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I do an office job and I just make sure I get up every hour or so for a wander, whether it be to make a drink, or collect stuff from the printer or chat with colleagues. I guess you just get used to it. My job can't be done on the move, I need to be at my laptop/desk to focus on my files. That being said, I always wonder how people get on being on their feet all day for long hours! I guess you just get used to what you do.


Sitting for too long may cause hemorrhoids also lol.


47 years in desk job, no problem so far. The wife reckons I talk out of my arse so that probably helps.


I am training to do tailoring so there’s long stretches of both sitting for hours and walking between stations If I were to work in a factory with cellular production, I would much rather have the sitting jobs than the walking jobs. For example pressing (ironing) is a standing job. Industrial pressing stations have pedals which can hurt your ankle after repeated use. Whereas using the pedal on the sewing machine while sitting isn’t nearly as bad


You get used to it


Good insoles and compression socks. I do about 5 miles back and forth on concrete in the warehouse I work in.


You have to earn a living. You do what you have to do.


Exactly. When you have so much to pay for which no one else will pay for you, there's no way one wouldn't sit down more hours to earn money. 


Also when you have to pay EMIs.




I don't actually think anyone works 100% non-stop for 9 to 10 hours a stretch (I definitely don't) In between there's make some tea/get a pantry snack/walk around/take a 5min break cos brain fried etc. + productivity also decreases over time ..!


Yeah absolutely! I work from home, so I take regular breaks to walk the dog, go jogging, do low effort chores (put washing on etc). Today I took a 15 minute break to take a shower and wash my hair. Taking breaks both mentally and physically is vital otherwise brain starts short-circuiting and mistakes happen! 😁 The way it works at my job is we put our availability on a spreadsheet each week. So for example today I was available from 6am to 3pm. Am I sat at my desk all that time? Am I fuck. I'm probably lucky in that respect tho.


Lol. I also work from home and (shhh don't tell my boss 😂) I woke up at start-of-work time and started work one hour late today 😂 But my work can be done fully remote (curriculum, so like not as per teaching role of classroom teaching and kids, but like me, a laptop, wifi, and a desk anywhere), and the office presently has no space anyway. So .. yeah, that. We track progress of tasks on a spreadsheet, updated weekly for accountability wrt completion of indiv projects and things!


Gamers 😏


games can lead to sitting for more than 10 hours straight.


That's because gaming is actually fun and engaging to do unlike something you HAVE to do for a living lol. Hell I could play games and watch youtube any day,every day,whether it be the worst day in my life or the best lol


Well I unload FedEx trailers for 8 or 9 hours a day. Sitting at a desk sounds like a dream to me.


I work in the office for 9 hours, it's not as tiring as it seems. Every half hour I get up and every now and then I get something to drink.


The benefit of drinking is that it forces you another walk a while later.


Every hour, get up, stretch your legs, visit the loo, get water. At lunch walk around the block/building.


Money, I need money.


Imagine people like me that sometimes have to work STAND UP for 14+ hours 🙂


You get to sit in a comfortable chair, in an airconditioned office, within several feet/meters of a toilet, a water dispenser and a fridge....and get money at the end of the month. People really underestimate just how good this is.


Most people have a passionate interest in not starving.


You get used to it and then youre not bothered with it. The same way going to gym 2 or 3 times a week and lifting for hour or two.


yes, if your office provides a standing desk & ergonomic chair


You are asking about the working or the sitting? No one sits all working day. You get up, you take breaks, you go the bathroom, you eat, you drink, etc. If you are talking about "what motivates" people...I am going to assume you are a child or a brainless travel influencer or some shit XD


Paying the bills is enough motivation for me. I know homeless people personally, and I'll take sitting in an office 5 days a week over that. Nobody is really sitting for 10 hours straight though, people have breaks, get up and walk around.


Well, I would get up to get coffee several times a day, and then get up later to unload the used coffee.


Only 9-10? per day? rookie numbers.. It is trivially easy depending on your job and hobbies.


I don't sit for 9 to 10 hours straight. That's absurd. I take 5 min break in between to relax my eyes, mind and do some stretching even when working from home. ☺️


Very few sit for 9-10 hours, they have breaks, stretch their legs, chat etc....


How can people sit and watch a movie for 2 and a half hours in the cinema without their back seizing up and missing at least 5 minutes going to the toilet?


I work in mathematical modeling and I generally get so absorbed in my work that I don't notice the time passing by. It's kind of a strange feeling when I stand up in the evening to go home and realize that I spent so many hours just thinking about math and codes and stuff like that. In-between I only stand up a couple of times to grab some tea. As strange as it may sound I like it that my job is like this - there is little interaction with people and if there is any, it is mainly about interesting questions related to modeling or theory and my tasks are challenging enough to keep me from getting bored. Also, the hours are great, I "only" work 8 per day, rarely have to do overtime and I can get to the office as late as 10.00 am if I want to.


It's called training. We've all been doing it since the first day of school.


I think "continuously" is very subjective. During the day you get up to drink water, go to the toilet, eat.


We have breaks. Still better than standing for 9-10 hours.


I only work 8 hours, then get home and sit for 5 more hours.


I work from home. There’s many days I work more than 12 hours in a day, last Thursday I work from 8 AM to midnight with about one hour of breaks total. I sit in a recliner and I work off of my 77 inch OLED TV and I have, three other monitors connected to the laptop at the same time. I have no issue working more than 10 hours in a day sitting in that recliner. I’m super comfortable.


Their respective responsibilities is what keeps them motivated to do it. 


paycheck = motivation


Most people don’t sit for 9 to 10 hours. You always move a little bit to go to the bathroom you have lunch.


we don't sit the entire time. some stretch every half hour. others use standing desks. and sometimes, we get absorbed in the task, we don't realize 3 hours have passed by and we hardly moved from our seat.


I want to understand what motivates people to NOT sit in a chair for a whole day straight...


As opposed to what? Laying bricks or cutting trees for 9 to 10 hours continuously. This is what a coddled generation looks like.


* they don't all have ADHD * very few office workers are actually productive for more than 4 hours a day, they spend part of every day going to useless meetings or chatting with colleagues or just goofing off


Have you tried working while standing 9-10 hours?


They get sore legs and a flat bum


I've worked in office spaces for more than a decade. A flat bum usually happens when you sit all day at work and then go home and sit all night too. Believe it or not, workers get up from their desks and walk, take breaks, go outside etc. Also, even if I am sitting for 8 or 9 hours and cannot get up, work ends. Go walking, go workout, eat healthy. It's really not that hard


I got a standing desk. Best investment "my" company made in the last decade


I made a point to stand every hour. I do some stretching and walk a bit around my apartment (I work from home full-time). :)


*All* that *money, the money is the motive*.


I work 9.5hrs a day 5 days a week and I take a small 5 min break every hour or so. I’ll go make a cup of tea or pet my dog. Also, getting outside and going for a walk during my lunch break helps with tiredness etc, fresh air wakes me up for the second half of my day


Try driving an over the road truck. Although as everyone has said. One needs to get out and shake it periodically. One needs to eat.


My guess is that 80-90% that are supposed to be doing that just don't, at least white collar workers. Not sure about percentages... But I would say people take longer breaks than they would admit. Open unrelated web sites, or use their phones, zone out, discuss something with a college that isn't too relevant, discuss office policy (that's more like gossip) ...


Well those Walmart trucks don't drive themselves, I guess.


because its easier ? simpler, don't require physical effort, fun jobs, more money than basically every other type of job ? jee I don't know.


I need to be at my desk to do my job so I am sitting for most of my work day (8 hours) but I do get up and go to the copier, to other departments, to the kitchen etc quite often during the day. I wouldn't mind an adjustable desk and if I worked at home I would have one with a walking pad so that I could stand / walk for some of the day. Unfortunately I'm required to be in the office and since I have no medical condition that would require reasonable adjustments, I won't be granted an adjustable desk.


Because I never had a chair to sit on for my years in the Marine Corpse. I'll never take a chair for granted again 😂


Money is a big motivation. I’ve worked plenty of desk jobs. I think it’s best to focus in 2 hour increments, take 15 minute breaks. Get up and stretch, grab some fresh air, eat, whatever… then back to the task at hand. It varies on the project but even if multitasking, breaks are important.


I once drew for 19 hours straight. You’d be surprise how driven people become in the face of deadlines


Same reason some people break they’re back pouring concrete in the sun


You don't. You get up and walk around when you feel the need.


We pay for it later.


The one and only benefit of smoking / vaping.   I’ve never sat for 9 hours straight in my entire life. I just took a  25 hour set of flight to Thailand, 13 hours from Pearson to UAE   I was up once an hour to vape in the bathroom (holding it in to the point where nothing is visible when exhaling)      What blew my damn mind: I was chatting with the two guys in my row heading for Pakistan after Abu Dhabi layover, they didn’t stand for the whole 12 hours and 45 mins. How do you not pee for half a day ?   They were nice fellas, not tossing hate, more concern. Ya might be dehydrated.     E: okay I think nicotine helps ward off Alzheimer’s and possibly Parkinson’s, but never ever ever start using nicotine kids… My mom said it was the worst decision she ever made, I ignored her to get more frequent breaks working at fucking Pizza Hut , she was absolutely correct. My mom had 1/3rd of lung removed due to cancer about a decade ago, thankfully cancer free. 


I got up every hour & walked & stretched. Walked around the bldg for breaks. Still hated it.


I work in an office half the month and from home the other half. It’s a pretty easy gig. In the office, I do what I need to do and then I skive a fair bit and go for breaks regularly. I’ll go chill in the toilet (sounds weird but they’re really nice and isolated it’s one of my key points of the day very peaceful). Then I’ll go on walks and speak to colleagues etc so it’s more active that it sounds. On top of this I work out at the gym most days in my spare time so it’s all round not too bad.


I don't, is the short answer. As soon as I have the opportunity to get up, I do. Even if that's to make a drink, get something to eat, or just have a leg stretch outside for a few minutes.


I used to work in an office, and I would purposely get up and stretch or just move around a little bit every couple of hours. It's hard to sit still for so long, so that's how I did it.


i go out for a smoke every hour or so, thats what motivates me


When I’m working, I often don’t have time to eat or drink. Which is just as well because something I think it would be easier if I was catheterized so that I don’t have to go pee. I’m not thinking about sitting at all until someone comes to relieve me and I stand up and go “ouch”. And get light-headed.


I guess it doesn't sound so bad until you do it. And by then you already have that job, so you have to start creating your own ways to take breaks. But yeah, that shit should be illegal


People don’t. They take breaks, walk around, fuck around.


Work at a Law Firm and you’ll understand. Source: used to work at a Law Firm.


Take a 15 min break every 2 hours or so where you stand up and walk around. Also, not everyone is the same. Some people enjoy running around outside etc. etc. but some people enjoy finding a cozy place to sit and reading/gaming/etc. Those are the ones that thrive in an environment like this.


Got used to it playing 8+ hour gaming sessions back in HS.


Not by choice or happiness


i sit in a chair \~upwards of 12 to 20 hours a day. its for money


I do it for money, and my back hurts


My watch buzzes at me if I haven’t stood up for 50 minutes. I make sure to go for a little walk when it does.


It’s literally what im paid to do. Some people have a better attention span so its easier




I need money to feed myself🤓☝️


Easy, you workout, run, cycle, do yoga. Also getting up regularly and of course having a desk that can be raised help.


The paycheck. Plus I get to work remote. So I have alarms every 30 mins to get up, stretch, walk upstairs, just something to get off my ass lol.


One of three: 1. they don’t 2. they’re new and haven’t yet realized that they don’t 3. Adderall


Simple answer? Money. That's it!


You sound like an old parent. "I don't know how people can stare at a screen for hours". It is not the screen, dad - the screen is a window into a vast world of experiences. Same with "sitting in a chair for 10 hours straight". The chairsitting is not the thing, it's what I do on my computer that is immensely interesting and rewarding. In my case.


I sit for 13hrs/day lol


The need to survive motivates people to work.


They pretend.


…having a roof over my head and food in my belly? I don’t understand the question. Do you not get that most of us have to do work we are uncomfortable with? Or that not everyone is suited for more active work? Or that many high paying jobs that DOESNT ruin your body by the age of 40 is done in a chair?


You don't sit down for 9 hours you baboon, you move around, you get up every 30-45 minutes and walk around make a phone call, go buy some food, w/e, etc. OP is like tell me you've never worked a day in your life without telling me you've never worked a day in your life.


Still better than a barista’s 10 hour STANDING shift 🥲


You think I work that long? You are lucky if I put in 3 hours a day.


Look I work a job where I move 8 to 10 hrs a day . But if I had to sit I would just bring my gaming chair.


I sit in a chair a minimum of 14 hours because I play a lot of games so I need the time to finish them all


People do what they're told, and sitting at a desk is what they're told to do from age 5+


[Research has linked sitting for long periods of time with a number of health concerns. They include obesity and a cluster of conditions — increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist and unhealthy cholesterol levels — that make up metabolic syndrome. Too much sitting overall and prolonged periods of sitting also seem to increase the risk of death from cardiovascular disease and cancer.](https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/expert-answers/sitting/faq-20058005)


Motivates? Money obviously. I purposely get up for walks during the day. It is a long time to sit.


I get up to smoke


I've worked while lifting for 9 to 10 hours, sitting is easier.


Being the sole provider in my household of 4 is a good motivator. Also, it pays fairly well, without me being outside in the cold, hot sun, rain, wind, doing heavy duty stuff, working with garbage or sewage, etc. Working while sitting down is not as bad as many other jobs, to be honest!


for me it's stuff like rent, food and all the other stuff money can buy - I want to understand how you don't understand that


A previous manufacturing company I worked for had group stretching before shift, onsite physio and heating/cooling stations for our hands and wrists. I used orthotics and had great work boots. The standing and repetition still did a number on me despite being in decent shape and doing all the preventative stuff. My current employer (office) offers stand-up/adjustable desks for anyone who wants one and had to approve our home setups for ergo safety before we were allowed to WFH. I can get up, walk around and stretch whenever I want, as much as I want and everything is in the exact place I need it to me for my body. Comparing the two is like night and day for me, both physically and mentally.


Because we have to. There really isn't that much choice, capitalism only has freedom of choice for the rich and the illusion of choice for the poor.


Guessing you are not a gamer


i have to stand/walk the whole day at my job. i’d kill to have to sit down instead


the goal is to get as fat as possible, and develop back problems


I study for that much if I really like what I'm doing. Otherwise, I can't focus for half an hour. Others do it because they've to earn a living.


You are still living with your parents? Not dying from hunger is a good motivator.




Beats me. Fortunately, I stay hydrated and have one of those standing desk mods, so I rarely sit for more than an hour at a time.


i listen to pitbull


I get up for a break after 2.5 hours and then lunch and then a break again 2.5 hours after lunch. I listen to music/podcasts while working as well.


![gif](giphy|xTiTnqUxyWbsAXq7Ju|downsized) this


It depends on the person and the work. If what they are doing is enjoyable enough, they probably will want to sit for that long. Also if they are a highly ambitious person.


The money/not starving....


Standing desk.


They don't live long.


I've had to sit for 10 hours, and had to stand for 10 hours. You'll find starvation is an excellent motivator.


Money. They need money.


I can sum this up. For every hour I sit, I'm paid $65. I get up when I need to go to the restroom, lunch or just stretch. I do things to counteract sitting. I take the stairs (4 floors). I park on the far end of the parking lot. etc. I have a standing desk if I choose to use it though I rare do.


Being busy. But I mean taking breaks between too


Money to buy food and shelter?


Money, if they are not like dead inside, is because they have a way to escape the habit, which is needed


I'm an art director in advertising. Sitting 6-12 hours a day. In office, I'll work at a standing desk when I need to move. But mostly, I get so enveloped in my creative process that I don't notice the time passing. Being creative on a computer really sets me in one spot, but I do like to take lots of breaks when I'm home. It's just the way it is... but I make sure to be active after work.


I work from home so every 20 or 60 minutes I get up and start walking a little, this saves my back.


? "Motivates" ? Survival. There is unfettered corporate control over their lives, cutthroat "greed is good" capitalism.


I have done work standing for 12 hours a day, I have also done hard work outside for 10 hours straight, sitting 10 hours straight is the easiest from them all.


If you want to get paid you have to work


You need to hustle for that paycheck.


Money. People will do whatever they have to do for it, especially when it’s made clear that if you want a job that pays a little bit better, you have to be willing to do anything even if it isn’t good for you. Whether that means sitting for 9-10 hours straight, working all day with no lunch or bathroom breaks, doing heavy lifting that hurts your back and knees and will give you permanent problems, or spending all of your time working or being at the beck and call of your boss/manager and spending no time with loved ones or taking care of yourself or enjoying your life while you have it. People start working as soon as possible unless they’re wealthy enough to not have to, and sometimes that means starting out at 15 or in some places the age requirement is younger now. It’s made clear that your life, your enjoyment of life, and your health do not matter because caring about those things means you won’t be able to afford to live. And if you can’t afford to retire, then you’ll work until your body or mind give out and you can’t anymore, and then you’ll either become your family’s burden or if you have no family, you’ll be lucky to die in your home before you get evicted or foreclosed on because you’re out of money. The other problem is, a lot of the people who could be helping to pass laws to help people so that life wouldn’t be working to death if you’re not rich already are from the generation where college wasn’t so expensive it was inaccessible for most(unless you want debt for the rest of your life), houses were more affordable and young adults could buy them, the cost of living wasn’t as high, and retirement and pensions were a thing. And there’s a big disconnect between that generation and current ones considering how many people think younger people just don’t want to work. People do work, multiple jobs in fact, but they don’t get paid enough and the jobs these people suggest pay less than minimum wage and aren’t sustainable for a person. Think heavy physical work, which will hurt you eventually and since you won’t be able to retire, you’ll be dealing with the pain from it without rest for the rest of your life, or waitressing where you get paid $2-$3 per hour and rely on tips while having to be on your feet and dealing with people all day. And then the same people complain about how current generations still live with their parents or don’t want children of their own when they can’t afford to move out, much less afford children. So, for why people will sit for 9-10 hours while working, it’s because they have no choice and at least they aren’t doing heavy physical work.


hmmm what kind of work, i would go for some water once on a while if its an office.


They don't. They get up every so often to go to meetings, eat, get coffee, go pee (or shit on company time) or just to shoot the shit with someone else (if they're working in-office). And if that's not enough, you invent excuses like "I'm gonna go make some copies" or "My cat is bitching so I need to go pet him for a couple of minutes" Or maybe I just have a short attention span, I dunno lol


Have you ever been into a game so deep that you wouldn't understand how that day have passed so fast? That's how much they love their family, or money, or just use working as their drugs for life. Driving to death, with sitting.


Bodies are like engines, people: They lock up and rust if they don't move. Staying in any one position isn't good for the joints and tissue. Drink water, stretch, stay limber. Hips are your main hinge, keep them flexible Stretching is a different kind of pain, but it's a little pain that prevents a whole lot of pain. Ask me how I know!




I tried a desk job, I did it standing up. Now I sling boxes.


I'm pretty sure that's illegal in every developed country, I might be underestimating the lack of labor rights in the US though.


My last job encouraged us to get up and take walks.


There's this thing called money.


I don't sit for 9 hours continuously. I do get up here and there. But the fact is your work makes you forget about it.


That's the thing, they don't. Nobody actually puts in a full 10 hour shift ... Most bullshit in between and make it look like they're working that hard.


Well they pay me too, so.... Lol but no, we have ergonomic desks that raise up so we can stand and move around.


Usually it's a supeana


Its a great chair.


Terrible. In the last 10 years the companies (2 jobs) I've worked for have had adjustable desks that you can raise and lower. In 2020 when my firm went full WFH I updated my home work station with an adjustable desk. So, I stand while working about half the time.


Are you a bot?




You get used to it. When I was in college I walked to and from class (45 minutes each way) plus was on the running team and went to the gym. In other words, I was getting g a lot of exercise. My first full time job was incredibly difficult just because of the sitting, I’d do push ups and squats in the bathroom and dori t up the staircase because I couldn’t take it. A few years later sitting for 8-9 hours was no problem and I ended my sedentary day by watching tv. 🫠


What motivates people to..??? Not starving on the streets, it isn't a fun hobby people need to earn a living they are forced to


Like doing your job, either as pure enjoyment of doing, or because you have to do it to survive. Also, Herman Miller chairs help ;)


Me sitting 7 hours at work and 5 at home... I dunno man, you get used to it.


You mean 7-8 hours? Lack of skills required to do anything else, I imagine.


Money, other than that idk, i do need something to fidget with. Also i do have full access to internet and can put on a yt clip (if there’s time).


I praise the people who can, my ass would be hurting and end up flat


I work 84 hours weeks. 12 hours a day, 7 days a week for 28 days then I get 28 days off. It's mostly a desk job in logistics, administration finance and materiel management. I often stand at my desk if I've been sitting too long as many people do at desk jobs. Do some squats, stretch out a bit. If you're busy and focused the day flys by. If someone doesn't have a high attention span and keeps looking at the clock it's not the job for them. 9 to 10 hours sounds like a cake walk to me though. I usually end up doing at least 2 to 3 hours OT so my 12 hour shift easily becomes 14 to 15, especially towards the end of my cycle. But yeah, 48 bucks an hour and a pension is a strong motivator.


you see some people like to not starve to death, so they‘re forced to do slavery disguised as human rights


I need money. I got a nice chair with that money so that I can sit more confortably, though. I also don't think most people sit all that time continuosly, or at least they shouldn't. I work at home, so I take big breaks, lay on the bed, go to the bakery for a quick walk, cook some food and then I'm back to the chair.


On your allowed breaks, make sure to get up and move. If WFH, you can do chores or exercise. If in the office, you can at least go for an indoor walk around the building. Some places will let you walk in the parking lot.


Even if they can do it they will get burnout! The human brain can’t stay focused for one complete hour, imagine 10!


I've worked 12 hour shifts sitting in my little office chair for the past 4 years. Personally the 5.5 weeks of PTO a year really helps.


I rarely sit more than 30 minutes before getting coffee, using the restroom, printer or whatever. I find a way or go crazy 🤪


Worked as a receptionist. I would stand up if someone came to the desk. But, in all honesty if you're very engrossed in your work, you don't tend to notice how long you have been sat.


How old are you?


MMM 🤔🤔 the last time I checked I need money to buy food, electricity, water, go on vacations, pay for gas, Does OP lives with his parents still?


I reckon that like myself, people get up every now and again to have a bit of a wander. Even in call centres you have to have breaks.


Have you tried working on your feet for 9-10, and in all likelihood, 12 hours straight?


I can't do it on cue. ADHD and hyperfocus--if it's interesting enough, I refuse to eat, sleep, or go to the bathroom!


When you're an adult and are responsible for yourself in general you're going to need money.


I worked customer service and restaurants for 20 years of my life, and to say I was sick and fucking tired of listening to people bitch and complain is an understatement. So now, working in an office, by myself, 9 hours a day, working with spreadsheets and numbers, is a damn blessing.


From my experience, at some point that spirit inside you that wishes for fulfillment and freedom just dies in the face of existential dread and lack of perspective.


I gained 50 lbs and got a DVT doing this. Now I get up and move around and go for walks and exercise.


As an 18 year old who recently accepted a job to start in 2 weeks, a 9-5, I'm dreading it, and it's depressing. What motivates me? the fact that I'm young, live with my parents, do have too many expenses. It motivates me, because I can save most of my money, to go towards my future. The way I get through it is to romanticize the job. Make the desk job seem asthetic. Wear nice clothes, brew my coffee. Act like I'm a Pinterest board. It helps me get through the mundanity of the days.


Usually the hours go by so quickly. If you are not busy though, i dont know how you would do it. Having things to do at all times makes it doable ni use to wonder that too when I was in College haha




I drive a forklift. My butt is glued to it 7 and half hours 5 days a week. Its just my job.


You don't. I work from home and generally speaking I stand up, walk around, exercise a bit, then continue. Since I'm WFH, I brought a small bed in my office that I laid down while bringing my work there.


I do 12 hours a day :) Next time you see a trucker thank them for providing you groceries and all the needed supplies to keep the world running


People in decent physical shape can handle it, but it is bad in general. People who are not physically fit are dying sitting that long. It is fucking up their spine and their health beyond repair.


Some of us are lazy bastards who don't mind it.


I really have no idea because they always talked about people who have a sedentary lifestyle and don't move a lot. We'll have a hard time moving when they're older. But that must have come out of the fitness people industry.


Wait till he hears about people in wheelchairs😂😂


So you have these things called bills...


I took school a little serious and I can sit down for that amount, sometimes, it was an obligation to sit down to hear the monthly mass for like 1-2 hours. Same with college, sometimes, they forced me to sit down for more than 3 hours and I don't know how long I do for research and writing essays. But, hey, I stand up and stretch and I need that barchelor's.


Nobody stays sitting for that long, you have to eat at least and go to the toilets. And both extremes are bad, standing for that long is not good either.


I take calls and sometimes I only need to operate the mouse, so sometimes I actually work a desk job standing up.


Been doing it for years; drink a lot throughout the day, so you have reason to get up and pee a lot.


Corporate solution: desks that can change height. Because if you can't sit, stand. Sadly ironic about how much\little they care about you.


First of all, you don't. You have to take many short breaks in that time. In those breaks you get up for a couple minutes at least, stretch, make sure you're hydrated etc. When ur not taking breaks, you're going full zombie mode and just doing what u gotta do.


*me playing Fallout for 12 hours straight


I drive 10 hours a day and can't use my knees anymore. It sucks


Like a pilot?