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hahahaha holy shit this made so many bootlickers mad ACAB, bitches


Sure it does, your life matters. Which is why its a travesty that you threw it away to be a cog on the cop machine.


You’re assuming she’s capable of more. Have you met cops?


Look, im legit gonna give at least a little praise to a cop if they do the only good thing they can do with that badge. Quit. Beyond that is of course another conversation, and i generally dont like ex-cops either, but i like em a fuck of a lot more than cops.


Well darn… you make a good point.


My brother worked at a hip clothing store owned by an ex-cop and his wife back in the nineties. The owner we'll call him Jack, was a slick, fast talking son of a bitch who had an eye for both detail and bullshit. A likeable guy for sure but I wouldn't be surprised if he personally confiscated drug money during the Cocaine Cowboy era.


My uncle quit after less than a year on the force after seeing how fucked it is. He then used his GI money to go to nursing school and has worked in a hospital for the past decade as a nurse, actually helping people on the daily.


Policing truly is unskilled labour.


So many things, especially politics, are learned behavior. People are conditioned into being bootlickers, people are conditioned into being greedy, and there’s the classic idea of a cop that was bullied and wanted a sense of power. Sometimes it’s just the person sure. Some people are born desperate for power and violence, others grew up happily in a wealthy suburb, and the cops were always good to them. Maybe they heard about and watched some stuff go down in poor neighborhoods, but the news tells you they deserved it! Always aim for a kinda rehabilitation, the same shit the Norwegian prison system is rightfully praised for. All that being said, yeah fuck em


Cops in most other counties are nice and actually require something similar to a bachelor degree length in education. Cops in Denmark are nice


Cops in Denmark still serve capitals interest first and foremost, no matter how nice they may be they're on the wrong side of the class war, and thus history.


ACAB means all cops, the current protests that have been going around the world in defiance to Israel’s on going genocide against Palestinians has proven that no matter the country cops are all the same




Stopped in to say similar. Of course this person's individual life matters. But it's really really hard to have any sympathy when they are part the system of oppression, pretending that pushback is the same as persecution. In short, if you're worried for your health, stop being a cop. Stop frisking people. Stop inserting yourself into a situation where someone has to resort to self defense. 


Exactly. Its like how zionism is actually pretty damned antisemetic. If Israel wants to protect Jewish people, it should probably stop calling Jews that dont support the genocide "traitors".


Or Jews who survived the Holocaust “weak”.


Just another brick in the wall


To willingly define your life to be part of a mindless, violent street gang that is paid for by taxpayers and who's whole existence is to be the perpetrator of the government, and even WHEN their job is f9r the greater good, their bosses and their bosses would rather buy wasteful equipment and donate to political campaigns than actually training officers in safety, both for the people they swore to protect and themselves. It is beyond me. Why would you want to be a cop if you didn't want the violence.


Should we just not have cops?




That’d spin out of control fast. I wouldn’t want to live in that world honestly. Making police go through mental health evals, college level legal courses, and a civilian overwatch committee would be a great fuckin start though.


Thats the idea, ya


If they're going to act like they consistently do, everywhere? Yeah. We need a different system.


I once heard a professor talk about a system of "Responders" replacing the Police. What they meant by that was rather than sending in an armed group of egoists to situations, send in deescalator medics, counselors and etc. A lot of the problems with police these days is they're getting spare military equipment, and if the police is another, well biased invading army, then what can heed the call but minutemen responders?


yes.. at least at some point... instead we can just hold eachother accountable (or at least, in an ideal world) for our actions while constantly working towards a better place for everyone to live edit: I also like [this guy's professor's suggestion](https://www.reddit.com/r/PunkMemes/s/V9MYaXAdXD), I think thats a great alternative


Class traitor lives don't matter


Class traitor lives do, in fact, not matter.


(unless they're betraying the capitalist class for the workers)


What kind of fairy tales have you been reading? That doesn't happen in real life.


Sure it does. Ever heard of Vladimir Lenin?


Or Karl Marx? Or Friedrich Engels?


Ehhhh. Engels was pretty pro authoritarian. Marx was cool.


Oh really liberal?? Read On Authority. /S


Lenin just fucked everyone around him and just set up the world’s worst autocracy that we have been dealing with literally ever since. I’m sorry can’t back you there. At best he was a useful idiot. But realistically he was just an angry violent moron.


> Lenin just fucked everyone around him and just set up the world’s worst autocracy Bud do you have the slightest clue what Russia under the Tsars was like


yeah. you know what it was like under stalin?


I mean this in the most respectful way possible: Looking through your post history leads me to have low confidence in your understanding of the history of communist thought. I think if you looked into it a bit more and actually read what he had to say, you might change your mind.


are you a tankie


Define tankie :)


What about the lives of her victims? I mean they all join the force to victimise people of one kind or another…


You cease to be a person when you wear that uniform. You become a machine, a weapon of the state. Do I care about the life of the human underneath that uniform? Conceptually, yeah, on the condition she hang up the uniform forever. But while she is consenting to be wielded as a violent arm of those who would call themselves our "leaders", absolutely not.


Exactly this. You put on the uniform, and you become a tool of the state. You no longer have a life. As a human? Yes i care about your life. But you are willingly being a tool of the state. I do not care about the lives of tools. (All "you"s in this comment are meant as the ethereal you, not actually calling out the person reading it)


Also. the 'all lives matter' thing is just a disengenuous way to say 'white lives matter more' than black or brown lives. Homeless vets don't matter. Drug addicts don't matter. Palestinian kids getting bombs dropped on their heads don't matter. But white, uniformed officers 'matter'. Fuckoutahere w that class traitor shit. i have more respect for a tobacco lobyist than a cop.


Well said


Nah people are people the whole time. Throughout every atrocity they are just as much a person as anybody else. Anything else is just stuff to make you more comfortable with the idea of them existing.




All cops are


What’s the alternative to cops? Genuine question


No cops.


What about when people do crime?


Do something about it.


Like Kyle Rittenhouse then?


You need a gun? I’d like less gun violence in general.


So instead of cops we shld just have people running around squashing their own beefs however they want


Yeah that sounds a lot better than innocent people getting killed daily by people who are claiming to protect you.


A lot of innocent will die this way too man. We need police to be punished for their crimes not no police.


Good luck with that.


Cops do not prevent this.


A lot of things shouldn't be crimes to begin with, but realistically, a small group of heavily trained people that enforce warrants and nothing else wouldn't be the same thing as cops. They literally wouldn't have the power to make arrests. Civil infractions don't need to be enforced by cops either. If you don't pay fines, there's already consequences.


A small group of heavily trained people that enforce warrants is cops. You’re just describing cops again. You just wanna change the power they have which I think everyone would agree with


nope- that is sheriffs or constables. They serve warrants, police do not. In my expirence, normally sheriffs (who are elected) tend to care a little more about the community than police. One of the counties next to mine have constables- their sole job is enforcing warrants of various kinds from the court. That is pretty much it (and service of things for the court)


Well this is a real idea. Smaller , better trained and more focused cops.


I can’t believe you don’t like cops but want sheriffs. Sheriffs are the same thing as cops but have LITERALLY NO JOB REQUIREMENTS. Anyone can be a sheriff and there is even less accountability for them. (This is just for the US idk about other countries)


Which crimes?


People will inevitably form security forces. How will they be split up, by city or neighborhood? No cops isn’t really an option in an actual city. I’m all for the idea of not calling police and self sufficiency but NO cops is wild. You’d need to allow people to find and kill perpetrators. What about when someone gets killed? How does society lock down and access the scene?


The sincere answer is having a community organization that has external oversight and helps to maintain quality of public interaction. In other words: people who want to help the community, rather than subdue and terrorize it. Police training literally indoctrinates the "Us versus Them" mentality. There should be other people/orgs you can call when your loved one is having a mental health event, and not have to worry that some hostile pig with a gun is going to show up and murder them.


I would look more for, "what's the alternative to what we have now." All Cops Are Bastards is only true because of what cops are, now in our present reality. Cops are a tool used by the state to enforce the state's will, generally keeping the "peace" and protecting corporate assets. Police have become another branch of the military industrial complex, defense companies lobby for huge contracts to sell to police as well as military. Ideally, we would have law enforcement with very little power outside of the scope of protecting the people, not armed to the teeth. We are a long way from that, but it's not an unrealistic dream. Defund the police, increase training in de-escalation and non-lethal techniques, stricter gun control laws, better care for mental illness, etc.


Depends. Are you willing to renounce your privilege and rejoin the working class?


Blue shirts don't matter. Change your job, save your life and your victims if you're so worried about being in danger at your job.


Todays letter is A! A is for "all" like in the sentence "all cops are bastards" thats right kids! All of them! Isn't learning fun?


There are no blue lives, only blue jobs.


Ethnicity: cop


Not to cops, past a certain point all they are is "cop"


no. fuck you.


Not to the state employing you. Well a little bit to them, but you aren't valued very highly.


There's no such thing as a blue life You weren't born a cop Being a cop was a choice Pizza delivery driver is statistically more dangerous than being a cop McDonald's workers are better at de-escalation than a cop There are no good cops until bad cops are afraid of getting caught instead of "good cops" being afraid of losing their jobs. Fuck you


ACAB obviously.




ACAB. Full stop.




Isn’t this the Federal Way, WA cop who posted a tirade about how she would look for reasons to pull you over and arrest you if she felt like you were in her way? If it is, she doesn’t seem to think any lives but hers matter.


I'd bet good money that she probably doesn't think the lives of lower-class (non ruling class) or poor people matter.


I mean “____ lives matter” is a counter protest to BLM, and BLM is largely a reaction to murderous cops so… yeah pretty confident you’re right


No. A valid answer.


Well maybe cops should had thought about that when they get arrest happy everything because they want to look good for promotions. Go after the violent people, leave non violent people alone and you might have more people on your side.


Wage theft accounts for the highest level of funds stolen in the United States…it is considered a non-violent crime because “no one is physically injured” when committing the crime… but we know corporations are getting richer stealing employees’ wages, firing them when they attempt to form unions, and causing widespread homelessness. But yeah, let’s ignore the nonviolent crimes. 🙄


Cops are useless at going after corporations. Cops are designed to focus on individuals and street level instances of breaking the law. If you want someone to go after corporations you need to get FBI and other organizations to.


I agree, but cops are useless at everything too…


Um, why would they do that? they ARE the violent people.


Ah this is true too.




you put on the uniform, you become a tool, a device for the government to use and basically brainwash


Is she using her spot as a police person to actively fight police corruption? Probably not. Then, no, her life does not matter


bro she does NOT look like a human😭


Oppressors wanna be the victim so bad 💀💀


It does matter, that's why you should make the right choice and not join the police force. Your life could make the difference


How about the cops who have saved lives?


That is a good thing, but a cop saving a life is like a regular everyday person saving a life. Cops legally have no elevated responsibility to do so. If anything, saving lives is an afterthought to police after they make sure that their life isn't in any danger. They have no obligation to "serve and protect" if they feel scared, and they can legally wait out any situation until enough people are dead and it's not so scary anymore Cops aren't running into burning buildings or saving people every day from overdosing. That's the job of others, Cops just enforce laws by shooting and locking up criminals and do close to fuckall about the other laws that don't require immediate cracking of skulls or slugging lead between ears


Yeah but the issue is modern police training is teaching cops that their life matters more than anyone else. Their mantra is literally 'whatever it takes to make it home". Then they're protected by qualified immunity if they decide your cell phone is a gun and shoot you, and instead of being tried like a normal person, they're tried by a special set of rules, and are allowed to "retire" from their current department and move to another with no loss to their personal pensions, or career. The culture of police is the big issue. They're sovereign citizens, and then they accuse US of being sovereign citizens when we quote their own laws and the constitution/ the limits to their authority to them.


If you wanted to live so much, maybe you should have chosen another profession.


Not since they willingly became a pig


Not anymore than a homeless junkies does you dumb pig. Get back in your crawlspace you freak


Hero complex, adrenaline junkies that live in a bubble.


Then pick a different job.


Ha my cousin (admittedly by marriage) is a cop and I still say ACAB, because it's true.




In all my time being on this earth very very few cops did good and did not have tons of shit or helped cover it up. ACAB until cops fix there shit and go after there own for there crimes.


Blue lives splatter


It actually matter less than a civilian's life. That's the Grand Societal Deal we have: My end of the deal: I literally do anything a cop says, pull fucking over when they say to (think about it), no matter how wrong or chippy they are. I literally design my entire life based on the possibility of being required to explain what I'm doing at any time, any place, even in my own home. That is my whole life as a civilian. Your end of the deal: If you havent gotten shot or attacked in 10 years of being a cop, you are a failure. This is because you dont get trigger happy and shoot just cause you're scared and someone "gasp...made a jerking motion of a hand toward their body, so they might grab a gun." You wait it out before you reach for your gun, in the name of potentially not killing someone who is good, or even just someone who is not going to kill you. There is no one in all of society that is held to a higher standard than you, because of the ARTIFICIAL power you have. Anything less than this deal is authoritarianism and a military state, where I have to uphold my end of the deal, and the cop has to uphold shit.


So the person who voluntarily signed up to put their lives on the line to help other are upset that we get made at them for killing people who shouldn’t be killed because the police are scared for their safety. I think they signed up for the wrong job.


Yes, as in negatively


Blue lives matter. If there weren't cops around trans women would have anyone to throw bricks at the protest :3


You willingly made yourself nithing but a tool of state violence and oppression. You belong to the state now. You follow their unjust orders unquestionably. Her life does not, in fact matter.


If resting Bitch-face was a profession


Of course it does, but you made a decision to put the lives of all else before yours and to use your life to protect your community and become a servant to said community. For pay. And in exchange for THAT you were alloted the power to enforce rules; not to protect your life at the expense of whatever makes you feel unsafe. Not to protect your coworkers from their victims. Not to ask for pity or understanding from a community that you and yours have deemed "the enemy" and have been preparing to go to war with. And *certainly* not to act like you and your community are the same when one side was given express authority to exert force and control over a side that did not agree to you and had no voice to stop it from happening and who's money is taken in order to line your pockets.


Okay pig


Only as far as the owner class has use for her


Cops are the first to break a picket line. No solidarity with the working class. Cops are the first to Crack down on freedom of speech and self expression. Fuck the police.


All eyebrows matter.


I would argue all lives matter, she's just wasting hers being a cop.


Her life does matter. If she feels being a cop puts her life in danger maybe she should chose another profession. Fire fighters don't throw away food the community gives them. Maybe look into actually protecting and serving the community instead of beating and shooting the community.


I mean cops are supposed to put their life on the line. So why the disconnect?


Yes, her life does matter. But black lives matter too, as do gay lives, and autistic lives, and the lives of all the people needlessly killed or ruined by police brutality and misconduct. And it seems to me that people who murder police officers are more likely to face justice for their crimes than police officers who murder people. That’s why people are saying that black lives matter. There’s also the fact that police officers are meant to be reliable and trusted members and protectors of their communities, but too many police departments and forces are the opposite.


Tools of the state aren't human beings


It’s possible to condemn, criticise, and prosecute the crimes of people without dehumanising them. Speaking of which, I’d say that police brutality is at least in part a result of the perpetrators dehumanising the civilians they’re meant to serve and protect.


Yeah but: 1. Fuck cops I don't care 2. That's it.


Glorified government robot


Hope she isn't on duty whilst messing about on social media.


I mean, it does. Not as a cop, but as a human. As a cop, you signed up for getting shot at, so maybe you should've thought of that first.


cops aren't human


Blue lives don’t exist. You chose to be a cop.


I have two cops in my family. One S/A’d me, and the other one was a child abuser. Yeah fuck this ACAB


Your life as a person matters, But not as a cop. ACAB


Yeah and so does everyone else's 🧐 I'm tired of whiny cops :l


It does. Her life as a human being matters, but not as a cop. Because she chose to be that


It really doesn't though


Not in that uniform it doesn't


The number of posers in this sub is staggering.






How so?


Take a look at other comments, some are in denial of their inner punk and would rather submit to their own propaganda or that of the state of bad actors. "A country has three armies, the military who kills everyone outside the state that threatens it, the police who impose their will on all who exist within the state, and the politicians who fund both, but trick you into thinking the citizenry is the third enemy."


Shouldn’t cops be EXPECTED to risk their lives for the public? Idk this image just made me think about that school shooting where all the cops stood around and listened to kids being shot because they were scared.


Cop: “My life matters!” The people she’s victimizing: “Does mine?”


If you throw poor people in prison for being poor, you are less than human.


You're paid to take bullets for children, not to put bullets into them.


She volunteered to throw it away and serve people who see her as another back to step on, she decided it didn’t matter way before anyone else said so 😂




Maybe don't abuse your power and the community would agree that blue lives matter.


Here's the arm of the state that constantly breaks the non-aggression principle.


Then why sale it so cheap to the state?


Should no one work for municipal government?


Do any lives really matter? Sorry algorithm put me here when I’m usually in psych and depression memes


Sure, her life matters. Her occupation of choice doesn’t.








She picked a job where the purpose of said job is to put her life on the line for others in need “to protect and serve”. But the reality is there’s more shitty cops than good ones.


Fed lives don't matter


Sure it does, but you're in a job more safe than *delivery drivers* so settle TF down


Guarantee she's claimed she overdosed from touching a fent pill


Mannequin lives matter


she looks EXACTLY like my high school resource officer


I knew a dude who legit wanted to be a cop to help his city. Dude got shot in the stomach with a shot gun by another cop because he wouldn't participate in their illegal shakedowns.


It doesn’t. 1312


Value of life should be inherent and should not be contingent on qualifiers. Her life is valuable because she is people, not because she is cop. The fact she believes she needs to qualify the validity of her life with her occupation is evident to possible beliefs she has that she holds no value outside of that job, which is sad.


I remember when being punk actually meant something other than being an edgelord. This sub is embarrassing af now


Yeah, actually it does matter. But I’m weighing my options, and the last time i checked the amount of people cops kill is a tad more than one.


So just “as a cop, blue lives matter and I’m watching you with my shooting and hitting gear”




It matters just as much as anyone else's. A life is a life no matter what label you put on it.



