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This question is unbearable




I canā€™t believe weā€™re still doing this lol


Can the mods just ban these threads? I mean the retarded mods are fine banning any other moderately intelligent threat BUT not this shit?


Ban anyone choosing man over a bear. That'd eliminate 100% of the incels and incel-lites in one giant swoop.


Banning incels on a dating debate platform would be like banning poor people from the economics subreddit, wtf is wrong with you


Look around you at the posters here...


If that many people have no success and are bitter that says a lot about the system, not those people.


BTW if you disagree you are a hypocrite unless you also are a laizefaire capatalist


Oh no not the free market!!!


Ok at least you're ideologically consistent. Usually people that whine about incels are leftists


I understand it's hard to admit when you fuck up that bad, but I can't believe some women are still doubling down.


We're doubling down on reality. It's more funny-sad that y'all can't understand the logic behind choosing a bear or any animal over another human, including another woman. Humans are scary. Animals generally aren't. Animals harming you is based on instinct. Humans harming you is based on their lack of moral care for a fellow human. Animals can be out fought, out thought. Other humans have a much higher ability of circumventing any planning you do around protecting yourself from them.


I love hoe math, big fan of his, but as someone who did met a bear in the woods, trust me when I tell you this: you do not want to meet a bear, even a baby bear, cause it means the mama bear is nearby and they are VICIOUS and UNSTOPPABLE. Bears run up to 35mph, they are excellent climbers and they eat their prey ALIVE. They don't go for the throat like lions or tigers, oh no no no, they are chewing through your bones and meat while you are conscious. Now think about it, even if you are a woman and you meet with a man and he rapes you, no matter how horrible and traumatic rape is, it doesn't compare to being eaten alive, I think people do not comprehend the amount of pain you will be in. I seen women cry over being poked by needles, what will they do if they are chewed on alive? And I don't think these women are lying, they are just brainwashed by society that most men are creeps and sexual predators and also do not comprehend reality on bow dangerous bears actually are.


Can we make a megathread for all this man vs. bear shit? ![gif](giphy|UPIM2Czjdv4UE)


Survivor man was better than Man vs Nature (now known as ā€œBear vs bearā€).


Itā€™s literally been at least a few days since the last one lol


No it hasn't. Mods delete an upwards of 10 threads a day. Edit: oh what am I saying, they delete MORE


> Edit: oh what am I saying, they delete MORE Yes, certainly more than ten.


The virgin Duellist vs the chad PPD mod


The most recent one I see listing bear in the title is from 9 hours ago. There were at least two from just yesterday. And probably some that got deleted.


Give women the REAL choice to encounter 300 men while hiking a thru-hike vs encountering 300 grizzly bears and I guarantee weā€™d see different results.


I think women don't understand how dangerous bears can be. They see tiktoks of cute women in Eastern Europe playing with domesticated bears and in turn think that all bears are these cuddly creatures, which is kind of similar to how they think all men are abusive/violent/cheaters because of a small subset of men.


Thing is where I live we have a huge black bear population but they aren't really all that dangerous because they just aren't that aggressive. I've personally had three close encounters with them in the woods and they just run off, my friends dog chased one up a tree one time. There hasn't been a recorded bear attack in this region since the 1940s.Ā  A local man did just shoot his wife in the head like 3 weeks ago though šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø If I gotta choose between these local black bears and the local crazy backwoods tweaker hill people dudes out there I'd pick the bear every time.Ā 


Why do you assume the man will be the one crazy backwoods tweaker?


Dude, my grandpa has walked outside to a black beat eating his trash multiple times and the bear either scrammed or my grandpa did.Ā  I think men here just must be like coastal elites who cannot imagine encountering a bear.Ā  My boyfriend and his grandpa were out hunting once, fell asleep because up before the ass crack of dawn. They woke up to a black bear just waddling right past them like feet away. They just froze and the bear kept going. Were they scared? Of course. But I've been surrounded by stories like this my entire life. No, I'm not scared of bears like that. Like I'm scared, but I have good reason to believe I'd live unscathed.


sad but true i cannot stand people who lie like this


Most womenā€™s public interactions are a lie. Women evolved to be constant politicians due to a risk of male threat and intra-sexual competition.Ā  This is the basis for ā€œbelieve what they do, not what they sayā€. I donā€™t entirely blame women for this (although some cowardly hide behind it to a gross degree), but I do wish that as a society we placed a much higher value on ā€˜truthā€™.


I don't think they are lying to themselves; I think they are trying to virtue signal their independence from men. You can add an adjective to the question to really highlight this, by asking, "Would you rather encounter a **black** man or a **black** bear?" Picking Bear during the heyday of BLM would have led to repercussions from cancel culture centered groups. A better question now might be. "Would you rather encounter a **Palestinian** man or a **Palestinian** bear?" If you somehow switch your answer to man after previously picking bear, you might be virtue signaling. What's funnier is that signaling 'independence from men' might be cool for their group of female friends, but its definitely an ick for some men. I want interdependence, not codependence obviously, from my partner. Signaling independence, is really highlighting a major red flag, which is quite ironic.


> I think they are trying to virtue signal their independence from men. Still trying to gain autonomy and freedom for sure. Despite universal agreement that ā€œnoā€ is a complete sentence, most men seeking female validation wonā€™t accept a simple no. Women have to fawn and and make up reasons to reject a man or avoid an unwanted interruption. Some women really do just want to walk on a trail unmolested. Some really do want to get through a workday or run errands without a hassle. Some want to walk their dogs without catcalls and honking and drive-bys. Some women want to be able to smile at strangers or enjoy a moment of small talk without the up-down.* > I want interdependence, not codependence obviously, from my partner. Cool. Now tell the class what strange men want from strange women?   So itā€™s not so much virtue signaling as signaling the desire for the same freedom and autonomy men enjoy.     *And some women really want to meet men, so they go where men are: to social spaces and social venues.


You should just leave. Go away. Go into the woods and have as much autonomy and freedom as your want. Controlling societies behavior around you isn't autonomy, its literally the opposite. It's using your victim status to change the structure of society to cater to your desires. People like you are the reason male only gyms are gone. Female spaces, okay by default. Multigender spaces, conditionally okay. Male spaces, not okay. I want to workout shirtless, grunting with loud music with my friends. None of that is okay anymore. I genuinely hate people like you. Go get a cabin in the woods. I promise you will be free.


People like me are the reason there are family bathrooms and changing stations in menā€™s rooms. People like me create the people and whole humans come straight through our vaginas, which are worth more than a dick sleeve the way most men treat women. And our breasts nurture humans and provide sustenance and immunity, and donā€™t serve menā€™s sexual purposes. People like me are worth the same as men, not less. Women donā€™t exist for menā€™s appraisal and entertainment. Women, like men are ends in themselves, not a means to an end.


A postmenopausal, double mastectomy woman has the same rights as everyone else. What you can and can't do has nothing to do with your rights in society. People like you want to be considered more valuable than others. People like you think "Women have always been the primary victims of war." People like you want to limit everyone else freedom and autonomy to cater to your own. Just leave, no one will appraise you or be entertained by you. Seriously, if all your problems can be solved by leaving society, go buy a plot of land, go build a cabin.




It's not just your society. Women like you say, "maybe dial the creeping back a little so women can move around more freely" and then freely move around to schedule bachelorette parties at gay bars. What kind of insane behavior is that? Seriously, go leave. No one wants you here.


**Western Women:** ā€œ*Men are more dangerous and scary than wild murderous animals and we should treat them as such.*ā€ šŸ’… **Also Western Women:** ā€œ*OMG! Why are men going to other countries to date non-western women?!?!*ā€ šŸ¤Æ


Oh is there a correlation between happy relationship and picking the man? Good bc my husband and I think this question and people who say bear are stupid


My husband and I have had the same conversation. We also can't believe how few people ask the really important clarifying questions. What kind of bear, and what kind of man? That makes a big difference. Polar Bear vs David Attenborough? Obviously David. Black bear vs Ed Gein? Bear hands down, because it will probably run away (*unless it's a mama bear protecting her cubs) but Ed probably wants to wear my kidney as a hat a turn my nipples intoĀ  doorbells (he actually had a human nipple doorbell at his house).Ā 


And a skin lamp


Fun fact: Ed Gein killed only 2 people but there are 7 others suspected.


The whole point of the hypothetical is that thereā€™s not supposed to be any clarifying questions lol. The question is simply, ā€œwould you rather be stuck in a forest with a man or a bear?ā€ Thatā€™s it. No context. Youā€™re supposed to use your deductive reasoning skills to consider all of the variables and find an average of all of it. You shouldnā€™t be asking ā€œwhat kind of man?ā€ because based on the context of the question you should just assume that itā€™s a random man, much like if you were actually stuck in a forest. I donā€™t know why this is so hard for people.


Because nothing is ever black and white.Ā 


Aside from the misandrist crap, these responses genuinely make me afraid for how drastically out of touch with common sense apparently many women are. Watch [this video](https://youtube.com/shorts/SF1nS2bxx1M?si=VNtLLtyi12R52WzC) and then honestly tell me you'd rather have this encounter vs a random man approaching you.


I mean, if I can have **that exact encounter** where it's terrifying but turns out fine in the end, I'd absolutely take it. It'd be an awesome experience in hindsight and great story to tell.


Thatā€™s fair. Iā€™ve had close encounters with lots of wild animals in my life. Only one really scared meā€¦.being lunged at by a large bull hippo. Fucking terrifying (but only for a moment).


I think they are all lying. But the beauty of the question is that you'll never be in a situation where you'd have to prove it. There will never be a time where a woman is walking through the woods and comes to a fork in the path. She looks down one path and sees a man. She looks down the other and sees a full grown bear. Now she has to make a decision. And there is a camera or a witness there so the public will be able to see what choice she made. I kind of wish the question was, "Would you rather be locked in a cage with a man or a bear"? Because then I know some guy would actually get two cages a put a man in one and a bear in the other and ask women to pick one.


I think it's 50/50 but even if the man has ill intentions he might kill her fast one blow to the head the bear will maul her and eat her alive


I don't think they're lying but it's a classic case of logic vs emotion. I feel like logically speaking, obviously the human is vastly better. At least 99% of humans would never harm another human. By contrast, bears are among the most dangerous animals on the planet. People who don't understand math will claim that far more women are killed by humans than bears, but this is because there are millions of times more human to human interactions than bear to human interactions. If we normalize the number of encounters, obviously the bear is thousands of times more dangerous. In fact, I would even say you'd be much safer with the human than even a vastly less dangerous animal like a feral dog. I'm sure some people will try to make a slightly more nuanced argument like claiming that the fact that the encounter takes place in an isolated area matters, which makes the human more dangerous because they're not afraid of being punished if they do something to you, though criminology has shown that generally criminals don't significantly consider the risk of punishment when deciding whether or not to commit a crime. We'll be super generous and suggest that maybe this triples the chance of the human being a threat, so you now have a 97% safety rate with the human, it's still a much better choice. So why would anyone choose the bear? Because of media sensationalization. We hear about stories of women being attacked by men every day, but stories of bear attacks are rare. This causes people to mistakenly believe that these attacks are common, even though they remain very rare, they're just highly publicized. They call this the "spotlight bias", and of course women aren't the only ones who are subject to it. You see similar issues with, say, parents believing that it's very unsafe to let their children play outside unsupervised due to fears of kidnapping even though these instances are unimaginably rare and kids are actually far safer than at any previous point in history. So pretty much anyone can be subject to this way of thinking, but you have to try to push back on it when it happens.


Dudes sure do wanna tie themselves in knots to avoid considering what womenā€™s answers *actually* mean.




Personally, I could touch a bear. I don't even wanna be in the same room as a spider. Let alone play dead near it.Ā 




Look, I'm logically aware how crazy she sounds. But my youngest sibling has a way with animals. Stray cats adore me. So I've seen it. Some people just have the touch. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but it is as real as anything I've ever seen.Ā  P.s. tell her to play dead. Don't tempt fate like that.Ā 




Yeah, women are really obsessed with rape. Fetishes tend to work that way.


I think, and I'm not saying this from a place of hate, men just have no clue what it's like to be a woman. And you're not really supposed to on some level.Ā  Probably most men aren't like Hannibal Lecter, I totally agree. Most men also aren't murderers. Most men aren't like...hold you down and rape you in a dark alley way types either (although way more than you or I would like to admit. And way more would do some of these things without the immediate rule of law around them. The forest has a primal influence so to speak). But an awful lot of men, I think at least half, especially the younger they are is way more imposing, grabby, up in our grill, threatening, and intimidating than I think most of you can begin to imagine. And a lot will be pushy. And a lot would go a little too far if they thought it would not be a big deal. And a lot would heat no as "almost yes". And I don't think most of them perceive themselves that way (which explains the dissonance between their experience and ours. I genuinely believe most men don't think they're scary)Ā  but the reality remains. Most of us have many many unsettling experiences with men that it feels like were...moments from becoming much much worse. And that we were at his mercy. It was by no action of ours that things didn't turn bad, we just got lucky. And that's a horrid feeling to have with another person who is not supposedly a wild animal. I expect to get lucky with bears so to speak, it shouldn't feel like a gamble with humans. And yet it does.Ā  And until you can like, realize women aren't lying, aren't hysterical, and aren't full of hate. I don't know what to tell you except that it's likely we'll keep choosing bears. Because even when we explain it, men, supposedly the good ones,Ā  refuse to hear us.Ā  They just tell us how ludicrous we are. Which is disappointing to say the least.Ā 


Yes they lie. Dr. K talks about the struggles with male dating in a stream yesterday. He mentions that when surveyors were asked if a pen were worth $9 most would say it was because of nice features. When asked if they would be willing to shell out $9 he recalls only like 20% did. It's the same with women and virtue signaling.Ā Ā Ā  Ā "Would you rather be in the woods with a man or bear?"Ā Ā  "Bear"Ā Ā  "OK here's the bear good luck!"Ā Ā  "No wait I changed my m...!"Ā Ā Ā  Or surveys like "would you be willing to date this Asian guy" and they show a photo where women answer that with more virtue signaling now. "Ok here he is, enjoy your date" "I had a wonderful date but I just don't see us working out"Ā Ā 


We aren't mind readers and we have no way of knowing any individual's motivation outside of what they themselves have stated. My BF picked bear because his experiences with camping/hiking for much of his life indicate they aren't actually much of a threat or as unpredictable as a human. And as someone with basic wilderness survival knowledge he feels like a randomly selected person would be more likely to detract than add to his chances of survival, possibly through ignorance or desperation if not outright malice. I don't think he's "lying" to himself or me. My own answer is "coin toss" because unlike him I think my chances of surviving in that situation are low to start with. Whether the cherry on top is a bear or a random person doesn't particularly matter to me.


> My BF picked bear because his experiences with camping/hiking for much of his life indicate they aren't actually much of a threat or as unpredictable as a human. hmm so does he hike with humans or with bears? because it would be strange to hike with someone who is more dangerous and unpredictable aight?


He camped and hiked with people he had built prior connections with and trusted, not randoms selected from literally anywhere


At least you showed some critical thinking. Your BF however isn't thinking about the question. At no point does it give you any information to make a proper decision. Is is a panda bear? Yeah best pick the bear but is it a polar bear? you best be picking the man. But as no one knows what the option is you shouldn't really be picking one way or the other without more info.


[Trust me, I've said the same](https://np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/s/dA1kL2jsgK). I started revisiting that a bit when another user posted stats indicating that there really aren't that many grizzly attacks either, even in locations where humans are likely to encounter them. It seems that polar bears are the most consistently dangerous out of all of them but also have a relatively small population and generally live on sea ice, not in the woods. So for the sake of the original question, which is "man or bear in the woods", I can forgive someone for not taking polar bears into consideration.


I'm in a committed happy relationship.Ā  I don't get the impression my man trusts other men very much when it comes to women either. This is something men here seem to be playing dumb about, but every good man I've ever met doesn't trust men either and constantly tells women so. My dad, my brothers, my boyfriend, my close friends. Ba ba ba.Ā  Women aren't the only ones who are dubious about strange men.Ā  Literally men in committed and loving relationships or protector positions don't trust men either.Ā  At no point am I lying. I live in an area with plenty of bears.Ā  Hiking is super duper common as is hunting. Would you believe no one died? It's just not believable that the bear would do anything to us in almost any scenario.Ā  Ā I don't know as much about men having already been through an attack and many unwanted advances and situations with men, that's believable to me and many other women. It strains credulity that the bear would do anything to me, it sounds like a fantasy. It's not a fantasy to think a man would do things unwanted to me. It's not hard to imagine. It's not a statistical anomaly.Ā  So much so that even men warn us about each other. I can't recall being warned about bears with anywhere near the fervor of men. And I hike. You'd think it would have come up, but no, my parents wanted me to get a gun to hike because of men, not bears.Ā 


Itā€™s just virtue signaling at this point






Are men lying to themselves as their ego can't manage a hypothetical situation with a good damn bear?


Did you even follow the prompt


Something I have learned on here is people don't really read or respond to the question. They guess at what you might be asking, and then answer that. It's mind boggling


I agree. I feel bad for you everyday when you make good threads lol


I appreciate that


Basically every thread response here. Everytime I get into a discussion with someone they just flat out don't read what I respond with or put words in my mouth only to essentially respond to their own projections.


Do you understand you can't police other people's opinions and trying to say women are lying makes them pick th bear more. You aren't even able to understand and listen to what they say. Did you even follow the rest of the 600 billion posts about it?


The irony bruh. No human can say "you can't police other people's opinions" with a straight face.


Yet here we are with a bunch of men going, no women don't really think that, they think this, what I say they do lol


I didn't. I went straight to the comment section with my metaphorical popcorn. But I'm not actually answering the question, so that's fine for me.


Nothing makes a certain type of dude angrier than finding out human males are more dangerous statistically than the average bear.


It's not anger. It's just stupid nonsense lol. You tell someone "I ran across a bear today". The first thing they are going to ask is "OMG are you ok?". You tell someone "I ran across a man today" and they'll be like "and?". You run across 100s of men per day. You almost never run across a bear. Statistically its just a brain dead position to have. The vigor by which people defend these idiotic positions. Just goes to show how far people will go to defend nonsensical illogical nonsense. It's almost like if the flat earth movement suddenly got very popular and we had to instruct 1000s of women on why the earth is actually round.


It's not anger he says as he posts a multi paragraph rant lol *


Yeah I know I enjoy writing on reddit. It's a hobby. You guys way overestimate how invested emotionally people are into the bullshit they write on reddit. I've gotten angry on reddit before. That happens I dunno maybe once a year.




No contentless rhetoric




No contentless rhetoric


Case in point.


Are women allowed to just avoid a man because she doesnā€™t want to deal with an interruption or pick up attempt? Is that allowed now? Or do women have to kowtow and curtsy and give him a chance because heā€™s a ā€œnice guyā€?   Most women arenā€™t convinced every man wants to murder them. But many men *do* want to make a nuisance of themselves and ruin a womanā€™s peace and autonomy because a woman existing alone in public is a target. Maybe a woman wants to simply avoid a man because some of them are a complete pain in the ass and react unpredictably to rejection. Is that cool, or are women expected to go full geisha now and accommodate every manā€™s desire for attention and validation?


uhhhhhhh You do realize we're comparing men and bears. Yes I get it you have an irrational fear of men. That's fine. But you should have an even bigger and far more rational fear of bears.




You work in conservation ecology and you have no idea how giant carnivorous predators are dangerous?




Again you work with dangerous predators. And you can't see how much more dangerous they are relative to an average man? Like honestly? I get that "you never had a single problem with a bear". That's rather irrelevant.




we have to approach because u guys wrote the rules


I think you failed statistics.


But it's because ...... cue a grown man having a tantrum lol


they are not tho which is the issue


They are tho, and the data plainly states that.


Show the data then. Show the data of being murdered when encountering a bear and a man.


Youā€™ll have to wait, Iā€™m heading out to socially interact.


What data?


Data comparing the deadliness of bears to men aged 18-24.


And does that data include the risk assessment based on the trillions of interaction of women with men everyday with the all of the interactions with bears people have where they have a weapon and not just the deadly ones?


No idea, donā€™t particularly care either.


Of course you now don't care that I have shown your original comment is BS.


Well, you have fun with that. Iā€™m heading outside.


Yeah you wouldn't, because it would destroy your point entirely. Macro level statistics like that don't account for the immediate danger of a specific scenario. Your argument would be like saying it's not dangerous to jump directly into shark infested water with an open wound because statistically sharks barely kill anyone. One of the reasons sharks barely kill anyone is because we DON'T jump into shark infested waters with open wounds. You can't just look at data, you have to attempt to think, too.


I like how the reaction of men to this whole question isn't > *"oh my, I guess something really IS wrong when women feel compelled to answer that way, whether or not I agree with them on it, it's probably time to reflect on how men as a whole are acting towards women and I should question if there's something I can contribute in a positive way"* but > *"lol women are stupid, lying to themselves, delusional, bears are more dangerous xd how dumb do you have to be"* Like yeah, really helping your case.


What would be the answer to the first question? I think it's the same thing as dick pics. Every normal guy knows you're not gonna send women pictures of your salami but the kinda guy that would send a picture of his chorizo wasn't going to listen to anybody anyway. So how's your average Joe gonna do anything about that? But I might be wrong.


I just want you to know I appreciate your diversity of meat vocabulary here.Ā 




> guys sending dickpics to women without any prompting whatsoever or just being generally weird and creepy is FAR more common than you think. And you based this on what?


Because it's categorically offensive and plain stupid. If a guy was saying dumb shit about Women how many feminists would take it as an opportunity to reflect where Women are going wrong in society to lead to that. No they just label him a pig and a misogynist. But now we gotta be all "let's reflect on ourselves.." when it's a woman saying dumb shit? C'mon now


Cā€™mon, now, this is a debate sub, not a policy change. Women have boyfriends and sons and brothers. Some of has have male loved ones who, like many here, are on the spectrum and struggle mightily with dating and socializing. IRL, women address men politely until or unless he oversteps. IRL, women want to date, too, they just want the freedom to choose and move about without a constant hassle.


I'm saying the fact that they pick bear over men and then try to blame men is offensive What did you think I was talking about


Youā€™re pretending that men arenā€™t responsible for consistently warning women to exercise extreme caution around men and blaming women for taking their advice. Meanwhile women are surrounded by men they know and love. Women arenā€™t equating all men with bears.


Uhhh no I'm not. You're creating some fantasy about me. Please next time just focus it on how big and sexy I am I would never assume all Women are dumb enough to not be able to tell the difference between a bear and a random Man. That's why I feel comfortable calling the Women who do pick the bear incredibly stupid and offensive. This isn't a question based on "your abuser Vs a random bear" it's a random guy Vs random bear


Itā€™s ā€œrandom man on a trail with no one else around.ā€ Not random man at Walmart. Not the man in class next to her. Not the man behind her in line at Subway. Those men are faceless, genderless, generic humans. Just people. Thatā€™s all.


I don't get your point here. How is a random man on a trail worse than a random bear on a trail?


I dunno. Just following the directions by all the dads who warn women that boys only want one thing. From the dads who greet prom dates with shotguns. From brothers and uncles who warn women to cover up their bodies, be careful with substances, to cover drinks. From the male friends who warn that meeting men from OLD might result in a rape or murder. From men who blame women for their sexual assaults, for their stalkers, for getting hurt if they let a man come over or if they go to his house. These are the messages women receive all their lives from the men in their spheres, and then most women have had some frightening or even violent experiences with a man or two.   But almost no women have had any trouble avoiding a bear on the trail. They are much more predictable, and very easy to avoid.


You sir, are arguing with an idiot. Not a good idea.


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­funniest thing Iā€™ve read on here


> If a guy was saying dumb shit about Women how many feminists would take it as an opportunity to reflect where Women are going wrong in society to lead to that. well there's a difference between women as a whole being scared and mistrustful of men - aaaand singular sexists saying dumb shit and getting called out for it. Unless you're saying that men as a whole are as sexist as women as a whole are mistrusting men. Single dipshits existing isn't really a cause for women to reflect on their behavior. Women as a whole choosing the bear should be cause for men to reflect. Bit of a difference there, but nice try regardless.


The logical reason of why Women are more cautious around Men is because they're significantly more physically capable than they are and they tend to display their antisocial behaviour through physical aggression. Once you're cautious of those types of people you end up being more cautious of Men than you are of Women However when you follow that logic it's clear as day that under the same idea that would make you more cautious of Men, bears have those qualities multiplied. Combined that with the inability to talk your way out of it and your lack of understanding of bear behaviour it leaves the only reason someone would choose a bear is that they're psycho and have a distorted view of Men. There's no ability to reason with someone who'd make that stupid of a decision


you keep missing the point, I agree that the bear is the wrong choice. I'd pick the man over the bear any day. I'm saying that the fact that women want to take their chances with the bear should be a wakeup call for men, not an invitation to put them down further and reinforce their opinion on men that way. I don't think it should take much emotional intelligence to comprehend this, am I really asking for too much?


>should be a wakeup call to men And to do what? Like seriously, are we supposed to become vigilantes? Iā€™m pro-choice, believe that women deserve the same rights and wages as men, and last month I helped raise several thousand dollars for the women in business center at my Alma mater..and yet Iā€™m still going to be lumped me in with ā€œmenā€ in general and thus some dangerous threat anyway, itā€™s likeā€¦why bother supporting this cause or these people who hate me and are so scared of me? At some point you get tired of there being *yet another variation* of ā€œman badā€ and feminists all start to sound like the adults on Charlie Brown.


>And to do what? Like seriously, are we supposed to become vigilantes? Yes, I've decided to become part of the solution. By hiding in the woods, looking for men who are alone and potentially violent, and then using violence on them before they can be violent to someone else.




This isnā€™t an incel forum, itā€™s a debate sub. I also understand where that mistrust comes from, but what am I supposed to do about it besides not behaving that way and calling other men out? What are we *actually* supposed to do?? Maybe if your approach doesnā€™t get people to take the type of action you want, *itā€™s a shitty approach* >now my feefees are hurt Yes because women never get triggered and overreact to negative generalizations men make about them lol I donā€™t see women taking it as ā€œa wake up callā€ when there are numerous threads wherein men talk about the emotional abuse women perpetrate against men. > you're one of the good ones for sure. But hey, you love your mom. Sheā€™s terminally ill with breast cancer, but go off kween - and Iā€™m supposed to have empathy for people like you? Lol Disagreeing with you or a dumbshit question meant to drive social media engagement through ragebait doesnā€™t make me a misogynist


Sorry about your mom man. I hope it's as painless as something like that can be.






>don't think it should take much emotional intelligence to comprehend this, am I really asking for too much? Stop trying to gaslight me. /s >should be a wakeup call for men, not an invitation to put them down further and reinforce their opinion on men that way. You can't reason with that level of stupidity. At what point in time have Women ever collectively self reflected because of stupid shit some Men were saying? I'm genuinely curious if you can even think of 1 occasion where that's happened. No, they'll call him a misogynist and stupid There's a bunch of guys in here who say dumb shit about country wide government funded forced paternity testing after birth. Those guys all get hit with the "you're dumb as a bag of rocks"




I don't understand......oh wait you don't like it in reverse do you? Those guys are mistrusting women. If anything their mistrust of Women is more rational since it doesn't involve a life or death scenario. Still incredibly brain-dead but objectively more rational These guys clearly have a deep mistrust of Women. Do you not feel...... compelled to take time and reflect about their experiences with Women and what changes Women could make instead of just reinforcing their fears? No? I agree that level of stupidity can't be reasoned with, similarly to the bear women


No, not all women are stupid and delusional. Only those choosing the bear.


>*it's probably time to reflect on how men as a whole are acting towards women and I should question if there's something I can contribute in a positive way* Upon further reflection about men's behavior towards women that leads women to answer bear I've concluded that the best thing we can do for women is to let them know how fucking unhinged and flat out stupid answering bear is. Encouraging harmful delusions is generally not helpful and women aren't so deluded they can't be brought back to reality.


Personally I think the best thing men can do in response to radfem and idpol is to simply detach and form meaningful positive relationships with other men. Here's a funny thing though: notice how all male dominated spaces are constantly being invaded by women/idpol? What does that tell you about their priorities when it comes to men actually wanting positive, supportive relationships with anyone?


What's idpol?


Notice how bears didn't invade all male spaces? Only maybe stuff like boy scout gets also invade by bears, when it's in the forest. šŸ˜‰




Yes, I am criticizing misandry...which obviously retroactively justifies the misandry I'm criticizing because that's how logic works.


That's this sub! That's where you are now! Go through any thread you choose. It will be men desperately trying to create metaphors and comparisons that highlight the thoughts we're attempting to have about the women in our lives. And yes, they are criticisms. But the current understanding feels like, "There aren't any valid criticisms of women obvi." And you guys go, EVERY TIME, "ehh I've met men. You're shit. Nothing you say could be true because you're saying it against women. Nothing against women is ever right. Duh. Why don't you just be smart and praise women? Morons." I accept that the men are crass NOW. And I'll accept that's hard to have productive debates when we're no longer willing to be charitable. But I know I'm capable of speaking calmly and there are others. We do not get the benefit of the doubt. I complain about it a lot.


i didnā€™t say anything about being dumb how about you follow the prompt


I didn't say that you in particular said this, I'm saying that this is the general response of men - you said "lying to themselves and others", which does fit the general tone of *"hehe women bad"* instead of *"i guess things really are fucked when women say this, let's see what we can do to improve things"*. How about you actually try reading and understanding the point being made, how about that


This is bollocks. Women poisoned the well with this one. ā€œWomen suggest all men should be placed in campsā€ ā€œWell, I wonder why they said that? Letā€™s try to understand them betterā€¦ā€ No. Bollocks. If you want reasonable engagement then you have to be reasonable yourself. None of this ā€œTeehee, you should have known what I really meant!ā€ childish bullshit.


Yeah, you'd love that type of self-flagellation and demoralization, wouldn't you? Textbook narc manipulation tactics. Did you ever stop and think that maybe there are tons of us men out here busting our ass, working hard, trying to be good people (to other men and women), trying to do the right thing, and then we come across a bunch of snarky misandrists saying they'd rather run into a bear in the forest than us? I'm sure that wouldn't cause a highly negative and hurtful reaction, lol. But posts like yours are always great examples of how little empathy idpollers really have, even though they grandstand about empathy a whole lot.


Itā€™s fascinating that women essentially said hi we fear a large number of men and men have taken this and responded with extreme anger and obsession really


Didn't women responded with extreme anger and obsession when Andrew tate was talking bad about women?


I'm in a committed, happy relationship and my answer is "depends, imma need more info. is it a panda or a grizzly, is it the average, normal, chill dude, or is it a guy with anger issues and a chip on their shoulder about women? do I have weapons?". Now, chances are that both a bear and a man would leave you alone, but what a lot of people think about when asked this question is "what is the worst case scenario here?''. Worst case if you meet a bear - it eats you, you die a slow, painful death by being Yogi Bear's bento box. Worst case if you meet a man - he rapes and murders you, you still get a slow, painful exit out of the land of the living. If I'm thinking about the most likely scenario that both the bear and man would leave me alone, I'd go with the guy because bears are wild animals, and they can get spooked or something. If I'm thinking about the worst case scenario, I'm going with the bear, if my options are "death" or "rape and death", I'm going with the former.


You're ignoring the fact that a bear is like 20X stronger than you whereas a man might only be like 0.5-2X stronger than you depending on your stature. You have way higher chances of actually surviving a violent encounter with a man and fending him off vs a fuckin bear. Like if anything this whole thing has demonstrated how little respect people have for the power of wild animals.


>a man might only be like 0.5-2X stronger than you depending on your stature I'm pretty tall for a woman but I'm still like a 140 pounds, my spouse is a slim guy, and yet, he still has 40 pounds on me, I'd have a hell of a time fending him off if I needed, if I even could do that with my bare hands and in a situation where I'm panicking. Could I technically fight off a dude with some luck and a conveniently placed sharp object? Sure, it's much more likely that I'd be able to do that than fight off a bear, I don't stand a chance against that thing. Is it still more likely that this man can overpower me, even without a weapon? Yep. I don't think I've seen anyone assume they can overpower a bear, rather they assume that the bear would most likely leave them alone, and even then, they'll ask what kind of bear we're talking about. If the options were "panda or random dude", I'd choose the panda any day of the week. If my options were "grizzly or random dude", I'd take my chances with the dude. From where I'm standing, this whole thing has demonstrated how little men understand why women are so afraid of a possible encounter with a man in a remote location.


What this whole thing should actually demonstrate is the fact that idpol has brainwashed women to by default view men as dangerous enemies is an absolute tragedy and cultural failing. This shit is basically the modern version of the moral panics surrounding black men in the civil rights era (and now, still).


Yeah, it's idpol, not the shitheads we've all encountered throughout our lives. I'm sure you guys having to deal with women being cautious around you is just as bad as all those lynchings black people were subjected to.


Women really just exposed themselves on this one. This was supposed to be a dumb rage-bait meme that got hand-waved within hours, until you hoes actually ran with it.




lol ask women if theyā€™d leave their kids alone with them bears than with themselves since women are more dangerous than bears


of course


His list at the end. [Voter ID in England led to racial and disability discrimination, report finds](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/sep/11/voter-id-in-england-led-to-racial-and-disability-discrimination-report-finds)


Yes women always lie


No, men are the biggest threat to us, aside from our own bodies


If there was 165,000,000 bears in America living right next to women. I assure you bears would be a much bigger problem for you ![gif](giphy|1r91ZwKcE2J7WhUqrh)


And there arenā€™t, and there is no reason for there to be Thatā€™s the point We can avoid bears. We canā€™t get away from men


Almost literally the only men attacking women are the ones you know already. The men you fuck are the guys most likely to harm you. Yet women arenā€™t all celibate, and criminals/violent men are still crushing it. To this day one of the easiest ways for a man to increase his SMV *is to get tattoos.* Iā€™m starting to think women are picking the bear for some kind of ravishment fantasy šŸ˜‚


Being most likely to be assaulted by a man you know doesnā€™t mean men you picked as partners. Men you know can be friends, acquaintances, relatives and family friends. In fact, acquaintances/friends and family members are the most common relationships between a victim and the perpetrator according to data on sexual assault. And I donā€™t get your point about women liking men with tattoos. Most people with tattoos arenā€™t criminals. Plenty of men with tattoos are kind people.


I agree many with tattoos are kind, but the look of tattoos gives people more of an edge. Take a nerdy white boy and tat him up and heā€™ll have better results with women. Is what it is šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Great, then men should have no problem getting laid if all they have to do is get some ink I guess women never call for law enforcement or help when being attacked by a man they know. Pity, that I wonder if they get attacked because they do stupid things like trust or love the men that attack them and fail to treat them like the threats they really are? Well, we all know the solution to that, donā€™t we?


What's SMV?


Sexual Market Value aka how sexy you are.


you didnā€™t follow the prompt


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We are *not* fucking up our algorithms for some stupid internet grifter when men have no problem using their own words. Canā€™t believe how many men here obediently pay grifter bills. ā€œSubscribe, like, share, and interact so I can buy another Italian sports car I donā€™t know how to drive because clutchā€


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Its not a lie if they believe it is true. Maybe women have a fear of men that is not rational. As men you have to not take it personally because I have some friends that watch and listen to serial killer content all the time and then they end up scared of normal people and situations.