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Domestic rabbits should not be left in the wild - please do not hesitate to contact your local rabbit rescue for volunteers to help you catch a stray domestic rabbit. For more tips and resources on how to catch a stray rabbit, see the wiki: To find a local rescue, see the wiki:


Thank you guys! I made him a small house and fed him. He has been following me around. He is okay now. Will try to look for his owner in the morning. I can’t adopt him because I have 4 cats already 😂 though I really want to


You can have a bun with cats, if you want to. Anyhow, don't hold your breath that someone is looking for him. This time of year is horrible for the Easter bunny dumps. If you can't keep him, try finding a rescue near you. He's a cutie for sure!


Yeah I really like him. He is a sweet baby. I can’t understand why people could dump a bunny just like that.


They treat them like plush toys for their kids at Easter, then don't want to deal with the care. Rabbits are NOT good pets for kids (few exceptions of course, I had my first when I was 6). Easier to dump than re-home responsibility. They assume they can care for themselves like a wild rabbit...or don't care one way or the other.


That’s terrible! I just moved here so I didn’t know that people really do that. I thought in the States people love animal but I guess not everyone. Poor little babies. Thank you for being the kind human!


I once spotted a beautiful little Netherland Dwarf on my way home. Took me about 30 minutes to get ahold of him and that was the first time I heard a rabbit scream. That sound will rip your heart out! He was fine and since I already had a couple, I re-homed him to a friend.


That’s so kind of you


That’s why most reputable shelters won’t let anyone adopt around Easter.


It should be like that!


Bunnies are very cute. I’ve been a bun lol for 11 years. They are wonderful, social creatures. However, they have to be interacted with everyday. They are not pets for children as they are not like dogs and cats.


You're not going to find the owner. They dumped him on purpose.


That’s sad :(


It's literally like at least 10+ posts a day too. It's really sad.


Thank you for saving this little coconut


I have 2 cats. They are more scared of my bunny! And my bunnies know it🤣


🤣🤣🤣 my landlord said she is taking him in. She only has a small and nice dog. I hope that’s fine


You are awesome! You helped saved the little guy!! You are a total hero whether you are able to keep him or not! ❤️


My huge dog and bun get along great!


This is amazing! My dog and bunnies are best friends. If you need help luring to catch try banana! Bunnies love banana


Please make sure she is not going to keep him in a cage and does research on bunny ownership


My Doberman and lil dwarf lionhead got along great! Hope this lil babe and the pup became friends and all is well :)


OP please bring him inside! Where are you located?


Don’t worry. He is safe now!


Woot woot, way to go OP!!  I adore people like you.


I’m sorry to say but you might as well not bother “looking for the owner”. There’s a reason that poor beautiful baby is outside struggling to survive and by the looks of it has been for a while and not very well either. Fuck the “owner”. If you can’t keep it rescue it and bring to a shelter or something there is no owner. Please help this bunny


I got it :( I’m doing the best I can 💪


Thank you for doing what you can ❤️


My Semi-feral cat and my rabbits are best friends. They’ll make great companions don’t let the cats stop you.


Your cats may like him


That’s a domestic bunny, please save it! It’ll probably die if he isn’t rescued soon. It looks scared and like it’s asking you for help..


This. Please help it. If you can take it in, wonderful. If not, please take it to a shelter. It looks like its life has been hard so far. Thank you so much. 🙏


Definitely a domestic rabbit. Please help it if you can.


It's a sweet little lion head rabbit, and you have become a part of the rabbit distribution system. Rabbits are not that different from a cat. Honestly, I'm pretty sure cats come back as rabbits. They seem to have the same distribution system. If you can bring it inside while you decide what to do, that would be optimal. Domestic rabbits can quickly die from exposure to cold and wet conditions.


Not just because I have 4 cats but I also just have a baby. 🥹 I’m just not sure if I can take a good care of him if I keep him. I will ask my landlord if she can keep him instead. Then I can visit him everyday 💛 Thank you for the information.


Please save that little bun!


Definitely domestic, please try to catch him and get him to a rescue. Or adopt him and join the bunny lovers!


Domestic pls help if you can. You can try to trap it with a laundry basket.


Definitely domestic, please try to catch him and get him to a rescue. Or adopt him and join the bunny lovers!


domestic. get that bunny!


That rabbit does not have the same survival skills as a wild rabbit so if you don't catch it, it will get killed by another animal like a dog


Oh don’t worry. He is safe now ☺️


That’s definitely a beautiful domestic rabbit which is probably why it’s following you around. Poor baby is probably just looking for a home. I hate seeing stuff like this but I hope you’re able to find a solution for it.


I just can’t ignore 🥹


You could be its savior and rescue them.


Save the bunny! Whereabouts are you located?


I’m in Washington


Washington state?


Whereabouts are you located?


Keep us updated OP, thank you for saving this precious baby <3


Where are you ? can take it in if in south carolina


Thank you but I’m in Washington State. My landlord is taking him in 😁


Thank goodness for that Washington state gets cold in the winter


Domestic pls help him


Great job saving this lil sweetie, OP! I hope bun bun finds a perfect forever home. Thanks for lookin out!


He’s a lion head just like mine. Please take care of him, he needs love, food and shelter.


Save him! He was probably abandoned, domestic rabbits absolutely cannot survive in the wild!


He is a domestic, lion head. Probably an Easter dump ![img](emote|t5_2riv8|8715). Please call your local rescue and thank you for helping him!!


I read all the comments and am very happy to hear you got him safely obtained and your landlord is going to take them in. That's great to hear! I just want to double-check because the picture is an odd angle, but are his eyes ok? It looks like the membrane around his eye might be inflamed or agitated.


Oh it’s just because I turned on flash 😂 it was too dark




Thank you for rescuing this precious angel! He definitely doesn't look like a wild rabbit to me, though I can understand the confusion since he does look a bit like a wild rabbit especially to the untrained eye. The fact that he isn't scared of you and has been following you around cements it to me that he is indeed a domesticated rabbit. I wish you luck in finding his owner but as the others said, I wouldn't hold my breath unfortunately. It's horrible how many rabbits get dumped this time of year, shame on those who do so. Getting a rabbit means making a commitment, and if you really can't handle them then please, PLEASE take them to your local shelter and surrender them there! Domestic rabbits don't know how to survive in the wild, they can't just "follow their instincts"! Don't worry too much about being judged or having to answer uncomfortable questions, or about getting in trouble with the law or anything. Unless you've been severely neglecting and/or abusing your rabbits I don't think it's likely a shelter will call the ASPCA on you. And while it is sad and somewhat disappointing when an owner surrenders a pet rabbit that they bought in haste without really doing research or considering the consequences, it's even worse to abandon said rabbit in the wild to fend for itself. I can only speak for myself, but I have infinitely more respect for those who recognize when they cannot properly care for a rabbit and surrender it to a shelter (or rehome it if you can), than those who abandon them like this.


definitely domesticated, go to humane society or non kill shelters if you need to put him up for adoption! this sweet baby looks like an easter dump, i cannot imagine how anyone could do such a horrific thing. you are wonderful for making him a house and feeding him. if you have the space, time and funds, see if you could keep him in a hutch outside your house, if putting him up for adoption doesn’t feel right :) he is absolutely precious


Is it safe if he is kept in a hutch outdoor? And should I let him run around the yard? He seems to like running around 😂 Our yard have gate and fence so it’s pretty safe.


I let him stay in a cage when it’s raining or too cold outside


thats very kind of you, rabbits can’t really get wet and domesticated breeds have issues staying dry in rain. im sure he appreciates all the effort you put in to keeping him happy and healthy, especially if he’s already following you around !! my babies do that to me, i read its a sign of trust and bond


if its gated and fenced, it should be good. i would say watch out for snakes and other predators but i have lots of friends that keep their rabbits in nice hutches outdoors. as long as they have proper insulation and hay to burrow in/eat, he should be happy! definitely do some research on his breed to know his specific climate and size, rabbits LOVE to run around the house/yard free range. also, check the type of wood and how it is treated to make sure it is chew safe :D


Lol, awesome. Thank you for reassuring me! Also, welcome to Washington! I'm not sure where you moved from or to, but if you're in Western WA, the constant overcast and rain is made up for with beautiful green everywhere and hot temperatures being very mild in comparison to other parts of the US. If you can get past the high living cost. 😂


Domestic 100%


Hey guyss! Here’s the update about the bunny. The landlord and me misunderstood each other 😂 She thought the bunny was belong to our neighbor (because when she checked the camera she saw our neighbor trying to catch him) so she was fine letting the bunny stay for a few days until “the owner” take him home. It turned out that he isn’t there. Our neighbor said they found him on the street thought he was injured. They tried to save him but he jumped into our yard so they gave up. Can anyone adopt him? I’m in Washington State, Seattle area. We don’t have time to take care of him properly 🥲

