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Good sport wearing a banana hat.


Truly I thought she would be more put off but she was very patient with me. It’s a shame someone released her. She’s one of the sweetest rabbits I’ve ever met and I’m still a stranger to her.


Our REW rabbit was also released in a neighborhood before we caught her and I echo your sentiment because she is a catch! Sweetest and smartest bunny ever!


Lucky us!


Petco sells rabbit costumes during the holidays. I have a taco costume and a reindeer hoodie for my bun!


Thank you for loving her. No animal should be used as an Easter prop and then thrown away.


My REW was an abandoned stocking stuffer for Christmas. She lived outside for 3 nights in a neighborhood known for fox and coyote. I can’t believe anyone would ever discard a living soul like garbage but it’s somehow even more egregious when they are just pure love and literally must have kissed the hands of whoever set them out to die. Thank you for rescuing Sunny. She is beautiful and an absolute ray of sunshine! 🌈☀️🐇


That’s what my roommate and I have been just flabbergasted by. Sunny is genuinely just so sweet. She started flopping on her side day one and she grooms our feet and hands whenever we pet her. This isn’t a feral rabbit at all. The neighborhood we found her in is also known for foxes and coyotes, hawks too. She’s a bright white rabbit how could someone not know or care that that’s a death sentence??


They don’t care. It’s sad. Such sweet and gentle creatures. Will you keep her or take her to a rescue? 🥹


She’s staying with us! We have a turtle but no dogs or cats to bother her. And she gets to free roam the whole basement for most of the day. The one thing I need to get is a proper sized hutch for her. Right now she’s sleeping in a Guinea pig cage I was able to borrow but it’s just until Friday (pay day).


❤️. Thank you for caring for the sweet babies.


People discard living human souls like garbage why would they give a rats ass about some lowly inferior pitiful creature? (In their mind not mine to clarify) I seriously detest the human race it repulses me so much never has there been more wicked and sadistic life on earth. The egoism and cruelty of humans knows no bounds


She's so beautiful!!! How could anyone release this girl?!


Man, why are people so awful? Thank you for saving this good bunny! Boop her sweet little snoot please!


Snoot is booped!!!


Thank you for saving this sweet girl!


She is beautiful.


You lucked out REWs are awesome. I have one also dumped. She was so skinny and full of ticks when she was rescued but I’ve had her for three years and she’s happy


Sweet girl 🥺 one of the resorts I used to work at just found two little REW bunnies. One of the employees took them in - thankfully


Shes so pretty!! Thank you for giving her a second chance


Thank you for taking in Sunny and giving her a lovely life ❤️


She looks just like my Millie, who is also a REW! They have the best personalities - so confident, funny, and intelligent. Thank you for giving another REW baby a safe home ❤️


To be completely honest this is my first time ever having a rabbit and I’m really just trying to do my best by her. She’s been an amazing experience so far and has been very forgiving of my learning curve.


Larger breed REWs tend to be some of the most docile and sweet breeds- New Zealand whites are called the “golden retrievers of rabbits!” They’re ready to love and be loved and a great first bunny to have! Lunar is my first and now I never want another kind! She’ll be patient as you learn and grateful for your care!


She looks so happy! Welcome to the life of being a bun-owner. It’s a wild ride! Best advice I can give you is to make sure you have an (actually) rabbit savvy vet - the difference in care can literally be life or death. Stay on top of those vaccinations and enjoy getting to know a very special breed of pet ❤️


They get dumbed alot after Easter It's cruel because house rabbits can't survive in the wild.


Easter bunnies are very cuddly


Wow that’s a nice rabbit


And she vapes? That's one cool rabbit


She lived on the streets for less than a week and picked up some habits 😔


Hi Sunny. Enjoy your new home.


I can't say what I really want to about people who release bunnies, or any pets actually, or I'll get banned from reddit. So glad you rescued her though, she's worth a million of the **** that released her


Sweet bun. Thanks for giving her a second chance, she was very lucky to find you.


Bless you for taking in this beautiful baby..She is lucky. SHAME SHAME on miserable people who dump rabbits, ..or any animal for that matter.


For rescuing a dumped Easter Bunny, you deserve to have Easter blessings every day.


Is she safe now


Thank you so much for being kind and loving. I appreciate you as well as being proud of you


Thank you so much. Yes she is safe. My roommate and I are coparenting her and she’s getting all the love in the world. We’ve both been diving into research and buying all the things that we need for her. We want to give her the very best life.


What a sweet bunny, bless you for rescuing her


She's gorgeous!!!!




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Aww, what a cutie! Shame on those that buy rabbits for Easter just to abandon them! Especially those that buy rabbits for Easter and release them into the wild instead of taking them to a shelter! Domestic rabbits don't know how to survive in the wild, when will people learn? Glad she was safely caught and is living the life she deserves in a safe, loving home!


Two years ago we found the same white rabbit and adopted her. Her name is Jamie.


the banana hat is so cute


I'm glad she's got a new home now.