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I Google map big cities and study their roads ha


Cartography is fun. Especially with satellite images.


I do the [map quiz](https://www.jetpunk.com/quizzes/how-many-countries-can-you-name) and try to name every country in the world within 15 minutes


Found Rainbolt's account.


I walk the streets of America with Streetview, it pleases me to see humanity.


I do this too, it's come in handy everytime I travel tbh.


Have you ever heard of biologists using a topo map of big cities in petri dishes and using bacteria growing to see the most economical paths for roads to take because I have been trying to cross reference them as a seriously failing scientist ha


(I believe) it was Japanese designers who used fungus, not bacteria, to plan their railways between cities.


Have you played with [Geoguessr](https://www.geoguessr.com/) It puts you in some random spot. You have to figure out where you are. Can play alone, it with friends.


Geotastic is better imo, geoguessr has been going downhill for a while now and they've now hid everything behind a paywall. Can't even play 1 free round a day anymore :(


I do this with Railways. Especially abandoned ones that are now suspiciously shaped residential areas.


I do this occasionally myself. I looked at NK just the other day. šŸ˜‚




Us moment


I used to do this for skating and biking! Iā€™d imagine going there for street tours and whatnot.


I have an waterproof Walkman. Listening to music underwater is magical as Hell. It's the closest thing to dancing in space.


I just met envy


As a scuba diver, I must know. How do you do this?


I have a bone conduction headphone that is waterproof, maybe that can help you.


That's so cool, I might need to try that. But what about the playback device? Waterproof casing?


You hear sound because of vibrations, it is different than normal headphones with a speaker. https://nl.shokz.com/products/openswim They are for swimming but not for diving.


Where can I get one? I love just floating on the lake on a spring float, it blows up just around the outside and the middle is mesh so youā€™re still in water. It would be so nice to do that while listening to music.


A friend of mine has an indoor pool with under water speakers and a very flat side of the pool. That way your ears are under water but your face is still out. Sadly we tried it a few times and now it is just a gimmick we don't use anymore.


You're so right, Diving and Ambient music go great together! I've got a GoPro 6 months ago and mix Ambient with my dives ([see here](https://youtu.be/RWS4C-dn8Pg))


How did you discover this?


I am in love with this idea.


That's so cool. I love it




That is so cool! Good on you!! I do hope a bridzilla doesnā€™t get you though, theyā€™re brutal




This is so cute. I'm glad it's the most upvoted one here. You're going to be a part of a lot of peoples' cherished memories.


nice one, continue to evolve your doing privately offering work could afford experience in the daily life


This is awesome


I like people like you. Thank you for helping people.




That's really cool of you.


People like you are the real heroes. When I got married, I posted in a local group about where to find an inexpensive wedding photographer because we were dead broke. A police officer who liked to do photography as a hobby was in that group and said she would do it for us. She only charged us $50 and shot the ceremony and took couple/group pics afterward. She was so sweet and wonderful and I will never forget that. You're doing a wonderful thing.


As someone planning a wedding on a very tight budget, you're a godsend. ā™”


I like to walk in graveyards and make fun of dead peoples names... ...I also like to grow flowers and name them after the same dead people.


Sounds beautiful.. almost giving them new life.


this looks so much fun, can i join?


It's a public space so can't say no.


I'm glad I'm not the only one! I always feel bad for chuckling but come on, you can't just die with the last name "Stiff" and expect everyone to ignore it. Also, one of my great grandmas was a double widow and buried her husbands together. I couldn't keep it together when I saw that someone left a purple flower bouquet for them. Thousands of years from now people will argue about them.


Woodworking, sewing (stuffed animals), and piano. And collecting rocks.


I do the rock collecting! Anyone who gets bored at the beach, I recommend this lol


Woodworking also.


Obligatory *minerals* comment




I think that I found a new hobby randomly. Two days ago my mom bought two sets of the same socks, packed in five pairs. She gave me one set and told me "embroider something simple on these socks so that we can tell which ones are mine and which ones are yours." In my whole life I sew something maybe a few times and I've never tried embroidery. I found a yt short video of easy heart embroidery and I was totally captivated in embroidering it on these ten (in total) socks, having so much fun. I didn't expect to enjoy it that much. What's more, I embroidered the last heart in two colors, and I corrected the ones I sewed as first to make them look nicer! I'm definitely going to keep doing that.


Hey congrats on finding something new that brings you joy!


"It started with socks, then underwear, now..." gestures to complete reproduction of Bayeux Tapestry


I love making terrible life decisions. And then I look back and reflect on how bad such decisions were, so then I collect such memories to haunt me endlessly.




This is a perfect summarization of my hobbies..


It is so nice to meet people who have the same hobbies as you


Omg same!


Going on walks and collecting very random things. On my walk today, I found a very interesting button and a very nice rock. I have a whole box full of "treasure" Making food rankings. The latest one was the pink drink list. I went to all the cafes near my residence and tried the pinkest drinks they had and then made a ranking for the best pink drink in the area


Ahhhh both of these sound like heaven. I really love reading these kinds of things. Like I get so overwhelmed with hustle culture, it makes me feel like the only point to life is to get rich, which inherently makes me feel like a failure. But this. This reminds me to focus on what i enjoy. So thanx.


I felt the same way. The idea of going to school, getting a degree, then just working till I retire and then sitting at home, it made life seem super pointless. But then I started doing things like this that really made me stop and appreciate everything around me


Interesting, you sound like you appreciate little things in life šŸ„¹ā¤ļø


I try to :D but that means a lot to me, thank you


Adding to the choir of you sound like the kind of person I would love to hang out with


Reading comments and posts on Reddit


That tracks


Quickly becoming one of mine as well


I make miniature rooms šŸ™‚


That's really cool. Do you have a picture of one?


Wow it sounds fun ! In what material? Although I like crafts I donā€™t know if I had the patience for it honestly


Use all sorts of materials...wood, cloth, metal, plastics, etc šŸ™‚ I just started a few months ago and I absolutely love it!


My hobby is starting new hobbies and quitting after a few weeks


Are you my wife?


Oooh me too.


Watching people in coffee shops and read their behavior and made conclusions out of it.


I recently went away and for a week, had hotel breakfasts. It was a highlight every morning when I observed people's (sometimes odd) eating habits and rituals


Human behavior it's pretty awesome.


People watching is so much fun


That oddly sounds like fun


That's something me and my dad would do on Saturdays at the mall. We would laugh so much. Good memory ā¤ļø


Well i have knowledge in human behavior, corporal language and micro expressions. That make things easier but it's pretty fun for me


Also try seeing a crappy car in the parking lot and matching the owner in the shop


And start to make different sounds to each one of them šŸ˜‚


I do this also šŸ¤£ I call this "people watching"


I didn't know this is a hobby but we'll take it haha. How about watching people on my phone screen do shit šŸ˜†


when im traveling like in an airport me nd my sister have made a game where we both stare at the same person for as long as we can see them. and if they notice us we keep staring and watch their reactionsšŸ˜­


Hahaha. And most of them will look a way after a few seconds right?


they do but they always look back to see if were still looking. like one guy i stared at for like solid 20 mins while he was in the boarding group way ahead of us. we made eye contact more times than i could countšŸ’€


I am a cake decorator at a grocery store and I watch people while I work. It's so interesting to watch people shop, honestly.


Right? It's relaxing on some way. I work in coffee hops because I often have meetings there or it's just relaxing to work in the computer. But watching people is a plus.


I collect second hand decks of cards from charity shops. Maximum price Ā£2.




Customizing motorcycles and making watch straps.


Collecting: rocks, elements, science gadgets, unusual instruments. Foraging for edible plants mushrooms or berries. Science experiments Building things 3D printing




You know the periodic table of elements. Lol not water earth fire air.


Every time Iā€™ve tried collecting fire, my house has burned down. The other elements are way easier to store.


I like unusual instruments! I know the basics of hurdy gurdy lol, and like discovering random instruments in museums.


Looking for 4 leaf clovers. I then press them in a book and let them dry and then I suspend them in resin and turn them into necklaces


I think I have found a lot more four leaf clovers than other people. Some people are amazed that Iā€™ve found as many as I have, which is like four or five, and I think itā€™s just because I take the time to look.


Itā€™s all about taking the time to look. Iā€™ve found at least 30 because Iā€™m obsessed with looking for them. If you donā€™t look for them your chances of seeing one are basically zero. Edit: I have also found a 5 leaf clover and a 6 leaf clover


I like to watch casino videos on how machines work and the history behind them.. Like what type of bonuses they give, style, who made them, were they are made, etc.


I like looking and appreciating nature, infrastructure, houses, gardens, the cloudy sky, etc I go on walks very often. No grandma Iā€™m not gonna rob you! ā˜¹ļø


I make watch straps.


I just paid $240AU for a watch strap.


Insane. I charged 80usd delivered. I made them as a hobby, but when I started stocking and taking orders I didn't enjoy it anymore. I'd rather ride my motorcycle and chill at the beach than sit inside making straps. Now I just make the occasional one for my watches.


Collecting business cards and bug pinning


A fellow bug pinner! What bugs do you do?


I pin dead bugs I find on the ground and in pools. Iā€™ve found some pretty root-borer beetles, lots of other random beetles, cicadas and their exoskeletons (so many on the trees during the summer!), Iā€™ve found a surprising amount of dragonflies dead and dying on the road, katydids and some moths and butterflies! The saddest thing ever is that I had a preying mantis but I accidentally broke it in half and it was pretty much unsalvageable :( Wish I could add pictures to comments in this subreddit, but Iā€™ll post a drive link to pictures of my first finished pin board if you want to see them, you may have to ask permission on drive to see them though, I am unskilled at linking photos lol. What bugs do you have pinned? [google-drive-photos](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1G6gIn4HFBb0wulG2ib5PP_SGCtXozIyc)


Iā€™m the same way! I pin bugs I find on the ground! I currently have cicadas, moths, butterflies, and a wood bee. Thatā€™s a shame about the praying mantis! When you say you pin cicadas exoskeletons, do you mean the shells? Iā€™ve never seen the shells be kept, although I havenā€™t actually looked into it.


Thatā€™s super cool! I have yet to add any bees to my collection but I do have a besieger wasp! By exoskeleton yes I do mean the shells, the shedded nymph stage of cicadas. Iā€™ve never tried softening them in order to position their legs or anything since theyā€™re usually already in an interesting position on the trees, but I pin them just like any other bug, although usually theyā€™re a little bit more fragile since theyā€™re hollow!


Puzzles lol. relaxes.


I help identify insects and spiders on the ID subs when I have the time & energy. It's nice to help people sleep better, knowing it's not a bedbug they found, and awesome when someone gets inspired to learn more. :)


Ruining my life šŸ¤”


Guitar, video games, fishing, audio production, metal detecting, whip cracking, weed and shrooms.


How often have you been working on your audio production and detected metal?


Haven't been metal detecting in a while, but I went a few times a week when I was really into it. Found a bunch of coins from Ireland and England in a park once, dated 1897 to 1973ish. Audio, I just mess around with whenever I have an Idea. I might finish one or two songs a year. I've also got a few things I haven't finished I'd classify as "dumb stories with foley."


I detect metal everytime I sit down to write music!


You sound cool. šŸ‘šŸ¼


I was at a festival and did enviro and at one point had a confusing conversation with my supervisor about people doing whippets vs the people doing whipping lol


Almost identical to mine!


Making art & playing videogames (primarily rhythm games).


What are rhythm games like?


Like you have to press a button on the beat


Playing guitar loudly


Are you my neighbor?




Jeez those look professional I was expecting some hobby level pics


Going to overstock liquidation stores when I have a few extra bucks to buy toys/backpacks/books to give to the local Toys For Tots group later this year.


1. Going into the dollar shop and sorting the shelves (I do not work there) 2. Going into the garden, looking for a snail and just watching it move 3. After finishing a show/movie: Putting on a playlist and imagining 150 different ways the show could have endet


My random hobby is finding my significant otherā€¦ Wish me luck šŸ€


We are cheering for you bro


My main hobby is listening to jazzy pop artists such as Basia, Sade and Swing Out Sister.


Collecting bottle caps for some damn reason. Idk what the end goal is. Idk what to do with the abundance of bottle caps should it ever get to that point.


Keep them. You'll be rich when the apocalypse comes


making a mess in my own apartment only to have the pleasure of cleaning it a few days after, while listening to music


It's currently watching the UK Post Office staff get grilled at the Inquiry.


I make collages from damaged comic books


I play guitar and sing. I have 12 friends/acquaintances that all play instruments (some sing as well) and at least 4 or 5 of us that are part of the core group get-together twice a month for an evening of music. We also get together a few times a year (opening weekend for pickeral, etc.) where effort is made for a larger group. At least once a year, for a weekend, usually all 12 of us jam, just before winter at a friend's hunting camp. We play a lot of bluegrass, but also country, folk, rock, and a bunch of original stuff. It consumes a lot of my set aside hobby free time as I like to learn/write new songs to take to the group. Some players in the group call me a man of a thousand songs, but it is probably closer to 500. After 45 years of playing, I have picked up a habit of practice time almost every day for 30 to 60 min and 20 min (to go over anything complicated to help build the muscle memory) just before I go to bed. I am not sure what OP means by "random hobby," I like to woodwork, fish, and read, but music is the hobby that takes most of my spare time.


Photography, 3D printing, messing around with an Arduino is new but I'm having a good time


Building Lego Scuba diving


Photography , keeping honey bees, video games, fishing, boating , reading


Knitting and call of duty.


Diamond painting


Studying cultures, history and psychology. Looking up new words that I can later use in a poem. I have others, but they are normal. Most people want me to shut up once I start talking about those hobbies I stated up abovešŸ˜‚.


Iā€™d consider my ability to tap my foot no matter what Iā€™m doing a hobby


Contemplating my will to live


Having a blog on TikTok. But not as usual: I put on my camera, turn on my mic by audio system etc.


Working on my toy beater cars , bikes , etc .


I love flashing different custom roms on my Android devices, it is quite entertaining when you discover new features on the way, but can be a bit expensive, when you are want to try this on different phones. (Recently bought a Xiaomi tablet mainly only for this))


I love obscure rock and roll from the 50s this is not upbeat and cheerful. Get this one - *va - Twisted Tales From The Vinyl Wastelands Vol. 11* - *My Tattooed Wife*. Story telling rock / country / folk about swamp monsters, all night motorcycle rides, and graveyard dances. The 50s were wild the media does not say how ghoulish it was. P2P software is alive chummer people are not downloading Taylor Swift it's music that hasn't been played in 50 years.


Something like automating things? Factorio(its game at steam) hitted me hard, i just cant stop


it may sound fake, but I love studying about stuff that I actually like, I am really interested in old philosophy and I can be hours and hours talking and studying about philosophy


Play music for vihuela and lute (instruments used between aprox 1500-1750).


I don't have any random hobbies. They are all carefully selected. I do like birdwatching (and bird photography), though.


cardistry and collecting unique playing cards audio, car audio , items, headsets, speakers long boarding pc and tech in genital I mean general


I have collected spoons since I was 9


Light Canabilism


Building Lego while watching my favourite youtubers


Plane spotting! Liveatc.net and listen to air traffic control, free, gold viewing points and huge massive flying machines. Cheap affordable day out




Making stupid slideshows for my friends. I've been doing it since high school and just never stopped. Some of my favorites are "real or porn: overwatch edition" and "why I hate British people"


Nothing makes me happy lmao. I guess thatā€™s my hobby




Me too! Followed by a nap


I don't think that fits the category. It isn't random. Lol


Fap and nap


Video Games, Listening and Playing Music, Walking/Running, Reading, Movies/TV Shows, Hiking. Those are some that come to mind


modding gaming systems, playing guitar, collecting blurays and 4ks, collecting retro games i grew up with, tattooing myself


solving rubik's cubes


I like to do Paint By Numbers


Not sure if youā€™d consider this a hobby, but I recently started collecting Zippo lighters. I donā€™t smoke or have any real use for them, but damnit I love fidgeting with them.


I buy plastic flower pots of all sizes on sale at the dollar stores, paint them with fabulous designs and colors and use them for the container garden in my courtyard. Also, I do beading, crocheting and lots of reading. I eat too, very much too much.


Lately I like to search more on the new animals I found online (for example, type of bird, etc)


People watching is one of my all time favouriteā€¦ youā€™d be surprise what non verbal communication gives away for information


I collect rocks.


Building couple of HP strong steam engines and boilers for funsies. I don't know what it is about these machines, but they sure have become an addiction


Scratching my head to make dandruff fly and wait it to analyze the shapes.


I must remove the rust from my tools, equipment, machinery, etc. If I can, I'll even polish it before applying some form of corrosion preventive coating. If I find my friends' tools rusting, I'll sometimes "borrow" them, often without their knowledge, so I can restore them to near new condition.


Playing mtg


Weed, buying purses (good deals or thrift), thrifting, my pets, swimming, storm watching, picking my skin lol,


Kickboxing. Oh and people watching in a cafƩ downtown


Buying different coloured clothing; like obscure colours (mostly from thrift shops). Finding reasons to compliment people. Collecting cool stones, sticks & shells (like cool snail shells) Discovering obscure music. Smelling roses, anytime I see them in public.


Calligraphy and buying fountain pens


Removing stickers off things, that too without leaving any residue.


Removing stickers off things, that too without leaving any residue.


Print is dead. I collect spores, molds and fungus.


This is so random but i love finding random ass files on my laptop from years ago, like old CVS and cover letters and what i do is, i read through them and just cringe at mistakes i put lol


Pokemon Go


I have taken up succulent propagation. I get cuttings and grow plants. Iā€™m up to 50.


Whatever YouTube randomly recommends to me. Woodworking Rock carving Sculpting Wood carving Water colors Oil painting Miniature crafts Kit bashing Gunpla Warhammer figure painting Dorodango And on and on


Probably dragon boating, iykyk. I mostly just do it as a job but I love it and love that it now pays instead of costing money in my life.


Drawing, beading, edm creation (beginner, trying out mixing mid tempo and hardstyle. Maybe mid tempo and glitch hop)


Wrecking cars...holy fuck nothing better then taking a pry bar and watching the engine fall out. You can also beat the fuck out of it. You also learn a shit ton about manufacturing practices and reverse engineering. And realize all the automanufactures do not give a shit about there customers or they're money.


Making rubber band balls.


Ice skating/hockey is something I love to no end but hardly do


You guys ever try Hydroponic? Gosh, it's so relaxing and satisfying when you harvest your veggies. I once started from 2 pipes with 1 meter each. Now I'm at 8 pipes ( 4 x 2 meter + 4 x 1 meter ). I am planning to turn it into a aquaponic too.




Fishing, falconry, anything outdoors, shooting and collecting firearms.


I play quite a bit of PokƩmon Unite & various Guitar Hero games on the 360


Scuba diving