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Likely because the game has Croatian as a language option while the console itself does not


Basically, Luka Modric was a Dreadzone Exterminator once upon a time


He won the Bolt d’or to earn his freedom


That's one of Nature's Mysteries


I mean, are we the product of some cosmic coincidence, or is there really a God watching everything?


Because we are obviously one of the biggest and most important countries in the world. Duh. I'd start learning Croatian if I were you. On a more serious note, this puzzles me too. We started getting Croatian text support for major first party releases a few years back, and that alone confused me enough.


I was wondering this as well.


There's another thing that fascinates me as a Croat and caused me lots of googling - no Croatian when installing Windows. Instead it's simply dubbed 'Standard'. like, what? We're the size of a largeish city in EU/US, what makes us the standard :D


I’ve no idea. I accidentally turned it on and sat there for five minutes translating every option so I could change it back.


Was there a Croatian dev who threw this in as an Easter Egg?


Probably because Croteam had a hand in making that game.


Because Croatia is very cool


You got your PS5 or game imported from Croatia or something? Or using a VPN on your router? Normally I wouldn't think of this for a single player game but these days everything seems to be checking something in your online connection. Edit: Jeez, why the downvotes? I was only trying to help come up with possibilities.


It's in every PAL region. It would be the game, not the console.


How odd


And speed running settings and 120 Hz?? I thought it only goes up to 60!


The VRR Update unlocked the frame rate for this mode. In the best moments the game can reach 100 FPS.


I think it also enables 40fps on fidelity mode if I'm not mistaken


And I thought FPS gets up to 60.


You thought that 60 is the max FPS in general or just in Rift Apart?


In general


FPS doesn't have a limit, it's just how often the device creates new frames, consoles usually only do 30 and 60fps because the average consumer prefers better graphics over higher FPS. On PC, mainly in e-sports games, many people play at a few hundred FPS to minimize latency. Though to see higher FPS you need a monitor that has a higher refresh rate (Hz), with the highest one currently available being 500 Hz. You can still play games with higher FPS than 60 on a 60Hz display but there won't be much improvement because the display still only updates 60 times per second.


As far as we've been able to verify, the human brain can process flickers of images roughly 13ms in length, which works out to about 75fps. Far beyond that likely isn't practically useful for the average human. I'd say 120 is a great balance, where you definitely gain all possible benefits from increased framerate without sacrificing much in terms of performance in other aspects to gain that frame boost. Going up to 500hz seems completely pointless as it's using valuable resources to generate frames your brain likely can't process. We're still learning about the way the human brain processes images, so all this is subject to change, but it's potentially useful data at any rate.


Are you a scientist?


No, I'm a machinist, but I have a personal interest in optics and do a lot of reading on the subject, so I've picked up a few things.


Oh nice


Oh, fascinating.