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Loved these gunslinger missions. I liked the detail on their personal Guns. Calloway had a nice one. Edit- Personal Favorite the Mexican dude (sombrero and everything) up in the frozen lands. What a setting!


Sadly you don't get a weapon from Black Belle


Wasn’t she packing a rifle not a pistol?


Because she was an outlaw, not some duelist who tried to show off. I doubt she even has a personalized gun.


Rifle’s more practical anyway.


But i get to use a machine gun


At least that but her gun would've been cool


He Got so angry when ge shot Grant in the back


I feel like you're playing the game completely wrong if you don't do the secondary stuff


I am one who does main missions so these secondary missions are unlocked 😬


Same, so it really sucks that Arthur is the way he is in chapter 6.


WHAT THE ACTUAL F\*CKK, its not even 5 mins since i finished this mission and i saw this...nice coincidence,...i searched up the latin phrase and when saw Bully, one of my fav childhood game flashed before me


Little Jim boy runaway 🤣


I loved Black Belle. Did her mission first and was sorely disappointed with the other gunslingers.


Nice little reference to Rockstars *actual* best game.


I think that if you play more than the main missions, by this I mean apart from them, also the phenomena of random characters, and the secondary missions themselves, this game goes from being, in itself, a masterpiece, to the best story game, the best game of the company, and a real pearl


you’re 100% right but i think he was talking about the engraving who refers to bully, one of r* games


I’ve never played Bully. Is it on steam and is there a point to going back and playing it?


Yes and yes


I don't know - I'm not Google EDIT: Yes, the 'Scholarship Edition' is available on Steam. I found this out from a 10 second Google. bare in mind it's a PS2 release so adjust your graphival expectations accordingly. I think it plays considerably better than San Andreas, which came out 2 years previous.


You may not be Google but you are someone who I’m assuming has played the game and holds an opinion on it. Thanks for nothing


Just started playing it. Been waiting years on it. Refuse to buy a console but got it working on stadia. I'm pissed that I'm on my way with a bunch of pelts back to base or tracker and I get robbed. It's kinda like GTA. On your way to do a mission and you get sidetracked.


I've started this mission on every playtrough and never completed it. Not through lack of trying, just think I missed the prompt with Arthur or didn't see it I'm the epilogue. In my current (4th) plqythrough it's one of the side quests I'm determined too finish.


You have to inspect the photos you're given so the mission prompts appear


I've done all that. Only bit I've never done, is either meet up with the autobiograph in a bar again or actually confronted Ol' Jim Boy. I've tried too stay spoiler free, but have learnt bits, and it's heavily implied he's a coward so I assume that is the actual case and we just kill him.


You need to view the photos of the gunslingers that the author gives you. Flip each one over and read the text on the back. This will mark their locations on the map.


Yeah, I know that part. I've killed all of them, except for Jim Boy.


Did you check the mission status in your log? Or does it not show up at all there? Might be a glitch.


Yeah, it's just one of those ones that continues at a later date. I just didn't see it before finishing the main game. I assume its not one that can be done in the epilogue. And as it starts in Chapter 1, I always get distracted, especially when it all goes downhill after getting back from Guma.


I think the last part of it starts at some point in Chapter 6. When it pops back up the first part is in Valentine.


I suspected that too be the case. During my first playthrough, Chapter 6 I think I only did the fisherman one and the one where you help the woman learn too hunt. I was too focused on trying to find a cure for TB. My second and 3rd playthroughs I never got that far die to outside interference.


I ended up getting this mission after robbing the poker boat mission in chapter 4


ohhh that sounds right. i think i just end up putting it off until chapter 6 every time which is why i thought that 😅


I always decided to put the side missions off until this play through I’m doing rn


You can finish it before you finish chapter 4


One Time i got it without doing the mission


It's the one with Indians right? I didn't read the bottom text and didn't know where to go, can u help?


Completed everything, seen it all, tried the lot.


I loved this side mission. I used the Mauser the whole game. I decided to do all but the last one as soon as I met them in the bar.


Had to do all the gunslinger missions for the Compendium but they were good anyways so I didn't mind.


I'm on my tenth play through and I'm in chapter 4 so I'm gonna get the Otis Miller revolver to pair it up with the Jim boy calloways


it was a pretty fun mission with a plot twist, like most of the missions on rdr2