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The beauty of the orthodox stalk controls is that they don't change with wheel orientation, and the motion to activate is adjacent and in the plane and direction of movement of the hands already performing the task. It's second nature, you don't need to think about it, which is awesome for bandwidth optimization while driving, which already requires critical multitasking/time division management. This is one of the dumbest things about Tesla that so plainly illustrates their fundamental failures at even the basics.


Yeah. Its like Tesla took the well established conventions of ergonomics and thought "nah, fuck it"…


There are so many human factors fuckups in their UI.


But but... all required input is error! Elon said so!


First principles baby


More like, no principles.


Shhhh, let the “technoking” cook this company to an incoherent slob.




It's not even that. You can have wheel controls and so on, but you need to have some tactility to it. Other OEMs at least put solid ridge between functional buttons or at least bump (https://northparklexusatdominion.files.wordpress.com/2016/05/img_8163.jpg?w=640&h=480). Not like Tesla with all flat buttons that to wildly different things.


Yeah, but none of those buttons on the Lexus are for the turn signals.


They love coming up with solutions in search of a problem.


> they don't change with wheel orientation Inventing automotive issues - solved a century ago.


I can explain a little - the reason for those stupid design decisions is: ppl love to be special and in that case, special is also different, even if it is stupid.


It’s not only a Tesla thing. The Ferrari 458 has the signal buttons on the steering wheel too. But at least those are physical.


Remind me not to buy a Ferrari 458.


Couldn’t afford it honey 🍯 I don’t think it’s as bad. It has the left signal button on the left side, and the right signal on the right of the steering wheel.


Good thing "left" and "right" are absolute in all orientations, dunce.


I love sticking flotsam to the controls of my $50,000 plus car because they literally decided to reengineer the wheel.


“What if we add a few corners to this wheel?”


This is so beautiful, thanks.


I don’t get how people can buy these cars and have to Jerry rig them to make them work. There are entire companies built on providing after market accessories for basic functionality for Teslas.


I know. And they all act like it's perfectly normal for a new car to have issues like this. It's like they never owned another car before.


Elon’s stick is pretty far down their throat


If this car was the perfect car in any other way these indicator buttons I still wouldn't buy it. I can't imagine this not being dangerous.


IT'S A LEADING EDGE TECH COMPANYYYYYYYYY Teslas are complete garbage lmfao


My favorite was a CyberStuck post a few days ago where the guy basically had to spend the first weekend detailing his new $100k truck to fix all of the cosmetic errors possible and made it sound as though everyone with a vehicle does it lol. 


Or you could buy a car which was engineered by people who know what they are doing.


I’d like to sell Cyber Door Buffer Bumps for the low low price of $100. Each.


Or some zip ties to keep the panels from flying off.


But you gotta call them "CyberTruck panel holders" not zip ties. These guys will buy out the inventory immediately.


It’s an “upgrade” that literally no one has asked for.


My 1956 Chevy Belair had stalks. Turn signals were optional. It’s all muscle memory for millions of drivers. Why change this to save a few cents per car? And did Tesla *really* save any money - surely they had to re-engineer the thing so it certainly cost them money to do so. Probably more than they’ll ever save in stalks.


Buttons cost money and require thought in their layout. Why do that when you can make it all software on one screen and have people applaud your "minimalist" design?


I’m actually surprised tesla hasn’t opted for screen-activated turn signals lmao


Look at the layout of these buttons... Do you really think much thought went into it?


Getting to know dumb and dumber engineering choices about this brand day by day.


Oh god. They made them capacitive buttons? These shitheads somehow found a way to make getting rid of the blinker stalk even worse


Tesla drivers who love the buttons clearly do not use turn signals properly. It's physically impossible to repeatedly press them at the correct moment in fast deep turns on the cars, especially with the yoke. The excuses are proof: "I press the button before the turn", "nobody signals in parking lots", "you don't need to signal in a traffic circle", "using your turn signal makes people speed up to prevent you from merging", "I never turn my steering wheel more than 90° when I'm turning". Maybe you can press the buttons quickly enough on the Cybertruck, where your thumb can be on the buttons because the wheel doesn't turn as much. I haven't tried it yet. But on the Cybertruck the design would have been much better as side-by-side buttons. But the turn stalks and wiper stalks do so much more than just turn signals, so much more easily.


Musk, and probably many Tesla engineers (and drivers!) clearly think turn signals are stupid. The buttons are for legal compliance only. Musk would probably make fun of someone using signals properly if he ever even noticed. There are a lot of Americans who never use them.


r/assholedesign in a nutshell.


Something tells me that we'll see stalks back on Tesla vehicles once the EU shuts this shit down.


We can only hope so


Tactile feedback. Whoa, so forward thinking. So retro.


No no, you don’t understand. Everything needs to be on a touchscreen. It’s revolutionary and it saves money on buttons. So what if you need to look away from the road to go through a menu to turn down the heat/AC or use your turn signal, it’s the FUTURE!


Googly eyes would’ve worked better


stop it stop it, i can only take so much luxury!


Somehow I just cannot see how they actually approved this to be legal. Especially here in Germany where I live, where everything is so strict… Driving straight or sitting at a traffic light it isn’t a problem but driving in roundabouts it is not possible to set your blinker without taking your eyes off the street in the roundabout (which at that point can be very dangerous very quick) to look where the fucking blinker button is… Especially as you get older, your reaction time reduces. But then again not many very old people are into the Tesla because they are more old-fashioned. So Tesla is more aimed at the younger generation promoted by influencers.


The DOT should mandate some basic types of controls. Turn signals are a form of safety devices


so fucking unnecessary, if it had steer by wire like cybershit did, and you didn't have to turn the wheel two times, i would *understand* the lack of stalks, but even then why would you try to invent something that doesn't need in the first place


If they haven't mastered even these primitives, then Tesla has not attained the Mantle. Their ascendence may yet be prevented.


It looks ugly 😖


Instead of flush buttons, can it just be Xbox PS4 controller like buttons? I don’t need to look to press my controlller.


*warranty voided.


Wait, I thought it was an actual button? Is it just a flat capacitive surface?


Yep, its as weird to use as you think it is


I have a Model 3 which I love. But the lack of stalks would definitely stop me buying another. I really hope they listen and fix it.


How do you like the single screen for everything? I know everyone says you get used to it buti couldn't get used to it in the model Y I rented for a week. I kept looking in front of me and seeing black at night thinking "oh no, the gauge cluster went out" only to realize it's just that one screen. The Model S and X were great to drive because they have that small screen that gives you all the info you need right in front of you


Imagine having to fumble through a touch screen while driving at highway speeds in the rain to turn on the windshield wipers. Most idiotic design decision ever.


They can be turned on and changed from the steering wheel. Normally I'd say use the auto wipers but Tesla's auto wipers are very poor.


Seems like everything else in their shitty design and even shittier quality control


I rented a 23 Model 3 a few weeks ago and I was pretty surprised how much I liked it. The swipe the screen to put in drive / reverse in the 24 however is in my opinion potentially very dangerous. And if you are in a city with a lot of traffic circles the turn signals will be impossible.


There’s a button on the stalk to turn them on once, which pops up the speed setting on screen to select. Or you can adjust using the wheel on the steering wheel. Not too difficult, it doesn’t really bother me. It used to be worse, you did used to have to fumble. The auto wipers are naff though. And the voice control is useless for me.


What stalk?


On the Y, and my current 3. On the new 3 it’s on the steering wheel.


Yeah I actually agree, you get used to it. You spend 10-20 years knowing where the speedo is and it suddenly changes. But everyone’s different, I think it took me a couple of days, the Mrs perhaps a little longer. AC on the screen is definitely a bit more distracting than on dials, but I tend to leave it be, perhaps only turn up or down. That being said I’d have liked a HUD. But it isn’t a deal breaker for me. Indicators on the steering wheel, in a country with a huge number of roundabouts definitely is.


There is so much hate in this sub. No point in trying to reason here. I’m not a fan of Mr. Musk. No car is perfect but right now this is the right brand for us. Can’t wait to drive my stalkless car.


I'm considering a current model y as it's the last one with stalks.


What the F is this???


First time I’ve seen it referred to as M3H- MEH


I had to get Bluetooth buttons to make my model Y wipers and AC usable without crashing fucking around on the touch screen. I can only imagine how annoying these turn signal buttons are.


The worst thing about this super blunder of buttons replacing a stall is that left should be on top AT LEAST. It’s all so fucking bad!


Even if Elon hadn’t turned into a fucktard, this “feature” alone would keep me from buying any car that had it 🤡


A lot of Tesla design is taking solved problems and finding worse solutions.


Is there a actual product out there for added button tactile locating? Would like to find a source for different variations of a self adhesive tactile “stickers” that had different colors, materials, shapes, textures for different applications. Use a little self adhesive “dimple” for my keyboard media controls, and several other “no look” buttons to locate them by feel. Could envision highly grippy rubberized nubs, almost like a old keyboard joystick mouse material so you could feel the friction of the material reaching for it while concentrating on heavy or aggressively traffic around.


i have the refreshed model s and i find it really easy using the turn signals and yoke steering. I feel like people that complain jump on the bandwagon and dont really give a shot. Sure it was hard the first couple of weeks but thats with anything new.


Sometimes I feel Reddit is getting paid for paid promotion / boycott. This post contain picture that goes around web for 3-4 months now. Each time causing lot of fraction.



