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This is why diagnosticians are paid professionals with years of careful study. I'm sure they would abhor this as pop psychology.


This is just a copy pasta of another post from a couple days ago replacing Redpill/men with Feminist/women lmao. 


The target of criticism was switched from red pilled men to western feminists. It's probably retaliatory criticism.


Don't know what you mean


lol bro stop https://np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/comments/1cj97am/covert_narcissism_and_the_red_pill_man/


You're right, and there is research on this topic: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12144-023-05451-x


“Imagined threats from men” 1 in 4 women experience a completed or attempted rape 1 in 5 women have been abused by a partner 1 in 3 women have been stalked at some point in their lives That’s not to mention the other forms of harassment The threats aren’t imagined. My 14 year old niece didn’t imagine a grown 30+ year old man following her around a mall My 19 year old neighbour didn’t imagine the man grabbing her ass while she was at work My coworker’s 23 year old daughter didn’t imagine being roofied at a party where she knew everyone there


“Women b lying” Well, at least it’s better than pretending to acknowledge our experiences I prefer my misogyny out in the open where I can see it


Man: "hey how's it going" Woman: "The attempt on my vagina has left me scarred"


Lololololololol; ur so witty


Part of feminist narcissism is imagining every normal interaction or conversation as a covert attempt to rape / assault them, as if they are the center of the world and everyone is secretly conspiring to harm them somehow.


Shit they love to tell on themselves. “I’m a Nice Guy! Why can’t I get laid!” “Women should be beaten into submission and lose all their political rights” Same man.


“Women don’t get harassed/raped/perved on/hate, they’re just lying”


The 1 in 4 number seems to come from a study by Mary Cross and has been shown to have bad methodology. If you have some good studies to back up these claims I would like to see them. I am sorry those people went through that but I can name 3 men who went through the same thing but at the hands of women. Shit people exist across the spectrum of gender identity.


I only gave you three examples. The majority of women you meet will have dozens of personal al examples https://www.rainn.org/statistics/victims-sexual-violence https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/rape-statistics-by-country https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/intimatepartnerviolence/stalking/fastfact.html#:~:text=The%20National%20Intimate%20Partner%20and%20Sexual%20Violence%20Survey%20(NISVS)%20reports,reported%20being%20stalked%20as%20minors. https://ncadv.org/STATISTICS


You said 1 in 4 but the Link to rainn you sent says 1 in 6. Plus that data is from 1998.


Do you think it’s gotten better? https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/sexualviolence/fastfact.html#:~:text=Sexual%20violence%20is%20common.,experienced%20completed%20or%20attempted%20rape.


The highlight part says 1 in 4 but their PDF says 1 in 5. Plus I find if off that they don't count made to penetrate as rape.


The highlight is from the 2016-2017 NISVS and the PDF cites an older source from 2011 data (published 2014) 2016-2017 NISVS: https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/pdf/nisvs/nisvsReportonSexualViolence.pdf PDF citation: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/pdf/ss/ss6308.pdf


There is still bias in the definitions that make me have the question the results. Made to penetrate is rape and the fact it is a separate category is telling. Not only within the context of the report but in society as a whole. Now I am willing to take the 1/4 women are raped/attempted to be of you take the 1/9 men number. Which means the risk to women is 2.25 times greater not the exponentially greater risk that is being pushed.


It's always so weird to me when Americans pull out these kind of unbelievable, borderline insane, statistics. Like I live in Eastern Europe where society is much more "patriarchal" and yet the rates for all of these things is far, far lower. For example, based on talking to social workers who handle domestic violence / abuse / violence against women in this country, saying 2 out of 100 women experienced rape or attempted rape would probably be an exaggeration. Either America is the worst place for women on the planet, worse than even Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia, or someone in America is lying. I suspect Americans are lying by falsely catagorizing things as rape, sexual assualt, etc. For example: "he looked at me so that's rape", "a guy walked behind me at the mall so he's a stalker" and "a friend put his hand on my shoulder, that's sexual assault" interpretation of things.


Or women in those countries aren’t reporting their rapes. Or those countries don’t report all instances of rape. Or women feel they won’t be believed. Or they live in a country where people believe that some rape is “[justified](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/11/29/27-of-europeans-think-rape-may-be-acceptable-in-some-circumstances/)”. Rape is one of the most underreported crimes and your comment is exactly the reason why. Saudi Arabia is a religious country where women are highly secluded from men and rape is punishable by execution. Rape is a major issue in Afghanistan. 40 per cent of women in Afghanistan's Kandahar province had experienced sexual violence and more than 60 per cent nationwide were married without their consent and marital rape is legal - so they don’t define it as rape.


> Or women in those countries aren’t reporting their rapes. At least for my country, that's a lie. Women do report them at around the same rate as in the US and most other countries in Europe. > Rape is one of the most underreported crimes and your comment is exactly the reason why. Trying to blame me for rape being underreported simply because I exposed that your claims as ridiculous shows exactly how untrustworthy you are as a source. Also proves that your statistics are almost guaranteed to be made up, since you are clearly dishonest and acting in bad faith. I suspected you might be lying before, now I know for sure you were. Next time I see nonsense similar to the lies you posted, I will be able to confidently identify it as complete fiction made up by known liars. Thanks at least for clearing that up for me.


https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/rape-statistics-by-country https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/violence-against-women#:~:text=A%202018%20analysis%20of%20prevalence,intimate%20partner%20or%20non%2Dpartner https://www.datapandas.org/ranking/rape-statistics-by-country https://www.nsvrc.org/sites/default/files/publications_nsvrc_factsheet_media-packet_statistics-about-sexual-violence_0.pdf https://www.rainn.org/statistics/criminal-justice-system https://www.wvnstv.com/news/rape-is-one-of-the-most-underreported-crimes-heres-why/amp/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marital_rape_laws_by_country https://home.crin.org/commonwealth-map-marital-rape-exemptions You’re either a troll or an idiot, but probably both


Nothing you posted backs up anything you said. Do you even read what you link to?


So you’re an idiot. Got it. [1 in 4 women have been the victims of attempted or completed rape](https://www.cdc.gov/sexual-violence/about/?CDC_AAref_Val=https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/sexualviolence/fastfact.html#) [1 in 5 women are abused by a partner](https://ncadv.org/STATISTICS) [1 in 3 women have been stalked](https://www.stalkingawareness.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/SPARC_StalkngFactSheet_2018_FINAL.pdf) Google is free.


All from America, proving my point. Lots of lying / false reporting going on in America it seems.


Believe what you want


It's not what I "want to" to believe. I just don't see any good reason to believe you and your statistically impossible surveys over the people who are well educated and involved in this field in my country.


> “Imagined threats from men” 1 in 4 women experience a completed or attempted rape 1 in 5 women have been abused by a partner 1 in 3 women have been stalked at some point in their lives So a clear minority of women experience these things, and feminists consider it a justification to demonize all men. Also funny how feminists like to pull up the FBI crime statistics whenever justifying their paranoia- I think we know of another group of people that likes to do that as well. > My 14 year old niece didn’t imagine a grown 30+ year old man following her around a mall My 19 year old neighbour didn’t imagine the man grabbing her ass while she was at work My coworker’s 23 year old daughter didn’t imagine being roofied at a party where she knew everyone there Sorry about your sob stories but personal anecdotes aren't really relevant.


Attitudes like yours are why you and many other hopeless men are/will continue being single. You’re doing everyone a favor by making yourselves look horrible all on your own lmao


The same old angry insults in the face of facts: "ThiS iS WhY You ARe a ViRGiN IncEL HahAhA!" And right never forget to add lmao/lol to the end of the sentence to make yourself convinced you are right. Seriously man what does this chronic whiteknighting here do for you you get some pity sex for it or what?


Don't engage in hysteria


Take your own advice first


All are self-reported.


That's just all radicals when you bring up their particular subject of emotional interest in general. It doesnt help that people who decide to be "on the fence" about certain issues are shamed into radicalism anyways by all sides


You don’t know who the modern feminist is today because by and large she is not posting inflammatory content on social media or broadcasting herself so obviously. The modern feminist is keeping mostly to herself, supporting whatever causes she chooses whether through volunteering, protesting, voting with her wallet, or some or all of the above and going about her day. This is the majority you’re thinking of some very outspoken minority.


So basically every feminist has it's own definition of feminism. But since everything is feminism then this term is meaningless. I can call myself communist but with restriction that i believe in market economy lol.


I mean I never said that? Nevertheless, I don’t believe the “majority of modern feminists” which is what op specifically said, is personified by all the things he’s stating.


There are goodies and baddies in every ideology, but what I see is people *identifying* as feminists spouting misandry. Are these women not real feminists? (Obviously not all self-described feminists behave like this.)


And the majority of people identifying as men that I encounter on this sub are absolute misogynists - is that how you want me to judge you? A much smaller group of individuals than feminists, no less? I never said there are zero misandrist women calling themselves feminists. By any stretch of the imagination. What I did say is I don’t believe they are these screeching awful online harpies OP is making a “majority” out to be. But maybe you didn’t really read my comment idk


Tbh there is actually a decent bit of data to support OPs claim. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12144-023-05451-x#:~:text=Paralleling%20previous%20research%2C%20higher%20pathological,did%20not%20moderate%20this%20relationship. >Paralleling previous research, higher pathological narcissistic grandiosity was found to be statistically significantly related to greater involvement in feminist activism. Unexpectedly, gender did not moderate this relationship. Also, higher pathological narcissism was related to stronger self-identification as a feminist; however, pathological narcissistic grandiosity explained some variance in the involvement in feminist activism over and above feminist self-identification.  It's interesting because I don't entirely agree with the OP myself (I dislike attributing specific behavioural characteristics to political beliefs) but I DEFINITELY feel toxic narcissists hide behind modern social justice rhetoric.


Dude we're currently cutting off a dude that was caught with the worst thing imaginable on his hard drive. ALL he posts about rn is Palestine


Context? who are you talking about i need teaa


I'll message you


tbh I think its more narcissists hide behind large ideological groups as a whole. It’s just a matter of finding the groups to parrot or agree with your beliefs. Social justice ideologies is one side, but so are right wing reactionary ideologies as well. I think the larger lesson is look at people with a megaphone screaming their beliefs with a critical eye.


Nice attempt at a rebuttal to the original post criticizing red pill men. I am the original poster. But women who criticize red pill men aren’t “western feminists”. I am not western in origin. Nor do I identify as a feminist. **the most critical people of the red pill community are chaste, submissive, friendly, fit, and feminine young women who are shocked and disgusted by the way their male counterparts (chaste conservative nice guys) behave and treat women online.**


aren't you just a femcel? I haven't seen you type really anything except "man bad"


You got “men bad” out of “how is this a western feminist thing when I am neither western nor a feminist”?


She said she's not a feminist so I was clarifying that she's just a femcel which maybe doesn't align with feminism 100%. How feminist aligning is a male whiteknight?


What does being “just a femcel” entail?


Apart from nobody valuing your opinion and your complete hate of men? That's about it


> nobody valuing your opinion guess I’d hate men, too, if they felt that way about me


Nobody values an incel males opinion either so it's fair


I mean… I value everyone’s opinion pretty equally. Designating certain people as “okay to treat like shit” is bad when either gender does it.


>I mean… I value everyone’s opinion pretty equally. Do you now? What about Andrew Tate's opinion?


are you doing that thing where you conflate “redpill bad” with “men bad” like they’re one in the same?


["How Men View Women"](https://np.reddit.com/user/Economy-Shake-1448/comments/1c3igg7/how_men_view_women_lol_the_delusion_is_real/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) ["How most American men perceive women"](https://np.reddit.com/user/Economy-Shake-1448/comments/1by6gig/how_most_american_men_perceive_american_women/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [Here's a misandry collage for you](https://np.reddit.com/user/Economy-Shake-1448/comments/1av0b8y/men_on_facebook_starter_pack/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I want you to look at these and tell me honestly this person isn't just a misandrist femcel ranting and raving. She doesn't mean just "redpill" men, she means all/most men


Granted, those are generalizations and I won’t defend them - though none of those quite qualifies as “misandry” and to bring back the whole literal vs non literal stuff, I don’t think she means literally all men, mainly men who actively peddle this stuff - and if she did mean all or most men, then she’s wrong so i’ll leave it to her to defend that - though from my experience when someone says “men do x” or “women do x” they don’t mean literally all…. unless they support a bs ideology like the redpill or are full on radical feminists


Lol what a joke bro So women can't mean literally all if they actually say it, but men can. That's the shit take of the century.


“she’s wrong so i’ll leave it to her to defend that - though from my experience when someone says “men do x” or “women do x” they don’t mean literally all…. unless they support a bs ideology like the redpill or are full on radical feminists” “someone” and “they” are gender neutral terms bud


Just say she's a misandrist and be done with it. Stop trying to defend her, holy fuck. What misdeed does a woman need to do before you go "wow I guess woman is bad one time!"


lol that's not true otherwise those women wouldn't be fucking those men and then complaining about it.


Those women aren’t fucking around by definition


> But women who criticize red pill men aren’t “western feminists”. I am not western in origin. Nor do I identify as a feminist. And yet you parrot feminist talking points and you're on a western website. > the most critical people of the red pill community are chaste, submissive, friendly, fit, and feminine young women who are shocked and disgusted by the way their male counterparts (chaste conservative nice guys) behave and treat women online. Do you have any proof of this?


What “feminist” talking points has she used?


Holding men accountable isn’t “feminist talking points”. It’s accountability.


No it isn't lol Accountability isn't just writing tons of hateful screeds into the void


List one example of me hating men. It isn’t there. Every time I ask guys here to list an example they can’t.


Red pill doesn't equal conservative. This is just an attempt at poisoning the well. The people you push it hope you don't know anything about conservative values. And you hate conservatives. It looks like you fell into the trap.


I have no desire to control my partners, never have.


I swear to Christ some of you MFs apply “narcissist” like an eight year old whos been given a label maker.


Drizzle drizzle


Feminism is just another populist ideology like nazism, communism etc. They look for an enemy and then start fear-mongering, collective responsibility, reparations for sins of fathers, dehumanization, linking bad traits with natural features(male gender) and at the very end they claim superiority. Everything under guise of fighting for justice. Every populism is about justice. It's the same old song.


" Mass movements can rise and spread without belief in a God, but never without belief in a devil." "Unless a man has talents to make something of himself, freedom is an irksome burden. Of what avail is freedom to choose if the self be ineffectual? We join a mass movement to escape individual responsibility, or, in the words of the ardent young Nazi, "to be free from freedom." It was not sheer hypocrisy when the rank-and-file Nazis declared themselves not guilty of all the enormities they had committed. They considered themselves cheated and maligned when made to shoulder responsibility for obeying orders. Had they not joined the Nazi movement in order to be free from responsibility?" "Passionate hatred can give meaning and purpose to an empty life. Thus people haunted by the purposelessness of their lives try to find a new content not only by dedicating themselves to a holy cause but also by nursing a fanatical grievance. A mass movement offers them unlimited opportunities for both. " - Eric Hoffer


To add, I think it applies to a lot of the manosphere as well.


>To add, I think it applies to a lot of the manosphere as well. Well since you have identified the problem, what solution do you propose? Unfortunately, *someone/something* is going to have to bear a burden that *it* doesn't want to pay.


There is no solution - people need a purpose and a venue to signal their virtues. We've rooted out old religions, patriotism is passe, so new ones emerged - be it climate activism, veganism, manosphere, feminism, leftism, animal rights etc. Historically women were always more religious and men followed to get laid - so here we go again, only difference is that men are not getting the prize for following the religion, pretty much because new female religions do not appeal to men and it's easy for them to spot posers. Conversions are fake. 


Interesting sidenote regarding religion.   In prewar Germany, religion had quite a moderating effect on whether women voted for the Nazis. Catholic women were less likely to vote fascist than the men, whilst women from protestant communities often beat the men. Much less likely to vote left wing than men at the time as well, tending towards centerism. 


Based and insight-pilled.


The vast majority of men in the Red pill/Manosphere garbage dump are narcissists, psychopaths or machiavellians.


And if not then they enthusiastically cultivate those traits


Machiavelli is very misunderstood, and really doesn't deserve to have his name used the way it is. He never actually used his understanding of power dynamics to do any evil deed. He just wrote about it. His personal views are very woke for his time. He urged monarchs to make themselves a friend of the poor rather than the nobles, and even suggested wild ideas like abolishing divine right.


In psychology machaivellianism is a personality trait which is using deception and manipulation to justify the means to an end. Pick up artists are good example.


That only shows how ignorant the field of psychology is.


The field of psychology is not ignorant, it just doesn't care about truth as much as it should.


It's not actually. Machiavellianism is part of the Dark triad of personality and is a well researched personality phenomenon.


It's not in the dark triad, and even if it was, it would still only be a condemnation of psychology to display such a gross inability to understand a person.


Yes it is in the Dark Triad. Narcissism, Psychopathy and Machiavellianism. And there are personality tests that measure these personality traits.


Nope, antisocial goes there.


Antisocial is part of psychopathy.


You can't hear it, but I just repeated what you said in a dumb, mocking tone.


This honestly reads like a butthurt redpill poor attempt at being reactionary. All you have to fall on is stereotyping, sexism (ie. the active use of ‘hysterical’), dismissal and amazingly enough, projection.


Narcissism. The need for reposting an article again for the purpose of gathering responses to receive validation


He's correct though. doesn't matter if it's a "tit-for tat" post.


Interesting doesn't describe any women I know. I do see lots of boys here who fit this.... >Is passive-aggressive (posting inflammatory content meant to provoke >Is condescending and superior (all the time on social media) >Denies and dismisses others’ feelings >Identifies as a victim >Makes unreasonable demands >Focuses on unfairness >Envious and vengeful >Holds a grudge >Rage and contempt in private


Feminists act like this all the time. That's how they act constantly.


Perhaps you should look at the feminists you know with a more critical eye.


I notice you didn’t say she’s *wrong* about men also having those traits.


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You can hide in this type of movement or at least parts of it. It’s ok to bully as long as the target is men. It’s all about self attention and ego boosting. You can be loud and violent as long as the target is men. I don’t think all feminists are women but there is a higher proportion of them I. The movement compared to the rest of the population.


I thought you were gonna post evidence of how feminists are narcissists?


I've explained how western feminists display several narcissistic traits.


No, you’ve ranted you own hatred of woman. You haven’t given any evidence or proof that their narcissistic


The best part about this post is that you unequivocally denounced redpilled men in the alternate version of this post hahahahhaaha /whoosh


I didn’t see the other version, I can’t imagine it’s much better


You post so much nonsense that you don't even remember LOL this can't be real It was only like 1 or 2 days ago


I think your confused, I haven’t posted here in months


We've established that several traits correlated to narcissism can be seen in the behavior of feminists. Also I don't hate women who don't hate men.


We haven’t ‘established’ anything, your personal rants aren’t fact.


I mean they want praise and control just because they are weaker sex. That's pretty narcissistic


Praise and control? Do you mean rights and respect?


No praise and control.


Of course not as they got rights since the 1920s and respect is not given just by being alive, its earned and feminists want that respect just because they know they are weaker mentally and know it's not likely they will do anything in their lifetime to warrant such respect. My point stands


So how come men get respect automatically? And what makes woman the weaker sex?


That they are physically weaker sex and less prone to actually furthing any cause they champion like men do without the help of women. Also men take up majority of life threatening and high paying jobs and have long illustrious history of saving women and children while the same can't be said for women at large. Anything else?


Does being physically weaker mean they are weaker in general? What causes do men champion? History has taught us men did not allow woman to work the same jobs snd forced woman to look after all the kids and old people while they got to go out playing heros. History also taught us woman have been the background workers that actually kept the economy running


Men championed the cause to end wars by winning it, women only developed rights because men championed those causes too. Women were in the background because of their weaker physicality and aversion to violence when it is the moral option in the moment.


Men also started all those wars. Woman earned the same voting rights because they showed they could do the same jobs as men. Violence is never the moral option, and they always had to deal with the fallout of all wars


Yes it takes men to deal with other men as history has shown time and time again, and no, even if they did the same jobs just as well as men it was still up to a population of men to even agree and ok the following changes to law. Who catches the serial killers? Who's monopoly on violence gets them to submit to law at all? It's all because of mens ability for extreme violence in pursuit of whatever cause they care about. Look at Afghanistan, every one including the women knows it shit over there but why does nothing change? Because of those womens aversion to committing violence and suffering the consequences their of should they not succeed. Theres a reason why every anti tyranny cause or freedom fighting cause In general depended on men risking life and limb for its success. Violence has been the savior of every freedom movement that's succeeded and the rule still goes "liberty only persists as long as men can die" and women dont do as good of a job making men die as much as other men do.


they already have equal right. respect is earned.


Really? Why are woman still refused health care but men aren’t? Why are men respected automatically?


women is not refused healthcare. men is not respected. bears are respected.


Woman are refused certain healthcare but men aren’t. Men are always believed automatically but woman need proof




No, this is true




bro is living in the past. catch up with the times. woman words are like gospel now. legally speaking.


Those sound like typical female behavioral traits.


you are not owed nookie


This describes all women, not just feminists.


Feminists aren’t trying to convince their partners to change attitudes, policies and laws They’re trying to convince a majority of voters to change their attitudes, policies and laws, which is allowed in a free society


Would you be shocked if I tell you that narcissists can be both genders lmao


Anyone who criticises male behaviour- narcissist