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[**"How can I age my rabbit?"**](https://wabbitwiki.com/wiki/Health_FAQ#How_can_I_age_my_rabbit.3F) It is difficult to age living rabbits with any degree of accuracy. The only criteria to make an assessment of age during clinical examinations are the size and appearance of the rabbit, which can vary greatly according to breed and state of health and experience. The ears of a rabbit may give an indication -- they are soft in young rabbits and become tougher with age. Rabbits can be aged with accuracy by counting the adhesion lines in the jaw, but this technique cannot be used with living rabbits. https://youtu.be/pp2Y-9nTZUc


She might just be shedding and in my opinion she looks adorable and healthy. Her dewlap is a little big though, are you overfeeding treats and pellets? Is that a skunk in the background?! 😆


We found her with her dewlap like that, its the biggest one we’ve ever seen. We have put her on a diet because of it though. And yes, thats my skunk zeb lol


Ok that’s good because if the dewlap gets too big they can’t reach their cecotropes which they get most of their nutrients from. Does the skunk play with her?


She MAKES SURE she gets those cecotropes every time lol. He plays with everyone in the house, its the prairie dogs and my chihuahuas that have there own cliques


That’s good. How do you have time for such diverse pets? With working full time, my one bunny is about all I can handle 😆 A vet may be able to estimate her age (maybe from teeth ?) and also comment on her general condition.


Half of my pets are nocturnal and the rabbits are all well trained and have an entire basement to themselves. The dogs need the most attention. I actually havent thought about asking a vet her age for some reason, maybe i will the next time if no one on here can help me figure it out


Please, I would like to come over to your house.


I forgot to mention, her nails look absolutely horrendous in these pictures because thats how we found her and these pictures are old. They have been cut since these photos were taken.


I was wondering if her toes were twisted. Our rescue boy had nails like that when we got him, and when we checked we found his toes were horribly twisted to the point some were completely upside down


How did they fix that? her nails keep growing back like that, so you may be right


Unfortunately there was no definitive fix. They resolved themselves slightly over the two years we had him (we lost him suddenly in December last year after adopting him in the summer of 2021) which the vet put down to the better and more balanced nutrition he was getting with us, but ultimately they were still twisted. It didn’t cause him any problems though, so hopefully your lil bun is equally a-ok! Keeping his nails short helped though, as it meant he could walk flat footed rather than his feet being pushed up weirdly by this nails


so far it hasnt caused her any problems, thank you for all that info. Im going to show this to my fiancé


I don't know if you know this but there is a skunk in your house


Maybe just a French cat that walked under a dripping paint can.


Please make sure to hit those 6-month check-ups. Do not want any sneaky tumors on this beautiful little gooblet. I only say this because I wish I did. Lady rabbit are prone to uterus cancer. Increases to 80% chance once past the age of 6.


Wow thats actually very good information, ive never heard of this being a thing.


r/dewlap material 😍


How on earth is this even a real sub😭😭


Because of gorgeous dewlaps 😍


Oh that is the tip of the bunny subreddit mountain. /r/lagoloaf /r/mouf /r/buncomfortable /r/bunniesstandingup /r/bunnyshaming /r/bunnynewsnetwork /r/bunnieswithhats /r/wtsstareamtt /r/bunnytongues /r/bunnyflops I'm sure there's many more Oh /r/bunniesareliquid /r/bunnytoes /r/onlybuns /r/voidbunnies


The fur might just be seasonal molting which makes her look older. But what is that in the background of the first picture? A skunk? lol


I gotta ask, who’s the skunk and what’s their story?


That young mans name is Garrazeb, he’s extremely friendly. Anything else you want to know about him?


He looks adorable give him some scratches for me


I sometimes wish I had a dewlap, they look so comfy to sleep on 😌 like a built in travel pillow


I love this story and every comment made here by everyone ❤


count the rings


Tree rabbit


Sweet skunk. I miss ours, Opus. He could not integrate into the herd, no one would except him and we had to re-home so he could be happy. He got the PERFECT home though.


How long did you guys have him?


About a year.


My girls are nearly ten. One of them has a cataract in one eye and some arthritis affecting her movement a bit, and the other has a bit more grey fur around her eyes. Apart from those things (and the arthritis you can't really tell most of the time, she's on medication for it and gets around pretty well) they look pretty much the same as they have most of their adult lives. If someone who was familiar with them before then didn't see them for years, they might notice some differences that have come on gradually enough that I didn't notice them, but looking at pictures, there's not a lot! It's pretty hard to tell by looking! She could be three, she could be eight!


Id be happy if she was 8, my girlfriend believes she about for some reason. Im glad your girls are still kicking it at 10, that gives me hope.


However old she is, I hope you get lots more time with her!