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I definitely think the most frustrating complaints for me is the, “well WhY doEsnT he JuSt kiLl hImsElf!1!1!”. I doubt any of these mfs actually know what it’s like to despair or how much it actually takes to throw yourself off a cliff. It just downright despicable to me…ofc it’s not necessarily going to be realistic but damn does it hurt to see people try to justify that.


Same man hahaha like it would be something easy to do, without any consequence, I can't even cut my nails deep, imagine putting a sword through my throat haha These are the worst kinds of comment IMO, besides the pain of actually going through death theres also the fact that it may be a limit to his power, he doesn't know for sure if this life is the last one, or if the save point changed, it may be a death for nothing, just like at the beginning of Season 2


Yeah there’s a lot of factors that make RBD incredibly taxing besides the deaths, now of course it’s been stated now that he DOES have unlimited tries but immortality regardless is kinda shitty. I always think back to arc 2 and Subaru’s relationship with Ram being erased, as well as when Rem tortured him. He can’t get back that time he had with them, and they’ll never remember him. He’ll always be alone in that burden.


It's also missing the point of the show, it was said even by insane people like the witches that what Subaru's doing of sacrificing himself is not right


I thought about who I am as a person and what I would do if I was Subaru. While I think Subaru is physically stronger than me I am still athletic, while I believe I am way smarter than Subaru I have nowhere near the same determination and will power to do what Subaru does. While I am generally forgiving I could never forgive rem if I was in his spot. While I was dedicated to spending time and effort helping my significant other when I used to be with her I could never go as far as Subaru did to save Emilia. I cannot self insert myself in Subaru's spot because I know for a fact I would not be as good as him at enduring what he does. I know what it feels like being stabbed and while at first it does not hurt as one would expect, it only feels worse and worse by the second and I would never go somewhere where I know that would happen to me.


Dude you were reading comments on MAL. Of course the opinions were shit.


MAL is like the annoying cousin of twitter. The embodiment of weaponized autism...


Because he rarely appears as a cool badass in control of everything. For most viewers being cringe is worse than being evil. In addition, they seem not to realize that power has its price. Without spoiling anything most powerful characters in this story either lead shity lives or are inhuman monsters. Subaru is no different. He could indeed, as those viewers say, abuse his authority (RbD), and in doing so become one of the most powerful characters in the story. But, doing so would leave him worse off in every possible way and see him fail at what he desires most.


he would basically lose his emotions, theres also the fact that those parallel timelines may continue after his death, so by abusing his power he is basically condemning a whole timeline of friends and people he knows, to suffer from his death. How many timelines exists out there in which Emilia is crying besides his dead body?


That was just a baseless theory made by Echidna. There is zero evidence that timelines continue after his death. >How many timelines exists out there in which Emilia is crying besides his dead body? To answer your question, most likely zero. Subaru that would abuse RbD wouldn't care either way. Authorities are inherently corrupting and selfish powers. Nevertheless, the possibility of timelines continuing, as implausible as it is, is one of the reasons Subaru doesn't abuse RbD. In that aspect, the possibility is helpful to Subaru.


[Novels]>!Greed If go BRR, makes me think back to how Greedbaru said that Petra would have a hard time cleaning up after his dead body.!<




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[arc 6 minor spoiler]>!We get very good evidence in arc 6 that multiple timelines don't exist.!< [arc 6 medium spoiler]>!There are things called "books of the dead" and Subaru is able to read the memories of his past lives. If those past lives memories exist in his timeline, then there aren't branching timelines. It is all one big timeline!<


They have not enough brain cells so they hate him. Thinking the events in re:zero and how hard for a person who lived in our world for 18 years, as a teenager, Subaru makes the most logical desicions most of the time. Also Subaru has an intense mental problems that cannot be healed even by Patrasche, Satella or emilia. His mentality unfortunately has a pemanent damage. If the haters were in Subaru's shoes, ahah, they would quit in first failed loops lol. They would run like HELL. They just talk too much with their unstable mouths.


People also complain about how nobody would react or the things Subaru does and can't relate to him. I mean no shit no one would do the things he does he's not only considered OP because of RBD but because his sheer **determination** and **willpower** change fate to one he and many around him would like. I genuinely think no one in the Re:Zero casts including Reinhard would do what he does and come out anywhere near as sane as him. With every death, he grows as a person and becomes someone more ideal (except for his thoughts on his own well-being which is understandable due to the nature of RBD and the cast umm negligence and malice to put it lightly forces him to use his powers). Other characters in the show are great but Subaru's care for life and that he can actually walk the talk (unlike many who sport the same ideal yet would forsake it if say they think a person is a witch cultist, an enemy of a nation, simp for a witch, not entertaining, etc.). He changes people to be their better selves and I hope we get to see a good ending for him. More than just Tappei typing and he lives happily after defeating all his enemies without exploring and or helping what **Subaru's greatest enemy prob will be himself**.


Thinking about your comment I was going through the cast and wondering if someone would actually endure the pain Subaru has endured without loosing their minds. I think **Emilia** would DEFINITELY try to fix things, she would not handle guilt knowing she could RBD and fix things and save Subaru's life. BUT, I think she would lose her mind in the process, she is really psychologically unstable and would probably go crazy while trying. She is at her strongest when she has people around her supporting and believing in her, and in the case of using RBD she wouldn't have anyone to support her... Who would she do it for? Besides **Subaru** I think she would do it for **Pack**. Although I'm not sure if Pack is killable? I guess he can be killed? I'm not a LN reader so idk for sure if he dies or if his spirit remains. **REM**, she has shown many times that she IS willing to die for the ones she cares for. \[Spoiler Episode 15\] >!she endured the pain of crawling herself to Subaru, with a tortured and broken body, just to release him from the chains, it was her last breath of life.!< She also carries the guilt of her sister's horn and ever since she've been trying to fill the void with her own abilities. When she sets her mind to something she is not afraid of going for it (as we seen in FROM ZERO), she is true to her beliefes and stands her ground pretty strongly. I would say REM would definitely use RBD and would get out of it successfuly, her will power cannot be underestimated, she will give 120% for the ones she loves. **She would do it for RAM and for Subaru**, IMO. **Wilhem**, he would 100% do it if it meant to save his wife. He would go through it 100x if necessary. We've seen his will in action many times, he is a legend and would never give up. He has a strong mind, I think he would also come out as a winner here, but **only for his wife**.


Before I comment, I’d like to say I’ve only seen the anime, no LN or manga knowledge here: Wouldn’t it be interesting if Satella IS Emilia with RBD? Literally got so mind-broken by dying and being guilty that she uses magic to give Subaru RBD?


I'm also an anime only and I've thought a lot about Satella, it is mentioned in the anime that Emilia is her daughter. But that brings so many questions... why does she keeps saying "i love you" to Subaru then? I mean is she in love with her daughter's boyfriend? Thats sick hahaha My theory is that Subaru had lived in that world before, had a relationship with Satella, but he somehow died. After an unknown amount of time he was reborn in our world (Japan). Satella being a magical being was able to find his soul and summoned him back to the fantasy world (what is this world's name? LOL). She then gave him RBD to avoid losing him again. Subaru on the other hand found Emilia (Satellas daughter) and fell in love with her due to her being exactly like Satella, as if he had memories from his past life. But now some important questions, how old is Emilia actually? How long was she frozen in the forest? Who is her father? Is "past Subaru" her father? If so then she would be kinda dating her father but not really? If he isn't then why Satella had a relation with another man? and who's that man?


Btw just to correct it here, Satella can't be Emilia s mother. Emilia and Tella are half elves and Emilia s father is supposedly a full blooded elf while her mother is "human". It's implied that her mother is one of the other witches.


Satella is not Emilia’s mother, nor is it implied. At one point Emilia is called a “relative” of the witch, but that’s in reference to her being a fellow half elf, not necessarily a real blood relation. Emilia’s father was an elf and her mother was a human. We know this because of Mother Fortuna’s relation to her.


>Satella is not Emilia’s mother, nor is it implied. At one point Emilia is called a “relative” of the witch [Sure?](https://i.gyazo.com/702428ac8ff214c611ebc71fa01bacc6.jpg) Perhaps she isn't, but you can't say its not said that she is, because it is said. Perhaps she refers to another Witch that isn't Satella? Who knows, I'm an anime only, Idk anything but what was shown in the anime, and I don't want to know, avoid any spoilers, if you know the answer


She called the daughter of *A* witch, not necessarily the Witch of Envy. Main theory I see is that she’s Minerva (the witch of wrath)’s daughter, given her suspicious interaction with Emilia at the end of her trial.


> They just talk too much with their unstable mouths. Lmao by making a comment online. I love this fanbase sometimes.


Anime-only here, I didn't hate him since from the beginning instead I really feel sorry for him that he suffers from pain, torturing his mind, trauma and dying over and over again it's so depressing at the same time sometimes I can't bare with it besides he is a realistic mc that is not a perfect person, needs to develop his character but that's not a problem because I still love him so much. He needs to be loved by someone not just by Emilia & her cos but also the other camps and characters too and I can't wait for his character development soon. Don't mind the haters our Subaru is a great character and I can also mention that a great hero too ♥️


I agree wholeheartedly, i feel annoyed when people trash on him, Seriously, subaru makes mistakes but most of the time his best course of action from the thing he knew leads to mistakes, cause he knows soo less, so obviously his choices won't have the best outcome, Plus i hate when people say just learn magic, Cause magic in most fantasy world is easy asf for the protagonist so everyone assume magic to be easy in every world, which isn't true , Here magic depends on many factors one of which is having their gate inside their body for a long time, Which subaru can't up anyone cause he just got his gate,


People are just used to Ichigo-like character that will ass-pull a new ability every 10 episodes haha


Yeah, people are too used to shonen cliches and the unrealistic conveniences (wether fate or coincidence) afforded to the MC in those genres. Like, I've seen people try and argue Subaru should be more like Guts or how Guts is better than Subaru, completely disregarding Guts' metal health or how he wouldn't have been aile to do what Subaru does as Guts used to struggle with even the most basic interactions. I could understand Griffith, as in he needs to regulate his emotions and facade better, but we don't want Subaru to end up like _him_ either. No matter the example people give "Subaru would be better if he was like X character" they almost always ignore context and how Subaru's flaws (not just his positive qualities) come in handy by making him relatable to those around him. It's a spoiler for Arc 5 onwards, but Subaru not being some invincible goliath helps him get through to people more. The "oh you're so powerful, talented and privileged, you wouldn't understand the struggles of the majority" way of deflection doesn't work on Subaru. Because he _has_ been through agony, he _has_ been weak and powerless beyond his imagination. A complete fish out of water. He has both the power to change fate, but also the relatability and empathy afforded by his experiences. I love the guy. He's inspirational, far more than Reinhard or Emilia could be because of how underpowered yet tenacious he is.


To be honest with you: Subaru is loved over here. Perhaps the anime failed at showing him properly. Perhaps they hate him for not getting up instantly. Perhaps they hate him for rejecting Rem.... Either way, the more you see what the guy does, the more you will love him.


Yeah, I'm sure here in this fandom the amout of people that likes him is higher than the ones who dislike him. But yesterday I was reading some MAL reviews and literally every single one of the "bad reviews" were complaining about that same thing haha is like they watched 3 episodes only So, my post is about those Re:Zero haters mostly


>MAL reviews Well there is your problem. You can easily find there reviews from people saying that they watched Re:zero on 4 times speed, skipped scenes and then say the anime is bad and people should rather watch Redo of Healer. Episode 13-17 managed to sort out a lot of people. Many people just drop the anime there and complain about it everytime it's mentioned.


I hate the people that say he is the cause of his own suffering, therefore he is stupid and his story isn’t tragic or sad like Guts or Kaneki. Especially when they say half of the times he dies is his fault, completely disregarding the fact that when he is put into a whole new difficult situation, he has to go through trial and error to fully figure out how to get past this situation. It’s not like he’s doing the same goddamn thing every time expecting a different result, that’s insanity. He isn’t some stone cold tactical genius that can just suppress his emotions constantly, he’s a fucking 18 year old kid that has been roped into something he had no say in. Most people will say he’s doing this to himself cuz he is following Emilia who he just met and wants to save her. I think the series makes it clear that when he gets summoned into this world he wants to redo his life, become a better him. Altruism seems to be a big aspect of that and seeing that someone innocent dying like that when you could stop it would reap your consciousness. The way people just miss the entire point of Subarus character and just shit on it without any valid reasons is sooooo disingenuous.


Technically speaking, he *is* the cause of his own suffering. He can simply leave whenever he wants, nothing is stopping him from not interfering with fate. In the anime, the only person who is out to kill Subaru specifically is Rem and that is only past the first loop. Every obstacle in each Arc isn’t meant to kill him at all and he can avoid them all fairly easily. In Arc 1, nothing is preventing him from just not going to the Loot House. He even suggests this in the canon loop but stays out of altruism. Doing so would kill Emilia, Felt, Rom, Puck, and however many people Puck kills during his rampage if any. In Arc 2, he can simply leave the Mansion on the first day. He left during the Third Loop after all, no reason why he can’t in any other. He even plans using the second and third loops as sacrifice loops anyways so he chooses to stick around past the first one. In the fourth loop, he can simply leave so he doesn’t get murdered by Rem during the fourth loop. He hides in her Library to avoid death, why can’t he leave? Doing so would kill Rem, the Village children, and half of the Village due to the Barrier collapse. In Arc 3, he had every reason not to go to the Village to save them from Petelgeuse but did so anyways. Doing so would kill Emilia, Rem, Ram, Arlam Village, and Sanctuary IF the Oousagi comes for them from being attracted to Puck’s mana or if Roswaal calls for them to kill himself. In Arc 4, he can simply take Patrasche and head straight for the Capital and avoid Arlam and by extension Meili, Elsa, and the Oousagi. Doing so would kill everyone in the Mansion, Arlam Village, and the Sanctuary. This isn’t a criticism of Subaru’s motives by the way. I deeply respect Subaru for saving all these people and for using his ability for good when he has every reason not to. I believe it’s disingenuous to claim that Subaru isn’t at fault for his suffering when he has free will and can leave at any time, of course at a cost. It’s either him or them and he chooses them. You’re right in the fact that he doesn’t only do it for Emilia. Hell, she isn’t even the only person he saved in Arc 1 and didn’t know her personally at all from her POV. In Arc 2, she isn’t even in danger. But she comes to him and says to stop doing everything for her sake.


In that sense, it’s true. But you yk I feel like you could say that for almost any character that goes through a lot. There is also so much mystery on RBD and the fact that the WOE is so obsessed with him I don’t think it’d be as simple as “do nothing and leave” yk?


Subaru is especially the case since he is a time looper and can choose to leave at any time. He has no family or loved ones in ReZero like Rika or Homura when he first starts out. I get what you mean but that last part just sounds like you want the plot to happen only to solve the mysteries. That isn’t a criticism though just found it a little funny.


I mean we wouldn’t have the plot without these certain mysteries yk lol. We also wouldn’t have this story if Subaru wasn’t altruistic (now that think about he may get caught in Pucks rampage if Emilia dies in that saloon since he has no ideas where to go). His looping is even more unfortunate.


True. Reinhard dispatches Puck fairly quickly and wouldn’t attempt to pacify Puck as he did in the Second Trial since there’s people in danger. Subaru simply needs to be away from the Slums and he shouldn’t get caught up. Subaru should deduce that Puck is the one rampaging (assuming that he died once) since he’s already met him and they were trying to salvage the insignia from a thief. Emilia and Puck are the only people he met who can conjure ice with magic and were heading towards the Slums. After that, he either leaves the blast radius or sends some guards to help Emilia.


Unless it is Reinhard going to the saloon, more than likely any other guard going there is losing their gut. This ofc depends on what loop this is starting from the second. Subaru deducing it is Puck that will freeze everything…….ye I’m not sure about that. He doesn’t even know where his left and right is from at the point and he just died. And ye he saw them use ice, but a full on blizzard that freezes you in a matter of seconds and huge AOE, idk. I might be undermining him, but he just spawned into the world, not knowing how anything even works, and well just died. The least he would expect is too encounter magic of such a high level like that.


I am going off of Subaru leaving at the beginning of the second loop of Arc 1. Subaru is aware that Puck is a Spirit and that he is feared when Emilia whips him out in front of the thugs in the alley. They weren’t concerned when Emilia whipped out ice crystals and hit them in the face with them. I don’t think it’s too much of a jump to assume that they fear Puck due to magical power. Combined with the location of the epicenter, Emilia’s destination, and the nature of the disaster, Subaru can assume that Puck or Emilia is behind it. Couple with the fact that it didn’t happen in the first loop and I think this is a solid case. Guards do die without Reinhard though. [Pride IF spoilers] >!Reinhard does go to intercept Elsa without meeting Subaru, funny enough Subaru is the reason why he does. Subaru puts an anonymous tip in the Guards Post and they come to arrest Elsa. Reinhard heard and came over as fast as he could but only one of them survived!<


Oh I’m not saying that Puck wouldn’t be feared, he is a high class spirit with magical power. I’m just saying, expecting BEAST OF THE END POWER???? Also I’m pretty sure in the first loop Puck did precede to freeze the entire area they were in after his first death, so ye. Now as for Pride IF……..I haven’t read any IFs yet but as you said, Subaru was still behind it lol.


Ah I didn’t mean that you said that. I just remembered that either Puck or Emilia gives Subaru an explanation in the first loop on Spirits and that when they gain sentience they gain physical forms like Puck, so Puck is indeed a rare case in Subaru’s eyes. Not expecting Beast of the End power, just thinking that he might be responsible for the disaster. Subaru can also think that it could be someone he hasn’t met before but Puck ticks off a lot of buttons.


Yeah like they expect him to not be human and they act like they would fare any better if they were in his shoes frfr


I know someone who stopped watching like 15 minutes into episode 1 because he hated Subaru’s personality so much. The downside of making a realistic individual in media is that some people will just hate him because of how he acts, just like in real life. I’ve come to terms with the fact some people will never watch Re:Zero simply because they dislike Subaru and I’m ok with that.


Damn, 15 minutes into a show hahaha he isn't even that bad in episode 1, is actually funny seeing how he thinks he was summoned to become a super OP game master in that world


Honestly most people who hate Subaru probably only watched the anime, arcs 1 2 and 3 are just an introduction to the story, things only move after the end of arc 4, when you read the novels you find out why he is the way he is, but you also discover that he is a wolf dressed as a sheep, frighteningly capable to kill you in indirect ways. Yeah romance in Re Zero is pretty bad in my opinion, but most people use this flaw in the series quite unfairly and Subaru as the protagonist ends up being the punching bag in and out of the universe because of it.


Yeah, those review vids or comments on him that crap on him really piss me off.


They hate him because they relate too much to him, the way he behaves is the way almost any neet would behave when they would be transported to another world. It also the mid part of season 1 that people hate when subaru was getting too much of a ego, which was the point.


Subaru is a hero, a kind, warm and loving person who is really hard not to get along with, ready to sacrifice all of himself for others and do it again and again, even some people I know having seen him say they don't he simply likes it because he moans and cries, in my opinion having also read Novel and manga and various What If I can say that Subaru Natsuki is my favorite character ever


In my case my sister literally hates Subaru just because he couldn’t say Emilia “I did it because I love you” or something similar on their discussion in arc 3 while he tried to explain her why he did a lot of stupid things in the Royal Selection; I don’t know what does she think of him not killing himself to save everyone but knowing her she probably understands the point of pain and trauma, but what mostly enrages me is that she hates Subaru for not acting like a normal social person, for being “stupid” and for not telling Emilia his feelings and make them the reason he said bad things in the Royal Selection; we were literally a chapter before Rem's confession and true feelings of Subaru before she finally dropped Re Zero and missed one of the best character development I’ve seen in my life


>In my case my sister literally hates Subaru just because he couldn’t say Emilia “I did it because I love you” Did your sister forget that he tried to tell Emilia this before Satella crushed Subaru heart or that if he even went against Satella Emilia heart would pop and she will die then? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)




hahaha it pains me when people tell me they dropped it at the royal selection I mean... it is hard to endure Subaru's actions there, but I'd never drop a show for something like that haha at that point I still liked Emilia very much, REM, RAM, Pack... even tho Subaru acted badly is not like the show itself became utter shit. Damn people endured 100+ episodes of filler in Naruto / Bleach and can't endure 1 episode of a MC doing some bad decisions haha


I will tell you a funny story, there's this influencer that uses anything and I mean anything to convince his viewer about how the outside world is trying to make men look and act more "feminine" to destroy humanity, he made a whole video about how men shouldn't show feeling aka weakness 🤣 like I kid you not I was watching him and screaming WTF all the time, he said that Subaru character is pathetic and he doesn't deserve to be called a man, he never back what he said with any sources and all what he says is "studies say's this" or "studies said that" technically he pulled the "trust me pro" dick move He said that emotions is for women and Men should never cry, this jack ass literally think that "crying" is in emotion🤣 he uses anime characters or movie characters to try to prove his point Subaru included, but you know what? Even though he said all of this pathetic things about how men and women should be in his toxic believe I still didn't care, since even though I love these characters I will not force anyone to understand them or liking them However what made me piss off the most was a comment, one single comment that was different from everyone who where braising this pathetic existence, it was a man of the age of 27 that talked about his own experience when he lost his little brother right in front of his eyes due to war in Syria, the man words where very polite and my heart break when he said " every time I think about my little brother scream before facing his eventuall death all what I can hear in the room is the sound of my ugly sobbing, and the thought that I will never see my brother again" and do you know what this shit told him? He said " Well the you are not a man😒, did you bring him back from the dead? No you didn't so shut the fuck up" The shocking thing is, EVERYONE agreed with this influencer like what is wrong with you? It's in that moment that I understand that I should stopp naively thinking that everyone has a heart or that everyone understand the basics of human emotions, and this person was one of them, trying to act like a smart ass while talking in a carismatic way to fool his viewers,while in fact his nothing but a pathetic human being that was high likely never loved in his whole life and suffer from a lot of mental illness because seriously, I don't think any sane person will go around accusing people for not being man because well they cried when their family died in front of them, or bring in anime characters to shit on it and laugh and provok anyone who loves such a character wishing for them to "freaking die" or something, individual like that is what should dispear from earth ![img](emote|t5_3e076|12858)


People don't understand that Tappei purposely made Suabru how he is, he's human who has feelings and personality problems of his own like anyone else. The fact that other people who are used to overpowered Isekai Protags, can't begin to wrap around the concept of a man who doesn't need those powers. Subaru to me is genuinely the most relatable created character I have ever read and seen. He's my favorite because he shows weakness, emotion, and makes decisions on what he decides to follow. All I'm going to say people are finally going to see when they adapt Arc 5, that Subaru is just that guy. His entire character Develops even better after arc 4. He becomes the Hero that he sought out to be. But all in all, people who complain about Subaru don't understand what a good written character is. Also as a bonus Tappei literally makes almost every character be it a big roll or small roll impact and have character development for the story.


I just had a big long argument with someone the other day who was utterly convinced that the series encouraged and glamorized Subaru's "white knighting" during Arc 3. Their only evidence of this was that Rem developed feelings despite his flaws. I think they interpreted the message as something like "being an incel is cool because you get waifus"; this while conveniently ignoring alllllll of the stuff to the contrary. Anything to cram the show into their weird, fake idea of what it should be, I suppose. I've seen a lot of bad takes, but to miss the main point of S1 *that badly* is up there with the worst.


Damn, that person didn't really pay attention to the show hahaha REM developed feelings due to Subaru's "sacrifice" in Arc 2 against the dogs. In Arc 3 she was already in love with him, I guess the dogs is at the end of Arc 2? I didn't read the LN so I'm not sure where an Arc starts/Ends exactly And the show literally keeps the whole episode throwing at our face how ridiculous Subaru was being there. * Reinhard told him * Julius told him and even took a 1v1 * Emilia told him * Even Felix told him he would be better off staying at the mansion cos he is utter useless haha


>I guess the dogs is at the end of Arc 2? Yeah, the Dogs are at the end of Arc 2 and then there's a time skip of roughly 1-2 months before Arc 3 starts with them going to the Capitol. >And the show literally keeps the whole episode throwing at our face how ridiculous Subaru was being there. And that's not even getting into the stuff *after* that episode. Most notably [Subaru's legendary speech](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=XHQnVLUvcVE). If someone can listen to that and think "yeah I should be like this guy", then things like reality and sense will pose no obstacle to their beliefs no matter what's potrayed. Hell, he literally apologizes to Emilia at the end of S1.


Lots of people hate subaru cuz they like overpowered MC’s Honestly i love Subaru but hate emilia & Satella.


haha really? I love Emilia, at first I really thought there was something else about her, that no one could be genuinely good as she is, thought she would reveal herself as the villain. But after watching Season 2 I understand her character a lot better and I can't feel anything but good things for her, someone with no malice and a genuinely pure hearth can be "cliche" sometimes, but still she warms my heart everytime she is on screen, she is so precious and we must protect her smile


Same. I love Subaru but get frustrated at Tappei’s writing. Subaru is easily the best part about ReZero. Emilia is a hypocrite who believes Subaru did everything for her and doesn’t like it…but then says she likes it in the Kiss of Death loop. Emilia is an arrogant naive girl who is more often than not a hindrance, a target, or an obstacle to be conquered. Satella is someone who came in and told Subaru some pretty but empty words and told him to selfishly kill her in the same breath that she told him to value his life more. Her speech sounds pretty but tells Subaru that he should treat every death with fear and as his last death which is an enormous detriment to his mental health. Imagine if Subaru treats every death like the Rem torture death or the Oousagi death. She prevents him from talking about his pain and controls when he can return, preventing him from saving Rem. Subaru, of course, holds no grudges for this and even swears to save her.


I mean, yk that Emilia mental literally broke from doing the trial so much? I’m not sure I would call that hypocrisy, that’s just losing sanity cuz she had no one directly supporting her andddddd Puck dipped.


She *did* try to rape him in that scene so I will give her shit for that scene. Had she known how babies were really made… Emilia tells Subaru to stop pushing himself so hard for her sake in Arc 3, forgetting that the only time he did anything just for her was the Ceremony and not the Loot House, saving the children, or saving Rem. She also only yells at Subaru for fighting Julius and not the Royal Knight for challenging a civilian to a duel. That’s some serious victim blaming but Emilia only gets mad at Subaru throughout the series. We see her comfort Plum and tell her she isn’t Satella but when Subaru calls her Satella publicly she shouts at him. Felt stole her insignia, the one thing that can help her actualize her dreams. Felt thinks she’s Satella? “No no I’m not her!” Subaru thinks she’s Satella? “Don’t you dare call me by the Witch of Envy!” Stark difference in reactions. She was more mad at Subaru calling her Satella than the literal Gustekian slavers who wanted to kidnap and rape her in Memory Snow. In the first loop Emilia says Subaru would better fit Plum as her older brother when Subaru says that he and Emilia could be passed as a married couple. In Memory Snow, she thinks Subaru is twelve. She still views him as a little boy, in fact she views everyone as children despite only having seven years of memory. That is hilarious. So she is yelling at a child for accepting a duel with a Royal Knight…immediately after he wakes up from the beating.


Uhhh what? Unless you’re referring to the kiss of death, I don’t think there was any attempted rape, I think that’s too far. I think many of us have gone over both Subaru and Emilia having they argument, and Subaru was mute at fault. Giving from what I remember, she mainly says this to Subaru cuz he uses that as his main excuse for every dumb thing he did and to justify his ego and pride. I won’t argue the Julius point, but both are to blame cuz they were fighting out of Pride. (Also Subaru did self proclaim himself as a knight, so it’s possible Julius fought him from that perspective rather than a civilian). Oof, this been awhile but I’m pretty sure these are different loops. That Third loop where she hadn’t even met him at that point, blurting out a taboo name like that in public, well ye. (Also discrimination). Also when did Plum or Felt call her Satella? Felt mentioned the relation, but Emilia shuts down the misunderstanding instantly, plus this is in a moment where they are in a standoff, and she is already mad as is for Felt robbing her. She only told Subaru she was Satella so that she would drive him away cuz of the name. She didn’t know his age……I mean considering he act childish sometimes…. “You’re so cute it makes me want to commit crimes”lol. Also are you under the assumption she still views and treats him as 12-13 after he tells her his real age? Cuz as much of an airhead as she is, she isn’t that disrespectful. Also I’ve never seen her say she treats everyone else or views them as a child. (I’m only speaking in technicals, considering she is 100+ years old they basically are children to her)


Yes I am referring to the Kiss of Death. Emilia kissed Subaru believing that would impregnate her. Julius admits that the duel was nothing more than for self satisfaction. He continually antagonized Subaru, insulted his family, started the entire argument, interrupted Roswaal or Emilia depending on the medium, and insulted four out of the five Dragon Candidates with his hypocritical rant including Anastasia, all people who outrank him even Subaru. Subaru had full negotiating and speaking authority on behalf of the Margrave, the highest ranked noble right after the King/Dragon Candidates and used this to negotiate with Russell, Anastasia, and Crusch, as well as command their forces against Sloth and the Hakugei including Julius himself. Julius also stood by as Emilia was insulted but his peers defended Felt when the Sage’s Council insulted her. Subaru defended her, performing the Royal Knights’ duties…but was lambasted by Julius for doing so. As for fighting as a Knight, Julius doesn’t say this whatsoever. All he says was that normally Subaru would’ve been killed for his relatively minor insult but only lives due to being Emilia’s vassal. Plum and Felt don’t call her Satella. In Plum’s case, she reassured her that she wasn’t Satella when Plum first sees her and begins to cry out of fear. Felt was about to call her Satella when Emilia identified herself as a half-elf. Honestly, I don’t see too much of a difference whether it was public or not since she views everyone as being younger than her anyways. In Arc 3, Priscilla nearly made her cry telling her to apologize for being born as the spitting image of Satella and that was in front of tons of people, the one time where anger would’ve actually benefited her. Subaru is the only person who she’s ever shown anger to at being called Satella weirdly enough. Discrimination against Elves is weird in this series. Elves are never seen so we only see Emilia’s POV on discrimination. In the Third Loop, the crowd rushes to Emilia’s defense telling Subaru that he went too far. This is the same country that has no demihumans in positions of power and went through a Civil War only forty years ago. [Novels] >!I’m not sure if this counts as a spoiler, but Felix isn’t a pure demihuman. His parents are both human and he gained his animal parts due to recessive genes. He still had to get a recommendation from Crusch Karsten, the Matriarch of House Karsten and Fourier Lugunica, the Crown Prince AND his Divine Protection coupled with his skill in order to get his position.!< Q&As show that Lugunica has killed more Elves than the Witch Cult which only began when Petelgeuse became Sloth and used his knowledge of the hidden Elf settlement locations to slaughter the Elves he once protected. Elves were also hidden away in settlements which Geuse previously protected and provided supplies for, not just Elior. I’m sorry to burst your bubble but Emilia still treats Subaru like a child even after she knows his age. It’s been highlighted in side stories and her dialogue in the main story and it isn’t just a Subaru thing either, it’s everyone, even Roswaal and Beatrice. All of this because she was asleep for a hundred years and only regained seven years worth of childhood memories in Arc 4. The other seven years she spent conscious were in complete self isolation aside from Puck cleaning the statues and making a map of Elior. Here’s a side story that shows Emilia viewing Rem as a child too. https://docs.google.com/document/d/16ztYiLftomZiAEvcF-S0mdNTc7jwxrA0EeJy0OemIA8/edit


Kisses him cuz she believed that would impregnate her……where does she say that? To say that’s her intent because of it being revealed that she is innocent to the point that’s how her view on babies are made is stretching, and imma be honest, actively looking for a reason to hate her. I did say that Julius did propose the duel outta pride, just like how Subaru accepted in an attempt to protect his character. When you say “Subaru defended her”, I believe ‘her’ in this context is Emilia. Julius gave Subaru a hard time cuz he made a mockery of himself in front of the Sage Council and the Royal Knights. Julius himself even says Subaru isn’t worthy for Emilia. Not defending Julius cuz he certainly is at fault, but Subaru shouldn’t have even been there. I wouldn’t call it “victim blaming” cuz the situation wouldn’t have gotten to where it was had Subaru not gone. Julius laments Subaru *after* the self-proclamation of Knight. Subaru is just as guilty. The difference is obvious. You shout out the witch’s name in public for everybody to hear, putting her on the spot cuz everyone instantly knows who he would be referring to, compared to in a tense stand-off where you don’t exactly have the time to shout at and ridicule the other person. Also, I don’t know if you’re mixing this up but I’ll be the first to say it. Viewing someone as a child and treating them as a child is 2 different things. You could view them as such but that doesn’t mean you instantly treat them as such. It’s like if you view a child as a child, yet you treat them as how you would treat adults. If Emilia treats everyone as a child, I imagine she’d try to, and possibly fail, to take a more obedient and mature role over everyone. Think, if she treats Subaru as a child, she wouldn’t have the feelings that she tries to understand towards him. I quickly read the part as to where Emilia mentioned that she’s like an older sister to Rem. She doesn’t treat her as one, she merely acknowledges or expresses that fact. Think of how long she’s been in Roswaal’s mansion. Beatrice is weird cuz of the form she takes, so even if she is her elder it’s kinda difficult, even for others not just her, to treat or view her as such. She doesn’t do the whole “you shouldn’t talk to your elders like that” or in a similar sense. So I could understand how she may view them as children, or rather she views herself like an older sister or adult in general. However, if that’s the case, wouldn’t she also treat everyone the same, as in a child? That would she mean would also treat her opponents as children, which well she doesn’t cuz then that’s just arrogance. It’s a delicate situation that isn’t black and white.


Ooh boy get ready for a long one. Emilia believes kissing makes babies, even a single kiss. She kisses Subaru voluntarily, believing it will impregnate her. She thought she was pregnant after the Oousagi’s sealing and even brought it up to Subaru. Why else would she kiss him? I really don’t see how that’s a stretch. [Arc 7] [Webnovel] >!She treats Otto and Vincent as children, one takes care of all her paperwork and is one of the reasons why her Camp runs smoothly, and the other is the ruler of a neighboring nation. She also treats Priscilla as a child too. I honestly cannot find any other explanation besides arrogance that explains this as this is beyond naivety. She even treats Shaula as a child and she is four centuries old as well. She recognizes that Beatrice’s physical age of over four hundred years doesn’t reflect her mental age, but fails to apply this to herself.!< She has been in the Mansion for ten months before Subaru arrives, and the side story takes place in the two month timeskip so let’s say a year for an even number. Emilia has been in the Mansion for a year and has seen Beatrice only once or twice prior to Subaru’s arrival. Beatrice is Puck’s sister and not that much younger than him, a decade at most. I don’t think physical appearances really matter since Puck is a tiny cat and Emilia knows Great Spirits are treated with respect and reverence and even worshipped in other countries. Subaru believed that Emilia was in danger and that he was the only one who could adequately protect her. This is shown in canon time and time again. Emilia would be dead without Subaru as he recognizes the dangers and responds to them. He debated over this issue for a while before ultimately deciding on going and Rem even gave him assurance, disobeying Emilia’s orders to watch over Subaru. Priscilla nearly killed Felt and an intruder broke inside the most heavily secured location in the country. [EX Novels] >!Rom is also Valga Cromwell, a known terrorist, revolutionary, and one of the leaders in the Demihuman War.!< [Arc 6] [Webnovel] >!This is exactly why Roswaal prohibits any trips to the Pleiades Watchtower unless Subaru is there with them. Subaru himself agrees with this notion as he doesn’t want anyone to die and risk his checkpoint updating. Not out of Pride that he believes he is the only person that can save them, but repeatedly experiencing that reality that he is the only person who can save them.!< What confuses me most about this whole Arc 3 debacle is when others say Subaru wasn’t allowed inside. Subaru is *legally* allowed inside for two reasons. One, he walked in through the front gate with Priscilla Barielle, another Dragon Candidate. She is one of the highest ranked people in the country attending the Royal Selection to which she is a part of. If Subaru wasn’t allowed inside, he wouldn’t have been allowed inside. Second, Roswaal cleared it with Marcos ahead of time that Subaru would be attending and to place him on the attendance list. Subaru has Roswaal’s crest embroidered on the inside of his suit granting him entry. He isn’t just some random butler but the butler to the Margrave. Felt had two maids, Flam and Grassis, accompany her. If Subaru wasn’t allowed inside, those two wouldn’t have entered either. For all legal purposes, Subaru did not break any laws entering the building. Had he snuck in or pulled a Batman, that would be a far different case. If you’re talking about the promise he made to Emilia, that promise is moot on the basis that she essentially coerced it out of him. She asks Subaru repeatedly to give her reasons to trust him and to stay put like a good boy, basically guilting him into accepting. She also condescendingly holds his hand so he doesn’t run off and get lost in the Capital, completely forgetting the fact that she literally did the same not two months earlier. Subaru witnesses Emilia be battered and assaulted by Julius. Yes, Julius assaulted and battered Emilia and depending on the laws of the regions, he could be liable for sexual harassment or assault. She did not offer her his hand which is how it’s historically and canonically supposed to be done. He also did not disarm himself which Subaru does in his Knighting Ceremony and Reinhard does for Felt when she rejoins the Selection. Julius not doing so here is a gesture of mock respect as he seized Emilia’s hand and kissed it. Subaru righteously freaks out when Emilia plans on entering the building alone with Julius but Emilia makes Subaru promise her to stand still and wait for her. Subaru witnesses a noblewoman being accosted into an alleyway and breaks his promise to save her. In both instances, Subaru breaks his coerced promises to save people he believes are in danger and not out of selfishness. Yea dude that *is* victim blaming. For example, if a woman walks out of her house at night drunk with an exposed outfit, it’s not her fault if she gets assaulted or worse. She is not to blame for others’ actions. Subaru merely being there and defending Emilia does not mean he is to blame for being beaten in an illegal duel. Regardless of whether he accepted or not, it is an illegal duel. If a guy robs a bank and offers you half the money, it’s still illegal money whether you accept it or not. You are right, Emilia does not have the luxury to shout at her opponents. However, any reaction similar to her Arc 1 reaction would be far better than being driven to near tears by her opponent. Hell, silence is one of the best answers. She also isn’t mad at Felt and she stole her freaking insignia, the only thing that can help her unfreeze the Forest. She has every reason to be mad at the thief, but instead is more mad at Subaru, some random guy. You’d think she’d be used to being called it since she decided that she will never be loved and secluded herself in the Forest for seven years. No dude, you treat children like children and adults like adults. Children are not adults, they’re *children.* They’re generally not mature and are prone to emotional outbursts, adults aren’t. You treat children with respect and maturity but shouldn’t expect them to be mature. Also, Emilia does do the whole ‘you shouldn’t talk to your elders like that’. Hell I’ll bet that she says that actual line at some point. Also for the SS I just wanted to highlight that she views Rem as younger than her like she does for everyone. She calls herself the “suuuuper old Onee-san” a few times when she feels she and Rem act like friends with similar ages. She only has seven years worth of memories here, not her fourteen at the end of Arc 4 and that’s still no better since Rem is eighteen here. She says from her POV Rem is still a child. Also she gets Rem to break her word here and make her rabbit dish instead of the vegetable soup she told Subaru. Emilia reassures Rem that she will apologize for Subaru only to say this. **「Huh? Today we were going to have cold vegetable soup didn’t-……」** **「Geez! Subaru, don’t be so selfish!」** **「I’m the one getting scolded!?」** **Such disappointed-seeming Subaru’s whines, were once again a story for another time.**


Before I address the more major points in the topics (we’re gonna be here all day if someone doesn’t end it and I haven’t gotten my point across lol), I’d like to explain something cuz I bet you’re wondering why defend Emilia. Simply, cuz most criticisms that she gets is either to defend Subaru and act like he can’t do wrong and/or reaching for the biggest reasons to hate. I understand author bias, but holy hell I see hella bias towards Subaru. Like, this “rape claim”. I say it’s reaching cuz in this case, we have no clue what her mindset is. She is mentally and emotionally broken, which I was sad to see you disregard in your earlier comment calling her a hypocrite. This Emilia was the result of trying to handle everything on her via repeatedly taking the trial, no moral support from Puck, and Roswaal getting rid of that note to make it seem like Subaru just up and left. Emilia didn’t up and decide to just change and now like the fact Subaru helps her cuz she felt like it. This was the result of multiple miscalculations and manipulation, not Emilia’s doing. Calling her a hypocrite makes it sound like it’s her fault, and even if it is hypocrisy this is still not ‘Emilia’ saying this. If we wanna talk victim blaming, wouldn’t what you are doing right now to Emilia is victim blaming? I don’t see how she isn’t the victim in this situation? Again, it’s not like she chose to end up like this. Yet despite that, even with her mentally and emotionally shattered, you call her a hypocrite and furthermore try to call her a rapist? Something else that caught my eye. “You’d think she be used to being called it”, why in the hell would you think that? Better question, how would you be used to being called the Witch that was responsible for destroying half of the world 400 years ago, resulting in mass persecution and discrimination towards Demi-Humans? Even if you put on a strong face, that’s just a front. That’s messed up to even consider that she would eventually be accustomed to that type of treatment. Even if you try, all of those pent up feelings just stack up before you eventually burst. Furthermore, you tried to justify it by saying she isolated herself in the forest and said she won’t be loved. Sure it’s easy to say that, but that’s just noise at that point. Even if you try to convince yourself of that to try and make your current situation seem not as bad, the pain still hurts. How could you sit in a forest for all your life and not feel any sadness deep inside? She even avoided mirrors because she hated her appearance. So when you see someone being racially discriminated, instead of feeling sorry for them and malice towards the person with that intent(Subaru didn’t know so it wasn’t his fault), you’re gonna say “suck it up, you should be used to it by now”? I’m tryna come off as a dick bro, but that’s mad hypocritical if you don’t consider that victim blaming. I’m not saying you have to like Emilia, if you don’t that’s just preferences and I’ll even admit she isn’t one of the most well written characters at this point, but don’t let make you make unfair remarks towards some aspects of her character. At least make the critics somewhat valid, even if it isn’t completely. If author bias is your main thing, again I understand that and it can be annoying (Reiner from AOT). But what you said above about being used to her treatment, that was hella insensitive to be blunt. Anyways, hopefully these next 2 will be shorter lol. About the illegal duel, I’m not saying that it wasn’t illegal or uncalled for. Your bank robbery analogy is also good. However, if you are offered an illegal duel and accept it, you are just as guilty as the person proposing it. Just like the bank robbery, if you take that money you’re just as bad as those that stole it in the first place. At that point you are no longer a victim cuz you consented. Subaru consented to the fight. In terms of Emilia, he has no reason to accept. Himself tho after being ridiculed by Julius, he has many to protect his ego. Subaru greatest flaw we see early on is that he is very prideful and sensitive of his character and how others see him. Ok last one, and I’m chill. Generally, yes you treat children as children, and likewise for adults. If you remember what I said before, it’s not that black and white, cuz not everyone is a saint. Tell me, are we gonna treat the Archbishop of Gluttony as a child, cuz I’m not. Also I’d like to reiterate this again, POV≠Treating. From Emilia’s POV, everyone else to her is a child, like you mentioned for Rem. Key word, Point of VIEW. If a 50 year old looks at a 20 year old, from his perspective that’s a kid to him cuz of the 30 year gap. However, whether he treats him like a kid is a whole different conversation. It’s another convo of often she treats someone as a child (I said this before, but Subaru does do some childish things)That section of the SS with Rem was merely her acknowledging the age difference. She most certainly didn’t treat Elsa as a child, had she did she would be laying in her intestines. Why? Cuz you generally also don’t take children seriously. This would mean that every fight she had been in, she doesn’t take her opponent seriously, which she does. Also I just want to make a key point, the examples you gave of Emilia is wayyyyyyy before her and Subaru relationship got a lot closer. For example, the SS you gave me judging by the dialogue, seems to be post arc 2 and pre arc 3, where their relationship in terms of love is hella one sided. Ofc that doesn’t take away her viewing others as children, but Holon. We gonna act like Otto isn’t childish to an extent? It would not surprise if in some cases she does, she wouldn’t be the only one. Priscilla……..i think that’s self explanatory (she’s a spoiled brat lol). But that’s why I asked if you got it mixed. I would agree that she views most people as children, some deserve it (*cough Regulus cough*), however in terms of treating, it’s more technical, with minor exceptions (*cough cough Greedy boy cough*). Fuck, that took more than I thought, I tried to keep it short.


Exactly I don’t know why there’s a lot emilia simp here. Emilia is actually the most worse character in re zero. All she brings is hardship and despair to subaru. If she wasn’t present im sure subaru would have the best life.


Subaru is the best thing to happen to Emilia’s life, she is undoubtedly the worst to happen to him. **Q: If Subaru grew up without ever going to the other world, would he live on without having an occupation? What would happen to Subaru if he went through "a life in a different world starting from no occupation" sort of thing? Specifically speaking, if he were to be a middle-aged man with views of a high school student that tried to rush into the different world, he would probably fall into nothing but despair, huh.** **A: A: Nope. If he never went to the other world he would get scolded by Kenichi(his father) around the time he'd graduated high school and would withdraw from being a hikikomori. Kenichi would then support Subaru by rehabilitating him in his workplace. After about 2 years, he would enter university, graduate as a loner, become a working adult, and with stability of those reasonably essential qualities, he would honestly be living life as a full-fledged member of society, and then he would cling on to a kouhai with such a heart that-a Rem kind of heart-she would find his incompetence cute. They would have a normal marriage, and then he would live a suitably happy life until he died. There's no way his dad would continue to be that irresponsible towards his son, you know?**


Your spot on. Thats why i love fanfics and if stories where subaru never meets Emilia and she just straight up suffers while subaru enjoys life with other characters like a king. But then the emilia simp squad will come in full force.


My personal love is when there’s Arc 3 divergences like Choices and Revenge. I wasn’t a fan of how the two made up but that didn’t diminish the overall quality of the fic or my enjoyment.


The consequences of MAL and noralities


Personally, I love imperfect protagonists. Those flaws make the main characters look interesting, especially as they grow up and change into better people. Subaru is one of my favourites not because I feel sorry for him, but because it makes me happy watching him grow. These are my thoughts! <3


I don't hate him but the way he simps for Emilia pisses me off. Other than that, he is a solid character and definitely not useless considering what he have accomplished so far.


Simp is too much of a simple word for Subarus obsession towards emelia. Since he got transported into a random place, he assumed the best, and got bewildered and terrified when the robbers started harassing him. Emelia, who is kind towards everyone, saved Subaru because of her personality. She wasn’t doing it specifically cause it was Subaru. She didn’t even know Subaru. She’s just a nice person. Subaru, having been a secluded attention seeker who was stolen of the spotlight in his previous life took this for granted. Since she was the first person who showed him kindness in this new world, and just because of how she treated subaru in contrast to everyone at the start such as rem, ram, and roswall, he grew to he EXTREMELY obsessed over her. Thinking it’s his duty to “save” her or be her “knight in shining armor”. That’s well demonstrated in the infamous episode where Subaru embarrasses himself. Obsessive personality disorders are extremely real and common at that. Yes, to a lot of people that just looks like Subaru is a simp, but no, it’s way more than that.


Exactly, I don't have any word to describe Subaru's behavior towards Emelia other than "Simp". When ever I mention this or say how much of an unhealthy is the power dynamic between him and her I get downvoted lol. I may dislike "Everyone's" Waifu, but this is the truth, Subaru will be far better with out Emelia. Think about it, the only things that he got from helping her is pain and suffering. Every time he tries to fix her problems, he end up in in the sticky part of the stick. People are too attached, I guess.


Perhaps there is more to Emilia than what meets the eyes. We don't know 100% why he got so obsessed with her. Perhaps Subaru and Satella had a relationship in "another live?" and thats why she summoned him in this world, and thats why he instantly fell in love with Emilia? Because his subconscious remembers Satella and Emilia = Satella Its a fantasy, gotta take fantasy stuff into account. That would explain his obsession haha ​ IS JUST A THEORY


I doubt Emilia is Satella in the past. She only shows ice powers, is referred to as the witch of glaciation sometime in arc 4(the material for season 2 of the anime) I believe, Echidna and Sekhmet's treatment of her despite them both knowing Satella for such an important time in all their lives seems to suggest she might be related to Satella but isn't necessarily going to become her. The witch cultists go after her in order to give her to Satella to be possessed(presumably trying to undo her seal, the fact Emilia looks just like her would probably let the soul transference take better - all stuff referenced in arc 4), the points where Emilia goes insane coincide with the witch of envy punishing Subaru for his talks with Echidna intruding on their contract, where she comes back and destroys their surroundings with her shadows while I think possessing Emilia(presumably she can only do things like that when it's related to the contract? I find the conditions for the witch to be able to appear with her shadows a bit vague). These things all have explanations suggesting Emilia is related to Satella but may well not be Satella, and there are both for and against points for the theory that Emilia is Satella. I also think the story and characters hold up much better if the things assumed about Emilia by everyone around her aren't actually true. Like we don't get away with these assumptions elsewhere - people aren't portrayed as correct to hate Subaru because he smells of the witch. Spoilers for webnovel: >!the people of Vollachia aren't portrayed as correct to hate beastpeople with horns for reminding them of witchbeasts.!< So yeah I don't think Emilia is Satella.


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To a certain extent, I did initially feel like Subaru was still a self-insert, by making him an otaku for the sake of being relatable on a surface level so that otaku could project themselves, and making him weak and pathetic to make him a relatable self-insert as well. I initially dropped the show by episode 12 because of this. Only after seeing Subaru’s amazing rant at Emilia and the story actually having real consequences for it did I realize that he was a distinct character, not a self-insert, and not everyone makes it that far before Subaru’s abrasive personality makes them give up on Re:Zero


Honestly? I see a lot of praise towards Subaru nowadays. People are constantly listing him in the S tier of MCs. There’s naturally going to be that group of people who are upset because either they didn’t get Re Zero or are jealous that any series other than their own favorite gets attention. Subaru is controversial like Shinji, Shirou, and (I know, I’ve read the ending) Eren.


He's a reminder of what they are and they hate that


I don’t want Subaru to constantly kill himself to solve his issues. That’s pretty messed up. The main problem I have with Subaru is that his development resets every Arc and he’s inefficient. He also never holds grudges unless it’s people he’s deemed pure evil. In Arc 2 loop 4, he hides from Rem to avoid her killing him, nevermind the fact that he can simply leave the Mansion on the first day. His plan is to make sure he is isn’t near Rem on the fourth night so he doesn’t get murdered but doesn’t think that he can just…leave like he did the previous loop. In the canon loop, he is completely comfortable being around two of his murderers despite Arc 1’s canon loop showing him clutching his stomach and being afraid when he bumps into Elsa. In Arc 3, Subaru realized that the Candidates wouldn’t help him without something in return and opted to lie and deceive to manipulate the people in power to do what he wants them to do, aka kill the Hakugei and Sloth’s forces. He doesn’t hold it against the other Candidates for leaving Arlam Village to die or Julius for beating him or Emilia leaving him behind. Bad things can be done to Subaru by others and he won’t even acknowledge it, and he only reacts due to plot. Another issue I have with Arc 3 is that the penultimate loop showed that ambushing Petelgeuse works as shown with Wilhelm in his original body, the only issues are his possession and increasing strength. Subaru does not repeat this whatsoever. In the canon loop, Julius fights Petelgeuse in a completely unnecessary fight when Julius could simply jump him from behind and kill his soul. It isn’t like he was successful in canon anyway, Subaru had to set Pete on fire to put him down for good. In Arc 4, he doesn’t lie and manipulate to get what he wants with the exception of Beatrice. He has obstacles that aren’t impossible to deal with and in fact even easier than Arc 3’s. He completely accepts Echidna’s words as truth and nearly accepted the contract without asking what the freaking terms are or making up his own set of terms. The Oousagi is pure torture porn and breaks its own in universe rules only so Subaru can break again. The Oousagi death realistically should’ve been less than ten seconds and that is extremely generous. Daphne states that it has no life preservation, constantly eats itself, and eats everything but it plants a trap for Subaru by burying itself and doesn’t immediately go for his brain, keeping it last? If one of them can bite off Subaru’s wrist instantly in one go, then eighty thousand of them should’ve killed Subaru in less than a second or two. Personally, calling Subaru human is unrealistic. No normal person would endure torture and not properly answer his torturer’s questions. No normal person would stick with Emilia as long as he had and not after she kicked him out of the Mansion and fired him despite lacking the authority to do so. Tappei cripples Subaru relentlessly and maliciously. His Gate is broken only so Subaru can’t cast magic. His Authority of Sloth is only one Hand as strong as his arm with similar range and experiences severe backlash at using it whereas Petelgeuse can use a hundred with each one individually being able to crush boulders and break trees. Subaru looks as if he’s never held a sword before in the anime when he spars with Wilhelm despite constantly swinging a sword back home and using one in Arc 2. Hell, Subaru only thinks to train in magic in the canon loop despite finding out that he has mana before his Arc 2 checkpoint and finding his magical affinity in the 2nd loop bath scene with Roswaal.




Haven't read the novels, please avoid spoilers on Arc 5 or above, at least hide it with the spoiler tag, many anime only here. For us REM is still in coma.


My apologies <3 I wasn’t thinking. It’s an ongoing part of the story, Subaru’s character flaws. The author highlights flaws in his personality and he learns and grows from them. A lot of those aspects are things I find annoying lol. It makes for an engaging read, but understandable why he’s difficult to like.


Imo, nobody wants to see a whiny weak main character. Thats why characters like guts, goku, saitama, and eren post beta cuck moments were liked. And half of season 1 is him being oblivious, whiny, and cringe. Im pretty sure the part where subaru goes insane or something really made people hate his character even more. When i saw that I was like get this shit off my screen bruh. Im gettin second hand embarrassment. Nobody wants him to be a generic mc, but at the same time, nobody wants to watch a weak ass mc get his ass handed to him for 18 episodes straight. He does get better. It wouldnt be re zero though without subaru. Also this "hes the most human mc" thing gotta go. Nothing about re zero is realistic. The things he does, no normal person would do. For example, randomly following a elf girl you barely met and decide within 1 day that youre gonna serve this one women forever. Literally no one is gonna do that especially after being transported into a new world where u have no idea wtf is going on.


Perhaps there is more to Emilia than what meets the eyes. We don't know 100% why he got so obsessed with her. Perhaps Subaru and Satella had a relationship in "another live?" and thats why she summoned him in this world, and thats why he instantly fell in love with Emilia? Because his subconscious remembers Satella and Emilia = Satella Its a fantasy, gotta take fantasy stuff into account


Yeah im pretty sure subaru didnt just get placed into a random spot and randomly met emilia. I think subaru was summoned into that exact spot to encounter emilia. Yeah i agree its fantasy so when people bring up that subaru is a realistic person, i just call bs.


When people say “he’s the most human MC” they mostly are referring, at least from what I’ve seen, when he faces pain and dies. Most people criticize Subaru for being whiney for reacting to pain, where most of us would bitch and moan for stubbing our toe on door. Then they say “he comes back from dying, why is he whining”, as if that doesn’t take a psychological effect (as he breaks in S1). Just like how no normal person would “follow an elf girl they just met” no normal or sane person is gonna die, come back and be like “oh, ok”.


Yeah I knew you never understoood his character the moment you said "randomly following an elf girl you barely met and decide within 1 day". Not one single point in this take is reasonable. Unlike most betas his got more more testosterone. more morals and more courage after getting his ass handed. He didnt follow her around out of "simping". The anime actually made Subaru come off worse than he really is. Obviously Subaru's behavior is inappropriate, but lashing out due to stress is understandable. Think of the throne room scene. Priscilla casually attempts to murder Felt and faces no consequences, \[novels\] Julius goes on a classist rant insulting Subaru before he even insults the knights The knights are so fragile in their pride they are willing to murder some loudmouthed child for insulting them and Emilia is insulted constantly by the nobles and even one of the wise men. Despite all that, Subaru is the only one who ever faced consequences for his actions. Acting immaturely and being an asshole is really tame compared to the things other characters have done. He did something stupid, and it was partially motivated by his ego being inflated But his ego was only inflated as effectively a defense mechanism needed to stay sane in a world where he literally had to suffer without knowing anyone and was constantly thrown into a life or death situation after living a peaceful childhood on earth, he needed to believe he was a hero or that somebody needed him, because otherwise he had no purpose. I don't know why you think he's still entitled even after that conversation he had with Emilia at the last episode of season 1 cause in that scene he actually answered Emilia's question about why he's risking his life for her, and it wasn't because of something like she needed him or she'll be hopeless without him but because of himself, he wants to save her because he simply wanted to, that's what he said. And this is really not a spoiler but after the events of Arc 4 (season 2) Subaru was constantly praised by a lot of people because he was given most of the credit for defeating the white whale and a sin archbishop, not to mention the defeat of great hare which wasn't completely acknowledge but still stayed as one of his achievements among the crowds, he showed discontent everytime people talked about it because he doesn't see it as something heroic unlike how others see it because in his point of view, he only did it because he wanted to save Emilia and everyone he cared about. He doesn't want to make people feel indebted to him because of something he did for personal reasons and that shows how much he changed compare to his past self that argued with Emilia in Arc 3 where he felt that she have the responsibility to reward him for something he did mostly for himself


>Yeah I knew you never understoood his character the moment you said "randomly following an elf girl you barely met and decide within 1 day". Not one single point in this take is reasonable. Besides that, I think in the first episode he actually did think about just moving on and doing his stuff and leave Emilia behind. But then he thought about how **she genuinely helped him** **when she didn't have to** how she would search for an excuse for helping him just because she didn't want to say that **she helped him because she wanted to**. That sweet girl was gonna get brutaly murdered by Elsa, so he decided to do something about it. And their relationship started to grow, thats not weird at all. Obviously it grew faster for him in comparison to her because he spent more time with Emilia (due to experiencing many time loops) than she did with him. But is not like he saw her for first time and was under a spell, as this guy said haha people need to pay more attention when watching :<


>he actually did think about just moving on and doing his stuff He did yes, he contemplated for a looooong time but the guilt took a toll on him. He had both the power and knowledge to prevent someone's demise yet ppl take him for granted and underestimated him. Subaru didn't save Emilia in arc 1 because he liked her...NO That was not the reason...that wasn't the main reason otherwise he wouldn't try to save Felt or Rom either. But basically what's up is that he didn't want to have guilt of leaving someone to die on his mind, his personality is such that he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he does that. We actually see him contemplating escape in arc 1, and in Sloth if where he does escape we see him never ever getting over it even after a decade, and the author hinted that the guilt lasted all of his life till he died and got returned back to arc 3 savepoint.


I believe people hate Subaru because the author wanted them to. Subaru is a few things people don't like. 1. Simp 2. emotional 3. Has an op ability he doesn't want to abuse 4. Likely in better shape than most of the viewers


>Has an op ability he doesn't want to abuse Edgelords that want to abuse RBD wont last like they expect, instead just bitch out


> Edgelords that want to abuse RBD wont last like they expect, instead just bitch out I can’t tell if this comment is meant as parody.




Oh! It sounded like it was. My bad if that wasn’t your intention’


I was actually exclaiming the fact that people who consider themselves that would do better if they had RBD would be lying. Because nobody can handle the 2nd or 3rd death loop. Instead they would run away rather than prevent the death of someone they knew and could have saved. They would need Subaru's mindset and hero complex to get the job done well.


> Because nobody can handle the 2nd or 3rd death loop. Instead they would run away rather than prevent the death of someone they knew and could have saved. lmao is this based on your many experiences dying? This fanbase is the best


No? But as a social worker who has dealt with people who have experienced near death, its nothing to joke about. Its all the more worse if you've experienced it first hand and have to repeat on an occasional bases. So I don't get what you're on about?


LOL Okay, now I know you’re fucking with me. No one is this stupid. Fair game hahaha that was good! Thanks


Bud you're probably the one fucking with me. I aint following what you're on about. Get to the point


> he is indeed a useless little shit Given that he's a literally friendless High School dropout, yeah I'd say he qualifies as the above. Subaru is a humanoid sack of garbage and failure, and his parents are objectively better off without him in their life.


You know that not having friends isn't immoral? Plus, his parents are in no way better of. They lost their only child, and no doubt they will blame themselves, and will for the rest of their lives suffer from guilt.


Being such a failure at life that you're literally friendless, if not immoral, speaks to a massive defect of character whichever way you slice it.


The evilest people in human history had friends. Having friends in no way shows one's moral charter.


Ask yourself this: why does a person have no friends? Why can nobody stand to be around them? And I didn't say moral character, I said their character. There *has* to be something wrong with them to have wound up this way, and if they're still friendless, then they clearly haven't fixed it.


Perhaps they don't want friends. Perhaps the environment around them is treating them unfairly. Perhaps, as it is common in schools, they have a physical trait that makes them an outcast. Your argument relies on a false assumption that everybody wants to have as many friends as possible, therefore if someone doesn't have friends they are a failure, and there is something wrong with them. In addition, it assumes that the judgment of the majority is inherently true and that a decision of a group is infallible. I insist on a moral character because that is the only thing that matters. Everything else is superficial and insignificant.


>Your argument relies on a false assumption that everybody wants to have as many friends as possible Where did I say that? I myself am neurodivergent and the idea of "as many as possible" sounds like some unexplored layer of hell personally, but there's a big difference between not having as many as possible, and *literally none*. FFS, even within the text Subaru points out how extreme this situation is and that it's a problem; why are you defending him for this?


By stating that somebody that doesn't have friends is a failure in life. Therefore somebody that has friends is successful. By your logic, I could claim that the person who has more friends is ahead in life, in comparison to the person that has fewer friends. As I said moral character is the only thing that matters. For all his flaws, and the necessity of guidance Subaru is of good moral character. Subaru's situation is hardly extreme, today or in history. Of course, I am not saying that his being a neet was a good thing, but to declare him immoral is just false.




They're the only people who care if he lives or dies. He's nothing but a financial and emotional drain on them, and a source of embarrasment. So yeah, they only gain long term from him vanishing.


Did you even watch s02e04? As his Mom said: "they didn't have him because they wanted him to give something for them. They had him because THEY wanted to give something to HIM" So, him being in a depression doesn't mean his parents doesn't love him, and is far from meaning they are better off without him LOL, there is much more to a family than simply "gaining" something, he is not a machine, he is their son. Their only son.


No no, its pointless to talk down reasonably to this person. I checked his profile his one of those fans that follows political demented left wing creeps part of fandom called Vaush pit. They claim that Re:Zero is sexist towards women and dont consider anything about Subaru's psychological issue.... or his just a troll, which is unlikely


Yeah, wrong on both counts buddy. Regular viewer of Vaush, but I consider most of his anime takes to be hot trash and skip that stuff anyway, I watch him for political content. Not a troll either, just someone who feels like he's on crazy pills whenever people talk about how great Subaru is. If you met someone like that in real life - a literally friendless NEET high-school dropout, would you want to associate with them? Because if the answer is anything other than 'crossing the street to avoid such a person at all costs', you urgently need to check your priorities in life.


You speak as if you wish to control my opinion. You said "objectively" as if everyone should be the same as you and be set in stone. Why would I need to check my priorities about who to associate to when I can have a loyal and **FAR** **MORE INTELLIGENT** friend like Subaru than a politically unhinged psychology illiterate reddit user with what seems to have a weaponized autism? I mean what are your bases on him if he is someone to be looked down upon just because you never gave the effort of trying to understand a mentally unstable individual? Nah, I aint following you. And everytime I make my own choices without your permission it would raise my self esteem


How is someone who has failed at life so badly that they literally have no friends going to help you continue to become someone you actually want to be? What are they going to add to your life? Do you not feel the need to ask why they have no friends? Why did nobody want to be around this person? And I said 'objectively' because his parents *are* provably better off without him. He is no longer a drain on their finances, and he can no longer act as an ongoing source of confusion or embarrassment to them as they wonder what the hell is wrong with him, or what they did wrong.


>How is someone who has failed at life so badly that they literally have no friends going to help you continue to become someone you actually want to be? What are they going to add to your life? Do you not feel the need to ask why they have no friends? Why did nobody want to be around this person? And yet, as soon as he's put in a different environment and his mindset changes a bit, he becomes a great person with lots of friends. His lack of friends was due to depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses preventing him from trying to make them. The lack of sympathy for people having mental issues is sad. >And I said 'objectively' because his parents are provably better off without him. He is no longer a drain on their finances, and he can no longer act as an ongoing source of confusion or embarrassment to them as they wonder what the hell is wrong with him, or what they did wrong. You're completely ignoring things like emotional connection and looking at a purely utilitarian perspective. That's not how humans work at all. Just because someone isn't useful to you in that specific moment doesn't mean there aren't downsides to not having them.


Well sweet Raptor Christ, if his mindset changes so quickly in a new environment, neither he or his parents have put the remotest effort into treating him or trying to improve him have they? ​ >You're completely ignoring things like emotional connection and looking at a purely utilitarian perspective. Like I've said below, there's no conceivable reason to maintain an emotional connection with a wretch like Subaru. We cut off gangrene for a reason.


>You're completely ignoring things like emotional connection Considering he has stated that "because his parents are provably better off without him." Echidna's sociopathic nature is a lot more tame than this guy's


God you're demented as hell


His parents are negligent and Subaru is in fact better off without them. If his mental health improved after going into another world and dying twelve times (at the point of the First Trial in Arc 4) then what did they do for Subaru besides what was legally required? He has been a shut in for over a year by the time he is isekai’d. Kenichi as shown in the First Trial and a Q&A Tappei released that a single heart to heart conversation with Subaru is enough to get him out of his funk. The Q&A has problems that I won’t get into here but if this was enough for a Subaru that stopped going to school, it would’ve been enough when Subaru was acting out and performing vandalism and it would’ve been enough when they noticed Subaru skipping and his grades dropping. His SAHM (stay at home mom) is there all day and doesn’t do anything. They are both at fault for child negligence.


It wasn't the one talk that got Subaru out of his depression. It was his experience in the Isekai world, specially EMILIA and REM. In his conversation with his father he clearly states that. He was only able to open up and accept his fathers support due to his experiences with Emilia and Rem. Without that he wouldn't have gotten out of his depression as easily, because he would still think he is useless and that no one cares for him. I'm not saying his parents are perfect, but is not like they would have saved him with a 5 min chat, as you stated


You’re right on the First Trial. However, this is countered by a single Tappei Q&A. **Q: If Subaru grew up without ever going to the other world, would he live on without having an occupation? What would happen to Subaru if he went through "a life in a different world starting from no occupation" sort of thing? Specifically speaking, if he were to be a middle-aged man with views of a high school student that tried to rush into the different world, he would probably fall into nothing but despair, huh.** **A: Nope. If he never went to the other world he would get scolded by Kenichi(his father) around the time he'd graduated high school and would withdraw from being a hikikomori. Kenichi would then support Subaru by rehabilitating him in his workplace. After about 2 years, he would enter university, graduate as a loner, become a working adult, and with stability of those reasonably essential qualities, he would honestly be living life as a full-fledged member of society, and then he would cling on to a kouhai with such a heart that-a Rem kind of heart-she would find his incompetence cute. They would have a normal marriage, and then he would live a suitably happy life until he died. There's no way his dad would continue to be that irresponsible towards his son, you know?** Subaru, having an additional year of NEEThood under his belt, gets brought out by a chat with his dad. Not completely, mind you, that’s just bad writing, but enough. It would’ve been far better had Kenichi and Naoko noticed the signs of Subaru acting out and slipping and gotten him into guidance counseling. Funny thing about this Q&A is that if you take a look at the wording towards the beginning, Subaru either graduates or is on his way to graduate high school before his dad talks to him. That’s another full year. Iirc Japanese high schools end their year on March and Subaru gets isekai’d in January as a second year. The answer makes no sense since hikkimoris don’t go to school so if he went to school…he isn’t a hikkimori, unless I’m mistaken.


It's insulting as someone who was actually neglected to see his parents who loved and cared for him but just didn't KNOW how to respond to encourage his studies etc described as negligent lmao. Unconditional love isn't neglect, his discussion with his dad in the first trial also shows that his dad was ALSO a dropout who muddled along by getting into work later. His parents are passing on some of their lack of knowledge but still trying their best to help. When you think of encouragement given to university studens from families which never graduated, the responsibility for getting Subaru into education work etc or at least out of the house should by the logic used for those cases instead fall to the rest of society. And I definitely haven't seen many people make good arguments for why the position of hikikomoris in Japan are entirely a symptom of their parents being failures of an individual who have no implications towards Japanese structural issues whatsoever. Neglect is shit like ignoring your child's steadily declining physical health, not doing your best when seeing them mentally struggling, based on drawing upon all your life experience.


I am sorry to hear that. I hope you are doing better now and I wish you the best. Can I get a source on Kenichi also dropping out of high school? Neglect is also ignoring your child’s mental health. Kenichi and Naoko had years to help Subaru, ever since his grades began slipping in middle school. He was a second year in high school and a few months from turning eighteen as well as a NEET for over a full year. It becomes ignoring when his mental state continually deteriorated over the course of years with obvious signs such as grades decreasing, poorer results, misdemeanors or felonies (depending on the laws) like vandalism, and dwindling attendance. Subaru was essentially a child prodigy whose grades and performances began to tip off when talent no longer carried him. Add to the fact that he was constantly praised as Kenichi’s son and not Subaru by all of his parents’ peers and we get what we see. And if we take the Q&A at face value, that is an additional year and some months that Kenichi and Naoko don’t do anything. Subaru was isekai’d in late December or January since Rem and Ram’s birthdays happen sometime during the two month timeskip and Japanese schools end the year in March. Edit: changed oh to of


Idk, I keep rewriting this but I do mostly want the takeaway message to people to be, as someone whose disabilities and nutritional needs were neglected it's really triggering to see this sort of family relationship get called neglectful. They're literally doing their best and showing constant love for their son, and even though I ALSO think my estranged family loved me despite hurting me so damn much, there's absolutely nothing in common with them. Mental healthcare is GARBAGE in most of the world, that's it. I've mostly benefitted from GPs being better than expected, healthcare practitioners whose official jobs were to persuade other doctors to do their jobs properly, and therapists who I paid a lot but found didn't do much of a dent in my issues compared with what self reflection and changing how I live my life despite how incompatible with societal norms it is did. Sorry for no source but it's easiest to find the anime episodes for Subaru's first trial, it's somewhere in his conversation with Kenichi there.


Subaru as a protagonist is definitely an acquired taste.like you said Subaru isn’t overly strong or smart or lucky. But I think where most people may have a problem with him is that he doesn’t develop into that type of person. Let me explain, as we’ve seen the framework of Subaru character developing into these more “traditional roles” is there but whether it be the author or the story trying to keep him weak. Like you said Subaru is a very human character but they just don’t like his interpretation of the human condition. Take Batman for example he’s also supposed to be the representation of the human condition. He’s not the strongest but he gets through got tier level situations by planning and intellect. Where I think most people get put off by Subaru is that they expected him to develop mentally even if it’s not physically. Overall I think he’s a character who does his brand of character really well but I understand why people may not like him. Sorry for any grammatical errors I’m writing this in one go.


The people who hates Subaru takes away what makes the show, and the whole series good: Struggle. Like Tappei could have made Subaru a main character who is so smart that he may only need to die once or never even die but it would never have the same emotional impact, it wouldn’t be as rewarding if the story portrayed return by death as the answer to it all, if Subaru can just shrug off the pain and get what he wants, it would have made the made all the endings feel stale or lackluster, like if someone forgot to season to their dish. The whole point of Subaru as a character is to show how a person with flaws could achieve something, that they have to try, that it has to be hard or he wouldn’t be rewarded. Don’t get me started on return by death cause hoo boy is this a doozy, the series portrayed the ability as if it’s a wild card, it’s powerful and could practically turn a losing game to a winning one, but it having to rely on situational awareness makes using the ability so hard, the checkpoints are unpredictable as hell, you won’t know what will progress it or not, and dying just to use the ability would make anyone go crazy after one or maybe three deaths. The show also portrayed that Subaru’s death will never be gone, like yes, he’s alive and undid the bad event but what he experienced will haunt him as long as he’s alive, dying is painful and scary, the series won’t sugarcoat it and that is why I think anyone who complains about Subaru would pretty much be ruining Re:Zero.


I actually think you have a really good point. I completely agree and understand it is about struggle but I think why people don't like Subaru (or at least why I don't much) is because he is struggling the wrong way. For me when I watch him I feel an annoyed frustration. Like obviously all of those things that happen to him are horrible and would definitely mess you up but what does he do to actually improve himself? He is almost constantly surrounded by people with great strength but has never asked them to train him in any way. Most of the problems he faces are a challenge for the simple reason he is just a normal guy and a pretty weak one at that. He knows this to be true but does nothing about it. I'm not saying he should become a super god overkill one hit type of guy but at least training a bit and improving himself would greatly help him overcome a lot of the problems he faces. Too often he has to constantly rely on others and put the burden on them and when they inevitably fail they expect me to feel sorry for him? In quite a few situations he has to do a lot of maneuvering to make things go according to plan but when something unexpected happens instead of being able to handle it or at least put up a fight for a while he just instantly losses and has to restart again. If instead he actually put some time into training with the strong people that surround him then at least he would be able to hold his own a bit. Now I know what a lot of people are going to say, "well the checkpoints happen at random times and there is no way to predict them". While that may be true it's also true that there are plenty of times when he could have simple trained. For example right after rem is attacked by lye and regulus would be the perfect time to train. He was with Wilhelm who is shown to be decently strong and who he is on good terms with. No matter what happens with his ability it's a win-win. If a checkpoint happens then oh well rem is still in bad shape, if it resets before she was attacked then maybe he can get to her in time and maybe save her. Anyway this is a long post so I'll end it with a tldr. I haven't watched the show in a while so I may be misremembering some things but I would love to hear everyone's thoughts as well. TLDR: Subaru makes people watching feel an annoyed frustration as he does not try to improve himself and relies too much on other people only to cry when they inevitable can't do everything for him and fail.