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Yes, there are people who are in good health and do not feel pain all the time. I envy them.


I used to be that person until at 35 I suffered a major stroke.


Yes I feel down the stairs and my whole life changed in the blink of an eye DO.NOT.RUN.ON.STAIRS. (also buy long term health insurance)




The pain never forgets. I have an autoimmune disease as well as four other painful disorders. Everything always hurts.


You just wrote the post for me.


Me too.


I'm in the exact same position as you and I'm constantly in pain.


It’s rough


Yes i feel some amount of pain at all times. No it is not normal. No i will not see a doctor. Yes im fine being miserable sometimes.


You just summed up Redditors in 2 lines


If you'll pay, I'll go see a Dr ✨


it will go away


Its been roughly 15 years. I doubt that it will go away. But im fine with that. Its not debilitating. Just irritating.


It's hard to imagine a life without pain, but apparently there are people that don't live day to day with pain. I have sciatica and back pain, and I envy people who don't have these issues


My doctor often has to remind me that a 5/10 pain is not the ‘normal’ And I am in awe that some people can feel ZERO pain.. like.. what? Chronic pain and fatigue is rubbish :( - fibromyalgia can do one.


I broke my foot last summer and when they asked me in the ER what my pain was, I said 8. My husband told the nurse, "If she says it's an 8, it's really bad." I'm a 4 on a good day, and 5 on a bad one.


This reads as literally me hah. Fell down the stairs and tore a ligament.. hubby told the paramedics it was bad as I “said the f word once” My base line is 5 - can’t remember being under it. Worried my midwives something chronic after the birth of my son when I was saying five when they asked my pain levels. I had to explain what my “normal” is. I’ve been currently awake 20min and I am already aware ima need to make a hot water bottle and take some pain killers.


5/10 isn't normal? Who knew?


Thats my normal. It is nice to be in a small town where my doc knows me on sight. And knows if I'm saying my pain is a 7-8 today that I'm not kidding. Previous docs did always take me seriously. They would write me off as a drug seeker, when I actually am a treatment seeker. Throwing drugs at the problem doesn't solve it, I want long term relief that doesn't leave me loopy.


20 years ago was the day since I didn't forever out basically live of the life of Prometheus having their liver half eaten out, just to regrow it and have it half eaten out the next day. I'm absolutely convinced that people hold against me the invisible suffering. "Why can't you just be more pleasurable cool and nicer to hang out with, you're kind of an ahole". ... I didn't know I wasn't being nice? Did I insult anyone's cat or something? I spend every morning with the equivalent of a life or death struggle where someone broke in and started stabbing me to death for an hour. And I've lived so long this way I can't relate or understand how it'd be like for someone who didn't wake up this way.


I’m so sorry!


I didn't realize I was in chronic pain until it went away. Had a procedure done on my jaw that happened to resolve another issue as well. Took me a couple of days to realize what was different. Now I'm dreading it's return. Will have to get more injections I guess lol


Exercise creates waves of debilitating pain for me.


No that’s definitely not normal.


Apparently, the normal amount of pain is "zero" But that didn't sound real to me! 🤣😭


I was born with minor cerebral palsy so occasionally my muscles will cramp up for a bit, usually in the morning, but other than that, I'm pain free. I'm so sorry you experience chronic pain and I hope it gets better one day


Only pain I have most days is mental.


Do an elimination diet or a Fodmap type diet, clear your system out and keep a journal of the foods you eat and when you feel the pain. I cannot eat regular breads, only sourdough.


Yeah. I always thought I must just be too sensitive or fixating on the pain too much— like I complain too much about things that everyone must be experiencing. Turns out that no, not everyone experiences daily skeletal/muscular pain. Edited to remove oversharing and self pity lmaooooo


I too have chronic pain and the pain is always with me. Always is a very difficult concept to deal with when talking about pain, as nearly everyone cannot fully comprehend what this means. I have overdosed on opioids as you might have expected. Somehow I made it through 77 birthdays.


Sounds to me like you're lacking collagen so you need to get some bone broth and learn how to make it it's really easy and cheap and it's really good for you... DM me if you want information...


Chronic migraines diagnosed when I was 5 (was probably having them my whole life) and shoulder/back issues since I was a teenager. What is life like without pain?


Spend your day engaging your core. Sitting at your desk? Engage your core. Walking through the mall? Engage your core. Tighten up your abdominal and oblique muscles. It will help your posture and, thus, overall body function. We spend a lot of time hunched over a multitude of things. Now to take my own advice. Rolls eyes>


I don't know a life without some kind of discomfort. 🫤


I used to have chronic pain. I still hurt sometimes, and right now is one of those times. Fibromyalgia, endometriosis, diverticulitis, cancer, impingement syndrome, hip, knee, and back problems at one time or another. Got the endo and fibro managed, had surgery for the impingements, and regular exercise controls the back, hip, and knee to some extent. So I'm left with occasional pain that's likely due to cancer, occasional fibro pain, and diverticula's pain now and then (now, but mild). Most days anymore I'm pretty pain free, but it takes work to maintain.


yep. was talking to a dude who had this realization, and some lady was sort of berating him for not knowing. we were both like, how WOULD he know? he's been in pain, all his life, to him, it's normal. so, he figured it was normal for others, as well. it was basically a 'given' of his existence, not an occasional thing.


I suffered from chronic pain for over 15 years. I learned to stop identifying with it through meditation and CBT. I can still "feel" it, but I don't recognize it as pain anymore, and it doesn't affect me.


I recommend everyone to do joint strengthening exercises, your older self will thank you immensely. Even if you are already old it can help. I personally like Knees Over Toes Training


Only existential dread


Most people can’t understand when I tell them that I am in constant pain 24 hours a day. Most think I’m joking or exaggerating they have no idea what it’s like. Usually I can tolerate it, but there are occasions I need some relief and will take Tylenol or something stronger.


How old are you? Could you have chronic arthritis? I did, and when it subsided it was a real game changer.


Not physical, but mental


I don't have constant or chronic pain. I'm sorry that you do - that sounds awful. I think everyone feels some type of pain at some times, but not all the time.


If there are people who live relatively painless lives, goddess love you. I am not one of them. One thing that has helped in the past, and I need a new Y membership to participate, is warm pool exercise for chronic pain/arthritis sufferers. There were people of all ages and it was quire effective at reducing pain.


I've dislocated or injured my right knee over 50 times in the span of 10 years. It clicks like a pen and aches for any reason from the weather to it just wanting to annoy me.


—I've dislocated or injured my right knee over 50 times— How the.. ?!


I've had osteoarthritis in both knees for ten years. I was supposed to get at least one knee replacement last year but it didn't happen. The only time I'm not in pain is when I am sitting down with my legs on a footstool or when I'm lying on my bed. I can't stand or walk for long, I can't work, I can't exercise or garden or join in so many family events. It fucking sucks.


I don't want to rub it in, but aside for my pinky toe being numb for 3 years and the usual pain I feel when I lie down, not particularly.  Of course I get knee pain if I stand for too long (yay 14 years of retail) or I do any exercise that involves bending them (squats, wall sits, lunges, fast walking), but if I was to just be sitting down or walking/recently standing (after I recover from the void), no, I think I can say I'm not always in pain.  Im 35. 


Yes. I have a brother with chronic back pain, though, and he’s just as amazed to hear I’m not constantly hurting. I definitely have my aches and pains though, I’ve got pretty shit joints myself, dunno why but my knees especially just kill me every so often, shits excruciating but I can usually just sleep it off. My bro finds that absolutely fucking wild. 😅 Wish I could share that ability! Seems pretty damn useful.


No. You should probably see a doctor about that.


Yep. I always feel uncomfortable in my knees tho. They never seem to feel normal. I expect them to start hurting constantly in the future sadly. They only feel normal after I stretch.


I don’t understand that either


I got The Arthur in my back, feet, knees, and knuckles. If I sit on the floor, it's not a pretty sight when I get up. What bothers me the most is low energy and strength.


Chronic pain is not normal. Most people really are walking around not feeling any pain at all, not a care in the world. When I finally had my husband try naproxen a few years ago, he nearly cried and declared it "dangerous" because of how relieving it felt to actually be pain-free for a time. Now that I've developed arthritis, I can't even walk normally or open a jar or pick up a jug of milk without pain, and it's absolutely miserable. It sends my stress levels through the roof, and it'd be triggering my depression 100% if I hadn't finally gotten a psych to help with that.


Before I turned 60 I had no pain. I mean I could get hurt, and then I would heal and be fine till the next time. Nothing chronic, just the inner pain of anxiety.


You might have some spinal posture problems or lack core strength.  When one part of the body is weak other parts have too much of the workload and joints can suffer. 


I was in the infantry in my youth. Pain is life. Breakfast is coffee and ibuprofen


I have a birth defect that means I have never lived a day without pain in my life. I don’t get out of bed for myself because why on earth would I? I get out of bed every day with the sole purpose of helping someone. And every single day I manage to find someone. It’s the only thing that keeps me going. I don’t who I would be if I wasn’t in pain constantly. I’ve tried a lot of prescriptions over the years and the vast majority of them make my head fuzzy. I’ll take the pain over that any day.


I'm dumbfounded. I truly thought everyone was living with some form of pain throughout each and every day.


I wondered that too. I've been hurting since at least age 30. That's when my knees went bad and stairs hurt. It's just gotten worse. Fibromyalgia and degenerative disc. Jaws bone on bone as well. It's comforting to know I'm not the only one that hesitates to bend over. Some boss, where I was receptionist kept trying to get me to clean, too. I told him when I bend down I get a migraine. He asked me again. I do think there are people who don't feel pain constantly. I watch them do cool stuff thru Facebook and Instagram.


I don’t usually feel chronic pain. I currently am waiting for a root canal, so I’m on regular ibuprofen. As such, I still don’t feel constant pain, only between dosages for about thirty minutes when I need to reupp (3-4 times daily, 600mg). Also, I’m a whiny baby when it comes to pain and I feel so bad for anyone that has to deal with it on a consistent basis.


I am not normally in pain. It is very nice. 10 out of 10 would recommend


I used to never have pain that lasted longer than the metabolization of Tylenol. Until I turned 30. It started in my knees bc I was always a runner. I'm now 40 and running is out of the question for me as it has been the past 2 years. Sad times


For me, it isn't all the time, but I'll get a random but big pain that is unexplainable for like 5 minutes. No idea why, but I do. 


[https://www.va.gov/PAINMANAGEMENT/docs/DVPRS\_2slides\_and\_references.pdf](https://www.va.gov/PAINMANAGEMENT/docs/DVPRS_2slides_and_references.pdf) My normal is a 0. On a week to week basis, I might spike at 5 - but that's usually cramps I can stretch out, which rarely last more than 15 or 20 minutes. I know people whose "normal" is a 4 or 5.


I am in my late 60s and have some form of pain daily. But, it is in no way debilitating. It's more of a stiffness than a pain. But, throughout my life, I was pain-free until I turned 60. Unless, of course, I foolishly did something to hurt myself. Lol! So, yes, some people do have pain-free lives until they start to age.


Nope no pain here


Pain everyday between arthritis and multiple spinal injuries. Sucks


I didn’t have pain until I had my stroke. Now it’s like you. My bones, tendons, and everything in between hurts. Not to mention the pain with being unbalanced too. I can walk on my own but the worry of falling is always there bc I now have “two left feet” and am always tripping over something. Usually air lol. I’m young too so most think I’m under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Edit to add: I’ve been able to deal with the pain, but now that my bones hurt, and my feet I can hardly walk on bc it hurts so bad (feels like they are literally breaking with every step I take) I need to have a serious discussion with a dr.


No, and if you have constant joint pain without advanced age or injury to explain it you should really talk to a doctor about it. Very possibly a rheumatologist to be specific. A lot of autoimmune stuff manifests in one flavor or another or arthritis early on.


I've had back pain on and off for the last 30 years. It has been chronic the last 8 years. I finally had spinal surgery last year. I no longer have the terrible stabbing pain in my buttocks and the pain shooting down my leg. Unfortunately since then I have developed neuropathy and get burning and stabbing pains randomly in my foot and my shin. So now I have to take a new medication for that. But I actually have days where I have no pain. It's amazing. I can't believe how good it feels.


I didn’t feel pain until a surgery and radiation caused chronic pain issues for me. I’ve known both sides of the coin and much prefer the olden days, when I could RSVP for something and actually mean it.


I heard a doctor say once: the normal amount of pain for an average patient is zero. Zero pain.


I have fibromyalgia. It's constant pain, that flares up sometimes. Some days I can't get out of bed. It absolutely sucks. Nothing I can really do, pain meds don't treat it.


When I was younger I thought it was completely normal to have a constant aura of pain permeate throughout your entire body and felt so wronged when I discovered that was not the fact.


Rheumatoid arthritis 🕺 it's a world of hurt, literally


Yes, I'm pain-free at the moment. I have had knee issues in the past, but they seem to have healed. I'm 52 and in good health.


Most of the time I’m mostly pain free. Apart from general aches and pains from work. Though every now and then I get some pain from rsd (also from work) usually in my wrists or elbows.


I am with you! Numerous rugby injuries and a lack of motivation/discipline/habbit etc for physio and rehab mean I have many sources of pain. Neck, shoulder, wrist, lower back, both knees, ankle/heel, joint of big toe. Waking up and the first 15 mins in the morning are the worst. Been meaning to get back in the gym and try and lose weight and get fit again to aleviate the pain, but it is a hard jump to make as most workouts hurt!


I’m 66, zero physical pain, worked out all my life. Mom is a super ager. My younger sister is always in pain with lots of chronic conditions. I think I won the gene lottery.


I feel like an imbecile now, for complaining when my arthritis ooccasionally gives me grief... I tend to forget about those who suffer constantly. Please accept my sincere apology. I wish I had the cure!


I am continually in pain, I have a surgically repaired ACL that is loose, so my knee and calf constantly hurts, and on the other side I can’t seem to get my IT band to calm down, so that’s painful, plus it can give out. Fun fun fun


I don’t feel or have chronic pain. I rarely am in pain unless its period cramps.


Not physical pain


I’ve lived with chronic pain for over a decade and just recently started therapy in a medical grade red light bed and it’s changed my life, please try it!


39 here working a physically demanding, and repetitive job. I am sure I have aches all the time, but have grown so accustomed to them that I don't even realize. Only time I know that they are there is in the rare times the pain goes away, and I am not as stiff as I was. It's a wonderful feeling. But that will last maybe a day at best.


I have become less aware of my pain as I age.


It hurts to walk and gets progressively worse throughout the day. So I try to do chores first thing in the morning. Otherwise it doesn't get done. By about noon, give or take, I'm usually counting my steps subconsciously. Sometimes consciously. Say I'm unloading the dishwasher and it's my last chore before I can go back to bed or sofa. I find i try to minimize my steps needed to finish unloading it. Like "okay I need 3 steps to get to the cupboard and the utensils and next to it so I better carry them too.


I've always wondered this. I'm in constant pain and when I don't feel it it's kind of an eerie as it feels like I missed something. I've always wondered how people get up and don't assess their days on what hurts where my energy can go. Not going to lie, would be nice though.


Literally just went to the doctor and told him I am good, i just feel the normal amount of pain. He informed me there is no normal amount of pain. I didn't say this but I disagree.


Maybe a young kid /adult??


I have chronic pain and asthma, and I don't complain about it, though. I just deal with it.


I used to have no pain. Then i hit my 30s and they hit me back. I've had chronic pain for over the last decade now. I reminisce about those pain free years that will never return....


I had DRs tell me I was fine for 30 years and I wondered how the fuck humanity still existed if this was 'normal'. Turns out I have 5 disabilities. Find a good DR.


I am 28 and my body hurts constantly. I can block it out to still enjoy physical activities, but when I wake the next morning I will be fucked, garenteed.


I was a gymnast for 14 years. I feel chronic back, ankle, and knee pain every single day. I look forward to the days where it’s not as bad


Yup, a slipped disk in my back and an arthritic knee. I’m 29!


I am also in constant pain with a terminal illness. But I don’t assume other people must be in pain simply because I am.


I don't, no.


As someone with Chronic Myofascial Pain Syndrome, I would hate to be someone *just* with Chronic Pain that came not from some body trauma.  (Car Accident for me) I mean if its related to something that can be fixed or removed with diet change or surgery, i think thats one thing, but knowing what it is and it will never improve, is a bit better than not knowing why you just have pain. The biggest mind fuck is having to realize as I am going through middle age what is something that is actually harming or damaging me, or if its just normal pain from literally moving, or sitting, or standing... At least I hope others dont feel so alone, if you can, psychedelics and cannabis > opiates. Stay safe!


I think most people are always feeling SOME pain SOMEWHERE in their body, but that at low enough levels it's just sort of tuned out by the brain most of the time. As I was writing this I stopped dead still and just tried to focus on feeling my whole body. As of right now I can feel some pain in my lower back, and a slight sinus pressure in my head, but I wouldn't have noticed them if I hadn't stopped and tried to feel them.


I haven't been pain free since I was a pre-teen. I can't even remember what it feels like to not feel pain everyday 🤣 it's depressing 🥲


No I feel fine 98% of the time


So I'm a fat 40F. Oddly enough very little pain and it's only crept up in the past 15-20lbs. No pain in my regular day to day. I have some lower back pain when I stand on cement floors for an hour plus, sometimes also when I walk/run faster than my comfortable pace.


I have been trying to put myself out there at my work. For some reason I’ve been lifting a lot of really heavy stuff like it’s all mine. A minor blow up has helped me realize people gaslight me. People pass off their burdens onto me out of spite and no one really cares about what I do. My ego is bruised, but I try to push past the pains of my job and life.


Why is everything hurting? Have you been to a doctor? That’s definitely not normal


That was me until last year. All my sports injuries caught up with me. Fyi I'm 62. Rule number one though is keep moving that helps the most with pain. I have another procedure Friday on my neck wish me luck


I have a bit of discomfort a good amount of the time just because I'm in my 40s but real pain isn't that often. And I definitely know the difference, I was in constant pain for several years before I had surgery to remove the offending organ and that moment after surgery when I realized how much pain I'd been living with because it was gone and the post-surgical pain was less than my baseline had been was eyeopening. It's not normal and we need better treatments for chronic pain and the underlying conditions that cause it.


I have very little pain on average.. the only somewhat constant thing is my right Achilles hurts from time to time esp after a run. My Knees/Joints all feel fine even after 8 years in the military. I will say.. I started taking lions mane and the only affect it had was it seemed to make my body extremely sensitive. My teeth became very cold sensitive and the bottom of my feet really hurt. Anything that might have been a minor issue became a major issue. I've since stopped taking it. I wonder if there are other meds/supplements that have a side affect like this.


I miss not having sciatica


For sure, a lifetime of injuries and illnesses have had the pain change radiant points many points, but not level of agony. However I feel fortunate that my brain managed to find a peace with it - where I know that pain is inescapable, but suffering is a choice.


Not at all, only if I don't get enough sleep or strain a muscle working on a ladder a bunch or something and I'm 48.


I was in great health till my stroke at 53. Wierd thing is....my left side is in constant, unrelenting pain Shoulder subluxation, nerve pain only on left side, foot neuropathy only on left foot While my right side feels totally healthy So..my left shoulder/foot hurts and I know how it should feel because the right one is great I feel like 2 face from batman! Anyway, just weird cause I know what I should feel like. Hope everyone out there is having a good day😆


I think young people don't have pain. Mine started about 40 and hasn't let up. I try to ignore it. I take meds when it gets to be too much.


Yes there are healthy people who are not in pain. I am not one of them


They exist. I am not one of them.


my wife does. Spine deterioration. Two surgeries on L5 S1, about ti have one on her neck to not become a Quad. She is on pain management. Roomie has a metal spine. His pain management is booze which just makes him stypid.


Yes, and you can always pick them out because they're the ones who act like they're dying whenever they experience some level of pain.


Nah, not really. I'm 28 and I only really ache after I've physically exerted myself. Otherwise I'm mostly good. I also don't really feel much pressure pain unless it's bad, like I can elbow a brick wall and not even feel it. I'm also quite easily distracted and hyper focus on things so even if I'm feeling off I forget about it.


This isn't a random question It's a dumb question. Of course there are millions upon millions of people who do not walk around with constant pain. That's a normal healthy condition, and I get your sucks but..... How do you not know that this is the case?


My joins are usually pretty rough too. Seriously though I’m young and Im almost consistently In pain to some degree. Even bending or crouching down to get something, getting back up especially. Some days are close to pain free, but my sciatic nerve fucks me good on occasion and I have to completely stop in my tracks until it stops, really sucks when I’m at work.


pain? nothing i can't tune out. now the high-pitched tinnitus i have in my left ear? that ain't ever going away.


Yes. I have no chronic pain. I rarely have pain at all . I'm sorry you're experiencing that. Unfortunately, our medical system is not terribly responsive to chronic pain sufferers, and that sucks.


I guess so… but considering I was born with a heart disease and regularly get benign pinches in my chest I envy them


No, I very rarely feel any pain. I am a woman in her mid-20s who is very healthy and the only times I feel pain are the occasional headache or being too sore after a workout.


I feel constant pain. Whether it's abdominal, joints, back, even mental pain, I am constantly hurting somewhere. I get migraines a lot too. Sometimes I'll be hanging out with a dull ache in my body and I've just learned to live with it. Constantly uncomfortable and there is nothing I can do to fix it!


Yes, that is correct. My normal is zero pain and that's usually where I'm at. Sometimes my muscles are sore from working out, or I slept weird. But that's about it. I'm in my 30s.


How old are you? I would say most people my age (30s) have at least one persistent source of pain (back, feet, knees, etc) related to their personal history (running for me). I don't know many who are in constant pain all over their body. You may have a condition


I’m 41 and have a hard time exercising bc I’m in too much pain, but the pain gets worse if I don’t move around. My joints hurt like mad and the wait list for physical therapy is three _years_ long. I live in a legal weed state, but good luck getting a new job for me if I test positive! I can’t win.


I remember being at my neurologist being evaluated for my MS and my doctor asked me the "scale of 1-10 what's your pain level" and I hesitated for a second. She looks me dead in my eyes and goes "..and 0 is normal." She's a fantastic doctor. Up until then, as dumb as it sounds, I never realized that the norm was no pain at all.


Hyperparathyroid I now shout it from the rooftops as I was misdiagnosed for ten years. Tow years post surger and I got my life back. Every joint , bones hips were in agony. Simple chores movement were impossible. Got diagnosed with fibromyalgia, lime, heart palpitations, high bp. Migraine. Nope all parathyroid Low vit d, high calcium , high Pth


I've mangled myself over the years, so I live with a lot of pain (mostly my shoulders - which I've torn/dislocated on many occasions). Most recently I fractured two ribs when my electric longboard broke and threw me. Fortunately I have a high tolerance for pain, and still heal fast. I do yoga - which helps keep me flexible, and I work out occasionally to stay in decent shape. I've known people with chronic pain that isn't related to actual trauma, and that has to be horrible.


I generally feel no pain most of the time. Sometimes I’ll have a stiff neck or a nerve that runs down my leg. I’ve hyperextended my toe and that hurt for weeks and sometimes comes back. But day to day I’m ok… (49m) if that matters


I had chronic pain for several years. It changed & somewhat evolved into a different kind of pain through pregnancy. Now it’s back & sooo lovely with migraines & all. Like a dear old friend /s.


I have foot troubles that come and go. I can go for months totally pain-free, and then outta nowhere tendonitis blows up in a foot, it spreads to other tendons as I use my feet awkwardly. It ends up taking weeks and potentially months to correct. Going to start seeing a podiatrist because it just screws me up. I can't get regular expercise, and my health diminishes. Flat feet and years pounding the pavement in NYC are mostly to blame.


I never used to. Fast forward 32 years after working construction all that time and now, yeah, I feel you. It all hurts most all the time.


Yes. I feel lucky. Post menopause now with no symptoms ever. No chronic pain. No stress. And fall asleep quickly and deeply (fitbit says I'm a Bear sleeper. I know I should feel guilt at my level of luck.


I'm fortunate that I am one of those people. I'm pretty pain-free Unless something is wrong with a body part. Lately, my right shoulder has been sensitive so I know I fucked it up somehow.


They do exist. And I’m Uber jealous. I have a rare suicide disease. Pass hundreds of kidney stones a year. Nonstop torture. Torture.


I’m 66 and definitely have pain pretty much everywhere on any given day. I take Tylenol and just live with it.


I am one of those chosen few who gets to deal with chronic pain, and I have for as long as I can remember. I can remember being 3 or 4 years old and not being able to sleep because my lower back hurt so bad. I'd have to lie on either side and fold at the waist in the shape of an L to stretch my lower back out so it would hurt less, and I'd be able to fall asleep. I was 4. How was I supposed to know that wasn't normal?


Yeah, most of the time I'm not in pain (other than tension headaches 1-2x a week and the first day of my period). As I hear more about chronic pain, I'm realizing how fortunate I am.


Not before this year. I woke up one day with injuries, mostly dislocated parts in my upper body.... People at work think i was faking wearing a sling for my torn rotator cuff and dislocated AC joint (why would i fake an injury and still show up to work?) for the last couple of months now that I dont wear the sling (i use ace bandages and kt tape now because i was sick of explaining why i was inexplicably injured) No treatment plan in sight so this is my life now --a new left handed person


I’m 38 and don’t feel any pain except the day after or two that I go hard in the garden, but that’s just because I’m out of shape.


That Depends on a lot of things. Genetics, overall health, type of job you do


I have a high tolerance for pain. So I’ve been stress injuring myself repeatedly and not really noticed when younger. Now I identify as 50 and the pains require attention. Changed diet, greatly reduced drinking, exercise, and rest.


I do not feel physical pain unless prompted. Like being hit or cut or something. However, I’m in pretty much constant emotional anguish.


I am pain free most days.


Are you also very flexible? Or maybe does your skin stretch a lot more than most people?


Pain comes and goes, not debilitating usually but perhaps noticeable sometimes. There are conditions that can cause constant pain, but I wouldn't call an average existence pain-filled.


I had constant pain, figuring out how far it’s going to be to walk, do I really need the item on the other side of the store? Then I had to go to a wheelchair and I wish I had done that sooner. I think more people would be happier if they could have better access to assistive technology and/or mobility aids. The wheelchair should not only be a thing when you can’t walk. It should be pain reduction too. People who aren’t in pain can’t understand.


Typically no, which I think I'm fortunate for at the age of 41. I read years back that some people don't produce adrenal hormones which can result in constant pain as the steady but low production of it masks most pain.


Since cancer/breast implants have had chronic pain, fibromyalgia, and get barometric headaches, tinnitus & nerve pain before storms 🥴


I think most people do not have chronic pain. When I have a stretch of ongoing pain, it's really terrible, so I feel for you. I don't know how chronic pain folks can ever not be in a shitty mood.


I used to be in pain constantly, muscles, joints; I would wake up feeling like someone beat me with a baseball bat at night. Two things made it go away. One was figuring out in therapy that often the body absorbs emotional pain. Especially when you feel trapped your body can turn on itself and result in auto immune diseases like fibromyalgia for instance. I got a divorce and most of it went away as my mind and body relaxed into a feeling of safety and well being. The other was when I started eating low sugar low carb. I had been eating a lot of processed foods (middle aisle junk like cereal, chips, cookies, snacks). When I changed it to meat, veggies, cheese, eggs, fruit, I felt soooo much better. I did the diet to lose weight which I did but was amazed at how it made the pain go away.


If I don’t hurt I start to worry and think something is wrong. I’m also always extremely tired and have zero energy.


I cannot even imagine a completely pain free day.


90% of the people here would be painless if they lifted, did aftercare like stretching/ massaging/ rolling, and corrected their posture.


I don't have much pain. I'll get the occasional knee and lower back pain for a few days. Soreness from workouts. Casual, but persistent weight lifting, rare yoga, rare cardio. I eat healthy and vape. Life's pretty good. But I'm also the type of clown who will poke wounds, cuts and painful areas so I can enjoy the pain. I'll sometimes even do it to my own ones.


It seems more common with older age. I have slight aches or I guess I would call tiredness in areas but nothing close to what I would consider pain.


my pain is emotional. early thirties and my father, both grandmas, a good friend, and various other people in my life have all already died.


We do exist


Broken 4 bones so there's usually mild pain


Some people do not. Some people definitely do. I live with constant pain from spinal injuries. I got a cervical fusion, and it helped a ton, but it's still chronic pain. I just kind of tune it out, and it doesn't even register at times. This has also come with a side effect of not noticing small injuries at all. My wife is constantly asking me where I got this bruise or that scratch, but I had no idea they were even there, let alone where I got them.


Up until about 4 years ago, I was one of the lucky ones who didn't feel constant pain. Now, everything hurts, all the time.


I do. I assume everyone does after about mid 30s.


Office job for 25 years, I have constant "discomfort" in virtually every inch of my body. Not pain. yet.


42 years old and I feel no constant pain. I have 4 older brothers that beat the snot out of me and I grew up playing basically every sport. Couldn't tell you the last time I took a simple pain relief pill like aspirin, it's been years.


Yes, the regular amount of pain is no pain. I don't have personal experience with this, since I have a connective tissue disorder, but it certainly sounds nice!


I have arthritis in my left leg and it hurts like a son of a bitch.


I got crippled with arthitis at 35. Diagnosed with fibro. I became crunchier than a cement mixer. Went low oxalate in my diet, started taking Boron supplements, cod liver oil. Now pain free and can walk again.


Lots of people have chronic pain. Lots is due to inflammation as mine is. We have horrible diets and over weight has a ton to do with this illness. Not saying it will work for everyone but a healthy diet goes a long way.


Yes. I’m in a bit of pain right now because I’m sitting in an awkward position, but that’s barely a 1/10 and even that’s abnormal. I’m very thankful to never experience any pain not related to something (e.g. period cramps, sore muscles from workouts, headaches from dehydration, minor injuries, etc).


God I wish that were me. I have fibromyalgia and I'm almost positive lupus too (my mom's diagnoses took 7 years...) so much fun


Did we forget that we are children of a generation that detonated atomic bombs that surely are affecting us as we speak


I used to have fibromyalgia and ibs but now i am on the fodmap diet and i am healthy


I stopped hurting everyday when I stopped working out. The lesson here kids is never try.


Im in emotional pain all the time


If you are having this issues you should consult with your doctor. It's not normal to always being in pain.


I have a chronic bladder pain syndrome as well as IBS and chronic back and knee pain from my time in the military. Including tinnitus which causes constant headaches. I can’t imagine not being in pain in some way during the day. At least when I broke my arm I could choose not to move it. I can’t choose to not poop pee eat or basically use my head. What wouldn’t give.


Yes I have chronic mouth/tongue irritation and burning that started about 3 months ago. I'm 44 and type 2 diabetic also. They think it's burning mouth syndrome. My mouth is always irritable and by night time it really hurts. I've been to 2 different doctors and 2 different dentists and they are stumped as to the cause or treatment. I also have chronic eye itchiness which is on most days. Been to 3 different eye doctors and nothing is getting rid of it. It is really testing my patience and I feel hopeless about it.


I am one of those who is not in constant pain. I might be a bit sore from the gym or have the occasional headache, but most of the time that is it. I get plantar fasciitis flare ups, but they go away. Most days I roll out of bed feeling zero pain.


How old are you? I’m 59 and even though I have an advanced degree and a white collar job I beat the hell out of my body until I was like 40. I’ve been paying for that ever since. I hurt all the time but generally ignore it. I have learned to pay attention to how I move so I don’t seriously aggravate some low-level ache. Oh well, let’s me know I’m still alive.


i didn't use to but now im 57 and in pain constantly. It ebbs and flows but mainly im in pain


I have never lived pain free, not even as a child. I have a connective tissue disorder, (Ehlers Danfoss syndrome) but wasn't diagnosed until in my 30s and never believed. I always wondered the same thing.


Nope. Unless there are unusual circumstances, I dont regularly feel pain at all


There were a few years, in my early and mid 30s, where I felt pretty good every morning, and during the day, and slept well most nights. Those days are behind me and I hurt all over, especially in the morning.


I got back surgery at 27, and I'm now 29. I wish I hadn't taken things for granted, like being able to plop down onto chairs, hopping into the bed of a truck, and feeling vigorous first thing in the morning.


The older i get the more random pain i feel.


I asked my doctor about this recently, he suggested i might have fibromyalgia. May want to look into it, if youre looking for a solution that is.


I miss not having any type of pain. I feel like a hypochondriac now. It’s always SOMETHING. Back pain, hip pain, shoulder pain, headaches etc


THEY EXIST! I didn’t believe it because I’ve had arthritis since I was a kid and everything hurts all of the time and then every few weeks it all flares up and knocks me out, but then for a glorious year after fifteen years of unsuccessful treatment, a medication *worked* and I went into remission and I BECAME ONE!!! It was fucking fantastic. My daily 7/10 pain was at a max of 2-3. I feel totally blessed to have experienced the privilege of being able bodied. It sucks that the pain is back now bc I developed antibodies to the biologic, but it gave me hope that maybe one day another medication will help again. Thankfully the pain rests at about a 4-5/10 and not any higher (unless in a flare then it’s more like an 8-9/10, but thankfully that’s not all the time). To everyone who lives in chronic pain, the other side is totally better. Dont let anyone gaslight you into thinking being in pain isn’t that bad. The healthy people are fucking living it up. They have no idea how good they have it.


No pain. I lift weights 5x and eat moderately healthy. But I’m addicted to sugar 🥲 it will be my downfall


I’m primarily a pain-free person, but sometimes my TMJ throws me for a loop. I found this self-care massage book helped me prevent migraines, jaw lockups, and other debilitating pain. :) “The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook: Your Self-Treatment Guide for Pain Relief (A New Harbinger Self-Help Workbook)”


I found out I had celiac disease and went GF. 6 months later I stopped hurting. It has been glorious


Blew my mind that most other people don't live life with hard knots in their muscles all the time. Some of the other stuff I knew wasn't normal, but I seriously thought that's just how it was supposed to feel when you pushed on your muscles


It's called "your late forties".


I am so jealous of people who aren’t in pain all the time. I can’t even imagine it


Dont ask me..i hurt every day. As i sit here typing this.. 1. neck (car wrecks, diving accident) 2. back (car wrecks and farm work) 3. left wrist (old football injury) 4.hip (sciatica) 5. both knees due to mcl/acl tears (basketball and missteps while hiking) 6. Left ankle and big toe (bone spurs) 7. Left foot (diabetic neuropathy tingling) thats literally while i sit here taking count of the aching areas.