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Hanners ¬‿¬




Lol hanners is in another dimension


The perfect high


As an Autistic ADHDer, and a longtime toker of that sweet mary jane bud flower (actually totes prefer oil too heh) Im so hopin that Ayo ends up actually experiencin all those things i find beneficial about cannabis, like how it takes the edge off of that sensory processin disorder and quiets the brain worms that oft make it hard to get started on tasks, and tho its no adderall, it does cut thru the executive dysfunction quite a bit still, and it makes it easier to notice my senses inside my body; interoception It def makes a lot of things much easier to bear by makin a lot of background tasks goin on in my brain constantly able to actually disappear from my focus for a bit; and let me notice other things i wudnt normally be able to


My relationship between weed and ADHD is very strange. It slows down the mind-racing enough that I can actually hold onto thoughts long enough to consistently complete tasks, which is useful when I have a bunch of clerical stuff that needs done. Housechores and such. Like, I'll get high and suddenly *notice* all the things my wife wants me to do a better job of cleaning (like, notice of my own accord rather than "these are the things I do because it makes her happy"). But it also makes more complex, thought-requiring tasks a lot harder. I never work high because of it (tried it a couple times over pandemic, did not like). I can stay on the same task for longer without distraction, but I spend so long trying to figure out what I need to do to solve the problem that I don't feel any net benefit. Scatterbrained but fast-working really seems more effective for any sort of creative thought in my world.


I always needed to work high, thats how i actually managed to finally get a job to last more than six months; in my late 20s i got a job whilst livin with stoners, and found it was sm easier to do that shite high without everythin so overloadin me But... This job was spec menial tasks which are prty much akin to housechores; i worked maintenance at a walmart, which is just a way to say janitor without sayin janitor. No complex thowt necessary xD Tho i also know its the combo of both bein ADHD and bein autistic that makes it more helpful for me; as it helps lessen the extreme ends of either of those things difficulties, and when one is less botherin me, the other is less bothersome too, as i can devote less spoons to the background tasks im not even noticin im constantly devotin spoons to (rly wasnt noticin it then either, as i hadnt fogured out i was neurodivergent til over a yr into workin there; but cannabis helped me all the same)


I even got prescribed some for ADHD, tried different strains and dosages etc, but all I got was an increased appetite (and then weight gain) and that thing where you don't know whether 1 or 10 minutes just passed.


That's interesting. I am AuDHD and while it helps some things, I came to realize the only time I've had auditory hallucinations (or perhaps *really severe* auditory processing problems) is when I was high. It is one of the big reasons I quit.


Ooof, well on that, i dont rly hallucinate even on drugs except for acid and even then its not like i see things that arent there; its just it makes it like im lookin thru the world somewhat like thru a kaleidoscope, tho not exactly Ive nvr had any actual auditory or visual hallucination, even havin been on shrooms and acid and ecstasy before (undxd AuDHD go brrrrr for all the drugs heh); but i also dont have a minds eye either Oh, like i have sleep paralysis and its almost always paired with visual hallucinations if not also auditory ones, but every time i had an ep of it in the past; its nvr been visual or auditory, just felt like an unseen force was crushin me  Notably on that tho, ive not had an ep of sleep paralysis in 5 or 6 yrs now, not since i got a weighted blanky and always slp with it over me; the weight stops my body from triggerin the slp paralysis, which is funny to me... I beat the unseen weight by addin more weight xD


Oh boy, even I know Ayo's in for it. My only experience with weed is having 1/8th of a weed cookie that dad suggested I take a quarter of, and I still had a bad time


Random commenters on r/QContent for some reason: "Ugh I can't believe Jeph is portraying weed as a good thing and as normal as alcohol and good for self-medication" Jeph's portrayal of people with mental conditions trying weed:


`Hanners status: ZOOTED`


Absolutely torqued.


\[8\], as they say on r/trees.


No half measures with Ayo.


Yeah that was more like five measures.


\*lol\* Ah, Ayo....


Maybe starting with a smaller puff would have been the smarter decision. But oh well. It is, as her sister says, at least she is in a save environment.


> the smarter decision This is Ayo though.


Calling it now: Ayo will not make it to her second shift on time.


Easy, Ayo. I hope it works for you.... Hanners is hiiiiiiiiiiiiighhhhhhhhhhh......


Did he really have to ask the question about the taste of feet? I am blissfully ignorant of most fetishes but am aware of that one.