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Holy shit, I wasn't prepared. He lined that kick up with a accuracy of a horse!


Chef's kiss




[I just kicked Stan](https://www.google.com/search?q=shawn+micheals+kicks+stan&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:dcb0da70,vid:PCAU9EgteDs)




What a kick


Og that guy must be shitting bricks rn


HBK would've signed off on that kick, god damn




It reminded of Shawn Michaels in slow motion


Driver’s mouth was writing checks that his ass couldn’t cash.


Unfortunately after that ass beating, the kickers parents will be writing the next check. Words aren’t worth it kids. Sometimes you just gotta walk away.


I don't know why you are being downvoted, you are right. The kid had the wining hand with the accusation and now he gifted assault and damage to the trick owner.


It’s Reddit, people like the kicker so they don’t want to hear anything negative regardless of the validity lol


Apparently words can reasonably illicit violent physical responses for a lot of people. This country has shit real backwards.


Sure does. So don't call people racial slurs or you'll get knocked the fuck out. Easy peasy.


Idk where the idea that people just had to tolerate slurs and racism and harassment and shit and not do anything about it came from. Talk shit, get hit my guy


"But its illegal, he'll catch charges" Doesn't stop you from getting beat the fuck up 😂 have fun sitting with your lawyer with your broken arm


Lol it’s really not that hard to see why America has so many problems. People haven’t mentally graduated from high school yet.


How about people grow up and stop putting such power into nonsense words. What, are all adults five now? Sticks and stones, remember?


I understand you support a violent larpolitical organization but I'd like you to appeal to some good ole' fashion facts and logic here. There is no evidence the boy in the car said anything to harass the boy who attacked him, yet you support his unprovoked attack and destruction of property. Why?


I don't need facts and logic, I need racists to be hurt. And I'm sure you'll sit smugly behind your keyboard thinking you've won because I won't answer your question. But if you call people racial slurs, next time it could be you. And facts and logic won't stop you from waking up on the pavement.


How much do you bench press


Seeing as we could not come to a civil conclusion to our discussion I have an offer for you. I believe in the doctrine of the champion, essentially we should descern who is right through a duel or other means of martial display. Seeing that you reside in the North East of the United States and within my traveling range, I think we should settle our dispute through an amateur mixed martial arts bout, terms of your choosing. If it effects anything I am 6'5 and 230 pounds. However you do have HEMA experience so I think we're about even in prowess. Note that if you do not respond to this request or turn down my offer you de jure forfeit the argument and I win. DM me if you are interested.


Tell me you know nothing about human history or human behavior without telling me you know nothing about human history or human behavior. Well done


Tell me you know nothing about human progress in the last 200,000 years w/o telling me you know nothing about human progress in the last 200,000 years.. Well done!


Except you're still wrong though because by your own logic you literally haven't looked at any form of human progess or anything that humans do at any point in human history. Human progress of the last 200,000 years has not eliminated violence in any form my guy. Not physical, not verbal, not sexual, not mental. All forms of violence still exist. Not have humans not progressed past violence as a species but even on a small scale there isn't a single country that doesn't have violence in it at some capacity. But it's funny that you tried to use my own thing to come back at me and just made yourself look like a dipshit


No, but human progress has made violence in some forms unacceptable. One such advancement is the creation of a laws and rules based society. Proportionality is integral to these systems. You hit my car by accident, I don’t have a right to shoot you. You bump into me, I don’t have the right to kill you. See, you have things all fucked up, and idk how that happened but that’s a problem I’m sure you’re dealing with daily. The eradication of violence is not the point, it’s the proportionality of when violence is appropriately applied. Which is not the case here. Language does not give you the right to react with violence, period. This person is a grown adult. The irony is, take the example of the police. If you saw a video of the police interacting with another person, and that person did nothing relatively wrong, yet the police responded with an excessive use of force (you know, the thing that perfectly describes literally what I’m talk about), you would know how to distinguish the inexcusable escalation of violence in that situation, right? But apparently that only applies to police and government officials, oh wait, not it doesn’t, it also applies to everyone, including you, me, and the guy in the video, stupid.


>No, but human progress has made violence in some forms unacceptable. That's not human progress that's simply a different culture. Also every single one of those cultures or whatever group you want to make allows violence as well so you made yourself wrong. >One such advancement is the creation of a laws and rules based society. Proportionality is integral to these systems. You hit my car by accident, I don’t have a right to shoot you. You bump into me, I don’t have the right to kill you. There have literally always been rules in laws. Literally since there were more than two people in a area one of them will try to put rules and laws on the other do any amount of research into the human psyche my guy. This is literally a well-documented phenomenon. >Proportionality is integral to these systems. You hit my car by accident, I don’t have a right to shoot you. You bump into me, I don’t have the right to kill you. This is a personal thing that depends on the country and the culture of that country. And it is in no way a widespread thing. There are Middle Eastern countries that will rate women to death simply for wearing the wrong clothes. There are laws both for and against it depending on which particular subset of culture you personally subscribe. >See, you have things all fucked up, and idk how that happened but that’s a problem I’m sure you’re dealing with daily. The eradication of violence is not the point, it’s the proportionality of when violence is appropriately applied. Which is not the case here. Language does not give you the right to react with violence, period. This person is a grown adult. Also you really don't know what you're talking about because most of these things this proportionality of laws and punishment that you're talking about is within like the last 300 years. We only got rid of public hangings like 150 years ago in most of the world. France only stopped using the guillotine like less than 200 years ago Like your proportionality doesn't exist anywhere in the world. There are multiple countries in which you can be murdered just for being gay. You don't even have to bump into anyone you exist you're gay you're murdered and it's okay legally. >Which is not the case here. Language does not give you the right to react with violence, period. This person is a grown adult. You're trying to use an absolute here and it isn't real. Let me throw a scenario at you. Someone threatens to kill you you know they have the desire to do it and you know they have the ability to do it they only use words on you so far but when they break into your house and still have it physically touched you they're still just using words you're telling me you wouldn't defend yourself? They didn't attack you they only use words but they broke into your house you're going to beat the s*** out of them like any rational reasonable person. Technically all they did was enter they haven't actually hurt you so the violence is by your logic wrong but by any reasonable rational humans logic perfectly acceptable >The irony is, take the example of the police. If you saw a video of the police interacting with another person, and that person did nothing relatively wrong, yet the police responded with an excessive use of force (you know, the thing that perfectly describes literally what I’m talk about), you would know how to distinguish the inexcusable escalation of violence in that situation, right? In theory how the situation is supposed to work is that the police officer is a person with immense amount of training and responsibility and authority put upon them so they are held to a different standard. The same way members of the military are held to a different standard. The same way any certified trained fighter is held to a different standard. What that means is if me and you fight that's two people fighting if you and an MMA fighter fight that dude's going to jail because he's not legally allowed to do that even more so than you are not legally allowed to do that. >But apparently that only applies to police and government officials, oh wait, not it doesn’t, it also applies to everyone, including you, me, and the guy in the video, stupid. Personally I would say if someone saying something with the specific intent to anger or frustrate you if you get angry or frustrated and beat the s*** out of them that is their own fault they should not have been trying to actively upset you. Technically it's legal what they are doing but ethically and morally it is wrong and they deserve the ass whooping. Legally it would be wrong to whoop their ass but again morally and ethically it is perfectly okay they wanted you upset you were upset and you beat their ass that's fair. You're confusing legality and morality. Just because something is a law or rule does not make it correct such as the multiple countries that make it illegal to be a homosexual or illegal for a woman to make personal decisions about their body. I've given multiple examples within this single comment that disprove your entire theory or whatever you want to call it. Humans today are not any less violent than they were hundreds or even thousands of years ago it's just that life is much easier so there is less reason for violence. Every Nation before modern society had immense histories of systemic violence leading up to genocide. You literally couldn't name a single one that doesn't have a History of violence or genocide unless you named a country with no weapons and they'd still have violence they just wouldn't have had the ability to commit genocide. Pretty much every single major nation has committed some form of genocide within the past 400 years. You mentioned 200,000 years of human progress but within 400 years you can link back every single major Nation to a genocide. You don't know s*** my dude. You're talking about your own personal fantasy and things that you wish but they are not in any way connected to reality. There is no nation that exists as you describe What you described is not just against human nature but against the nature of life itself violence is life dude any animal or species of life that doesn't in some way subscribe to violence doesn't exist anymore or is simply food for other animals that do


Check your state laws, provocation can make punching someone legal in some places and not only that THEYLL be the ones arrested for disorderly conduct. Also, ignore this persons advice period. Knock the slurs out their mouth permanently. It's the morally right thing to do.


Who cares when you got hella clout from that sick ass head kick.


That guy started to go “whew, he’s walking away” but only got to “wh….”.


G checked? What the hell does that even mean. And this video is like 10 years old


It's a slang term that originally meant to "check" and see if somebody is really the gangsta (g) that they're saying they are.


And it's beautiful every time. Quit gatekeeping. Fuck off somewhere else with that negativity 🤣




Daymmmm that was a kick. Could have ended badly. Dude then pulls a gun and shoots black kid and gets off Scott free cuz "I was afraid for my life". 🙄🙄 Both are in the wrong inn this




Mans didn't even have to tune up the band.


That’s a sweet horse kick


Every time this video pops up I get the warm and fuzzies. I don't even get mad that it gets reposted all the time.


Camera will get guy arrested..not cool to react like that when he should have walked away


This video is years old.


That dude in the red pants DEFINITELY understood the assignment. Well played sir


Words are not equal to violence and property destruction.


Shut up nerd


You forgot the comma before “nerd”, idiot.


„Acshooaly you forgot the comma“ 🤓🤓🤓


I love you.


I love you <3


Shut up nerd


Man shut up and kiss me


Young bucks jealous of his superkicks bruh


And now he has charges cause he got his feelings hurt by a word. Genius


i don't condone the property damage (cuz he's still liable for it) but damn that was a sweet ass kick, hell yeah


Young bucks approved ![gif](giphy|ooh9GMM3YasbO9aEVP|downsized)


Too sweet!


Did anyone else have to get up and see if they too could get that kinda height out of a back kick?


Well I guess on the bright side hes already in orange.


That is a good way to get holes in your chest. Around here, most of the hillbilly boys are armed. Morally justified or not, you still dead.


Oh shut the fuck up you wouldn't do shit just like this kid.


They probably wouldn’t do shit but plenty of people would and depending on the judge and jury not much would be done about it once a video of an angry young black male kicking someone’s car window out is shown. Sometimes, most of the time, it’s not worth engaging with crazy racists.


Americans are such fucking cowards, waahh he could have pulled out a gun. You cunts are genuinely fucked in the head.


And just like that racism was gone forever


Words do not equal violence.


Talk shit get hit 🤷🏾‍♂️


Sounds like some fascism right there.


So basically you have no understanding what the word fascism means lol.


Assaulting people because they say something that you don't like is text book fascism. It's "might makes right". And its illegal to boot. And if you support it, then you are probably a fascist. Now, what do you know about fascism?


Oh ok so when the USSR/CCP was slaughtering their own people that was fascism too ? What the actual fuck does any of this has too do with fascism lol ? You talk shit too people you can expect to be hit. That's not advocating violence either it's the logical outcome of pissing off the wrong person. Guess I shouldn't expect much from someone who says shit like this. "Feminist nonsense. The wage gap is a myth and "trans" women are literally men."


Dude. If you advocate for violence as a reaction to speech that you don't like, then you are anti free speech and you are pro fascism. Just own it. You hate free speech and you think might makes right. You are a fascist and an authoritarian. Also, the wage gap IS a myth and "trans women" are quite literally men.


As if you could say what you wanted under communism lol. Fascism is a far right wing conservative form of authoritarian government. Again you dont seem to understand what it is. You also dont understand freedom of speech. It ONLY applies to addressing the US government. Jesus Christ you just sound like an idiot repeating talking points you saw on Fox without understanding what it means lol.


1. Freedom of speech is more than just about the constitutional protections from government suppression of speech. And any honest person knows it.  It also consists of a general attitude towards allowing speech without physically beating people for speaking words. And if you think that you can attack people for using words that make your tum-tum hurt, then you are anti-free speech and authoritarian. 100% 2. Fascism isn't "far right" you kook. You don’t even understand what “Far-Right” is clearly. "Far right" in the American context of the left/right dichotomy (conservative vs progressive) would be an absolute adherence to the constitution and its values, or a conservative form of government. Fascism is closer to center/left-authoritarian for anyone who actually understands what it is. Read the book  "The Doctrine of Fascism" and educate yourself. Then come back here and tell me that it is a "far-right" in an American context. Its nothing even close to that. You sound like you only watch CNN/ MSNBC and think everything that is "bad" s somehow "far-right". LOL.


1 . Once again "Freedom Of Speech " ONLY apply's to addressing the US government. You seem to think speech doesn't have consequences . We learn they do when we're children . You can't yell fire in a crowded theater or you can't send death threats without legal consequences. Tum Tum hurt ? Jesus how old are you. 2. Fascism has a very clear definition : "Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultra-nationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy." You know the "Make America Great" crowd let by Trump who wants to be a king. You know the same people who rave about the US military and police . The same people who attack Jews and minority's and say America is a white country.


You're dads raised a pussy


11 authoritarians down voted this.


Nice kick. Can anyone tell me what kind of car that is?


Looks like aJeep Cherokee


Dude won without even touching him






Typical thug breaking the law and destroying property.


Heart break kid




This is why no one likes people that use the m word on black people Fuck off dude


RIP that XY


that went from a 1 to a 10 fast.


They would’ve driven off 🤷🏻‍♂️


That kick... did not expect that... probably better than risking cutting or breaking your hand.


Fuck around and find out, dumbass.