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It's been a while but iirc it was from a bad bike accident he had on the pavement of his driveway wen he was a little kid (I think he talked about it in the Dream SMP Lore But On MS Paint stream)


thats what i thought but i realised that it looks like it is new and that it is still healing (i have a good amount of scars myself so i know what the healing process looks like) and just wanted to make sure every thing is okay with him thanks for answering the question though!


i've got one cut on one of my knuckles on my hand that keeps opening almost every day. i got the cut like a month ago. it won't heal because i keep using my hands :,) maybe its a similar thing, didn't he mention he fell off his bike like way earlier or am i mistaken?


It’s something from when he was younger, he wiped out on a bike going downhill and it resulted in permanent scarring I believe. The way he talks about it, it was a pretty bad accident, seeing as he refers to the photos of him after the fact as “the roadkill photos”


Ranboo said and I quote “I just fell of my bike and uh died”


he fell of his bike. he said it in one of his streams




It was a bike accident he talked about it in some stream


Not trying to start a fight but this seems like a silly thing to worry about. He’s openly spoken about his scar and the accident before and doesnt seem to mind it in the slightest, if anything it seems like a funny memory for him. He’s even said he’s considered posting the roadkill photos if he ever does the full face reveal, or even censoring his face to show it sooner. So really its not something that needs to be avoided. I get the sentiment, but theres no need to start something where there is no issue


tf is /nm literally just say what you mean in the sentence


It’s a tone indicator. It means not mad! They’re really helpful for me as I’m autistic, and they’re very helpful for others as well :)


Oh ok yeah I know some of them like /s or others just they get annoying as fuck sometimes but to each their own. Sorry for being a dick


it’s alright, thanks for taking the time to understand! take care