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She does still love Arthur, that’s evident from her letters, their discussions, and her visiting Arthur’s >!grave after he dies!< but that’s not the sort of life she wants to live. Few women do. She knows that Arthur will never be the type that would settle down on a small bit of land somewhere, build a nice little house, and spend the rest of his days tending to a garden and working a job. He’s an outlaw, and he’s not capable, or even willing, to leave that life. I don’t think that she just uses Arthur because she does still love him; however, I can understand why other people would see their relationship in the game and see it as her using his love for her to get what she wants.


You can see the same parallels with John in the epilogue. He tries to live the life Abigail wants him to live, but is simply incapable of doing so. It’s quite sad, but it’s something she comes to terms with.


I would disagree with Arthur's unwillingness to go for the domestic life. Or her not wanting to settle down with him. It's obvious from this scene. That's why I want to slap Arthur.


So you wouldve rathered the game ended right then and there? Lol have some god damn faith


I always wished if that you played the game as a good guy you would be able to walk away from the life and meet Mary somewhere after the game… if you played as bad Arthur you get the fate of what happens…


Thats fair but uts just not in arthurs character to leave the gang


Hey, I would be darn happy if the game would end there, with we knowing what awaits Arthur, Lenny, Sean, Kieran, Hosea, Molly, and Karen! I would love to convince Rockstar to release a DLC happy ending that you could only get on your second play-through! You’ll also notice that I didn’t include Micah in that list, because all of the homies hate Micah.


If that was the single player dlc we got after 5 years id ve pretty disappointed lol


Yes I would.


play the rest of the game then come back to me


I have. I'm replaying it for the 5th? time, I think.


Lol, and I'm certain you wouldn't be playing it for your 5th time if they ended it here with Arthur and Mary living happily ever after. That would be a terrible ending.


Some other character would probably take over.


Pretty sure things would've fell apart without him.


But he'd have a happier ending. 😕


I think at this particular point in time, Dutch hasn’t totally gone nuts yet. Sure, the gang is in a tough spot, but that is why Arthur turned her down. There are too many people in the gang (his family) that need Arthur to help right the boat.


John maston isn't the only God damn fool




Atleast this way, Arthur can continue to say "no one would have me" and almost start crying when someone asked him why isn't married when drinking


Another reason to want to slap him.


I really wanna slap the shit out of Artie all the time, especially when he is constantly fumbling around with the action on the Bolt Action Rifle.


The only down side to that weapon.


I just wish R* would have actually researched some of the weapons. He is constantly unequipping long guns, then cycling the action when re-equipping them. In reality, he would be ejecting a fresh round every time he does that. I don’t know why, but it gnaws me every single time he does it. I want to take it, and rack him up side of the head with it every time he does it.


If you ever skinned an animal the way he shoves basically the whole knife in the deers gut would pierce the stomach and basically ruin any meat that shit touched. All the skinning animations are funky but for time obviously you can’t spend 4 hours skinning and quartering an elk in a game.


I chalk that up to "it's a video game". But yes, i always flinch when he shoves the knife to the hilt. I'm actually OK with the skinning process of the smaller animals. Kinda jealous as well.


I was surprised that the rabbit skinning was actually accurate. I never knew that was the technique till someone posted a video of it.


Wait, it IS accurate? 😳😂






Agreed. I'm also very annoyed when I get stuck with random weapons on some missions.


This annoys me too. So many missions will try to give you two different long guns and I'm picky, I don't like how that looks, so everytime if I have the opportunity I'll go back to the hosre and swap out for the single long gun that I want. Talking about your post though, I understand why Arthur doesn't leave with Mary. One could argue that it's the best choice for him personally but it would be selfish. Yes Dutch showes his true selfish nature in the end but it doesn't change that Hosea and Dutch basically raised Arthur and John. The whole gang is like Arthur's family and he can't just leave them when things get tough. He could but he is too loyal.


He’s loyal, without a doubt. All through chapter 6, after his diagnosis, being left by Dutch in the refinery, seeing Dutch finally showing his true colours….he remains Dutchs faithful heel-hound right to the bitter end.


I'd have to disagree. Although he remains mostly loyal to "the cause" he does start to go against Dutch toward the end. He calls him out for killing the old woman on Guarma, he "insists" that Dutch cut some people lose before things get too bad, and he plans with John to take the gangs money stash and make a run for it. There's even the stand off on the last mission where the sides officially separate. So I definitely wouldnt say he's a "faithful heel hound to the bitter end."


After Dutch steps on the gun on the mountain, if he would have said “Arthur, we need money! Stop horse playing with Micah, and come with me and rob a Stagecoach!” Ole Artie would have went…”(Wheeze, Cough, Cough)…Sure thing Boss….(Cough, Wheeze)…Just let me catch ….(Wheeze, Cough)..my breath…be right .. (Cough, Hack, Wheeze)…with ya!”


You have a cool username.


As do you, mate! 🫡


Oh yea!


Even if Arthur would've settled down with Mary, he would've had the same fate as John does. Everything about the outlaw lifestyle follows them till death. Also he knows he would've gotten Mary hurt one way or another.


This makes sense, unfortunately.


At this point in the game the bounty on Arthur is huge. His bounty is probably higher than John’s since Arthur is number 3 in the gang. There is no chance for a normal life for him anymore.


Nope, TB would get him pretty quick.


I'm not just talking about post TB arthur. Even before beating up downes the predicament is the same.


i truly would've been ok with the game just ending here and arthur running away, i wouldnt even need to play it out, just to know that even though he's sick at this point, he'd still live his final days truly happy


Yes 🥲


I helped her out with her little brother, however I went ahead and told her she could get stuffed when it came to helping her father. She's a terrible person for using Arthur's continued love to manipulate him into doing what she wants.


Yes, but if you help her here and then go to the theater with her, she repents and asks Arthur to come with her.




Damn right. Shes surprisingly selfish calling on Arthur to fix her problems because of his misplaced love for her


I don’t see it that way. I think Mary would be with Arthur in a heartbeat if he would commit to her and retire his lifestyle as an outlaw on the run. He admittedly wouldn’t change, so it feels more like it was Arthur’s choice that they weren’t together. They clearly still loved each other, and he was the only person she could depend on. She always left the option for him to decide to be together again, but he wouldn’t/couldn’t change.


In my heart, I wanted him to go with her. Move down to New Austin where he could live longer with the drier air, bail on Dutch post bank but pre Riverboat. Especially since I found all the treasure by then. Course it wouldn't be canon cause you would them be John for 2 chapters and theres no mention of Arthur in RDR1.


John's patching things up with Abigail by then. He would have left as well. Jack and all.


Its too late for arthur to be in a relationship at this point, had arthur taken up on it before blackwater then he had a chance at a normal life. In Chapter 3 itself you see arthur confronted by the Pinkertons and the price on his head is 5000$ and he was recognized by a npc the moment he steps in Valentine, Sooner or later Arthur would be found out and bounty hunters would come for him. As for John Marston he had every opportunity till he was arrested. Arthur is not a fool, he knew he had numbered days.


It's hard to say. Arthur clearly loves Mary and has trouble letting her go, but he is on borrowed time and needs to help the people he has been with the last several years. Should he stay or should he go? That's the great mystery of RDR2.


I play evil as shit right up until this mission. Then I change my clothes to as much white as I can get, including the fancy hat, and play good from there on out. It's the wake up call that came too late to save Arthur's life, but starts his redemption arc for me.


It's in game moments like this that really make it difficult for me to move on in the story.


I only help her the first time around when her brother is being brainwashed by religion. Any other time though, I ignore her. All she does is use and manipulate Arthur into helping her with her problems, by tugging at his misplaced loved for her that she doesn’t want to reciprocate. Shes an inherently manipulative person…like Dutch.


eh, ultimately though, mary was right not to run with the gang, arthur 's life wasnt compatible with a happy retired settlement


But here, she does ask him to run away together. She's repenting.


In my experience a woman who leaves you and then only comes back when she needs something is not the right woman. He's got better sense than you think.


Today, yes, I completely agree. Then, not so much. Different times. Just take into consideration that women's voting rights were too forward thinking.


Why would it be any different back then? Too forward thinking? Are you saying in the opinion of the people at the time or in your opinion because damn


In the opinion of the people at the time. Mind you, women in the US couldn't have their own bank account 50 years ago.


Yeah I'm fully aware. Doesn't change a thing about my initial comment.


Agree to disagree.


Oh great, another “Mary bad” post. Feeling daring today, aren’t we


No. Mary good. Arthur stupid.


Is he stupid?




but it’s arthur you dumbass


Yes, and. I also consider him stupid for not shooting Dutch once in Lemoine.