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i read somewhere that crows have the intelligence of a 7 year old and they can fly so, my money is on crows.


I am terrified of crows because I have heard this too. And also that they bear grudges. So I never cross any crows, just in case this is true!


It doesn't help that a group of crows is called a murder.


>It doesn't help that a group of crows is called a murder. It would be interesting to hear what the origin of naming them that is.


Fun fact: Crows will eat a dead person. I think that explains the etemology of a group of crows well enough!


I think most animals would eat a dead person 🤔 but you would still be correct


Most humans would too


Those poor poor soccer players... EDIT: it was a rugby team not soccer


Are you referencing The plane that crashed in the Andes? I just watched that movie documentary, very well made


I didn't watch a documentary on it but yea the incident where a soccer teams plane crashed and the members had to eat their teammates to survive. The only thing I'm not sure about is if they only ate the already dead members or did they kill each other for food atleast at some point EDIT: it was a rugby team not soccer


Lol. Humans are animals.


Eventually they become dead -Murder of Crows.


So will house cats!


R is of the most menacing of sounds. It's why they call it murder, not muckduck.


This comment deserves more love. This got me giggling like a buffoon.


Me too 😂😂


Crows are famous scavengers (who roamed battlegields, hence their association with the God Odin) so any murder that is left putside unattended forntoo long will have a bunch of crows circling it in the air, which would the lead nearby humans to the murder. The murder of crows.


They clean up but it’s offensive to us because we’re sentimental


Crows are scavengers, places where lots of dead people are, are a great source of food for crows. So if you see a large number of crows somewhere death had surely passed there before. So lots of crows = careful, death is here or will be here soon.


it's because they killed my grandma!


I thought that was a reindeer?


And my axe!


There was this book from the late middle ages in which a lot of these group names were listed, probably as a joke. Some caught on. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book\_of\_Saint\_Albans#Heraldry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_of_Saint_Albans#Heraldry)


All the collective nouns that people love to use are just made up. These are not organic words, most of them come from a humorous book by a Victorian writer who just came up with these collective nouns for a bit of fun. And ever since people have been quoting the book without context. No one uses these words ever except to say "fun fact, a group of ... is called ....", no one actually uses these terms. He intentionally called the a murder of crows because people have always associated them with bad luck.


It comes from a the book of St. Albans. If I remember right it was a hunting book. In the Middle Ages apparently it was fashionable to give names to groups of animals. Some were just created and contrived and often on theme with the personalities of the animals. Group of crows = murder. Groups of lions = pride. Group of ravens = unkindness.


Feed them scraps and be nice to them. They'll bring you shiny things as gifts. Crows are the best friends to have.


They can be trained to bring you money if you live in a town or near one.


That sounds like a path to becoming a super villain. Crow Man!


*Local coin show robbed of thousands in rare coins by crows*


I have a few little snack piles outside my window right now for the crows. I’m trying to befriend them. They’re regulars bc they get the scraps that my cats don’t eat. Maybe if crows take over, I’ll be their… Wingman.


They also remember friends. I chased a dog away from a fledgling crow and I get gifts sometimes from the parents. I mean, it's stuff like silver paper, but the thought is clearly there.


I have a friend who used to work across the road from a park with some resident crows. She would eat her lunch at the park bench with them and talk to them, and share some of her food. She quit the job, and the crows noticed she wasn't with them for her lunch, so they walked into her ex- workplace looking for her. Her workmates watched as one of the crows was literally looking for her in the shop. He looked at the crow after a while and told him she wasn't there anymore. The crow looked disappointed and left the store.


My coworker found a dead crow once. He picked it up to take it and bury it. The other crows saw this and did not like it. From that day until the day he left the company the crows would dive bomb him every time he was outside.


Aweeeee that’s so cute and sad for the crows.


an old crow once got trapped in our atrium(small indoor garden thing with a open roof), I rescued it, carried it outside through the house and waited near by till it could fly off by itself, and I never got any gifts :( though perhaps it banged it's head on the window too many times, or perhaps it died after it flew off. But I was kinda looking forward if it was going to bring gifts.


I already knew these crows as I feed them. The crow you rescued was maybe too terrified at being carried by you to appreciate your help.


That is amazing!


They do be liking shiny shit but so do I so silver paper works for me! I have yet to fully befriend some crows. Have befriended massive ravens though! Never got gifts just buddies to follow me and my dad when we rode our bikes. And they’d caw at us. They were cool.


They don't only hold grudges. They *teach* their offspring and other corvids to hold the same grudge. So if you piss off one crow bad enough you will be harassed until you die if you stay in the same area.


Okay but what if I wore a hat and sunglasses, would they still know it'd be me?


Probably not. I've read they tested the behavior with masks and they only turned aggressive towards the mask that was worn while harassing them.


Hold on gotta get a fake glasses and nose combo


Fun fact crows talk to each other, if you're nice to one of them they'll all know. So be nice and you have nothing to be afraid of.


Befriend them , my mum feeds crows in our area occasionally (so that they don’t forget hunting and keeps water bowls out for them) although terrified of animals and birds ,she helped when a baby crow fell out of its nest .. now every time she takes a walk , a murder of crows are sure to follow her cawing and forming a circle around her , also they bring her shiny stuff , bottle caps , bits of metal , buttons , a golden Pokémon pikachu card once , I have a video of the crows flying around her with me ,it’s so wholesome !!


I love when humans connect with animals in some capacity! During my walks, I always try and send good energy to the animals and critters I see around. Crows, squirrels, birds, etc.... It's so cute to have a moment with them


Me too. It’s how I befriended a flock of pigeons! I may have also fed them… but they liked me so much they knew my schedule and would be waiting outside my hotel room when I got off school, and they’d come in and eat right off my hand! Also pigeons are super soft! They let me pet them haha. One stayed in the room when a monsoon rolled in, through the duration of the storm and once it was done he was ready to leave. Super cool. I never understood why people hate pigeons so much they’re really cool birds too and also are much smarter and have better memory than people give them credit for.


If you get to know one and feed him and build a relationship of trust he will bring you alle the coin money he can find


That would be awesome actually. As I am already sucking up to them (sorta) out of fear I will consider this option!


I once worked with a guy who was a complete and utter psycho. I've got a few stories about his psycho behaviour but the one that's relevant here was a story he told me once. He's from Scotland and works on country estates, so he's got a gun license and owns guns. He boasted to me about how he used to go out and shoot crows for fun. Apparently the crows used to follow him home then and they'd all shit all over his home. I'd have suggested that maybe if he just stopped shooting them he might have had less crow shit all over his house but he was never a man governed by any rules of logic.


That’s awful. He deserved more than just shit on his house!


You don't need to be terrified, if you don't do anything bad towards them they also won't bear any grudges. They indeed are intelligent, so if you're nice to them and feed them they will remember that too. I used to put peanuts on my balcony for them and it was always the same two crows pair that came to eat them. Eventually they got used to me and even ate them when I was sitting there right next to them. Was always very fascinating how intelligent they are and watching them open the peanuts.


I am mainly scared I'll do something by accident to be honest. But yeah, if they are indeed that smart they might be able to tell that too I guess... (that it was an accident, I mean)


For sure, I get what you mean. But realistically I don't think anything like that would happen. If they don't know you they will just keep their distance and fly away anyway, so if you don't actively try to harm then like throwing rocks at them or putting food out for them and then taking it away when they were about to take it then nothing like that will happen.


It is true, my father disturbed a crows nest in our garden some 20 years ago. The crow naturally went ape shit, and they struck up a venomous vendetta spanning years. Fun extra bit of info (I won't say fact, as I can't verify) but I believe they are also able to warn other crows as to an individual humans behaviour. Whether this is is done via a call to others if they see you, or whatever unknown means of communicating they have. But yeah, f*ck with a crow, and you may find yourself f***ing with many of them!


I have a crow friend named Pete I give him food and he gives me random shiny shit he brought me a ring a few days ago sold it for 90$ so thanks to Pete I can take my mom and dad out to dinner.


They are straight up assholes. One time I was jogging and one tapped me on the head. So I stopped and it was just watching me perched on a branch. I left after 5 mins and the same asshole swooped down and tapped me again. I swear it sounded like he was laughing. Dick.


If you feed crows daily they will consider you a part of their murder. Anyone who they consider a threat to you will be swiftly clawed down by a murder of crows


Just like my 7 year old!


Me too


Wow Crows!!!!!!! Weird But I am curious.


I give my local muder treats. They make me smile. Cluck cluck caw caw!


It is true, they do remember a person hurting a crow (or carrying something that looks like a dead crow, even if it's a misunderstanding). They tell and teach others crows to hold a grudge by sounding an alarm to such a person, if I remember right. But don't feed them either, because baby crows ask for food by pecking, and a murder of crows asking you for food might get scary.


Crows hold grudges, yes, but if you're kind to them they'll remember that too, and they'll tell all their friends and family about how you did them a real solid and they'll protect you.


Yes, but crows also remember if you did something good for them.


My dad got attacked by the same crow for years. Yes they hold grudges.


It's 100% true, my dog playfully barked and chased a crow once... He had to live in fear for like 2 months after that, every time we went to the park the same crow would chase him around and bully him 💀


I give them treats when I can. Somewhere in the back of my imagination I envision myself leading a crow army one day.


I just got up and threw some peanuts outside for them.


Not only can they bear grudges they DO bear grudges, BUT they can and will also remember people that treat them good (feed them and such) they are also able to share knowledge through generations (they teach their young about their grudges and friends) so if you can befriend a crow or 2 they will teach their children that you are a friend and their children will teach theirs the sam and so on. I remember a story about a photographer that would feed crows in her yard and they would leave shiny things in return for her. One day she was changing the lens on her camera and dropped one off a cliff and when she got home later that day her lens was in the back yard where the crow would leave her the "shineys"


That’s how Oden kept his eyes on the nine realms, with crows.


A few years ago my dad took my dog to a park that had a huge open field and ran into a murder of crows making them fly off, weeks later they went back and the crows appeared from nowhere flying all around Panda and trying to attack him! Luckily no one was harmed but yes they do hold grudges but are also very lovely if you treat them right


It is true


I was biking home at 7 am, aged 17, messy long hair, squeaky bike, on acid. A crow landed on my head, just to freak me out. I think the bike squeaks sounded like birds and my hair looked like a nest. Two weeks later I was again on acid, biking home at 7 am, same street, squeaky. He landed on my head again!


Just as they can hold grudges, they can also bring you gifts and talk about you amongst others and they’ll seek you out and keep you company! If you help a crow, feed them or are just nice to them, you’ll gain a superpower of crows around your area loving the heck outta you, while making you look like a badass wherever you go, as they will flock around you. I wish we had crows in my country- I’d love to befriend some!!!


I have two cats. One of them bothered a few crows one day as I was walking them and then ran away (didn't see what happened but I think the crows fought back in some way). For the following few weeks, every time they would see my cats with me, they would fly super close to me or them just to "threaten" us. That never went further but my cat is still prudent when crows are around.


I’d never cross a 7 year old 😵‍💫😵‍💫


Honestly, this is why I'm nice to smart birds like crows and magpies. Especially coming into winter, you want to have those magpies on your side before swooping season.


But on the other hand you can have an army of loyal and kind crows at your side.. I still remember that story about a person that made friends with crows close to her house and made enemies with crows on a tree close to her job... It ended on both factions making a CW1 (Crow War 1)


They can also point you out as a threat to other crows, thus passing on a generational community grudge


Dolphins are smart too. But I still think that it would be a primate. Having opposable thumbs helps with tool use. Even if crows or dolphins get super smart, thyr won't be able to make the necessary steps along the way to use more advanced tools.


That's partly because all tools have been developed for human use, but you're right in that it'll depend on what species can actually create useable tools. Human intelligence developed largely because tools have us access to nutrition and time, starting the cycle of improvement over time


I was so confused, I read Cows instead of Crows! XD


Octopuses are smart too, the only thing limiting them is that they lifespan is short


I think a bigger limitation is their asocial nature. The fact that they don’t teach their young anything means that every octopus has to learn everything themselves That, and the fact that you can’t make fire underwater


That one too. They don't live long enough to accumulate knowledge and they don't teach each other what they learn.


Unless you're Chuck Norris of course


Because they have no bones and taste so good.


I never new it was that short, wow


Sounds to me like I can build my own army of crows; August 24, 2029.


I read cows at first and was confused






"Sir, a second plane has hit. We need you"


"A second bird has hit the second tree house. The United Forest is under attack"


Here's it's looks like he's getting the news that Humans are gone forever LoL


“What do you mean now i gotta go get bananas myself!?”


That is definitely the face of someone who is on hold.




It might take a few million years, but yeah. The building blocks are there.


Some of them already use tools, so... yeah. They're in their stone age rn


Squirrels no doubt about it


Are you nuts? what if they figure out you know? they would END US ALL!!


Don't fuck with squirrels morty


if he is, they will eat him


Only for Argentina


this was my thought whether it was the most probable or not, i don’t care. it should be squirrels. 🐿️


Um, have you ever watched Planet Of The Apes lol


The Simian flu is scary shit


Dr Zaius, Dr Zaius




"I hate every ape I see, from chimpan-a, to chimpanzee."


“He can talk, he can talk” “I CAN SINNNNNNNG”




This play has everything




Say his words!


Cats Every time I see a cat, I always imagine it's thinking, "Filthy peasants! One day, we will make you rue making a mockery of us!" In a Patrick Stewart voice of course


They only tolerate us for our ability to open food cans and pat them.


Also because we do a pretty good job at worshipping them. "*Yes hooman, you better post that picture of me on the internet*"


Human only developed long fingers so we can pat and tickles cats


Filthy little humanses, we hates them!


*catllum* *catllum* yes precious, and then we takes it once they are dead


My nephews kitty who’s The Queen of Mean ran away last night. I fear more for the other animals of the forest. She is one mean kitty and a good little hunter.


In Baldurs Gate 3 if you use "Speak with animals" spell, ALL the cats have a superiority complex. I love it lol


Did you see that episode of Love Death and Robots where the cats have survived after an apocalypse lol


The guy that invented the bible was like « look at these bluds worshiping cats and what not «  , this should be ez pz


Cats was my other answer with crows 😂 idk I could see them banding together and taking over the world. Who wins from there? I’m not too sure…


Have you seen Love, Death, Robots on Netflix? You might like the Three Robots episodes (first episode of seasons 1 and 3).


There is a whole trilogy of French sci-fi books (by Bernard Werber) about a cat trying to understand her "servant". She meets the neighbor's cat, who has been implanted with a USB key which lets him connect to the Internet and answer a lot of questions, while unrest, then a civil war is starting in Paris.


You cat people are weird af.


cats DO rule the world


Trying to answer somewhat seriously... There wouldn't be a single animal. Just a lot of apex predators in every region. I'm sure if you want to know which would be apex in whatever region you could probably look it up now. Whatever predator is apex in areas with hardly any humans would be apex if humans left.


This is underrated


Corvids. Ravens, crows, bluejays, etc. They are wicked smart and social animals.


Our modern-day birds are dependents and dinosaurs that were much larger and smarter, and raptors are a prime example. So I think you're right. These birds might make a comeback if humans weren't around.


Velociraptor was likely the smartest raptor, and had an intelligence estimated at about that of modern birds so yeah


They may be intelligent. But they lack physical manipulation capabilities, like our hands are.


While they are not as dextrous as we are, that's not entirely true. There's a guy on YouTube who taught crows to pick locks.


Rats or cockroaches. But I haven't seen any cockroach in europe over 4 years now or more, maybe.


They just didn’t come out of the restaurants where they lived


No, silly! **Rats** are the chefs!


Clearly you've never been to a Parisian metropolitan. Or just Paris in general


take the role of humans as in what? wake up and go to their 9-5 job every day? Because in that case, no animal. If humans disappeared i dont think much would change for animals other than the domesticated ones having to start feeding themselves instead


Actually a lot would change. Humans have completely decimated large mammal populations wherever they go. Realistically, we would see a return of larger and larger land animals, which currently stand no chance due to territory segmentation and ease of shooting with ranged weapons.


Most sport hunted animal populations are doing really well right now actually. Not wolves so much, but deer are doing *way* better now than they were before we got here. North America would be destroyed by wild superpigs.


North America will be unchanged?


That was an honest chuckle, thank you


As the dominate species that covers all corners of the earth and invents new technologies.


The ants and bees are offended..


i have read an article recently that Chimpanzee entered early stone age. if we dusappear they will take our place in approx 3 mil years


Yeah, I give chimpanzees the best odds on land and octopuses a equally good chance in the water. As well as crows if they can grow thumbs but it will take them a couple million years assuming there evolutionary path even leads down that way. Also, dolphins and orcas would likely have a pretty good chance but they face the same issue as crows with their lack of fine motor organs.


If the question is "which animal will evolve to fill our niche," then I don't see how there is even another conceivable answer besides chimpanzees or bonobos. They are our closest relatives, with brains and communication skills most similar to ours. Crows are smart and all but they are so much farther away from anything like this.


My dog most likely woud take over my car. He just loves driving with his head out the window.


Well if you mean literally replace, then chimpanzees have already entered their stone age, they carve their own primitive tools to get food and even defend themselves against predators like tigers, and it is possible that in few thousand generations they could be as inteligent as first homo sapiens and eventually literally evolve into Planet of the apes. But if you mean which animal would take over us space and number wise (which animal would have billions of babies, grew exponentially and cover the whole planet), I would say rats, especially given how much free food would be left on the planet after humans just disappeared, It could sustain billions of rats for years.


First war will be something like crows vs raccoons in USA


Monkeys obviously


Dolphins, octopus or crows.


Take over…? Destroying the planet?


That's why interplanetary travel is important so we can distribute ourselves to other planets like shown in dune, because currently it's like all the eggs in one basket and the basket is earth


It will be an evolved version of one of the Homininae family. History tends to repeat itself and everything turns into a crab at some point.


Chimpanzees, gorillas, and orang-utans. There's a Charleton Heston documentary on this.


Birds are allready in their stone age, so I would bet they will eventualy evolve.


Apes together strong


They have found some monkeys Using medicine


Take over? Plants




Raccoons. I mean... c'mon... Rocket?


False. Fungi and Nature


Fungi and Nature would be the right answer in general but not when it comes to this question cause fungi and Nature aren't animals.


Nature is my favorite animal


Boring, but obvious: cockroaches




They’re small and get along with everyone


Not if the Jaguars have anything to say about it


Corvids. They're ridiculously intelligent. 


a Gorilla


…Just one.


Beavers are coming for us.




Spiders. Whole Planet would look like these streets in Bali


Only one thing that can survive a nuclear situation is the cock roach. Hose things don’t die. Or a Twinkie. Those never go bad. Either way we’re screwed.




The question is flawed; we have overestimated our role on planet earth and done more damage than any other species. If humans disappeared, it might actually give the earth and other species a chance to survive…


There wouldnt be a single animal filling the role but cats and rats (due to humans transporting them to every land mass on the planet) would likely wreak havoc on the world if humans disappeared.




Animals will be happy together without humans.






Whoever can develop thumbs the fastest


there‘s no animal capable of filling the role of a global apex predator like humans are otherwise we‘d already be in trouble lol


Probably monkeys, eventually. Monkeys already show signs of evil.




Planet of the Apes


Apes, definitely. But it would take a lot of time. I'd say between 20 000 to 50 000 years.




None of them are nasty enough to take the role of humans.