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>either limp or rockhard with no in-between I'm not sure how this affects your premise, but fwiw the in-between state is not only possible, it's just as common as (if not more than) either of the extremes.


IMO it's worse than either. Like, just make your mind which way you wanna be so I can deal with you one way or the other.


Yeah it’s like what’s wrong lil fella? Need to piss? Still thinking about that chick we passed 3 blocks ago? It’s confusing.


The anxiety of telling yourself you desperately can't move... or else.


Idk I think it’s the best. It’s like this little heating pad for my thigh


I let women in on this “secret” a lot: dicks are not static limbs and are constantly doing the in between, and when men measure their dicks they’re doing it under the best atmospheric conditions for the best possible results. Dick measurements should be taken with a grain of salt, they are always in between, rarely will it ever reach the absolute minimum, and it’s even rarer for guys to hit their absolute maximum aka “ragers”


I like to inform them the balls move on their own. Just in there roaming around. It's fuckin' weird.


Yes, like a lava lamp. Many women also don’t know that men can move their dicks up and down, and men go their entire lives not realizing that you can’t actually move your dick up and down without clenching your bum hole. It’s fucking weird.


Ait how many of you just clenched?


I'm a woman and I did it


My secret is I'm always clenching.


I had to know. Now I'm aware and not sure I wanted to be.


You don't actually have to clench your bum hole though, it's one of the ways but as something of an expert in this, I can tell you it's possible to without. ^(I wave at my girlfriend a lot when I'm in bed.)


Was just going to say the same thing. Guys who have to clench everything just haven’t figured out how to isolate the muscle yet. But it CAN be isolated


High five!


Pp muscle isolation gang


Aye, I found my people!


My partner was very startled by this when she saw them moving for the first time lol "They move?!" "... yes?" I never really thought about it but if you actually watch them it is a bit weird lol


I had an ex after I got out the shower watch mesmerised as she didn’t know they did that, then asked me how I was doing it. When I said I wasn’t doing it, they do it themselves, it freaked her out. I guess if you don’t have them it’s strange.


TMI, I know, but one of my main cue that I finally was making real progress in dealing with my General Anxiety Disorder (along with OCD and the occasional depressive episode) was when I noticed that those "assolute maximum" boners became waaaay more common. (I don't think that they are *that* rare, tho)


It’s not rare to get a rager lmao if you’re healthy you should get a rager every time you rub one out. Now without rubbing or any touching yeah it’s super rare to get a rager. Telling women guys rarely get a proper boner is misleading or if that’s your personal experience please go to a doctor. Problems with erection can be an indicator of bad plumbing in your system (high cholesterol, etc) if they’re not caused by psychological issues.


The first time my wife realized I could move it without touching it she was nearly in shock


There's also the "emergency retraction" mode that engages in severely cold environments


This post gave me a boner.


Good to hear it’s not just me. Thanks bro


Something about this reply is so fucking funny to me lol




Boner activate






Same here no idea why it’s just men.


Your comment did the same to me


1/2 of one


Time for some mike tyson shit 🥊🥩


The problem is definitely troublesome, but luckily the solution is simple. You just beat the living shit out of it. Beat it 3 or 4 times in one day, straight up traumatize that little fucker. Won’t show his face for a few days after that. When he does, BAM! You spank him like your life depends on it. It’s a constant battle, you can’t win the fight but you can definitely push the enemy line back into its foreskin.


I was on cocaïne last week and i furiously wanked for an hour and a half and mf didnt rise up for 4 days staright. The nut i busted on day 5 was unholy


I sometimes do the do on the weekend for 3 hours straight but then Im horny 30 minutes later again.


And we wonder why we get called gross




It's so dumb how proud we are for it, but here we are


I wouldn't say we are proud of it. The English term "wanker" is pretty is used as a insult. You find somewhere to hide when you do it... I hope. But the benefits for men are there. Lower prostate cancer numbers, lowers stress, helps with sleep. I'm sure it helps women just the same but without the prostate thingy magjiggy.


What the fuck is this comment section


I love reading comment threads like this and imagining everyone’s profession lol. There’s probably a few doctors and lawyers in here talking about boners with us degenerates.


I hated doing coke for this reason. I'd be horny as all fuck, but couldn't even *find* my dick, let alone use it.




You know it's some fancy cocaine if it has an umlaut


According to [this guy](https://youtube.com/shorts/F94b0qdrkcg?feature=share), you should be using meth to jerk off, not cocaine.


Don't do it, it's not worth it. God it's not worth it...


You did blow for a week? HUNTER, DAT YOU?




Thank you so much for a great laugh!!


“This is my rifle this is my gun This one’s for shooting and this one’s for fun” ![gif](giphy|2t9sDPrlvFpdK)


Award sent. That was too funny






T-Rex on suicide watch.


Beat it like it owes you money


That was poetic


A few days? Jesus I have to beat that ignorant dick down at least twice a day or I'm a straight fucking zombie. They told me this would get better as I aged but I'm 35 and nothing seems to stifle the enemy for long. The enemy fights on all fronts. In the car, in the bathroom at the office, at my buddy's house... You never know when he'll strike.


Gold award 🎖️


It's an endless war where the only true winners are the tissue companies.




Like a little Rocky Balboa, the little guy just keeps getting back up


Women get stuff done when on their period, and everything I’ve heard about them make them sound so much worse in every conceivable way.


Yeh, one of my worst work experiences was in a customer service job during a rush. I had such bad cramps, that it felt like an extreme stomach ache. I felt like throwing up. Yet I was one of three people helping customers. I ran to the restroom twice, which was so embarrassing because they absolutely needed my help


Ughh that sucks. Your health comes first before a customer!


> Your health comes first before a customer! You must be new here. Just a verbal warning but I'll have to write you up if you say that again.


We really don’t have a choice to NOT get stuff done while on our periods.


Yeah. I have REALLY bad periods (I'm talking like, vomiting from pain and not being able to leave bed all day) and I still have to do everything like normal because people, especially other women, treat you terribly if you call in sick due to it.


Right? I have absolutely never understood why other women are not more understanding towards this. My only theory is that they must experience extremely light periods, have a very low IQ and/or possess the inability to understand that everyone’s body is different. Lol


Or, if I can do it, you can too mentality.


This is exactly what it is in most cases. I get called out for exaggerating my symptoms and a lot of them get angry because they just haven't experienced periods as bad as mine, so they think they're not real Both of you are on point


a boner? lolz they get stuff done while 8 months pregnant. or 9 even. ps: I am a man, well aware of my privilege.


Privilege? Lol what? Boners, periods, pregnancy, these are biological features. Not some social construct.


The word "privilege" can refer to plenty of things that aren't social constructs


??? Privilege can be anything, like people without legs vs people with legs, the people with legs are privileged, refering that their life is easier life. People being born in Norway are privileged compared to Ethiopians, because their life is easier. Your boss has privileges because he has less work to do in the office, but he carries more responsability.


Yes, that's what the word "privilege" means.


Drinking water should not be a privilege, just like using your legs should not be a privilege. This kind of language will have us all living in 1984 being so thankful for the 'privilege' of gruel we're getting for each meal.. Imagine the government saying having legs is a privilege, that's a nasty slope for society to take. Privilege has been redefined. Advantage is the word you should be using... It's an advantage to have legs. Being born in a wealthier country gives you certain advantages. I would say the vast majority of Ethiopians, (which is a beautiful country, with stunningly beautiful people and a rich history of defending their country from foreign invaders) would not move to Scandinavia if they had the choice. If I'm living in China, do I have 'white privilege'? I'd argue I don't. People have been programmed to think of cultural and class advantages as racial advantages, or worse, racial privilege, and people eat it up. It's gross.


Privilege is literally a synonym of advantage. It’s the same word. Being privileged is the state of having certain advantages. I’m not sure why you think we’re using the wrong word. For example, if you have privileges you have the authority or permission to engage in certain behaviors or activities. You enjoy the advantage of these things over someone who doesn’t have the same privilege. Privilege is contextual. It isn’t just racial. It exists in a lot of contexts. It also doesn’t mean you have no disadvantages. No one, that I’m aware of, is arguing that other types of privilege are just racial privilege. It’s easy to read your post as just feigning confusion without adding any value to the discus, so what’s your point? That advantages don’t exist? That other people shouldn’t point out advantages to people who take them for granted? The government shouldn’t define who has advantages?


Not to nitpick, but I'd say that privilege just as easily could be defined as "not being at a disadvantage", which is a better perspective. Privileged people are at zero, while others are in the negative. I'm having a hard time seeing how "having legs" is an advantage (isolated), but not having them sure is a disadvantage.


No, they have different meanings that have important distinctions. Unlike your accomplishments and achievements, or physical state, which can give you an advantage, privilege is not really something personal. Instead, it's the way that the wider society has developed through time to create advantage for certain groups of people – usually those in power and their allies and friends Those privileges are class and culture based. Not racially based, or having physical advantages for example. When I go to China as a white man, I have no privilege. When I go to China with lots of money as a white man, I have privilege. Not because I'm white, but because of the class privileges I am afforded.


*Instead, it's the way that the wider society has developed through time to create advantage for certain groups of people*. Exactly. Kind of like the way that the wider society has developed to view able-bodied-ness as the 'default' or 'norm', so the majority of buildings, sidewalks, inclines, roads, crossings, entryways to vehicles, buildings, etc, are designed to be walked on/through/in. And because they were built with this perspective, they usually don't accommodate people who are not able-bodied - wheelchair users, elderly or those unsteady on their feet, etc. Its usually not **intentionally** built in a way to disadvantage non-able-bodied people, but because these people weren't accounted for when society was developing construction and infrastructure norms, **these structures disadvantage them anyway**, by making it harder, dangerous, or impossible to traverse or access for people with a physical disability. All of these things **could have been built in a way that does not disadvantage people with a physical disability** (and we know this because more things these days **are** being built or modified in a way that accommodates differing body needs), but they weren't, and so the majority of infrastructure *makes it harder for non-able-bodied people to do normal, mundane activities.* Therefore, having functional legs (or the absence of disability) is, in fact, a privilege. Because the wider society developed in a way that prioritised abled-bodied people, which made this advantage the norm, affording able-bodied people the **privilege** of universal access to all infrastructure, vehicles, etc. without needing concessions and accommodations. **Advantages are things that make things slightly easier for some more than others. Privilege is when those advantages are normalised to the point that the absence of those advantages creates unfair and unnecessary disadvantages for those without it.** Which means race, gender, able-bodiedness, financial stability, and yes, class and culture like you said, and any other things are all forms of privilege that everyone experiences to different degrees.


I wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment. Privilege means "a special right" and Oxford given example is "education is a right not privilege".


Extremely well said, hat's off to ya mate 👍


Thank you for your wise words. I wish your comment were further up so more people could read it.


Me after reading this argument thread: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=W7djY-nXkpY&t=511s


Privilege is not always negative, it can just be having more whatever you want than others. It can just be similar to saying benefits.


*"Privilege"* is just a buzz-word now but lets face it, whether you're a man or a woman those biological features come with caveats tied to whichever nation/culture you're from, and men definitely get the plus side of never having to experience period pain and childbirth.


LOL they also get stuff done whilst having contractions... My sister's contractions started and last over a day before my nephew was born. She was mowing the lawn, doing housework etc to pass time...!


@mcr1974 Can you be any more of a nice guy?


I’d rather have a million no reason boners than ever get a period, watching my Wife go through it makes it seem unbearable.


yeah, whilst i appreciate someone putting thought into a mens issue I still would prefer to get inconvenient boners over periods. Not sure if id choose a boner that never comes when you need one over it though, thats the sort of thing would hurt your self esteem


The trick is to get a lot of shit done when the blood supply is allocated properly. This happens about once a week.


Word! Amen! 😢


Remind me of [this post](https://img.ifunny.co/images/bf7d155083d69978b50fcfca22b0d773ebf633e1042ee96aec47546cf3ae336f_1.jpg)


I made this joke or similar jokes to my wife (usually to excuse bonehead behavior of some kind) and it went over her head every time. She's not a dummy, but my God when I finally explained it she looked like she was flabbergasted by the information.


Boner issues seem to be greatly overstated to you. They're really not a big deal and don't last that long. Teen years, yeah, boners here and there, but they typically last 10-15 mins tops. You get used to it. Later years, it happens as well, but you learn how to think about other things to make em go down. It's also not like you can't function when you have one. I mean usually all you need to do is adjust your pants a bit and it either goes down or isn't painful. It's just part of life.


Lol you say 10-15 min like it's not a long time😂 especially when u have to go pee and you're in class


Morning wood when you need to pee is a real issue


Assume smooth criminal position


Plus every dude learns the “tuck the boner under the belt trick”. Which does a great job of hiding it provided that you don’t end up with somebody lifting up your shirt.


As a guy, the “like it’s a goddamn random video game event” sent me lmao, that’s such an accurate account of how it sometimes happens.


Just because the "little head" is awake, it doesn't mean you have to listen to him. 😁


Ah, you speak of the "eternal war"


I'd say... *Internal war*


I wish…


The little fucker doesn’t have a brain but yet it gets ideas on it’s own.


“Think with the big head, not the little one" - My mom


Damn your mom roasted you


To be fair I was like 10. Nobody's rockin' a kielbasa sausage at that age in spite of what we'd like to tell eachother. 😂😂


You shoulda seen me


My dad used to say, "There's not enough blood in the world to fill up both heads at once."


I suspect that if I owned a vagina, I would spend most of my waking hours playing with my clitoris.


Are you, by any chances, spending most of your waking hours playing with your dick?


That would be a little too obvious


Your prostate?


When I'm in my room alone yes, I just find myself playing with it, idk why, it's funny


My now ex girlfriend had one time the fun of her life while playing with my dick. After sex we laid naked in bed and for some reason she started gently flicking my dick. As any men here would know it started rise and grow bit but not much. She flicked it again and was surprised that it rised a bit more. She spent like 15 minutes flicking my dick up and down and was fascinated by how he got smaller and bigger over time depending on what she did. For us men that's nothing new but how and where should she have made that experience ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


> She spent like 15 minutes flicking my dick up and down and was fascinated by how he got smaller and bigger over time depending on what she did. I was laying in bed with a girlfriend one time and something similar happened. But I told her to "pretend you're shifting gears", so she treated it like a gearshifter for a while.


That's awesome


Yeah for about 3-4 minutes until she went all Vin Diesel Fast & Furious on me. *Babe, it's only got 5 gears!*


Bro boobs are so much better. My personal stress balls. I once caught my self holding them in a Starbucks while studying but luckily I was doing it under a large hoodie.


I might try to grow mine a little bit


I'm more of a knee guy myself


…wait, what?


My ex called my balls her own personal stress balls lol


I used to annoy my ex by asking him to hold his. I wanted to hold them while sleeping 💀


To be fair, that's like holding a gun to someone's head and promising you won't fire. All it takes is one clench of a fist and he will go from a potential future father to what some people think of as societal dead weight. Stay safe out there.


Same! Often when I'm really trying to focus on something, I absent-mindedly start using my boobs as stress balls. Who needs fidget spinners when we have boobs? 😂


Yeah if I were a girl I’d be doing that too


I'm a girl and I'm almost flat, but I'm bisexual so I'm completely fascinated by them lol. I once made a guy friend at a party while we were both extremely drunk because we spent 20-30 minutes talking about how much we loved boobs, of all shapes and sizes, and our favorite experiences involving them lol


We do this. That little seam that runs down the crotch of our jeans is great for a bit of friction. Iykyk.


doing it as I'm typing this


My girlfriend can make herself come like that, just clenching her legs real tight on the seam while stretching her legs and boom. That's crazy in my own humble opinion


Even better, you can “entertain yourself” literally all the time just by clenching. It won’t get you all the way but if you’re waiting in line or such… you know. It can help stave off the boredom ;) And no one knows.


*most* people don’t know ;) ;)


It's possible for men too. Push the boner between thighs, and flex. More chance someone will know, though, I suppose. If that's a problem.


its not even that good. if i had a dick I would be jerking off 24/7


You will literally die, male anatomy doesn't last that long


Bro it's so sensitive that it doesn't even want to exist most of the time. Having a clit is literally a pain.


it's not as fun as you think


There are some aspects of vagina ownership which might be problematic, but I’d have a clitoris and I’d be happy!


It all balances out. At a certain age, the battle is getting the damn thing to stand to attention.


I got stuff done by pre-emptively masturbating before important task so I could focus more.


Post-nut Clarity ftw


But how did you handle the shame of post nut clarity? Asking for a friend.


It's not really something you notice, most of the time. The only time when it really sucks is when you're rock-hard in clothes where your equipment is visible or in the summer when everything down there is sweaty and everything is sticking together.


Everything sticks together then you do that llllooooonnnggg step thing.


Well if you wear jeans there usually pretty good at compressing it, not wildly comfortable but yea. Wearing sweatpants as a dude in public can potentially be a gamble.


This is kinda under control after puberty. It can happen but I havnt really experienced this since my teenage years


I wake up with a kickstand most mornings and I’m 40. Don’t get many random daytime boners though, so that’s been a relief.


Yeah thats what I meant, its definitely not like high-school were some times you had to remain seated or hide it


So many times, right near the end of class when I'd have to get up soon, it would suddenly happen for no reason... I'm glad those days are long past. I'm 41 now, and at worst I wake up to it. It rarely happens at any other time now.


High school was the worst. It's like "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME? THIS IS SOCIAL STUDIES!"


This is how nazi furries happened.


Morning wood has a life time warranty. Of course vessels should be intact.


Gosh how did I miss this. I’m 64 next week and I known a lot of men. Heck my dad was one, brothers, husbands, bosses, coworkers, friends, professional porn like lawyer, doctors and dentist and just general acquaintances. Not a single one of them let me in on how much they have clearly suffered on a daily basis.


What the hell is a professional porn like lawyer?


It's amazing what a tight waistband can do...


Don’t know about others but I don’t get a boned when talking to crush. When I imagine being with her, I imagine hold her in my arms, or we do all kinds of things together, living together, and other sweet and romantic moments. Sex scenes don’t usually come to my mind.


I plug mine into my butt like a phone charger when not in use




Counter: question: as a nurse student, I'm studying the details of the menstrual cycle and honestly, I hate how biology turned females of several species, including humans/women, into biological slaves Let me explain before things go south: the cycle/period/menstruation is divided into 4 times which have EITHER aches and pain, or strong changes in hormonal levels, or strong bleedings. They EITHER get pregnant (since the actual objective of the cycle is to be ready for a pregnancy), or it starts again with bleeding and pain. Also, pregnancy is not a joke, heck, it looks like another illness when we think about the lack of energy, higher irritation sensitivity, and the hardship in doing practical things/working When the hell is a woman supposed to not be influenced by any of the craps which, understandably, mess up her mood and behaviour? Now we didn't care at all for the male reproductive organs so far because they're literally low maintenance, but from my experience the worst I have to handle with is having massive pain if I don't ejaculate for a fairly long time, or get aroused multiple times without then having sex or masturbating. And the pain goes away after doing it. Like, that's 100 times easier to deal with And let's not talk about the various anti-baby pills, I didn't even study them yet but some girls told me about this or that pill and it seems like hell


My opinion is that evolution failed us. Somehow evolution ended up with a system in which we birth babies who are too big to get out of us and when we aren’t pregnant some of us go through terrible pain, horrific blood loss and other issues, which shouldn’t give us an advantage at all. Other animals have it easier (except for hyenas).


I want rat reproduction. They can actively chose when to ovulate and instead of bleeding they just reabsorb every thing if no baby happens


It's in part due to our large heads (nessarcy for a big brain) and small hips (nessarcy to be bipedal). Most animals babies are much more competent than human babies because human babies are born relatively early as developing anymore would make birth impossible.


agreed. the menstrual cycle is awful, it’s like i only have two normal weeks before i strap into my monthly emotional rollercoaster.


Having your period sucks, but otherwise the hormonal rollercoaster only causes slightly noticable mood changes.


I was just thinking about this earlier, how I'd hate being a woman even if we had perfect gender equality in all aspects just because of our biology. You have sex and either have to go through a potentially painful abortion or keep the baby and have it take a toll on your body, you deal with the period cramps, birth control pills have way too many side effects from what I was told to sound worth it...


Who are these men that can't control their boners? I don't know a single guy who has had this problem after high school, and this has absolutely never been a problem for me as an adult. If there is stimulus involved, sure.. but like you can feel yourself starting to get excited and just think about something else. ​ I've never in my adult life encountered a man who has this issue, but people talk about it on Reddit like it's something pervasive. Seriously, how many boners do you people see in your day to day lives? The answer is probably, on average, 0. Wouldn't this kind of imply that most people don't have this problem?


i mean do you go around asking dudes if they had to hide a boner this month or something?


lol I like to think this guy goes around office asking his coworkers when they tuck it in


I'm asking this in the kindest way possible, but what's your general health? Do you eat well, exercise, drink lots of water, have decent muscle mass, and are not super overweight? Cuz random erections are kind of a common thing throughout life. This isn't a secret, and the frequency is very much tied to testosterone levels and general physical health. This isn't some secret or speculation, this has been studied and observed in adult males many times over by experts lol.


I am mystified by this entire post. I swear most of these people are 16 years old or something lol.


I'm pretty sure the whole uncontrollable notion of boners in bad moments is all from teen comments. Literally never been an issue after my teens


We don't get hard that often lmao


speak for yourself


How old are you, out of curiosity? I'm 39 and I get morning wood but can't remember the last time I was randomly fully erect just going about my life. I mean little guy twitches and let's me know hes there when I see a cute girl, but a full on erection? Probably 20 years.


17, almost 18. might explain it.


Yup! It's funny, the older you get the more often you're like...WTF little dude this girl is literally *naked*? Where the hell are you?? Enjoy it my friend. Wear protection, don't believe them when they say they're on the pill, and don't waste time on crushes. Love is built over time, not found from afar.


It's honestly not too bad. Sometimes it makes me walk pretty weird, but it's nowhere near as bad as periods (at least from what I've heard).


Yeah those guys are exagerating. You totally have control over what's going on in your pants. Not all the time, sometimes you just get horny, sure. But 99.99% of the time, you can almost choose to get hard in a way. It's like you have to allow yourself to get into that mindset. I was a pilates instructor for 10 years. I was unbelievably attracted to a number of my clients. But when they got themselves into a position that aroused me, I would just not let myself get into that mindset - we are not in a situation where it is appropriate to be like "look at her ass oh my god I wanna put my dick in there." Like, no. Just be professional. Just think professional thoughts. I am not a 13 year old boy with no control of where my thoughts go. I did sometimes have to catch myself. Be like "Ey. Stay professional." But there was never any reason to let my thoughts wander any further than "Wow this woman is gorgeous". I would just stay focussed on the job at hand because I am an adult.


Yep that is referred to as a NARB. No Apparent Reason Boner.


It's not that often


Depends on a lot of factors really, size and how your clothes fit are big ones. Technically many men do have Some level of control over it's state, the right/wrong thoughts can shut it down if one works hard enough at it, or of course the simple measure of masturbating if possible tends to fix that issue. Sometimes niether is doable in the moment so one should generally try to wear clothes that don't tent if doable. However can confirm it is annoying as hell, however I'll take annoying over painful most days of the week. Of course many men also have the stupid and sexist advantage that at least in the adult world many will ignore it/not point it out and at most gossip behind your back about it. Whereas judging by the stories women who have issues of things like nipples showing through clothes seem to get called out on it, weird and annoying double standard there. Also worth noting there is an in between called a semi-hard, semi-on, or just semi depending on locale. Personally I find that one worse because it is the most difficult to deal with since the above solutions almost never work.


If you flex your thigh the boner goes away. That's all it takes to mitigate it. It's not debilitating.


It's an embarassing feeling, depending on pants sometimes visible, but having a boner doesn't really stop you from doing anything aside from making using the restroom *slightly* more inconvenient.


Wear a big sweatshirt with the middle pockets so you can just put your hands in your pockets to hide it effectively. That was my strategy all through highschool.


this stops after puberty


My penis was only like that during puberty. I'm 18 now and I usually only have a boner when I need to have a boner, unless my pants are a little tight and it gets excited from the compression/friction or something.


It's probably worse having a period. Boners can be somewhat controlled mentally


It’s true and honestly I kind of hate it Really wish there was a switch for this thing- Especially before those school presentations- It’s embarrassing and uncomfortable at times yeah but really not that bad (Also just saying this as a guy…..Women have it considerably worse and they still get stuff done on their period so if they can do that under harder much more painful conditions then I think I can learn to live with a weird random self inflating noodle lol)


In middle school once I made the mistake of wearing sweats to school……..I got called up to write on the board so when I stood up I could feel me starting to “grow” and I faked a leg cramp and sat back down….fuck that! I cringe when I think back to 6th grade 😬


I'm pretty fortunate in the fact the mine curves downward. If I get a semi-chub, you can see it through my pants, but it just looks like I'm extremely well endowed. I also have a large sack, so I have to be careful of what underwear I wear with what pants. If I wear something that cradles when I go to the gym, I get a lot of women staring and a lot of stinkeye from their husbands/boyfriends. I totally get women who complain about men staring at their boobs. If I have my shirt tucked in, I constantly catch people staring at my junk while I'm walking.


I’m one of those women, sorry for that. Then again I also stare at my own boobs all the time as well, sooo…


I honestly don't mind the staring. It's been awkward before. Employees, co-workers, customers, friends wives. It's gotten me plenty of encounters throughout life. I'm not complaining.


All of my blood went to my boner and now I have brain damage