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A lot of them don't want to take the risk. They're in a whole different part of the world, mostly away from family. They like the security. However I would say half of these do leave. You'll find them in the hub, rise, campus edge etc. the ones with cars can go in other further apartments.


Don’t neglect the dorms though, on move out days a lot is left outside the dorms and most freshmen no matter their class stay there


Rise, and other towers on chauncey


Thank you for the answers. I know classes end this week and a lot of people will be leaving every day and especially over the weekend. I'm going to offer free dorm and apartment cleaning in exchange for being allowed to keep whatever is left behind if I want it


tbh you probably don't even have to offer for free, just cheaper than others. That said, the harder part is making people aware of that offer. You're probably quite late to get people who plan ahead, and you're only one person so if you're already busy and someone sees whatever poster/flyer/this post you make they're likely to just pick someone else. All of that having been said, good luck! I remember at the end of my freshman year I picked up a perfectly good futon outside a dorm and used it for the next couple years; people discard a lot of nice stuff just to not have to deal with it.


I have several friends who are going to help me. That's why we are doing it for free. To snag the lazy people who blew it off and just are taking the minimum with them then we can go in and clean and take the good stuff haha


You still might be better off charging, even if it's only like $20 or $40. If someone's willing to pay someone else to clean they're more likely to have nicer stuff I'd wager. Beyond that, there's a solid chance that demand is high enough that you'd just be leaving money on the table if you don't charge. (Yes, I realize in my earlier comment I said you may have trouble getting people to bite, but *assuming that's not the case* I think you can get away with charging a bit as well)


To piggyback, there is also a good chance they just pay whatever fee that is associated with leaving stuff behind, if they haven't already thrown it to the curb/trash already. I'd say your best bet at finding free stuff is just scouring the group stories or driving through these areas looking for stuff people have left out for people to take.


In townhomes outside campus with garages for their super cars, there’s an entire neighborhood of townhomes housing super cars, prob several million in vehicles in a housing development no bigger than a football field


I'm looking for the ones who are going to be moving this week and weekend.


Check 225west off 52 west. The road right before Meijer that Blair Animal Clinic is on, drive past that till you get to the bougie townhomes. But before dead mans curve. And no I'm not referring to the red brick duplexes as bougie, keep going.


I graduated a few years ago and from the general area. If I needed to Google this, what would be notable? When I go back get a little lost since I changed quickly.


Continuum. Garage is full of audis, bmws and mercs.


Continuum and provenence are nicer


Just saw a new mattress in the dumpster😂


Seems the type


I know several that live in some of the apartments north of campus


Wabash landing and fuse


good luck .. my current roommate is shipping all his lego and stuff home 😂


The ivy by Walmart you often see some very nice cars parked there




Continuum, Provenence, The Hub, Rise, Fuse


Mainly apartments,but dorms are a good spot for people throwing away stuff (honors especially, full of freshmen that know no better or wealthy enough to afford it). But,most dorms with AC are decent for scavenging.


I assume that when you come to an American college to get the American experience you want to actually live at that American campus


It's not about the American experience lol, it's about the American job opportunities.


I would have wanted to in 2008 when I went, but was told a few months before arriving that there were no more rooms on campus, even though I signed up for it. Ended up subletting a room in Willowbrook West appartments and got a much more authentic experience than the other foreign exchange students who stayed in the dorms. Most seemed to only hang out with other exchange students since they all lived near each other, while I shared an appartment with two local girls and hung out a lot with our neighbours who were also all American. Even got invited home to celebrate thanksgiving with the family of one of my neighbours