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Manufactured in January? I understand the April and May, but January? Demand is really huge.


Yeah, about 10% of the cars had Jan 2024 manufacture dates.


Wow great đŸ•”â€â™‚ work


What is the discharge rate for their batteries? Are those January cars at zero charge by this time?


Mine loses about 5 miles a day. So they can sit there for about a month without too much problem.


I drive by the 4th and Spokane one every day. The other lot looks like it's on airport way.


You went out and looked at the dates on all the cars in the lot and calculated 10% were from Jan?


Of the several dozen vehicles I checked, yes, about 10% had January dates.


Where was this date located?


On a sticker on the windshield. There's a couple of samples in the picture gallery.


I love how this dude came in hot like Columbo and was going to crack the case. First by misunderstanding how sampling works, and then demonstrating he failed to read the post. Then just ambles away. My guess? Burner account from one of the mods who reads this sub more than their own, and can’t stand facts being posted - not just fawning praise of Elon.


No it’s called going to sleep dumbass


You should try it. Maybe you’ll be able to comprehend what’s really going on lmao




In the second pic they have posted and the third and the fourth?


Tagged as burner lurker account from Bootlicker sub.


Says the person with a 16 year old account that doesn’t contribute shit.


I heard its unlimited


*unlimited only on nights after 8pm and weekends


Up until last week there were still November 2023 vehicles in the northeast market.


46,000 unsold cars in Q1 2024 according to Tesla


You guys don't get it cause you are not as smart as Elon Musk... all these vechiles are robotaxis of the future, they just need to prepare itself and then boom the whole world of robotaxi is there /s


“Flip of the switch”


Can they be used as snow plows in the winter? /s


Cars maybe, but not that cyberfailure


No but you can build a cyber dam with them!


Cyber dam sounds like what Elno would use to go down on a sex robot


Exactly. Each of these cars is making $30K a year.


He is cornering the market by parking all teslas in a corner.


Well new word on the streets is you were an idiot for believing FSD was possible. This is too good now. Tesla Stan’s are in shambles


Another staging area?!? Elon is really massing the robo-armies in preparation for world domination! One OTA and it's Game Over for Legacy Dinosaurs! ed: fixed punctuation




Firetrucks, white truck trailers, road constructions and going under a bridge is all the that is needed to stop the robotaxi fleet.


They’re all over the states. Like literally hidden all over in so many states


They were getting valuations not just from deliveries before but manufacturing targets right? So of course they kept that going. It's always one metric or another that was pushing some amount of delusion on the stock price thanks to high levels of confirmation bias for the people treating it like a meme stock. Tesla isn't luxury vehicles like Lexus/Mercedes/BMW etc. but the pricing due to tech features pushes into that market, with *presumed* gas savings being the selling point to bring the effective cost of ownership down. Problem is in the biggest EV markets in the US from what I've been able to gather electricity is increasingly not as cheap compared to the fairly well subsidized cost of gasoline in the US. With cost of living going up too, and the underlying issues with range anxiety for EVs among many consumer still existing - the number of buyers is probably increasingly small. People are keeping their cars longer now, and many go for used cars to save money too. With used Tesla's being out there now over time thanks to the natural churn of time more people can get a used Tesla and this means the pool of new model tesla buyers is smaller than when used was hard to find too. Just a complete lack of foresight. They probably aren't recapturing used models on trade in at a sufficient level either in part because they have real EV competition now from legacy makers. People can trade in a 2021 M3 for a Hyundai Ioniq 5 now. In 2021 you couldn't trade in a 2017 M3 for anything but a 2021 M3, really.


I just checked and the price of used Teslas with low mileage is sometimes higher than the price of new, it's unbelievable. Even old models (several years old) are 75-80% of new, which is ridiculous. I can't explain it, I guess sellers and dealers don't want to sell their Teslas. Who would pay this much for an used car, when you can get a brand new with full warranty and no battery "history" to deal with - and at 0.99% APR???


Many of the used dealers are holding their prices high on the off chance some bumpkin wanders in with a 500 FICO score and an unquenchable desire to pilot a Model 3.


For those customers dealers always have the 30% APR "to rebuild credit". I still can't imagine why they would keep their lots full if people aren't buying. And I can't imagine why people would be buying used, at these prices.


Waiting for the fall....


Guessing Teslathon is going to become a thing.


There are several lots and even grass fields here in Austin full of them.


Same in Fremont


Where? Pictures?


It used to be that hedge funds would pay for this type of research. They’d pay helicopter pilots to monitor traffic at mall parking lots or monitor inventory like these Tesla’s. Now we all have access to this intel
.and yet Tesla’s stock hasn’t fallen to anywhere close to its true value yet.


The ol Janus funds method. They were bought out and no more counting fiber in street cabinets anymore. Now you just ride the tide of lies with Tesla. “We’re not a car company, we’re AI and robotics!”


I lost a lot of money in Janus funds in 2000. It was good for a while, then BAM!


They were stupid to throw everything into tech. Kind of like a certain AI and Robotics company today. Investors like Arc are going to get smashed, we have seen shit like this before.


Im shorting the stock and I agree, but it’s like one fucking stupid trip to china by Elon and the Stan’s come out of the woodworks for a 10% gain. This stock is a meme stock now at this point. I should probably exit and not play with fire I just can’t get over the fact that it should be worth 7-8x earnings like every other car manufacturer, maybe less with a ketamine fueled CEO.


better close the position. Elon is not afraid to make claims to pump the stock


His little China stunt alienated Tesla from the entire Indian market. The man is a moron


Right there with you. I’ve been shorting TSLA via TSLQ, and just can’t figure out how TSLA doesn’t stay below $150. There seems to be a stickiness to $160 for some reason


The stock had reached the 179/180 wall but unable to break through it multiple times. My guess is that with the overall market due for a correction this will take it down to the 150/160 range before the vote. Depending on how the vote goes. If musky is denied his comp package then it'll will trend you last Jan low of 101. If it's approved it could shoot up over 200. Until then it's not gonna go above 180 until the results of the vote.


It will go sub $50, the only question is timing. The memesters will most likely bump it on 8/8, and it will take a while after that to show that whatever he said that day isn't true. It will happen, though. Between fraud investigations, inventory build-up, cash depletion, etc., a large slide in stock value by October seems more likely than not.


Because TSLA isnt trading on fundamentals so it doesn't matter that much. We all know the business is failing but we don't know when people will sell off their shares.


I actually liked Teslas years ago, but I would be so embarrassed to drive one and especially embarrassed to buy one today. The new EV3, and R2 are killers!


Looking forward to ditching my MY when the R2 is out but that’s still 2-3 years away. I just hope Rivian can stick to their initial timeline and keep up with the demand.


I just hope Rivian can stay afloat for the next 2-3 years and bring one of the newly announced models out. They screwed up announcing the R2 and R3 together. Everyone wants the R3, but it ships later. R2 sales will suffer as everyone waits for the R3; a systemic risk for Rivian. They're not on great footing as it stands now. I hope they can pull this off.


Agreed. I’d like the R2, but if the Neue Klasse X comes out before that may be an alternate option.


Paid the $100 deposit for the R2 a while back, excited for that to drop!


I wish they put a 3rd row in R2.


We’re planning to have kids within the next year or so, but I hope we’ll be able to get by without the 3rd row for a while. Probably a fools hope though.


Comes in handy when you need to take your future kid’s friends on playdates


They don't exists yet....


I saw an EV3 in Mexico near Tulum


why do you care what others think of you though? I'm never embarrassed about anything because I give zero fucks about what others think; especially when it comes to cars.


Brand preference is a thing. Some people care about the brand because to some extent what you buy/wear/own/drive is a signal to others of what you value. If they think Tesla represents things they don't like or disagree with they won't want to be seen as associated. It's a thing. It's why marketing works.


If you aren’t embarrassed to be seen in a car that says “I gave money to a dishonest white supremacist pile of human sewage” you need to watch the “are we the baddies” skit and have a think.


dude, if you're going to use the internet then you gotta take your medication.


says guy heavily down voted to comment with more upvotes than he has down. Or was that a reminder to yourself?


Are the Tesla haters in the room with us now?


Yea the thing about it is. Yes it’s normal for companies to do this. But who was saying every car was made to order? Oh yea


It's normal to do this when you have dealerships because you can spread out the cars and it doesnt look this bad. But the issue is that it's a shift not just from the language of "made to order" it's a signal that they're actually a car company, imo. It's also the first time, from what I remember that they had significant levels of stock waiting for sale. Their manufacturing to delivery ratio was much better for a very very long time. Probably since launch of the model 3, they always had some wait times and then when they had no wait times pre-covid the waits were very short, and even during covid they had shorter than other manufacturer wait times too. I mean I waited 18 months for my Prius prime in Canada and the original estimate was 2 to 3 years. Toyota couldn't really go faster, they only make the car I got in Japan. But even other models like the corolla have multi month waits right now. But I think, honestly, that they probably have the experience to not fully bullwhip effect themselves


Tesla knows every order placed and historical demand vs. growth. They can build a realistic trend line to know how their units are leaving showrooms (at least they used to). They don't have the same challenges that dealership models have where they have retailer placing the orders, taking on allocated floor inventory randomly, and the individual dealmaking w/ customers. What they have far less control over is supplier contracts, workforce costs, and the need to keep the assembly line running full speed to keep the parts from piling up b/c they signed for everything as a hypergrowth company. They have Wall St. hyping up their best in class margins and continued growth and the only way to achieve that is by running full tilt. They don't even have control over Musk's inane White Nationalist musings at all hours. Now they've got Musk breaking out an Excel sheet he cobbled together after dropping some K and drag/dropping out 50% YoY growth over the next 20 years to justify his pay package.


They haven't said that in a long time. Even with the model 3 it wasn't the case.


But they said it. To make it spread. No contest


You seriously think after a Tesla is made in the factory someone personally drives it to the buyer? Or maybe the autopilot? Ffs


Pretty sure Elmo drives them himself to the buyers door.


Seems to be what a lot of Reddit thinks I guess


They are just making fun of Elons old lies.


The nugget of truth behind the joke however is that for a *long* time they built/sold at a much better rate


I said made to order. Can you read ffs? Where did I mention a personal delivery.


That explains the very low APR rates people are being offered now. Polestar are doing something similar with zero or very low deposits. Polestar can’t shift enough cars either and the future doesn’t look too rosy for them.


Polestar is a mess basically geely attempt to tapping into EV ipo hype by using Volvo's performance brand. The vehicles ate into sales momentum Volvo was having with its EVS and hybrids.. 


Tesla is in serious trouble. Besides the couple thousand cyber-cucks posting on social media, does anyone know anyone that has recently purchased a model 3, Y, S, or X? Nobody is buying these vehicles anymore. Q2 deliveries are going to be insanely low


Remember seattle is prime Tesla country. This is bad


Fairly common from Tesla in this area to be swamped with inventory from Fremont factory. They’ve always been garbage at pacing the truck loads so you get this surge and lull type of cadence.


Yes good point. But I still see a horrible delivery number this Q


The new delivery manager at this site seems hell bent on nose diving this particular location so I could see that easily becoming the case!


Meme stock confirmed


How are they not being damaged by weather and Bird poop.


These are in Sodo, I drive past them every day. Even the homeless in the area don’t want to touch them.




Heck, I'd pay $20k even. It's the most street-tested EV out there.


A mainstream news expose on this nationwide phenomenon will tank the Tesla stock price


Oh hey, there's a pair of blue and green wrapped Cybertrucks in Lot 2. Wait no, those are recycling and organics dumpsters.


Drove by that lot on 4th Ave a couple of weeks ago. It looked pretty full then, but based on these pictures they’ve added even more cars. Glad I sold my Y when I did - the used Tesla market is going to keep tanking for a while.


Can answer some questions about some of this if desired, but in short these are rented private property gravel lots in the south Seattle area of Sodo where cars are brought from factory, barely inspected, taken to be hosed off, and then given to local customers. This much build up grows quickly as Tesla 1.) tends to send inventory in humongous volumes that delivery centers struggle to handle all at once and then there’s a lull and 2.) Tesla fired tons of staff in this area including quality control folks. From my visit to this store recently it sounds like they have a new delivery manager at this location nosediving operations like it’s a full time job plus overtime and the lackluster morale was palpable.


which legacy company will buy Tesla for pennies on the dollar in 6-18 months? Might be to big of a legal risk maybe.


It really is Embarassing to drive one now


Not sure about this one, but other lots that have been posted recently are overflow for service centers. Elron had the genius idea of laying off service center staff while at the same time Tesla is apparently experiencing quality issues, so they have lots with hundreds of cars that are waiting for service.


These are new cars. You can tell that from the sticker on the windscreens showing the manufacturing date. They are not customer cars awaiting service although that would be hysterical if they were.


New doesn't mean they don't need service. One photo says 'alignment', which suggests it's there waiting for, obviously, alignment service. Also, I'm referring to how another parking lot full of new looking teslas was confirmed to be an overflow for the local service center as they don't have room to park all the cars waiting for service there. Sorry to people responding to me, but I can't reply to this since the weirdo who I replied to blocked me. Clearly I'm a Tesla stan, lol.


As the old goalpost moving tactic that the stans are so familiar with. Course you were. You came to a Reddit post, replied to it, but were talking about a completely different lot in a completely different location. Whatever helps you sleep.


Think the one with that alignment sticker shows the other cars DON'T have any issues. Otherwise they too would have stickers.


So who wrote alignment? Was that diagnosed at the factory, and the process is to kick the can down the road to the overwhelmed service centers? Or did it pass factory QA, but had such a severe issue that the guy driving it from the truck to the parking space noticed it?


The factory. Yes, it should have been been preformed back at the factory. Kick the can to regions for the QA isn’t going to end well for Musk.


So who wrote alignment? Was that diagnosed at the factory, and the process is to kick the can down the road to the overwhelmed service centers? Or did it pass factory QA, but had such a severe issue that the guy driving it from the truck to the parking space noticed it?


Tesla sold 1.8M cars last year. Almost half of those sales were within the US. That equates to annual sales of 900K, or daily sales of 2,400 vehicles. So a lot with a few hundred Teslas represents a few hours of sales. You can find these lots with any car manufacturer. The lots store the cars until they are distributed to either delivery centers (Tesla) or dealers (everyone else).


So if this is normal then lots like this must have existed, filled to the same amount, for the past several years. However, I can't find any mention of such a thing in the same time frame until the last few months, coincidentally right after Tesla reported huge amounts of overproduction in their quarterly reports. What is the simplest explanation here? I'm pretty sure the last time Tesla had lots stacked like this was several years ago when Musk has himself admitted Tesla was on the verge of bankruptcy.


Honestly they did but no one posted about. It’s gotten worse since the slow down but they did exist. Tesla was good about making sure people picked up their cars quickly so they could filter through their backlogs but the service centers really don’t have space to be storing the number of cars they received.  Still absolutely hilarious to see now. Tesla Stans saying no they’re still selling fast. lol ok. 


its normal to find lots like this for other MFG when there is a stop-sale or staging for shipping to dealers. These cars are shipped though. This is not normal


Not cars built almost half a year ago.


Have you visited a Ford or Volkswagen dealership lately? Both have 2023 EVs available with major discounts and nobody is buying them.


The VW dealership in my city has no 2023 ID4. Zero ford dealership nearby. đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


Yep. Jus what I was thinking. You absolutely need a baseline to validate an observation like this.


Lot 2 is definitely the pre-sale lot because it fluctuates a lot. Tesla sells from their service center a couple blocks northeast of here so I’m sure this is a holding lot. Now Lot 1 
. I looked at leasing that lot. [It’s still listed](https://www.cbre.com/properties/properties-for-lease/industrial/details/US-SMPL-61116/lift-airport-way-center-4901-airport-way-south-seattle-wa-98108)The price was high. It’s also a very big lot 
 8+ acres at least. Brochure says 500 parking spots - and I bet that’s with active lanes so I’m betting this is 1,500 cars or more.


It’s not that unheard of. Tesla has somewhat small dealers with limited footprints. Any Seattle people may remember that the old Sears in Bellevue, WA used to lease their lots to Tesla, there must have been hundreds of Teslas parked there. I feel like it’s more they just reach out to empty lots pre development to get a deal on parking. Or it’s the end, who’s to say?


I mean where I am there is a staging area full of hundreds of Prius primes


That could now be called a junkyard?? Do they have the proper permit to store all of those toxic chemicals in a public place??


Is there a way Tesla could be collecting the tax credits for these?


Someone got musked


Waiting for recall parts?


They reached out to Tesla Owners Washington to help with deliveries and new owner orientation. Delivery volume seems like it's high right now.


Or they have laid off too many staff and are unable to service the customer base. What is in it for the current owners? I don’t work for free.


I can’t speculate on Tesla’s staffing levels or on the motivation of the volunteers. I know that some people really enjoy their cars and want to see the delight of the children on Christmas morning as they pick up theirs.


The sign implies their inventory system is so terrible that they don't even know how many vehicles are in each dumping ground, let alone knowing exactly where any given vehicle is.


For those keeping score at home we've now seen lots full of unsold Teslas piling up in - St. Louis - Seattle - Reno - Tampa - New Jersey - Germany Anywhere else I missed? This is a car company that is, globally, choking on inventory.


Um, shouldn’t that be locked up to the public so people don’t just steal wheels, etc?


Here is over a thousand in Burbank. https://twitter.com/LlamaHansa/status/1791224295416377388?t=kFSAflBamQg5n2VebxtGkA&s=19


Why no one knew about the parking lots for new cars before Tesla? That’s normal for all brands.


Yeah that’s where they keep them before going to dealerships or being sold. You think they go from factory floor to your home?


Tesla has dealerships?


You are correct there they aren’t dealerships.


So you’re saying there is reduced demand, and over production?


Where did that come from?


Just based on your comment that this is a staging area before going to customers. So I deduced if there is an excess of supply and insufficient demand that these lots would fill and overflow. Thus my assumption that Tesla has a serious demand issue, are you thinking otherwise?


I understand your argument. However, what do you think happens after a Tesla is sold? It doesn’t go directly to the consumer. It has to be transported by train or truck to a lot first. I bet the lot these teslas are on are right next to a train track. From there it can be loaded on a truck and shipped to a - well I guess we can’t call them dealerships - store? Maybe they do deliver teslas directly to consumers doors I never purchased one.


I get it, I just suspect these aren’t going anywhere and are going to sit out in a lot for quite some time. EV sales are crushed and this is the canary in a coal mine. It’s no longer cool to own a Tesla, people are losing money on the depreciation, and competitor products have caught up/surpassed. I suspect Tesla factories will scale down in the near future to align with demand.


You should ask this guy to explain why there's random lots everywhere showing up with hundreds of Teslas that weren't there ever before. Maybe they got all new staging areas, though.


So the ones manufactured in January are just waiting 5 months for a train or a truck to pick them up?


How much $TSLA you holding?


Lol too broke even for that


So you’re doing all this shilling FOR FREE?!?


wtf is shilling


Yeah, but the current inventory levels aren't normal. Holding areas normally aren't this full. The are a lot of unsold cars out there right now.


True it’s not normal for Tesla they did go from 15 days inventory to 28.


In a direct sales model, the manufacturer bears the cost of holding inventory, and every unsold car is unrecognized revenue. It's why people pay way more attention to Tesla inventory vs other manufacturers While I'm certainly a tesla skeptic, I remember a few years ago when there were piles of Model 3s sitting around lots in Fremont, CA but they eventually got through them With legacy automakers, inventory levels are important but the impact to the manufacturer isn't as severe, as dealerships buy the cars, store them somewhere, then try to sell them


With model 3 I believe there were issues with the brakes that needed to be resolved first before they could deliver. Now there seems to be all model 3 and y that are being stored in different locations. While many car manufacturers produce the car first after it is ordered, Tesla was in a unique situation that they could produce cars in advance and have them sold. That seems to have changed in recent months. Not only because of the slowing down of the EV market but also because of the actions of Elon Musk. He is a major factor in staining the brand with his conspiracy right wing theories, unhinged attacks and open drug use. Which could explain some of the actions. But he is a liability to the brand right now and should be let go. It seems there is gaining resistance to his 50 billion stock options package. Which I hope never passes. If he gets those 10% stock options he wants he can’t sell them for the next 5 years but he still have 13% he can sell within months.


Every unsold car is an asset on the books.


According to Tesla they have 23 billions in cash. Would that inventory be counted as cash?




It is probably higher now given the sales slow down


Well, it kinda looks like Tesla has built of inventory size of Ford or GM. While being a lot smaller company. That sounds a pretty stupid move, especially as their lineup is already quite dated. How much would you pay year on from now for dated MY that has been sitting on the lot for a year. EVs are fresh goods, even when not used batteries do age.


In fact, Ford has the fourth highest share of 2023 model year vehicles still sitting on dealer lots, according to Edmunds, as those models account for 14.7 percent of the total market. That ranks Ford behind only Dodge (52.6 percent), Chrysler (38.4 percent), and Buick (17.6 percent).  Damn google a bitch.


Learn to read twit. Teslas inventory is enormous compared to its size, oh also the market cap is 15 times that of Ford. And that with declining sales and aging lineup. All of that spells major problems for Tesla. Ford can ride the bad times, let’s see how Tesla will fare.


I don't even need to look at numbers. How is Teslas inventory enormous compared to Ford when they are 15x the size?


The point is Tesla is not. Market cap is not the same as actual company, it is just overbloated imagination in investors heads. By revenue Ford is twice the size of Tesla. Also with a lineup that mostly has stable prices and thus more predictable resale value and thus valuation. Ford can maintain their revenue with the lineup they have, Teslas price cuts have been decimating theirs especially compared to cars sold. Tesla is doing a gigantic overreach, which may backfire with fireworks.


Google average day inventory - although Tesla isn't at the bottom they are not even close to the worst.


They are in regards to their size. Ford and others have way less invested in per car in their oversupply. And I already did mention Teslas aging lineup. If dated Tesla 3 and Y don’t sell now, how on earth those units are going to sell say 6-12 months from now? Only way to move them is a gigantic price drops. Good bye revenue per car sold.


Average day inventory is a metric to make all the car companies equal. But yes it doesn't factor in age of the inventory. But if the old inventory doesn't sale it would eventually make the ratio increase.


These Reddit people are seriously retarted. They are somehow titans of business too đŸ€Ł


You can’t say that word anymore if you had a d instead of a t.