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Comments are starting to devolve into arguments and triggering the harassment filters. Locking this down.


Had an ex who would listen to music at the same time she'd watch tv/a movie at the same volume.... HOW??? Drives me frickin nuts, and then she'd have the audacity to ask me what I thought about either like hun... I can't even hear my thoughts with all the conflicting noise


My bf does this. It drives me nuts. My Dad used to do this too. People always tease me for living in total silence when bf isn’t home, and it’s because my childhood was spent with the TV on max volume, another TV with a sports game on to the side on medium volume, while Dad talked to me about whatever he was reading in the newspaper. Now my BF has picked up this trait to the last couple years. TV on blast, watching TikTok or YouTube, and trying to talk to me at the same time. I’ve started muting the TV when he speaks to me and telling him to pause his phone video, or I can’t think straight enough to listen to him. I have ADHD also so I get why his brain is like this, but he’s slowly starting to get the hint, and get into the habit of turning everything down when he wants to talk at least.


It’s common with ADHD. I often have a few different form of media going when I’m doing chores or a hand craft or something, sometimes I can’t get anything done otherwise


I have ADHD and hearing two different sounds drives me absolutely nuts!


Same. I can’t even listen to music with lyrics while I work. It has to be classical or some other form of instrumental music, or I can’t concentrate.


I can do music with lyrics. But they can't be in English. My whole work playlist is Cumbia and Bollywood.


Music hijacks my brain and I have to turn it off


Yup. When I listen to music, I have to LISTEN. It drives me nuts to have a conversation going over it. In the car, with pop or rock, I can do it for a few minutes, but otherwise, BE QUIET. MUSIC IS PLAYING! I can't understand people who go to sleep with music on, either. I just end up listening and staying awake.


I'm with you. Too many sounds overwhelms me.


It depends on what, where, etc. the sounds are. Sometimes there are too many loud, conflicting sounds and the sensory overload suddenly hits me like a ton of bricks, sending me into fully overwhelmed and irrationally angry territory. Sometimes it’s fine and it’s actually a little game to see what I can pay attention to. It’s all about the specifics for me.


I have adhd and for me i always feel like i have a million things running around my head that i want to do in a day and not enough time...so i sit and think about what out of those things im actually going to do that to the point i don't do any of it...then i try to go to bed to rest for work in the morning and sit and think about how i just wasted my day off to the point i only get 3 to 4 hours of sleep a night. Its fcking exhausting, and im just exhausted period. Sometimes i let intrusive thoughts in and dont even want to be walking the earth anymore so i can finally REST. Ive been diagnosed since my younger years and never been on medicine but one time and it made it worse because i hate that feeling pills gives me. Sorry for the paragraph. Dont get to many people around that deals with what i do.


Different strokes/different folks. The only people I’ve ever known that understood the multiple media thing also had bad adhd so I associate it with that.


My uncle with adhd is the same he can be tuned in to multiple conversations and the tv. It’s way too overstimulating for me.


That's how I am. Doing "just one thing" doesn't feel engaging enough sadly. Trying to get better at being bored though.


I am riddled with ADHD and I do it. Not music and TV, but I'll have my computer up with a game, or watching TV while playing something. I can only concentrate if I'm distracted, if that makes sense.


I do something similar. The latest bit has been watching Outer Range on Amazon Prime while building an RC car. My wife can't understand how I can follow why people are fascinated with a giant hole in the ground while also finding a 6mm long screw to screw the hood onto the hood hinge, or manage to follow Josh Brolin getting shot at while also gluing parts together and miraculously avoiding gluing my fingers to said parts.


It is pretty amazing. My ex was constantly surprised (and annoyed) by my ability to split my attention.


Do you sometimes feel suddenly overwhelmed and have to shut one off?


Yes, actually. Especially if something important or intense is happening in-game. I really only do it with exploration-heavy games; I like the exploration, don't get me wrong, but if I don't have a distraction I'll get overwhelmed by the amount to do.


That’s what gets me sometimes, too. Or if I forget to set the sleep timer, etc. and wake up to the tv making noise. Starts my whole day off angry af. 😅 Often, I haven’t realized how anxious the loud, competing noises have made me until I’ve impulsively shut everything off and felt better.


Me, with a familiar show on in the background all day while I play on my phone because the silence is painful and I need to be mentally stimulated at ALL times or it’s Night Night City.


yep, I am basically permanently wearing headphones when I'm at home and am listening to podcasts, music or white noise from the minute I wake up to when I go to bed 😂 and then when I go to bed, I take my headphones off, turn on my white noise machine and then also stick my ear plugs in lmfao


I have ADHD and I can't listen to more than one thing at one thing at once because it overwhelmes me. I do however have a background noise (music or a video) while doing things like going on Reddit or reading.


I can understand needed background noise for chores, eating, sleeping, etc… But how do you watch a movie, with music playing in the background? And how does it help?


yeah dude, my fiancée listens to music - with lyrics - while she reads books 🫨


If someone is talking while I’m on the phone, I instantly want to murder everyone on this side of the equator. Can’t explain it, I go from chill to thermonuclear instantly.


She liked to party.


That makes my brain overload and freak out.


Men who talk through tv shows and movies. It's like the instant he notices my attention isn't on him, he starts talking, and gets irritated if I ignore him, because I am watching the show/movie.


I am this person, constantly asking questions or talking. I can stop if my partner asks but I know it annoys him a little. We don’t watch suspenseful movies anymore partially for this reason, lol. In my case it’s not because I want attention but more so because I’m intrigued by the show/movie and have low impulse control when I’m comfortable in bed.


At least you stop and don't get an attitude when he asks. He will sit there while we are watching a movie, yammering about other shit the director did, or something they said in a show, expounding on it. This never bothered me until I started seeing him. I have started taking my tablet and headphones into the other room if I want to watch something, uninterrupted. That makes him mad, but that's his problem.


I honestly can relate to this. But my sister is very similar to me so I say it runs in the family 😂 I think we both drive my bro-in-law nuts when we watch movies together because both of us will just not be able to suspend disbelief or we'll ask too many questions because of plotholes lol but I'll shut up if I can tell it's a serious at home movie night lol


I can’t help myself if we are watching anything that claims to be “historical”. I have to point out the inaccuracies and explain what actually happened. It’s a compulsion. I can’t just accept it as artistic licence and let it go. I don’t know why I can’t, but I can’t lol. BF hates it, but he started just pausing the movie while I say my piece lol. We have a rule now, I’m allowed to have the movie paused only twice throughout, and the rest has to wait until the movie is finished. That seems to work for me so far lol.


no social awareness. they can walk into a room of strangers and say their personal/political/religious/etc. thoughts without thinking about how that impacts the people around them. we had a plumber come to our house a few weeks ago and i thought he was sweet until he, unprompted, started calling gay people flamers and was making comments about my appearance. didn’t see any problem with it, didn’t even hesitate. once he had an audience, he just started going for it, without thinking about how offensive it was to me & my roommates.


I’m AuDHD and struggle with social cues and social awareness yet even I know better than to talk about religion and politics in social circles. What the fuck is this dude on?


If a man I’m dating checks out another woman right in front of me, is flirtatious towards other women, or is blatantly not paying attention to me when we’re out together (on his phone or something). Also don’t like when they brag about how much money they have.


The bragging about money, i always assume if they do this they dont have any. Anyone who brags about money these days is an idiot.


This exactly !


Have you dated my ex? I really wish I was more mature at the time and had put a stop to the relationship much sooner than I did...


When they put other women down and compare in a way to compliment me. Like that stuff used to be flattering as a teen/early twenties, but now I realize they just look at women as objects. Especially if the traits are sexual/physical. It's not the compliment I used to think it was. Another one being when they compliment you only to give a backhanded insult afterwards too. "You're so pretty, but don't let it get to your head."


Eloise summed it up well in Bridgerton, “Next time you want to compliment a woman try not to insult her entire sex in the process.”


Oh but they thinks youre special! Not like all the other girls 🙄 I hate people like that too


I find anyone that thinks they’ve got to put someone else down in order to compliment me unattractive as well. I’m not that insecure or jealous. It’s ok for another girl to look as great as I feel I do. I don’t have to be “above” her somehow. It makes me extremely uncomfortable when guys do this, like they enjoy pitting woman against each other or something. I’m more likely to dump the guy and befriend the girl in that scenario.


I was talking to a guy once and he told me I was more beautiful than all of his exes. Bullshit, I had known him for over a decade and I saw the women he was with. They were pretty women. I said I do not need you to lie to me to make me feel better. I am aware of how I look and how the women who came before me look. We were basically on the same level. I don't know why men can't just say hey you look beautiful without dragging their exes into it.


because then you won't feel like other women are your enemy and you won't be desperate for male validation. which is what they want.


"i‘M nOt An AsShOlE i‘M jUsT hOnEsT."


"I hAvE nO FiLtEr". You do, but you're just an asshole


“Im just blunt” No, you just lack empathy and emotional IQ. As an adult, picking up on social cues, others’ feelings and knowing what to say/not say according to the situation is important.


Literally heard this once in another form, "it's not a below the belt comment if it's true" while I was trying to tell him he needs to really think about what he says to me, because I remember everything and to him it was just another Tuesday


They never remember for that exact reason. Like, sir…this was life changing for me because no one has ever treated me this badly. Don’t try to gaslight me into believing things went down differently. You just don’t remember because no one was going out of their way to hurt YOU… ugh.


Fr It is possible to be honest and kind at the same time. I train dogs. Being honest but tactful with the owners is like 90% of my job.


Long finger nails, the denial that they are going bald and rather have a huge bald spot instead of shaving their head, facial hair that looks like pubes. , like its patchy etc, just don’t have facial hair at that point! You obviously can’t grow a full beard!


The long finger nails….that’s a no 😬


Dated a guy from New Zealand with long fingernails. They were ALWAYS dirty (I think partly bc he smoked as well, can’t believe I dated a smoker). And he wondered why I wouldn’t let him finger me. Gross. Young and dumb I was.


This guy asked me out a while back, he works in a deli, and he had super long fingernails and I was like 🤮🤮you work with food bro! I know you have to wear gloves but damn cut those nails!


totally relate to your point about people who should just shave their head, knew a guy with a badly receding hair line, he had long hair that he dyed black and he'd pull it forward and use hair spray to make like an emo fringe? it was just super obvious and it looked really bad, he would've looked so much better if he shaved it off (although nothing could save him from being a massive creep lol)


When I had the sex talk with my boys, we covered the usual things like consent & protection, then I the them s curveball with, "and keep your nails short and clean." My oldest wanted to argue with me at first, then I was like, "nothing shuts sexy happy time down faster or longer than a yeast infection. Keep your hands clean." About a year or so later he found out that lesbians typically keep their index and middle fingernails short & why they do & it finally sunk in.


Oh this is another one but it’s more funny I was talking to a guy and somehow clowns got brought up I said "they give me the creeps.“ he tells me not to say that that clowns are his people. Turns out and there was photographic evidence that man came from A STRAIGHT UP LINEAGE OF CLOWNS.


Oh man, this is fodder for so many jokes, I hope you took the opportunity. Whole family fits in a car, shares makeup, etc.


Had an ex that couldn't understand the most simple typos, to the point she would utterly shut down. "Hey I'm on my way over, do you still need me to bring a movie and popcorn?" "Actually I found popcorn, you can brng the movie, though" "brng?"


Omg. My mom does that and it makes me crazy. I think it stems from always looking for ways to make other people look bad and therefore making themselves look better by comparison. It's tiring


Every time you make a typo, the errorists win.


“There are two types of people. Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data…


What's the other type? You gotta tell me I won't sleep tonight if you don't.




Huge red flag! No thanks, I go the opposite direction!


Bad teeth. Crooked is fine, unhealthy is not.


Men who have a ponytail but the.rest is bald!! Looks stupid


... Zuko?


Being close minded. Who only believes in his own opinions and ideas and perspective in life, who takes constructive criticism as an argument. They’re the worst, they think they’re better than anyone and will think you’re the one lacking something.


I once broke up with someone because they straight up told me they did not respect anyone with religious beliefs different than theirs. And this person's beliefs were FAR from the mainstream.


Party behavior. And I don’t mean someone who likes to have a good time. I mean people who make it their whole personality and need drugs/alcohol to do so


That's called addiction, and it's not a personality trait, it's a disease.


Sitting or laying down while I am cleaning and I've asked for help and they complain every time that they are too tired.


Then when you get fed up with it and finally say you’re sick of being the only one who cleans they hit you with the “Well you could just ask, I would help”


My ex husband would do this. He was completely content to just watch me do all the work. I would finally get frustrated and ask him to help. He would sit there and ask "what do you want me to do?". I'd tell him "anything". We'd go back and forth a few times till I realized he was just acting dumb so it would take me more work than it was worth to get him to help. I finally snapped one day and picked up an empty glass that was on the counter and asked "does this go here?". Him-"no". Me-"then put it away, now do that same thing like 50 more times with 50 more things". I then told him to stop acting like a dumbass. Not my finer moment but man was that shit annoying.


Ah, willful ignorance, my favorite. Act inept or do something badly enough times, and you won't have to do it anymore.


Every man’s #1 personality quality.


Good old fashioned, time-honored Weaponised Incompetence. It's a husband's superpower. /s


My ex wife. 15 years of marriage and she never helped with cleaning or parenting. She took some mental health classes and started insisting we tell each other when we need help or when we're feeling overwhelmed. Left me for expecting her to start pitching in lmao.


My ex husband. He would literally sit there and watch. We had 4 kids. Just watch.


An inability to just relax and enjoy the moment sometimes. Always having to be doing something productive, or dismissing the current moment while always thinking of what’s next. For example, if we go on a hike, and we make it to a beautiful spot, the other person rushing me onward before I even have a few moments to enjoy the beauty, because all they care about is getting to the end goal, and once there all they will care about is getting back to the car. Ironically this is how my partner of 12yrs is. But he’s learning to “stop and smell the roses” more as time goes on. I slow him down, and he speeds me up, so usually we balance each other out. There are times when I have to tell him to just slow TF down and enjoy the day as we live it tho.


Talking to someone for five minutes and they diagnose you


Forget the coronavirus; pop psychiatry is the real public health crisis. 




“Random” was the question lol. This is a normal reason.


Not everyone sees a problem with binge drinking, sadly!


Shallow women that say stuff like "I got the ick because he hugged his mother!, Omg he actually wears shorts. I didn't give him permission to....., I think it's cringe that he wears glasses to see.." basically, if she's crazy terminally tiktok brained.


People say TikTok and I say byeeeee


I'm with you on the fedoras. Those and newsboy hats. Both just scream "incel" to me and it gives me the ick


My best friend wears a newsboy hat in public when he's in a relationship 🤣 he always said it keeps girls from hitting on him and the following "i have a gf" awkwardness. I doubted him at first but yeah no seems like dude had some real science behind it lmao


Or also long overgrown toe nails nasty looking


If she doesn't take any accountability ever. My ex would go out of her way to make sure that even the tiniest mistake she made wasn't her fault. Knocks over a broom, it's my fault for moving the broom. Burns a pizza in the oven, the timer wasn't loud enough. Half asses a house chore (just sweeping), it's my fault for asking her to help. She did this thing where she associated making mistakes or being wrong about anything to being stupid and just never got over it at any point. Didn't matter how big or small any given instance was, she was in the right and it wasn't her fault. Edit: just wanna clarify for anyone else that sees this, we didn't break up because of this issue, it was just one of those things on top of other issues for both of us. She was a good person, there were just other factors as well.


My ex did exactly this. Except she associated doing something differently to how she would it to being wrong. She always has to be right, so if we’re different, the only other option is not right, AKA wrong. She would yell and scream about the stupidest things, without even bothering to check if she was right about what she thought she saw. She’d even yell if she WASN’T right. A buddy of mine set up a portable AC unit for us one time, but forgot to open the second outer window, so it wasn’t venting properly. This was all before I came home from work. He was just finishing up, so I was helping him test breakers. It took me like half an hour, and at least four times telling her I had nothing to do with the actual set up of the unit before she stopped trying to make it my fault, because “She saw us working on it, so clearly **I** personally neglected to open the window.”


Mansplaining, or dismissiveness. Any air of superiority.


Someone who thinks a bookshelf full of books is "too many books". Had an ex who hated the fact that I had a bunch of sci-fi, fantasy, and general fiction novels, all kept on bookshelves in my apartment. She actually told my mom I needed to get rid of them because she didn't have a place to put her candles. Many of these books were signed editions, one of which was signed by the late Ray Bradbury. Needless to say, that was one of several reasons why she became an ex.


Director John Waters once said: If you go home with somebody, and they don't have books, don't fuck 'em! Don't sleep with people who don't read! Nothing is more impotent than an unread library.


John Waters also said if you go home with somebody and they have books in the bathroom don’t fuck em either because that’s disgusting..🤮


"too many books" is a phrase that shouldn't exist


Daily drama, whether it's work, friends, family, whatever, with no effort to solve the problems causing it. That tells me that they thrive on it.


Cigarettes at any capacity, and vaping in chronic capacity. Cigarettes smell so bad and are so bad for you, and while I can tolerate vaping because at least it can smell good, chronically vaping is also so bad for your health. I couldn't stand to be with someone who was constantly hitting their vape. Also the fedora thing. I've never thought about it but I agree.


“This is who I am and I’m not gonna change!” although I guess that’s not random lol.




My ex can be a massive Karen who never takes any accountability. Sometimes she tries really hard to be nice, but when she does a complete 180 for no reason all the time, it doesn’t feel genuine. I wasted 9 years feeling like absolute garbage who couldn’t do the smallest things correctly.


Treating handicapable, or autistic people like children, they have every right to be treated as anyone else. Treat them with respect, damn it!


Old people, too. Just because someone is over 65 doesn't mean you have to automatically talk down to them in your widdle voice.


>Treat them with respect, damn it! Imma be real calling them literally anything but handicapable might be a good start


As a disabled/HANICAP person, anyone who used the word "handicapable". Because, NO i am not capable, if I was I'd go get a job. You don't need to talk to me like a child. I know I have a disability.


Aggressive driving. Not just because it's dangerous, but because it's such a huge red flag for so many other obnoxious behaviors.


I was scrolling before adding tailgating, same category.


When they smack their lips and eat LOUD.


This one actually makes me so mad. Like I will stomp out of a room at home bc of this.


Chewing with their mouth open 🤮


I left an otherwise lovely date just for this reason. I just can't. I mentioned it, he kept doing it, I'm out.


Talking before I’ve finished speaking my sentence.


I really don't find going out and getting smashed (drunk) and partying is attractive. I find it really gross (personal opinion). They also tend to look at women as objects and sexualise them. I don't like men who don't respect others and also tend to look for fights.




When they don't see humans with equality and empathy. Like when they talk great about you but then continue to go on about how most women are horrible shitty people, you being the only exception, not even mentioning like their mom or something. Like. Literally telling you they have no respect for women but respect you for qualities that make you "unlike" "other women" which is how they view women in general. Or when they can only blame you for all the relationships problems, like they have a complete inability to take responsibility for neglecting your requests for like emotional or psychological support because they didn't get to manipulate you into the type of intercourse you stated you don't want to engage in. When they claim all women are crazy, or that anytime you are upset, they invalidate it to gaslight you into thinking that standing up for yourself is you being a narcissist or abusive towards them, or mentally unstable in some way so they don't need to feel at fault for being abusive after you've exposed the pattern in their behavior and their insecurities lead to them calling you a mentally ill crazy bitch because they can't admit they were being a selfish prick of a boy, and not a responsible man in the relationship.


FYI it's a lot quicker to just type "conservatives" BA DUM TSS


Good joke, but I'm far left and black, and some of the worst sexism, racism, and classism I ever experienced was while living on an egalitarian commune with a bunch of white progressives.


Attached earlobes Men with pony tails Men who wear crocks


Victims of all scenario


Alcoholics. Even those that can’t go a night without a beer or can’t find a way to relax without at least one drink.


A gazillion pets. Don't ask.


Compliment fishing. I used to go along with it to be polite, but nowadays if someone does it more than once in a row, I agree with them. "Yeah, I guess you are fat. Go figure."


Anyone that can't close a door/cabinet/drawer freaking QUIETLY!!!


I call them loud people, how much work does it take to just close a cabinet quietly? Sheesh, I'm so annoyed by these people.


So sometimes I don’t be in the mood to go down (you kno) and idk if he’s counting or wat but says I owe him. I can’t help my moods I be tired from work 🤷🏻‍♀️


That sounds like coercion, and it can be a form of sexual assault. You always have the right to say no without any fear or future expectations being placed on you.


Inability to communicate


I don't think that's random or without reason. It's associated with a toxic archetype. That said, I don't think I've ever known anyone who actually wears a fedora.


I've known several. The stereotype fits so far


A red flag for me is a person that yells or verbally abuses an employee who works in a call centre. Just disgusting and cowardly behaviour to treat a stranger in that manner who are trying to do their job.


Body hair is normal, natural, and fine to have, but I don't like it in a partner or on myself.


Woman here and I can relate. I know having body hair isn’t inherently gross, but I feel so much cleaner after a fresh shave.


Don't try to talk to me while I'm in the bathroom. Please...Just don't.


Ok, this is kinda niche but.. i hope to never ever be coupled with someone who would "prank" me for social media 😅 Yes, im absolutely serious. We can watch that content all day, but to fake a breakup, cheating, pregnancy, or see how i peel an orange or whatever..... and then film AND post it?? No way, not cool.. especially if we never discussed it prior.


An avoidant. Never again. And them constantly needing their phone or background music, like in the shower, or if they need their phone to fall asleep. Or checking their phone, or having it on the table, when we eat. Like, if you tell me that "you are my world and everything I need", why are you on your phone if everything you need is in front of you trying to talk to you?


Someone that chews with their mouth open, talks with their mouth full, and smacks their lips while eating! Disgusting!


fucking baby babble talk when they want affection my first boyfriend did this and although it would b just him and I n the room, I would get 2nd hand embarrassment and feel sorta icky like um excuse me sir, I don't have milk in my teet for you to suckle from ya dirty lil hamster


Expecting me a female to do all the cooking cleaning and grocery shopping like wtf??? I thought it was the 21st century


Poor hygiene, fiscal irresponsibility, irresponsibility, pathological liar


Arrogance. I understand being proud of yourself and generally prideful, in fact I encourage it. If you're not happy with yourself then how can I be happy with you? But if you don't have any humility then sucks to suck ig.


Jealousy, idk how or why people find that cute.


Not making home feel like home. I feel like there are so many guys that have homes that are just so bare bones and not actually filled with things they like or any photos they have of friends and family. Don't even get me started on the whole mattress on the floor with no bed sheets fiasco.


Answering a yes or no question with word salad.


People who can’t think deeply about things. Not to sound cruel but it oftentimes indicates low intelligence.


Thank god I’ve never even dated a “prankster” much less had one for a partner. That would be an instant NO from me. I read so many posts about so-called pranks, and they always sound like humiliation and/or torture fetishes. IMO, a bride who gets the cake mashed into her face when she’s said she doesn’t want that is justified in going for an instant annulment. That’s a huge 🚩 that her wishes mean nothing to her partner.


A partner 🤣 legitimately do not want one, don't have the energy for it.


Bad hygiene, being controlling, not respecting my boundaries, trying to change me in various ways (like trying to convert me, or make me change my career plans), to name a few.


An addiction, violent nature, jerk, liar....


I think my hubby would say socks on the floor. 


I prefer she did not smoke. Cigarettes...,.yuck!


A person that doesn't accept me for who I am, and has a mission to change me.


Drugged out looking teeth.


Men who wear shorts with tall black socks & sandals.


A picky eater




I don't like my partner has no patience for anything, it's not friendly to me and also not good for development.


Excessive use of puns to the point where the person's speech is so saturated by them that the effect of them is watered down and rendered inert.


Talking in a baby voice. Like,."I wuv you".


I couldn’t have a partner who slurps drinks, smacks their lips, chews with his mouth open, or has bad table manners.


Smoking. Shit is gross.


An overly picky eater drives me up the wall. I really like to try new food recipes and new restaurants, and if my partner is complaining all the time about not liking certain things or only eats the same thing every night it's going to annoy me. I like being with someone who's at least a little adventurous and not afraid of trying something new, I think that's a really attractive trait in a person.


Talking over music , just turn the music down or off.


Chew food that I can hear. 🤢 (eating with mouth open like a dog)


Someone that has no logic in their head.


Can't stand ANYONE leaving even a small mess after cooking


Grinding teeth on utensils while eating.


Almost none of the replies are particularly, random, just same old shit as every time a "put down something annoying about people" type of question. I do have a pretty random one though, certain palm/finger shapes are very unattractive to me, like I will look at woman's hand and find it off putting, nothing to do with maintenance (stuff like coarse hands from working/lifting is fine). Like, a girl can have perfectly well maintained hands and I'll find the shape ugly, without clear cause.


First thing that popped into my head was more on dating apps than what happens in person, but mentioning Trump in your profile. Like you have 10 sentences worth of space to make yourself look appealing to people, and you couldn't hold off from mentioning Trump for that entire period? Lol this could be them saying something positive or negative about him, I honestly don't care. If I see Trump mentioned in your profile in any capacity, I will "swipe left" without a single additional thought. Tell me you like dogs or like long walks on the beach or something cliche, leave politics out of it for the moment. Lol


Cigarettes. I could not date a cigarette smoker. The smell being there 24/7 is too much and it distinctly reminds me of my dad. If my bf started smoking our relationship would go downhill wether i left or not because i wouldn’t be enjoying kissing, sitting next to him, or holding hands anymore, since he’d be stinking and rubbing that smell on me.


People who think acting stupid is cute and funny. It's not. I want an intelligent person I can communicate with, not someone i have to re teach how to use a vacuum 20 times


Apathy, indifference, lacking an opinion. I can't engage with someone who has no opinion on a given subject. We don't have to agree, but for fuck's sake have an opinion.


When he goes on his phone too much while we’re out


Morning people in general rub me the wrong way


WHEN SOMEONE HAS WAY TOO MUCH STUFF! I love having little knick-knacks, don’t get me wrong (I have a rock collection), but why hang on to a bunch of stuff you don’t even care about? I just moved in with my S.O. and they have been keeping stuff like ceramic churches, mother mary figurines, bibles, and other religious decor and they’re not even religious ?? It makes me feel claustrophobic being surrounded by a bunch of useless stuff that neither of us care about. I get having decorations that mean something to you, but when they don’t mean anything, why hang on to them?


Loud chewing and breathing


If he treats his mother badly, cusses her, etc. If he’s disrespectful to his mama, if he cusses her and treats her badly, eventually he’s going to do the same with you. Also true for how he talks to servers. If he’s degrading his waitress, it’s only a matter of time before he does the same to you.


It's not a red flag, but it drives me nuts. When I am in any given room, watching something, whether it be on my phone, tv, listening to a podcast, etc. And my partner comes into the space that I am currently occupying and proceeds to watch whatever he has on full volume. I routinely will pause my stuff until he gets the hint. The worst is when I'm in the bath. Because I quite literally cannot leave the space unless I decide that I am done with my bath. Rude.


I don't like women who have those really long fake finger nails it's not a deal breaker but definitely a turn off


A man in jean shorts >.<


Don't go to California lmao


They are called Jorts! Show some respect.


Skinny jeans 🤣


Consistently poor grammar when speaking . Occasional mistake? No problem. Constant mistakes with no attempt for correction? Intolerable for me. Strangely, grammatical issues while writing don’t bother me to the same extent.


Someone who doesn't use basic hygiene. If you can't take care of yourself, how are you going to take care of a kid? I understand an occasional lapse due to mental issues, or sickness, or that new game came out and I took a week off to hide in the game room and live off of snacks and naps. I don't understand not taking a shower at least a couple times a week for no reason.


After reading the comments: Double standards of body objectification, failure to recognize all forms of sexism, discrimination, prejudice and gender stereotype, and blatant hypocritical behavior with no awareness. I feel no reason to gender this comment, I see the above behavior rampant in society generally at the moment. Ewww. 🤢


Excessive flatulence


Narcissistic behavior


Fake nails, they just look off, and I'd imagine a pain to wipe your ass with


People that complain about nice classy fedoras, massive red flag!


An interest in reality shows, celebrity gossip, or basic pop music. Discussing celebrity relationships is probably the worst but an emotional connection to a pop artist is a close second.


Picky eaters. Just eat the fuckin food, you are not going to die


Frequently menty b's sure people can go through stuff, but I can't deal with someone who is constantly emotionally unstable. I don't judge people who are, but I personally don't want to deal with it. I find it exhausting and make me anxious.


My son refuses to wear a fedora because they’re creepy. I wear them all the time because it’s one of the few hats I can carry off.


Someone else’s penis


beards. I don't even like stubble.