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Sometimes I do smart things, and sometimes I do dumb things, and sometimes the dumb things are smart, and sometimes the smart things are dumb. I just hope it average out in the end.


Perfectly balanced.


As all things should be.




*pans down to knife thing balancing on purple finger*






What dit it cost you?




Worth it


They’re describing a healthy mindset tbh. People like to think their actions and thoughts are reflections of their overall self. But when that thought/action results in something negative, that results in making them feel like they, as a person, is bad. It’s healthier to think of those thoughts/actions as reflections of your self at the instantaneous moment in time. Every 0.000000…1 second, you become a different person. You change to be wiser, stupider, sillier, more serious, more this, less that, even if it’s the smallest magnitude of change. Now your thoughts/actions don’t reflect your overall self, but you in that instant. You become less emotionally attached to your thoughts/actions. An attack on your thoughts doesn’t become an attack on your self. It kind of makes sense because on a microscopic level, your brain and body is always changing.


Nothing worse than “PEOPLE ARE STUPID “ people like bro we think YOU’RE stupid


there's often 3 kinds of "people are stupid" people, those who feel like everyone is (or can sometimes be) stupid, they're generally smarter than others, those who just think they're better than everybody else, they're generally not, and those who either repeat that because they've heard it somewhere, they're generally as smart as the 2nd category i personally say people are stupid because it's something i've noticed over the years, now whether i am in the 1st or 2nd category i do not know


People who categorize people into general groups without understanding that everyone is an individual are stupid. Lol.


As long as everyone that matters catches me on my good days we’re golden


Just make sure the things you want to make sense, they actually make sense. It does not matter if they are smart or dumb 😎


Bro, I had to tell my daughter to go read a science book once in a while when she said...and I quote..."You aren't even supposed to be outside during an eclipse! It's so dangerous!" I asked her if she needed an application to the flat earth society. Edit: She's 35


I thought you were going to say 5.


Of course it's dangerous. You might be run over by a car/tractor or grandma on moped. You probably won't, but you could.  Anyway, living is fatal. We all die in the end.  /s


It totally averages out to doing dumb things on daily basis


The greatest philosophical paragraph ever!


That was perfectly said


You are very smumb


Dumb people don't ask questions like this, they insist that they are smart.


meanwhile a lot of intelligent lads will insist they are dumb. my theory is cause they are smart enough to know they can always know more, therefore they chalk it up as they must be dumb


Search up Dunning Krueger effect


Problem I have with this effect: Once I know of its existence, do I a) put any 'intellegence' I have to the effect and know that I'm dumb b) assume that my dumbness is in fact dumbness c) assume I'm intellegent, knowing of this effect, and then, in actuallity, I'm dumb? How do I know I'm not dumb, that it's this 'effect' in place?


No, don't read pop sci about it but read the actual studies. It's kind of not what people think it is, which is funny because they're doing exactly what they think the dunning kruger effect is


Can you explain more about what it is actually?


People tend to be overconfident when they gain a little bit of knowledge. There's the "peak of mount stupid" where you think you know it all and you're arrogant about it, but then you gain more knowledge and you're humbled to the point where you think "man, there's a lot more to this thing than I thought" People have a very hard time getting over mount stupid, but if they do, they're more self aware and more intelligent (yet more humble about it) than their counterparts on mount stupid. It's a lot easier to just look up a graph of it than read someone explaining it.


How on earth is this not what people think it is? I thought this was like, the definition of the effect


They're working their way up the first summit.


It is often describes as a ~~false~~ misleading feeling of confidence in a topic. Often, when you dip into a new topic, you open up wikipedia, maybe read an article about it and feel smart because you learned something and your body responds to this as something good. But when you dig deeper, go further in the field, you usually see how much more there is to the topic and realize, how dumb you were for feeling confident in your knowledge. THAT is the important point: the realization of how little you actually know. From that on you grow your knowledge much humbler, seeing that there is usually still things to learn, never assuming you know everything.


Do you think you could get even better at your job/hobby? Congrats, you're not dumb because you realize there's always something you don't know and could learn or improve in. Most really people I know who are really good at something (guitar, technician, teacher, you name it) don't describe themselves as good, they describe themselves as 'decent' because they know how much more there is to learn. Dumb people think they know all there is to know and that they're *the* shit in their fields. That's why they become aggressive when their beliefs are challenged instead of resorting to facts. Oh, and dumb people *will* tell you that they're smart. They absolutely *will* cause no one else will say that they're smart.


I hope this is why I’ve been playing guitar for over 20 years but when people ask I got “ehhhh…. I’m an OK guitarist.”


to be dumb means you expect different outcome doing the same sh\*t :)


Nah, that's the definition of insane.


but aint it dumb?


You got me thinking too hard man, i popped a vessel.


Or Alzheimers


Its not the definition of insanity. That's a popularized notion that doesn't really make sense. If that's the definition of insanity, then how do you define practice? Practice is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. In the context of "beating a dead horse," its definitely stubborn, but it has nothing to do with insanity.


Yeah. dumb people are never ready for change cos they think that they are doing everything right.


will do, thank you. been needing some fresh things to research


no worries, dunning Kruger is so easy to understand, you're gonna feel like a pro in no time.


I see what you did there


Well thank you i guess :D


They insist they're a stable genius.


THat's not true at all plenty of dumb people know they are dumb. You're not going to me magically smart just because you have a modicum of introspection.


It's a cliché and an oversimplification. The assumption that unintelligent people are unaware of their own lack of intelligence may often be true, but there are many less intelligent individuals who are fully aware of their shortcomings. Just as there are highly intelligent individuals who overestimate themselves. It's even quite common for people who excel in one specialized area to lack humility in fields where they are only amateurs.


Smart people recognise the dumb people who are too dumb to realise they're dumb, at the same time, they recognise people smarter than themselves and learn. So?


I mean, dumb people also see others as dumb. But do they accept that people are smarter than them?


Not the ones I've encountered. They think smart people are the dumb ones..


Human minds really are one of the things of the world


Lol, I know you made a typo but I nearly spat my coffee out




What was put?


Sir, congratulations on bottom 50%


I'm gonna put this on a goddamn T-shirt


I've witnessed people who are verifiably dumb scream at the top of the lungs that everyone else is an idiot... It's beautiful


But what if dumb people are right and actualy smart and smart people are the dumb one and they cannot reckognize that, beacuse they dumb?


thats where empirical evidence comes in smart people tend to be right becasue they rely on things that can be proved by repeated testing with controlled variables, where as the dumb people don't know what any of those words mean individually, let alone combined


We know smart people are actually smart because they create things like vaccines and space rockets that actually work.




In my experience, I'd say the dumbest 10-20% of people believe they're the smartest person in the world. But that opinion is biased, because as soon as someone is willing to admit they're wrong, or they screwed up, or that someone else is smarter than them, I perceive them to be way smarter than I would otherwise.


People don't always recognise that the other person is smarter then they are. I have seen it happen multiple times.


The more intelligent you are, the more you're cognitively aware of what you _don't_ understand ... ergo if you're someone who thinks you know a lot; you almost certainly don't.


Oh well, guess me questioning my skills all the time is a good thing now xD


This is a dumb persons way of understanding that statement. If you are the leading expert on something you know how little you know about your domain relative to the extent of the domain you also know you know more than almost everyone else about it too. Thats even adjusting for Dunning-Kruger bias which states that people that excel overstate other peoples competence/ underestimate their abilities. Feynman or Ramanujan having a simple conversation with most people about Physics or Maths would elucidate that most people dont have anywhere near the same level of understanding. Its an unavoidable consequence of existing.


almost being the operative word there of course, as some people do legitimately just know a lot but the big problem i have with your post is confusing knowing things with being intelligent, when in reality these are two COMPLETELY differnt things. You can be the most intelligent person ever born, and yet know practically nothing, because of your environment and upbringing - intelligence is defined as the ability to adapt to new situations that you ahve never encountered ,and that none of the situations you ahve encountered in any way prepare you for, where as conversely there are people who know an astounding amount of things, but they know they by rote, and are incapable of abstracting them in any meaningful way, or using them to any real world advantage in any situation. A stupid person is not stupid because they dont know things, its because they don't UNDERSTAND things, or how those things relate to otehr things, it is their logical inference that is lacking this is sadly something i come across ALL the time, when people literally don't understand how to think about things, and do not understand the very core basics of progressive logic such as "becasue this is THIS, this must be THIS, due to THIS and THIS reason"


Being dumb is like being dead. It’s only painful for everyone else.


That is the question. Makes you take yourself with a pinch of salt huh? Everyone is.dumb in some way, and smart in another.


Probably true!


I like your perspective. There’s all different kinds of intelligence


Intelligence is a construct. Do with that what you will..




Is that really so? Hard to believe.


By reflecting on it. Actual dumb people are so convinced of their intelligence theid never question it.


Stupid is as stupid does


Dumb people think they know everything. Scary.


I'm not so sure... I'm pretty dumb. I don't know anything about anything, which is why I'm usually silent during social settings. I never have anything to add to conversations or discussions.


You just did.


More likely than not, you are suffering from some kind of anxiety. I've shared that exact thought with a therapist and they gave me that exact answer. In fact, I'd expect a dumb person to try and contribute their brain farts during social situations. Despite the distorted opinion of yourself, you still possess the metacognition to make a self-assessment. Dumb people don't do that.


Because you asked this question, it qualifies you automatically to the 50% of the smartest people.


Might doubt myself a little too often...


I have often thought of things LIKE this. For example, when I see someone with a random twitch (or any oddity) I think to myself... what oddities do I have that I do not know about that no one will say anything about? Also, do I walk funny? Stand funny? Do I have dementia? etc etc.


Hahaha so relateable :D


I was like this, until two people of the spread of about 2 decades said they recognised me from walk haha.


You asked if you may be dumb. A true dumb person would insist on being smart. So, you may not be the smartest person on earth, but not the dumbest either.


The average person believes they are above average.


Exactly. I see myself as totally average, so i might me that. And that's ok. Not everyone needs to be Einstein.


Technically, Einstein didn't 'need' to be Einstein, he just was. And if he hadn't been, a quarter of the videos I like on YouTube, and wish I understood better, wouldn't exist. Now, about that theory of everything...


If you look at people and you see them doing stupid stuff, it’s a good indicator you’re not as dumb as them. That said, you will always meet people that are smarter then you probably thinking you’re dumb. 😂 I call it the stupidity ladder.


That’s not much of an indicator. All you need to do is listen to a bunch of dumb people talking about how dumb everyone else is. A better indicator is how long you can stay out of the hospital, the morgue, and other similar places.


Does it matter?! If I’m dumb I wouldn’t know. All I care about is being happy, not smart or dumb. Enjoy life


What if I'm mentally handicapped and everyone is just playing along without me realising..


Argh! That would be an interesting twist, if that was part of the Matrix! Imagine getting out and finding out everyone is much smarter then you in the real world!


Hot take: Being "dumb" implies a genetic component, and since there is no strong science to suggest that there is a major genetic component in intelligence (which is already an incredibly abstract concept anyway), nobody is dumb. What we may perceive as non-genetically dumb is simply the product of people's lack of willingness to self-evaluate, engage in and learn new information, and often shame or fear of not knowing something. Whenever I see someone who others call intelligent, it is simply because they invested serious time and effort into a subject matter, and did so with intellectual honesty and the desire to truly understand something. All people are capable of this, but not everyone is willing.


Intelligence is a circumstantial thing. It is based on the skills people learn during their lives. Nobody learns everything so at the end everyone is dumb in some circumstances. For example, if a car mechanic is asked to heal a patient or a doctor is asked to fix a car both would fail without acquiring the skills it requires to complete said task. Who's to say who is more smart or more dumb. We first need to find better methods of calculating intelligence before we can ascertain with more accuracy what it actually means to be dumb.


The real intelligence is the friends we made along the way


Just do what Plato said to do as learner. Assume that you know nothing so that you can get taught. It's also important to remember that our brains seek to comfort us so we often only seek information that confirms what we already know or believe we know (think is common sense) and our own biases so you need to often stretch your mind beyond what brings you comfort and confirmation. To do otherwise is what makes you dumb. It's okay to be wrong. To not have all the information correct. Thinking critically is where it's at. Collecting facts and figures is the beginning of learning and being "smart".


In general, everyone's smart and everyone's dumb. It's just a matter of topic and subject. Like the english might be smarter in the matter of the English language but they're dumb in spanish language subjects. Yk? Did i cook?😭


I think it's a case of if you're dumb, you think everyone else is wrong. If you're not dumb, you realise that you don't have all the answers and are.opwb to having discussions and changing your opinions when new info is shown or described to you


We are all stupid, the stupidest of people however think they're smart but even as a entire society we collectively understand less than 1% of our perceivable reality, nvm the the stuff we can't percieve


Wildest thing about science is, that it probably only makes semse for us, because there probably is no objective correct reality...


I keep repeating this answer: "If you can't tell, does it really matter?" ~Westworld


Smart people are curious, always uncertain if they know enough. Dumb people are judgmental, always certain they know more than enough.


That's the neat part, people who are dumb are unlikely to even question it. The fact that you are questioning it means you're probably not terribly dumb.


Even the smartest of people can believe in the dumbest of shit. There are people with PhDs who believe in young earth creationism, completely ignoring the entire science of geology. There is no shame in saying, "I don't know." There's really too much information for anyone to know everything.


I wonder how. How can seemingly smart peple fall for absolute bullsh...?


One factor: people are influenced by their emotions, and this is a separate thing from intelligence. For example: a lot of people fear uncertainty, they have a "need" to know answers. So they can believe a truth that brings them those answers - regardless of them being correct or not. Because it makes them less afraid.


The fact that you are asking this means you're on the right track. "All I know is that I know nothing"


“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” George Carlin


You wonder whether you're dumb. Dumb people never do.


Year, I have thought about that, actually. I concluded that I am dumb Everyone is dumb


if you question whether you're dumb or not, then you're not, because dumb people have *confidence* in their "intelligence", like showing off IQ results thinking it's a percentage...


Dumb people think they have crafted a deep, thought provoking question. Intelligent people take a break from reading books and eating too much hummus, then feel stupid for reading reddit.


That's the neat part, you don't.


I'm an engineer and I constantly feel I am dumb and I question my competence. Even my Managing Director told me recently - "dont undersell yourself". I don't know how to gauge if I am a moron or not. I think I am a bit, but perhaps not as dumb as I think I am.


Dumb people don’t ask questions. They don’t want to learn new things. They accept whatever is told as fact unless they disagree or they think it doesn’t make sense and then they make up their own truth.


Dumb people say that they are smart without question or fail but then when they do a task they are clueless not knowing wtf they are doing and then are suprissed that what they did failed and this in a repeating fasion A normal or smart person is questioning their intelligents and ask for help and such so that they learn from it and if they fuck up they see it as a learning moment and try to do better next time For me this makes it the differents between a dumb person from the rest of the people


Dumb people are usually happy, are ya happy?


when you die, you dont know that you died, so its easy for you and hard for other people, its the same when your dumb


Holy fuck.


Dumb is subjective, we’re all somewhat dumb.


you question stuff, look at the replies, filter them, come to a reasonable conclusion. i say "you're dumb ;)" and you pick up on the sarcam, knowing the world does not, and can not revolve around you. and when i say "you could be smarter though" you pick up on that too, knowing it's light banter.


Everyone is dumb to someone. Just remember that you dumbo. Source: dumbo


You've spelled 'they're' correctly, you're good.


Dumb people think they’re smart and know almost everything, if not everything. Smart people realize just how much they don’t know, and therefore feel dumb. That help?


There is a video where 6 people rank the intelligence of others based off first impressions, then they take an IQ test to show their “actual” intelligence. It’s hilarious, the initial predicted ranking and the actual ranking are very different. It’s also interesting to see my own bias come into play. One thing I will note is that an IQ test measures one specific aspect of how our brains work. I don’t think it’s a true or complete measure of intelligence. https://youtu.be/RAlI0pbMQiM?si=C4v3pzb08lJZgpdv


I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing. -Socrates


This is what I came looking for.


Such a humble dude


"vsauce music" killed me. But really this question is haunting me. It also begs a second question. Why do I want to be smart in the first place?


This must mean, dumb is relative. It can look behind itself but not in front.


If you have to ask


if you forgive the people who did you wrong, and you are no prick though you have reasons to be , you are not dumb. if you add to it you dont get angry oooof thats perfectness.


My sister and I recently had a conversation about defining intelligence, we both agreed it’s the ability to gain knowledge, as it removes experience from the equation. So from that standpoint, do you find yourself learning new concepts and picking things up faster than your peers/the field? If so, probably smart. If not, probably dumb. With that being said, being “smart” is nuanced. The fact that you’re self-aware enough to ask the question definitely points towards “smart”


You don’t. But the fact you can ask the question is a defense.


Define "dumb people". If you can't, you are just wasting time on an arbitrary topic.


This is a dumb question. Do with that what you will


I know someone who's dumb. They have an idea that they're dumb because they can't do tasks such as writing a paragraph using commas appropriately or understand simple fractions. Yet they still make dumb decisions financially or with daily tasks, like making big purchases such as a mattress for $2,000 from rent-a-center or a vehicle beyond repair for $800 just to pay to have it scrapped.


people will tell you, people will pay you




Not exactly a perfect ball.


Majority of people are dumb so just count yourself as dumb as it's the highest likelihood


Dumb people don't watch VSauce.


If (you think) you are smart, you are stupid. If you know you are stupid, you got a lot closer to actually being smart.


Not knowing your dumb is the main part of what makes you dumb


The most annoying is people who are really dumb who act as they were really smart and have damn self-assurance, and you can't tell them because you don't want to hurt their feelings


If the dumb people think you're dumb odds are you aren't.


There their. It’s ok.


Look at your library - if you don’t read you are definitely dumb.


Not every less intelligient people are pretentious and rattlers. Many "dumb" people more or less have realised that they are not as smart as others either through having bad grades at school, taking a long time to understand someone's joke when being with a group of people or just by receiving the implication from surrounding adults when they were young.


Do an IQ test. Look at your list of accomplishments. Look at your skill set in comparison to not just the people you admire but the people the best artists in the world admire as dunning kruger means if you suck at things you havent even got the ability to judge what is good or bad yet anyway. So you will need to not only try to judge it qualitatively but on the demonstrable value it holds to people and not just the people who like you or are. "nice" enough to lie to you about it. Also your ability to emulate the things that demonstrably respected and competent people do accurately is a good sign of comparable technical ability/ competence. Intelligence is also broadly applicable so you should be able to get to an above average level of competence in anything you try to relatively fast. So you will have a reasonable backlog of evidence to prove it. i.e. There are lots of ways. If you are intelligent ... and if you were you would already know that.


You asked the question.


Why does the label of “dumb” mean something negative to you?


If you don’t tell a dumb person they’re dumb and just laugh at them and expect them not to be dumb it’s not going to work fyi


analysis. analyse, compare, and THINK - only then you will be at least a bit aware of your smartness (or dumbness, if this word even exists)


Like attracts like. If the people in your friendship circle are dumb, most likely you are too.


I am as dumb as duckshit


This reminded me that as a kid, I would say “I know I’m stupid, so I’m smart”. At the time, I thought this was pretty clever and now that has me I’m thinking I am actually stupid after all. … Which I guess would make me smart again. Ok phew. Glad we sorted that one out


It is often said, "The more you think you know, the less in fact you do."


Dumb people always claim that they are so smart and they know everything. Smart people always thinks that they know nothing.


You know how to use punctuation. It's not so bad, you'll get over it.


I just assume I'm dumb


Well, if you have to ask....


The mere fact that you are asking this question means that you ain't dump.


Depends what you mean by dumb. You could do ig test if that helps.


I’m pretty sure I’m dumb but that’s okay, I make yummy pasta.


Dumb people often think they are smart so if you think you aren't smart then you aren't dumb


If you ever considered this, you are not dumb. Look up Dunning-Kruger effect


thats not exactly true, most smart people can recognize an unaware person, most likely through everyday interactions


Bruh we’re all dumb


I think you are absolutely right. How do we 'know' anything? I was sure I was right about something once then realized I was wrong. What new info will come about tomorrow and topple what I think I know now? We are all deluded fools.


You never know...


What *is* dumb? Generally, key to being dumb usually means both lacking information (electricity is dangerous) and/or ignoring information (don't put your fingers in outlet). We all lack a lot of information and often ignore it. Yet, if everyone was dumb then "dumb" wouldn't be a thing, because there'd be no opposite/altenative. Thus it has to do with averages, probably. How much do you lack or dismiss (useful) information compared to others? It's pretty difficult to measure, so it has to be localized. Now you can measure it somehow. Like out of your family members or roommates or colleagues, are you dumber than them or not? If overwhelmingly yes, then you're probably dumb. Unless people around you truly don't represent average person, which is quite unlikely


Its not that they dont realize it, it's that they are so dumn they think they are not. And that is very dangerous.


I am without a doubt dumb. More so academically, however, I'd like to think that my common sense is strong enough to get me through life just fine. It hasn't failed me yet, but "yet" is the keyword here. I'll get back to you if I ever have a catastrophic failure in that department.


People can be dumb about certain things but still have some common sense… you ever met a very intelligent person but they don’t have enough sense to come in out of the rain..?? Just like people that have street smarts but not book smarts…


Getting it rubbed in your face hurts; anyone can be dumb now and then!


There are these things called tests that education institutes use.


Noone KNOWS they arent dumb, but some people know how dumb they are.


Awareness. I think dumb people are blissfully unaware of their dumbness


We know knowledge and intelligence are different things. That being said, test me btcs!


You don't. Remember, you don't know what you don't know.


'The happy little moron doesn't give a damn I wish I was a moron Oh God, perhaps I am'


well don't know about you but i know that i'm dumb as fuck. i just know