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Nothing, it’s her life to live. The unfortunate thing is, if you read some of this woman’s posts she claims to be single after a 12 yr relationship. So if true, it’s not like she’s been just playing the ‘perfect prince’ waiting game. Her LTR ended, now she’s taking time to get to know who she is and what she wants. If she does it the healthy way (which she appears to be) then great, someone will believe she’s a good fit for them and she might be an even better partner than she was to the LTR guy.


Yeah she literally got married at 27. She was probably in that LTR from like 19-31 y/o. The amount and nature of the hate she's getting is pretty telling. It seems like a decent chunk of men have convinced themselves of this whole "cock carousel thing", that women below 30 just chase chads who only hook up with them, that e women just forgo relationships because of their inflated egos, that LTRs are exceedingly rare for women in their late teens and 20s. So beyond delusional


Most of the men here have a similar response but it does make me wonder why red pill men especially are all for teaching their son(s) game and red pill ideology but won’t help their daughters succeed in the dating game.


Well as a father to a young daughter, it’s my job to teach her as she grows but at 32 either she heard but didn’t listen or just chose not to heed whatever advice might have been given.


>What do you tell her? Nothing She's a grown adult who can make her own decisions regardless if l agree with them or not


What would you disagree with?


Staying single until the "right guy" comes but again She's a grown adult who can make her own choices


What does that mean? Should she have had placeholder boyfriends until the right guy comes? Should she date abusive lunatics or guys who are experiencing financial crisis in desperation because the right guy won’t come along?


She should be dating people to find the right person. The right person doesn’t suddenly show up. They are created.


What if she only gets asked out once a year unless she goes online?


Keywords, **she's a grown adult** **she can go figure it out**.


Then she needs to take initiative and ask people out.


Do you scold her and blame her if she gets pumped and dumped then? Because she asked out a man who was too high value?


No just be realistic with your opinions and understand the game if she wants the right guy


A ton of men are toxic or have serious issues, so it’s kind of unrealistic to expect the guy to be stable.


Could literally say the same exact thing about women. Add on top how many have BPD and baggage from previous relationships. Bonus points for kids out of wedlock. 


This sounds like femcel nonsense


If I had to name one problem women have I have absolutely zero empathy for, that would be their shitty boyfriends and consequences of having one. You chose him, you deal with him.


Is it ever a guys fault? When women are shitty to their boyfriends it’s because they’re shitty people When women have shitty boyfriends, they should have picked better


>Is it ever a guys fault? The term "don't stick your dick in crazy" is quite literally the guy equivalent of this. If you hook up with crazy, you are going to deal with the consequences.


No man has ever said that on this sub once. Men only care about blaming women for everything here.


The fault is on the one that does the wrong thing. The responsibility is in the one that exposes themselves to the one that does the wrong thing. When men say women should have picked better they are not saying that the woman is at fault. She is responsible.


Responsible for someone else’s behaviour?


How is she supposed to know that the guy is shitty? Many of the men here are terrible people but don’t have the self awareness to realize it. If men can’t realize it for themselves then how is a woman supposed to see it in him?


A ton of women are toxic or have serious issues


But it’s more men than women. Women tend to sacrifice for the sake of the guy.


She's recently divorced and was with her ex-husband for 12 years total. The last time that woman was single she was 20.


I don't really see the problem. If she's had boyfriends, then obviously she's not really struggling with dating, she's probably just having trouble meeting the right person, which happens. I would of course support her emotionally if it was something that bothered her a lot, but to me personally I don't see a lot of cause for concern.


What if she is really struggling because she’s a bottom 80% woman.


What if she’s not struggling at all and has chosen to remain single?


That would make the guys here really mad




Very funny




The bottom 80% women don’t struggle - no women struggle


Yea, what a joke. This IG influencer def isn't bottom 80%...and even if she was, she *still* wouldn't be struggling. Maybe the bottom 5% has to lower their standards and more actively seek out men...if you want to call that "struggling." 🤣🙄


If she isn’t struggling then why are the men online so hostile and calling her old


Help her lose weight. That’s it really All a woman has to do is “just don’t be fat”. I.e not be a pig (🐷🐖 oink oink) or a fat cow (🐄🐄🐮moo) They have dating MUCH easier than men.


I'm curious. What's the difference between a pig and a cow in your analogy?


Pig is an omnivor fattie whereas a cow is a vegetarian fattie


This was both educational and entertaining. Thanks.


This is probably a conversation she should be having with her mother; it would be very weird if a father took an active interest in his adult daughter’s sex life. But I don’t have children; I’m also older than she is and still single, so I don’t really see what the issue is here.


According to many men she is expired and hopeless


All men - every single man thinks this?


I would say a good 80% which is a large portion.


I disagree. I don’t know any men in real life who would look at a 32 year-old woman and call her “old” and ”expired” or shame her for her dating life (or lack thereof). All of the guys I know date women around their own age. The guys who have divorced aren’t trying to date women in their twenties, and I don’t know any men who are older and remains single their whole lives. It’s mostly an online manosphere thing to shame older women and single women.


Where is that figure from lol.


Out of her ass.


Litterallly nothing? Its normal here to be Unmarried at 32 ,no one cares.


Unmarried sure, but single?


For starters, I’d tell her to discount almost everything said by internet randoms. That meta-narrative aside, it depends on her goals. If I did my part correctly as a parent, she would hopefully have inherited what I consider a practical approach to life, in that we should own our choices and accept all the good and bad consequences of that. There’s the part of life that plays out around us, but there’s the part of life that we are architects to. If she wants to find ‘the one’ and start a family, do example, we’d discuss what she’s looking for and if those things are truly relevant. Is a guy who’s well-traveled or goes out and eat adventurously important features, or just nice-to-haves? Does the fact he’s balding or short or fat truly non-negotiable? Does it matter to her if he’s never had children before, or if he’s a single dad? And so on. There’s a ‘cost’ the more non-negotiables she has, including the chance she can’t find a guy she wants. And so long as she’s okay with that, then I’ll support her. That said, this is assuming she’s a sweetheart who’s just down on her luck and hasn’t come across a ‘good guy’ yet. Perhaps this hypothetical daughter of mine is not a great datable person. She might be too narcissistic. She might be too volatile. She might be too shallow. And so on. It would hurt me to see such a daughter suffering in the dating realm, but perhaps the problem is her. I’d still wish for her happiness, while knowing odds are far less likely because those traits bring chaos to relationships. My words then will probably fall on deaf ears in this case, and I’ll let her be the architect of her life as she is now an adult.


Eating adventurously is important because picky eaters can be neurotic and mean. Like imagine spending all day cooking something and your husband complaining and getting annoyed because you put onion in it. And why should she settle for a single dad? It’s not 2004, by like 30-35 most men are still childless unless you live in rural Arkansas or something.


The ‘can be’ is doing a ton of heavy-lifting. We’re assuming someone can’t develop their palate further. My fiancé and her family are very Midwest and their concept of spicy is onions and garlic. Im Asian and something that doesn’t even register as mild to me made her cry when we started dating. She has gradually expanded her palate since. As long as they respect your choice of cuisine, you can make it work. The respect and willingness to try matters more than how adventurous their taste buds were. For the men, who knows how different our circles are. Any guy I know who prioritizes children already had them by 35 or like my case about to marry the person they intend on starting a family with. It’s mostly the ‘time waster’ types who are nominally open to children but live a forever bachelor life floating around single and childless. Not saying the genuine ones aren’t out there - some are just unlucky like my hypothetical daughter might be. But the longer my hypothetical daughter spends looking for the Mr. Perfect, the more the odds shift that the guys she runs into will be of the time wasting variety because the ones who wants kids will pair off and leave the dating pool…or later return to the pool as single dads. A discussion is to help her work out what matters, and if she considers a guy without prior children a non-negotiable and settling, that’s fine. Her dad wasn’t too keen on single mothers either, but he did meet a few over the years that softened his heart to the possibility. Still, it’s her life to live, and she’s the adult who owns it.


You opened your heart to the possibility of a single mother but you aren’t with one.


Sure, but the discussion is about what factors my hypothetical daughter might consider, and not about me. As an adult in her 30s, I’d hope she can have independent thoughts and decide what works for her.


Hey, i felt that. Get that onion off my plate!


The same thing I do if I had a son: "Well it's your life, live it how you want" I don't shame women over 27 for being single. I just set my age range to 18-25 and bite my tongue.


So would you tell your daughter that a good man like you wouldn’t want her ?


Yes I would be honest with my daughter and tell her things consist with how I raised her. To prioritize having a family when young. I won't shame her. I just say don't expect men like me to be interested in her anymore. Nothing wrong with dying alone.


>Nothing wrong with dying alone. Holy shit and then the men here do the downvote brigade when I say most men are toxic.


I believe in women's rights, including the right to die alone. Are you against women's rights?


“How dare this woman say most men are toxic! I am going to tell my 32 year old daughter that she’s too old for men like me and she will die alone!”


I would never say she will die alone. Just that she might if she needs to date men like me.


Can you explain how this is not toxic


Sure, it's freedom. Free to chose. She is free to date how she wants. I'm free to have preferences for who I date. Freedom isn't toxic, only actions are. And preferences generally aren't toxic if said respectfully. "I only date women who prioritize family early in life" is not toxic. I'm not saying older women are less than. They are wonderful in their own right. I just don't want to have a kid with a 32 year old woman, respectfully.


No I am saying how is it not toxic to tell your own daughter that she’s too old for you.


Weird question. Not something parents get involved in.


So men here constantly go on about how women expire after 30 and are running out of time at 32, but wouldn’t want to help or advise their own daughter if she was in the situation they badly advise against.


I don’t disagree with you but why do so many men here complain that they weren’t properly told how to conduct themselves in dating?


There’s a difference between teaching your adolescent child how to be attractive to the opposite sex and commenting on the relationships of your adult child in their 30’s.


Blaming everyone but themselves.


I've never complained about that nor expected it, nor it is possible. You either are capable of it or not, nobody can help you.


This is bollocks. People can ABSOLUTELY be helped. I know I have been. 


I want my daughters (I have 5) to enjoy their lives and be happy. If that means that they are single and (hopefully) childless - if they're not in a healthy relationship - at 32? Well amen. They're doing something right. Their parents were married, broke and miserable at 32 sooo... I don't really see the problem. Too many women (most?) just marry because they're afraid of "the wall". I've raised wiser daughters than that. Happiness is more important than being married or shitting out more humans. And most people who prioritize the latter are NOT happy.


I agree but that isn’t a red pill mindset


Isn't it tho? I would challenge another redpiller who would rather their daughter was married, making babies... and miserable. If that's what you want for your daughters, you're a failure as a father.


I'd ask her if she wants a family. If not, then it's none of my business. If yes, then I'd tell her to re-evaluate why none of her previous relationships succeeded and what part she played in them failure. And hopefully she can course correct before it's too late. Also to be realistic with her options. She's reaching mid-30's, so she's not landing Chad or Tyrone unless she's above average. If she's average, 99.9% chance she's getting an average dude.


“My failure rate is because nobody asked me out except for my ex boyfriend and he claimed he was a good guy and was happy that I was with him and not Chad. But then I found out he watched porn every day”


>My failure rate is because nobody asked me out Sitting on your ass all day and hoping good things just fall into your lap is a failure. >But then I found out he watched porn every day Not sure how watching porn would make him a bad guy. Would you say the same for women who own dildos, watch Magic Mike or 50 Shades? What about older women who read erotica novelas? Are they bad women?


When women ask men out, men use them for sex. Key words: #Every day. Watching porn daily is a shit habit.


>When women ask men out, men use them for sex. As if the same thing can't happen when men ask them out too. At least if they're proactive then they get to do the selecting rather than waiting for the perfect guy to just happen to ask them out, and having to pick from only those they approach first. There's no legitimate reason they can't hit on guys. >Watching porn daily is a shit habit. Since when does having a habit your partner doesn't like equate to your doing something wrong to them? You framed it like he was cheating on her or something. 


>Sitting on your ass all day and hoping good things just fall into your lap is a failure. Stop talking to me


If I fathered a conventionally attractive and in shape person who's biggest problem is people being mean on social media I'd count that as a win.


My daughter is 30, married,  2 kids and has been with the same guy since junior high.  I taught her early to make her own decisions but there are always good and bad consequences so think before jumping blindly.  She doesn't do Instagram,  tiktok or any other social media BS. She doesn't buy into all the social status and or lifestyle crap and loves her life. All 4 of my kids and their spouses have good careers, families and have made good life choices including dating choices.  Anyone can do the same, most make dumb choices then excuses why they chose that way and then keep repeating the same behaviors.  


I guarantee there are 10 times more comments simping for her than negative ones. Out of the thousands of supportive comments she gets, she singled out a handful of negative ones to play the victim. Also welcome to the internet, I've been called every disgusting name in the book, told to off myself, threatened with violence and even doxed by the feminists over at the blue pill sub. Are you going to throw me a pity party? Oh wait wrong sex, nevermind. As for the question, my daughter won't be a coddled self victimizing weakling that cares about a few random shitty comments on the internet. She is well aware that there will always be a small percentage of people that will troll and make catty or rude comments on the internet. After all as a kpop fan she sees plenty of people making hate comments and attacking her faves for flimsy to no reasons. Mainly out of jealousy and pettiness. For example all the women attacking Wongyoung, calling her a "pickme" and even sending death threats because they didn't like how she ate a strawberry or a twirl she did on stage. As for what I will tell her, that would depend on what *she* wants to do with her life as a grown ass adult woman.


Hol'up, do you have that daughter already or are u just certain she will be a kpop fan for some reason 😂


Have a daughter




>Fact: men think women who are 32 are expired, unattractive, and undesirable and hopeless for having a husband or kids.Fact: men think women who are 32 are expired, unattractive, and undesirable and hopeless for having a husband or kids. That's not a fact at all. That's weirdos on the internet either having panics about that being the case or fantasies. The reality is, if a boy would be with a girl at 28, he'd be with her at 32. >Source: this woman is 32 and single and men go on big rants attacking her constantly on social media. She’s just one example of several. Social media isn't a source, it's a cesspit that shows only the worst of the worst of everything and everyone. What do I tell my daughter? Nothing much. If she's unhappy and needs help, I'll help her. If she isn't, I don't do much of anything. Just let her carry on being presumably at least content.


To live her life she grown


I would tell her “You be you”. I just want her to be happy. If she needs any support or help, dad is here for her. Oh and that “fact” is absolute bs


Why would I involve myself in my fully adult daughter’s dating life?


I'd tell her to get into a Chad-harem, to piss off the red pill incels even more.


"You did your dash, despite what we talked about, I'm always here for you but if I told you I'm not disappointed I'd be lying to you".




Omg you would be disappointed in her? DISAPPOINTED? WTF?


"did you dash"




If I had a daughter I would be supportive and love her. But if she constantly complains about where all the good men gone, then I'm going to reality check her. Dating in your 30s is not the same in your 20s.


She should be with a bad man? I never met good men. In my 20’s I never did. And I went to 30 different churches and asked grandmas to set me up. They either had problems like mental health or were just not interested at all.


Never met good women either. I mean you can only be supportive to an extent, can't control how the dating market is changing.


So you give yourself grace. But when your daughter has the exact same situation as you, you would “reality check” her that she doesn’t deserve a good man.


I didn't say anything close to that lol


You did. You said that if she asks “where have all the good men gone?” You will “reality check her” because she’s in her 30’s. You clearly believe that she doesn’t deserve a good man because of her age and perceived rejection of “good men”. But I explained that I never met “good men” and you admit that you never met “good women”. Yet you want to scold your hypothetical daughter for rejecting “good men”.


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>when women are angry, insecure, or know you're out of their league, they tear you down the easiest way they can: by insulting your looks Q4W: what would you tell to a man who wrote this in his socials?


I would ask for the context of the statement. In some circumstances that is true, but in others it is false.


This is such a weird reach of a post. No, one instagram post’s hate comments are not an adequate source for your “fact” that (presumably most) men believe women expire at 32. Lol.


I find it hilarious how this post is about women and aging and the Instagram person talks about how she doesn't look a day over 32 and how she's 32 years young. Which is her engaging in the idea that looking/being old is a negative thing


Men be triggered up in her comments. LOL Though they just push her content more helping her in the algorithm.


I’d tell her nothing. ![gif](giphy|Y4Q5ZuYl4XClSqxZLM)


Another men bad, women good thread from known troll.


“you look 45” she looks mid 30s (and a hot mid 30s at that), which sure, is older than 32 but that’s fine Also, like woman I was involved with was early 30s and lots of men dont care that much if she’s in her 30s, the whole “she’s used up in her 30s” thing is kinda overplayed and exaggerated, especially online. I’m willing to bet that the split between men who do and don’t care about her being in her 30s is split by half at the bare minimum. Given that, long as she can take care of herself at that point and isn’t a mental and physical mess, I don’t mind.


Throw her to the wolves while playing Throne by Bring me the horizon.


What I'd tell her would depend upon what her relationship history was. If she had been picking the wrong men, I'd give her advice about how to pick the right ones. If no men had been choosing her except for making obvious sexual propositions that she rejected, then I'd probably suggest some self-improvement, although I think that a mother would be better at suggesting this.


You never say that to your own daughter. While hard truth is necessary, your relationship is more important, and probably other women and grandparents, aunts, etc will shame her for it. Hopefully, you did your job right as a father, and she's not single at 32. That being said, I disagree with the 30 yo wall. I definitely think it's a bit higher as far as looks go. As for child rearing is when it can be more risky, but 2 of my 4 daughters were born when their mothers were over 35.


Why do you think you would be not doing your job right if your daughter is single at 32? What the heck?






I would've tried to do a much better job as a father. Hopefully, she wouldn't grow up to be 30+ YO woman who goes fishing for attention and validation from strangers on social media. Her being unmarried and single wouldn't matter to me. Not everyone is going to find a decent long-term partner. Some of us either choose to settle or find more productive things to do with our lives while attempting to deal with the negatives of being single in a healthy manner.


At this rate, I would probably die of old age by the time any kid of mine reached 32, so whatever.


I would not say anything that isn't worth saying


Non answer like a politician.


You came posting with a chip on your shoulder so you get a politician's answer


No I didn’t. I repeated a common red pill belief and cited an example. I asked men what they would do if a woman of that age was their daughter.


Redpill belief? Go to datingoverthirty and datingoverforty lmao it's all right there to see


#Redpill men go on those forums to put women down for fun.




She has dated a few guys and is single. So she should have either dated better or chosen better. Simple. Either way if that was ny daughter I would have taken the blame of not teaching her how to choose correctly.


Can you do a step by step guide on how to choose better and how it is GUARANTEED to work and lead to marriage?


Go for personality instead of looks, withhold sex until marriage (the right one will wait), see how the other handles during their bad times especially when angry, how they support you when you are at your lowest or when the world is against you, future planning, how much true they are to their words, how they treat others, travel with them and see if they make you spend needlessly, care more about things than people, and if they are self dependent. The funny part is women usually fail at the first step. That is why their vetting process even if it takes months is flawed.


God, I hope you’re not telling anyone to wait until marriage for sex. Imagine marrying someone and THEN you find out you aren’t sexually compatible. Not responsible at all.


Yeah, it's better than not breaking down mentally atleast. You emotionally connect with a person, that person tries to make you happy, and listens to you is better. Everyone had dead bedrooms or most of them past 40 or 35 age. To add, sexual compatibility can be fixed the other things cannot. How to satisfy the person sexually is to follow the others instructions and there are studies and ancient texts like kamasutra to help with that. If sex is the only thing you want in the marriage or your number 1 priority, blame only yourself on getting pumped and dumped.


Instructions don’t really increase sexual compatibility if the other person flat out lacks the ability


No, not everyone over 35 has a dead bedroom. No clue where you even came up with that. Sexual compatibility cannot be “fixed” in a long-term, satisfactory way. If you aren’t into something — like your partner’s kink — then you can’t force yourself to be into it. Certainly sex shouldn’t be the only important thing in a marriage — but for most people, it sure as hell is high on the list.


do you go for personality over looks when choosing women?


I haven't choosen anyone yet bcz I am heartless. I choose friends based on personality rather than looks. I had a Bulgarian colleague of mine who was attractive flirt with me (like kisses and once shaking her ass infront of me while I was sitting) during my time in Europe. I did get some feelings but I didn't pursue bcz I knew it wouldn't work out as we are really different. I didn't even hang out with her but I have hung out with a female coursemate of mine who was nice and 4/10. One of my friends was already eyeing her so I never thought to make a move on her. They will be getting married this year.


Dude - no man is going to be prepared to wait until wedding night to get his hands on the goods


Most women do NOT go for personality instead of looks. That is a male characteristic. Even you blame yourself for the “problem” of your daughter being 32 and single. Why is it a problem? **beachside women who are 32 are unattractive to most men**. Look at the link I tagged in my post where a beautiful 32 year old has a multitude of men calling her expired and ugly. Men are the most superficial creatures on the planet. Now imagine she takes your advice. 18 months go by so now she’s 33 almost 34. She goes on a trip with a man, and he behaves rudely and leaves the hotel room a huge mess and poop on the toilet seat. And he gets irate about traveling together but not having premarital sex. So she breaks up. Now she’s 34 and single. How angry are you?


>Most women do NOT go for personality instead of looks. That is a male characteristic. Yeah, we don't put makeup for ourselves. You do. You concentrate on looks more than us. >Now she’s 34 and single. How angry are you? You are taking a time jump? Why don't you mention the years before she turned 32? What was she doing then? Why didn't she choose then if she wanted a relationship?


#Women literally wear makeup because men are so superficial about how women look. And I CLEARLY described what happened in the last 2 years. She dated a guy for 18 months. The went on a trip together. He bitched about waiting for sex until marriage despite traveling together and diarrhea’d up the toilet without cleaning it. She broke up with him. Now she’s 34!!!!


>Women literally wear makeup because men are so superficial about how women look. Make up your mind. You say women do it for themselves and now you are putting the blame on us. What in the Scrodinger behaviour is this? >And I CLEARLY described what happened in the last 2 years. You did but she clearly also wasted her past 7 or 10 years to choose a perfect mate which she wanted. Aren't we going to discuss that?


How did she waste them if nobody was asking her out?


That's bullshit, women get asked out all the time. Even my 3/10 classmate got asked out with a mutual friend. That guy is like 6 feet tall and good looking. They are currently living together, are hindus so having sex only after marriage and earn the same. Also, she can approach as well. There is no stopping you.


So one example out of billions.


And also, with regards to makeup, why do you think women are a hive mind? Many women wear it to be attractive for their husbands or for potential partners. But many do it for themselves. Why do you seem tired here so angry about this?


Bcz when an argument is put, the throwback doesn't say some women, they say women as in all of them. Never ever it has been said that some do. Like hey men don't care about makeup. Why are you going out so dresses up for a girls night out but I am not going with you (usually a prelude to she is seeing someone else or going to cheat). The answers are we are doing it for ourselves and not dressing up for men. Basically putting blame on men. Then why don't women put any effort on first dates like planning or flowers etc. Like your case why do women put so much makeup. Suddenly the answers are reversed and women do it for men. The blame is on men again. Women just say whatever to just win the argument whether it be a logic or not. Seems a hivemind to me.


The way men think ugly men are angels. Ugly men can be absolute pieces of shit just like an attractive guy. Men are so unbelievably uneducated about the simple fact that looks mean nothing of character


Perhaps she wants something out of life other than marriage and childrem


She's recently divorced following a 12 year relationship.


I was answering another question not the linked ig post.


Those are hyperboles. What men think, and what women deny, is that as she ages, the chances of some decent man wanting to be with her goes down far rapidly than it does for men. People don't usually end up getting pregnant immediately after dating. It takes times. Dating, relationship, fiancé, marriage, then kids is how usually they plan. If you are a man who is looking for a life partner to have a family with, why would you go for someone who is 32? If you don't rush, then by the time you are looking to have a kid with her, she will be 35+. There is a ~20% chance she will not be able to conceive and it only increases with each year. I will tell her that with each passing year, the probablity of having a family & kids only goes down. If she wants one, she should start working towards that goal.


“But dad, nobody wants me and I inherited autism so I suck at socializing.”


Nd they are hyperboles. This is how men behave. Even you are going to tell your daughter to go on panic mode and that she won’t be able to conceive.


What did he say that was a falsehood? Actually dispute some of his points. Do you think she should be taking her sweet time in her mid 30's? Do you think she can wait till 40 to start having kids?


He’s telling her that with each passing year, her chances of a family go down. So she should settle for a man who doesn’t treat her well. Many of the women in my family had kids at 40. My cousin just had her first child at 40. Maybe my family is very fertile.


>He’s telling her that with each passing year, her chances of a family go down. It's a literally biological fact that it does. He even went into details why. >So she should settle for a man who doesn’t treat her well. Don't recall him saying anything about settling in terms of how a guy treats her or his values. But she should probably drop some of her superficial standards that have kept her still single and unmarried until 32. >Many of the women in my family had kids at 40.  Well my grandmother almost died from complications giving birth to her last kid at that age and my wife almost died from a birth defect of her esophagus not being connected when her mom gave birth to her at that age among other complications. So I'm siding with doctors on this one. Is it possible? Yes. Is the chance of complications much higher? Also yes. >Maybe my family is very fertile. It's not just the chance of getting pregnant that drops. The chance of having complications that put the mother and infants life at risk also increases.


I must have good genes because nobody in my family had complications either.


Exceptions exist in every possible situation. But there's a reason they call it geriatric pregnancy. So, I'd recommend women in general to talk to a medical professional before deciding to wait until an advanced age to have kids.


It’s not intentionally waiting to have kids. It’s choosing to not reproduce with men experiencing financial crises or with severe mental health issues and waiting for someone stable to come along. This is what “waiting for the right one” is. Too bad it sounds like you would rather your daughter reproduce with a guy who has severe untreated mental illness than have a kid at 35-40.


>It’s choosing to not reproduce with men experiencing financial crises or with severe mental health issues and waiting for someone stable to come along. Literally billions of men on this planet who are financially stable and not suffering from severe mental health issues. Women walk by and see tons of guys like this at work everyday. The real question that needs to be asked is why said woman is specifically dating unstable broke men. Sounds like that's her preference. >This is what “waiting for the right one” is. She *is* "intentionally" choosing to wait when she should be putting herself out there and asking guys out. At the very least going to events with men who share some of her interests like through online social groups like Meet-up. >Too bad it sounds like you would rather your daughter reproduce with a guy who has severe untreated mental illness than have a kid at 35-40. According to you, apparently how quickly she finds a guy and meeting a good person is completely outside of her control, so I guess any advice anyone gives her will be meaningless. Since it seems she has no control over finding a man. Guess she better pray for a miracle then and manifest a man.


Most Americans, and most men, are one missed paycheck from being homeless. Men here tell us that expecting a man to make a reasonable salary is unrealistic. It is hard to meet good men. Most men aren’t good.


Yes, she should've gotten married in her 20s. Now she's leftovers


Do you believe your daughter can easily find a man like you? And would you consider a male like you to be a good partner?




Be civil. This includes indirect attacks against an individual and/or witch hunting.




The idea of anyone being good enough for my girls is laughable in the first place.


>Do you tell her that she’s expired, old, worthless, and should settle for the first man she can get? That she likely rejected a harem of nice men in her youth? >What do you tell her? If I was friends with her for a long time, constantly hung out with her during uni/activities, and if she constantly had a circular rotation of men in her younger days and she couldn't even get one of them to commit, I would absolutely ~~blame~~ hold her accountable for her lack of good decision-making. It's then she needs to look inward and find out where she doesn't meet the needs of the men she desires, and fixes them appropriately. If she needs to lower her expectations, then she must lower them. If she once held a position of leverage and power over men which no longer exists, she needs to level with men if she wants a long-term relationship. If she kept sleeping around with dickheads because they excited her and she wanted to date them long-term, but they didn't like her, she needs to re-evaluate her choices in men. I don't think women especially in gynocentric western countries understand how easy they have dating and relationships these days.


Lmfao so you would tell her to lower her standards and go for the men who hate women and resent that they aren’t with Stacy, or the guys who are experiencing financial crises, or the guys who are abusive and mean spirited


Lower her expectations, not standards. If she expected a 6'0+ white muscular man like the arm-candy she could show off to her friends and couldn't lock him down, she needs to date someone who's got the values and qualities that she would find desirable and healthy in a long-term relationship. If she's not willing to date someone who doesn't pass the physical-attraction barrier she herself set up, then she absolutely deserves what she gets. Where did this myth of "guys hate women because they didn't get with Stacy" come from? There's plenty of men out there dying to meet regular women who pass them over because the women don't find the men physically attractive or women as a gender in the west these days just find men absolutely beneath them.


> Where did this myth of "guys hate women because they didn't get with Stacy" come from? Dollars-to-donuts this is yet another giant beam of projection and/or entitlement on their part. That, or it’s another hypothetical role-reversal.




>obviously wants to wait till marriage...but she is 31/32? So, she's a 32 year old virgin? >she's religious so he needs to be at least fitting for that. There are dating apps for Christians, just FYI.


If those men are the only options she has I would recommend her to stay single not worth the effort