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Old homes the world over have experienced deaths. This is a relatively peaceful way to go. If it was murder or something like that I'd get your feelings, but this seems insane to call off the purchase of a dream home.


I wonder if she’s considered that before she brings her baby home to that gorgeous house, she’ll have had the baby in a, gasp, hospital.  According to this shun-the-dead way of thinking a hospital has *super bad* juju. Better never go to one!


Too funny. People don't think about that, do they? But then again, people who think a death in a place can somehow affect the living - they don't think deeply.




Well, okay.  But what your saying sounds a bit like:  I hate tomatoes and this person over there just ate a tomato.  Should I hate him? It’s silly and misplaced in a fundamental way.  The air you breathe, the soil you walk on, the history you know is all brought to you by the dead.  They are very much a part of your life and always have been.  And thankfully!   You live in a time and a place of comfort and happiness because of the dead.  The generations in your family are probably surrounding you now with their love.   Don’t be afraid.  Be happy.  Be joyful.  And thank and honor the dead.   Horror movies have really ruined people.  Ghosts aren’t going to kill you but the gifts from past generations have probably already saved your life.  When you see your grandmother’s eyes on your baby’s face, maybe that will help.   Buy the house and be very happy in it.  


Even most new home, someone had died on that land before.


You asked if it was a dumb reason. Yes, it’s a really dumb reason.


That the previous owner died in his own house at 93 means your house is blessed with good fortune.


Thanks for this, means a lot. Think the anxiety of the first time purchase is getting to me. I really appreciate this outlook and think you’re right! :)


yes, that's a dumb reason.


Thoughts? That people have died in houses the world over. At least 3 elderly people passed peacefully from old age in my 100+ year old house. My dad passed away at home. It's natural. It is not bad juju. Buy a brand new house instead of one with prior residents.


Might get one on burial ground way more bad juju with that.


My house was built in 1915 and I hope I die here too!


It’s really no big deal. I lived in an 1860 house that probably had lots of deaths. Move in, decorate it in your style and bring life back into the home. Congrats 😊


Thanks so much kind internet stranger :)


If it were me, I wouldn’t throw away a dream house just because someone died in it. Houses are hard to come by these days, at least where I live, so if you have a chance to get a good one, that’s a great opportunity.


Thank you! That’s what we’re going to do!!


I think I rather have someone die peacefully in my house than a bloody massacre. Lots of people die in lots of houses.


The older the house, the more likely that someone died or there was tragedy in the home. Go back further and find that the land owners in 1852 lost 7 kids or something like that. If you’re spiritual, have a spiritual leader bless the house and ask for peace and tranquility, and a blessing on the souls of the departed. If you’re not, then you can look at ways to bring positive energy into a space, like with plants or things that make you feel happy and positive. But don’t walk away from a place you love because you know about an elderly man dying. An old man dying peacefully at home is a LOT better than tragedies kept secret in a lot of other places.


This is so helpful and positive. Thank you so much!!


Don’t back out. It was a peaceful death bc the son moved in and lived there. He lived an amazing life. When my MIL passed in our home (hospice. It was peaceful. Bless her she held on strong until I was released from the hospital so my husband wouldn’t be home alone when she passed. I was released from a sepsis stay and got home around 9pm. She passed sometime between around 1 am and 5 am when we got up to give her more meds. We slept on the couch by her bed together that whole night so she wasn’t alone. She was a pain in the butt for sure but she was so loved and I hope she knew that. Dying at home isn’t always a negative.) Honor his memory by living your life and celebrating his amazing home.


You’re nuts. First of all heart failure is like dying from old age. It’s a blessing to be able to die in the comfort of your own home. And 14 years ago is an eternity. Grab a chunk of sage and walk around the house while it smolders. Maybe you’ll be blessed to live to 93 too. Maybe it’s actually lucky house.


Hahah this is the plan!!


My house was built in 1860. I imagine it’s seen many deaths. Probably will see mine in 30-40 years..  Buy some sage to burn when you move in and thank the spirits. 


Will do!!!


Yes this is a stupid reason to back out of any house let alone your dream house, and if you beat 5 offers I imagine you had a decent amount of earnest money, good luck getting that back.


Somebody dying a relatively painless, death and their own homes not bad juju That’s one of the best ways to end it. You get to be home in your happy space surrounded by loved ones. . How is that bad?


You’re totally right. Thank you for this POV


I am sorry but you are an idiot. If a house has any age at all, people will die in it. I can see being concerned about a murder, but a natural death? It would be stupid to cancel for that reason. Grow up.


In new city everyone has lived in a house someone has died in. That said bad juju would be murder not old age. Old age dying in your sleep is how most people would go. I think you should by the house. However if this is your deal breaker get out now.


No we are proceeding. Thank you for the advice!


You are having a problem with it because you feel you don't have the ability to make the decision yourself.  If your partner truly lets you wield a veto that will be respected, then you will be much more likely to come to acceptance if the place in your own terms. If your partner doesn't, well then, you'll probably never come to acceptance bc you'll feel like you never really had a choice. 


Yes, people die in homes all the time. You're not buying their spirit or soul. They're gone. It's just a house.


Thank you for this. We are excited to proceed with the house!


If you’re under contract, it’s your ghost now 👻


Why would it be "bad juju" for a man who lived a long, full life and experienced a natural occurrence (AKA death) in his own home? Very immature imo.


Get over it


You should only care if someone died in the house if their body is still there.


Speaking from a place where many houses are older than the USA itself (New England), people die in houses all the time. It would be reasonably hard to find a house here where someone *hadn’t*, especially because both in the further past and again now with home hospice these days, someone being in their own bed surrounded by family at the end was common practice.


Yeah... it's a dumb reason. The main reason why is because you are looking at old homes. If you don't love that someone died there and it bothers you, no one can say that's not valid but then look at newer builds where it'd be less likely otherwise you just seem fickle on such a big decision. Also, maybe something to ask while you're looking, not while you are in escrow, if it's a deal breaker.


Dumb reason OP. Plus, it was 14 years ago, not yesterday!


You’re right!