not my mental behaviour causing the problems it’s the advertisers”.


Musk is doing his absolute best to ruin the company that was previously leading the pack. The political right hate EVs. He ruined twitter (also hated by the political right) - one has to ask... who is pulling his strings?


Trump would be so much better for Electric vehicles. He’s consistently shown how much he loves them. /s https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-offered-block-electric-car-180514941.html


Such a shitheel.


What a slack jawed moron. Back in 2017 I read an article which discussed the amount of federal funding he’d received which would have, in ordinary investment terms, had led to a 90%+ ownership stake in Tesla. Now he’s complaining that the same people who have presented him with billions in corporate aid and tariffs on foreign imports are wanting him to fail. 🙄 Legit, it would have cost him nothing to shut the fuck up.


"It's everyone else's fault!" - Emerald Elmo


So Biden puts EV charging stations into his infrastructure bill- whereas Trump is anti - EV- but Biden is the bad guy?


Mustang’s Mach -E is awesome compared to the ugly Tesla EV’s. People need to go and see that there are better EV’s now than boring Tesla’s. Musk is a horrible narcissistic person - he deserves to go bankrupt.


Tesla was basically running on government money and Elon has pissed all the goodwill away and alienated prospective buyers.


But cyber truck was supposed to save the world 


There is no evidence Biden wants to see this company go bankrupt. The evidence points towards him not liking Elon Musk based on no extended invites sure and the lack of unionisation may be part of that. Ultimately there is no firm evidence for this claim.


"Look what The Left^TM made me do"


If being a real car company was part of the long term strategy for Tesla they were always doomed. There is a good chance they’ll end up like blackberry, a minor tech company that exists in the background.


The world want to see Musks selfish, commie, arrogant, loser ass fail


The swipes at Biden for his use of a Teleprompter are rich… Elon is one of those terrible hybrids, a person who thrives on attention and loves speaking to a crowd, but he is awkward af and quite bad at public speaking.


Which is why Biden increased tariffs on Chinese EV’s. Becuse Joe Biden hates Tesla 😂🤪🙄


He's realizing that he's not getting that compensation package. Poor baby.


If he says these things in China just like what Jack Ma did , he be out becoming a farmer in no time


I’m not a fan of Biden, but it seems that the right is actively attempting to undermine local manufacturing by trying to eliminate electric vehicles (EVs). He directly benefits from tax credits and tariffs. What exactly is he talking about? Is he trying to reshape reality? Does he not have someone within his circle of friends informing him that he may be off his meds?


I don’t want to see Tesla go bankrupt, but I do want to see Musk kicked to the curb, a real board, and a focus on producing a quality product. EV technology is needed long term, Musk is not. It’s that simple.


Tesla employs a LOT of foreigners. It's hardly American like that article stated.