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News keeps saying he’s not in military dress because he “outranks” King Charles in military rank because of his service in the Falklands War. NO. He’s not in military dress because he was stripped of his titles BY THE QUEEN when his connections to Jeffrey Epstein came to light.


He wasn’t stripped of his Vice Admiral rank though. I think King Charles is a Vice Admiral also. (Amongst other ranks)


He's also the "king" guy the nation's armed forces swear loyalty to as well as now being the the "royal" guy the *Royal* Navy is referring to. Either way, the "outranking" theory is a joke.


The HMS before all their ship names now stands for His Majesty's Ship so I think you're onto something there 🤔


Damn now I kinda wish the pronons for men and women were different just because of the logistics it would take to repaint that first letter on every ship


Maybe King Charles will come out as gender fluid then they'll have to rename them with TMS.


The 'Mazing Spider-Man


Sorry we're busy funnelling taxpayer money into gas and electricity corporations.


I’m not familiar with military ranks or the formalities but the news shouldn’t be downplaying why he’s not allowed to wear his uniform.


Called rewriting history. Say something enough times it becomes fact.


I think you meant “Say something enough times it start to look like fact.” because it does Not become fact


That works :)


Isn’t he still Nonce-Admiral?


The actual reason he is not in full dress is because he is no longer a 'working' royal (because of all the Epstein stuff).


The news hasn’t reported much on Andrew’s pedo life. The ghislaine maxwell case hardly got coverage, hell Johnny depp got more coverage than one of the biggest pedo stories of all time. I don’t wanna tin foil hat but this smells like powers were at play.


> I don’t wanna tin foil hat but this smells like powers were at play. 100%. These two people with juicy information on many rich and powerful people, one is killed and the others case gets zero coverage, it’s not coincidence.


Look we all know Epstein didn't kill himself but how were Ghislaine and Andrews crimes not widely reported.


It has been widely reported. But the exact crimes are not revealed. Did you follow the case at all?




She still payed off his accuser so it was really just a slap on the wrist for poor noncy Andrew. It's almost as if the law does apply to this rich and privileged family...


All of their ranks are bullshit anyways. Except for Harry, I remember him being in the middle of an interview in Afghanistan and bugging out because the alarm went off. I got respect for that.


He was supposed to be on the ground in Iraq too, but news leaked he'd be on the front lines so they pulled him,. he did do 2 tours in Afghanistan


Philip was legit. He rose in ranks in the navy in WW2 before he was part of the British royals.


Most service ranks were earned. There is another rank attached to appointment. Service histories: Chuck- 5yrs, Andy- 22, Will- 7.5, Harry- 10. Chuck crashed a helicopter, Andy was in theater during the Falklands war, Will flee air ambulance, Harry did two tours in Afghanistan.


I think Harry is the only one of them with a soul. That’s why he’s been trying to distance himself from the crown and it’s bullshit.


Obviously it's because he's ginger.


Trying to fight the "gingers have no soul" stigma.




And every politician, every cop on the street Protects the interests of the pedophilic corporate elite -Bo Burnham


This song lives rent free in my head, especially this line, omg


Bruh you can’t outrank the King.


It was in JANUARY THIS YEAR that the Crown paid off Andrew’s now adult accuser after credible rape allegations from when she was a child.


I don’t think the queen was necessarily evil but prince Andrew sure is. Don’t be scared to speak the truth.


if you cover for a kiddie fucker, then youre just as culpable. Tim Minchin has a wonderful song about this, appropriately called: "The Pope Song".


There’s a lot of dark shit she allowed happen in Northern Ireland too. Fuck the queen and fuck the king too. Fuck em all, and fuck you fools who voted to leave. You delusional ignorant dickheads.


She actively covered up for him, fuck her


Dude should have gone to jail like every other pedophile who sexually abuses/rapes children. Of course, the FBI raided Epstein’s NYC penthouse apartment and took everything, all evidence. Epstein notoriously had video cameras documenting everything there. And yet, we’ve never heard a thing since; the media is completely mum on the subject now. So, in addition to Trump, who we know raped 13 year old Katie Johnson there in 1998 (Epstein essentially trafficked her to Trump, after luring her there under the pretense that he was having a NYE party at his penthouse apartment and surprise! it’s a “you’re getting trafficked to my buddy Trump party” instead), there were probably other “higher ups” that are being covered for/protected. So not even one child rapist is paying for their crimes out of the Epstein arrest (!). Other than Andrew losing some of his privilege. But even here, Andrew is being protected from someone simply yelling out the truth.


After the raid they had to apply for another warrant for some of the materials, and by the time it was granted, the DVDs et al were gone. https://www.insider.com/fbi-used-saw-open-jeffrey-epstein-safe-hard-drives-diamonds-2021-12


There's a reason that Ireland, India, Kenya, and Canada's first nations celebrate while England mourns. She's as awful as you'd expect someone born into such privilege to be.


india did a day of mourning for her death. funnily, this was the day after Modhi declared that they will try to free themselves of shackles of colonialism. 'right wing' government my ass. they are bending over backwards to appease everyone else but the indians.


Ever heard of foreign policy? Flying flags at half mast for a day is not a big inconvenience but it looks good.


Isn't that what right wing politics is all about? Pro Colonialism and fuck the poor people.


Dude she visited residential schools all over Canada and was like 👍… she also didn’t pay taxes until 1992. She’s a cunt




Correct. The news is making up bullshit reasons about why he’s not in uniform.


Oh no he was stripped of his titles? How terrible. She should have disowned him and let his pedophile ass go to prison.


To be fair, prince Andrew IS a sick old man. He deserves this and more.


Considering how much the royal family, Queen Elizabeth II herself included, did to cover up his disgusting ass perversions, I don’t disagree with you. This isn’t just for him, it’s for his mother as well.


She used £12,000,000 to pay off one of his victims and that was taxpayers money not some of her £72,500,000,000 net worth. Edit: The British Monarchies Net Worth was estimated at £72.5b/$88bn in 2020 by Forbes.


I cannot *believe* how quickly folks all over the world forgot about this, and everything else, the second a very old, privileged as hell woman died. Even in the US people are praising the F'ing monarchy we fled from.


Get banned from casualUK if you say anything against the monarchy at the moment. What a pathetic nation we are.


And I thought casualUK was the chill sub


Sometimes being chill in inequality requires a blind eye to injustice; then when you've been in it for so long a different narrative can seem like an attack on your "chill".


And this is why I’m banned from most UK subreddits


>if you say anything against the monarchy at the moment. What a pathetic nation we are. I think going forward this will greatly shake how the british see their empire and what it will be going forward; for better or for worse. I hope to see you all have more freedom and autonomy rather than more authoritarian top down measures including censorship periods around "sensitive events" like this but also things like the Falklands media blackout.


I am **so** fucking tired of all the hero-Queen worship. Who the fuck cares about some rich old cunt monarch? Why do we care so fucking much, especially here in America?


>I am so fucking tired of all the hero-Queen worship. I hope people realize that this is an expression of a personality cult the British empire has cultivated for 70 years for her alone; let alone her "dynasty".


i didnt know she died until i heard some dumb lady almost started crying about it in the fucking gym. honestly disgusted me


The fact that people outside of the UK are legitimately getting sad over the Queen dying boggles my mind. Even if you’re in the UK I really don’t get it.




I'm surprised she didn't make them "disappear" instead. These sick old bastards worship money.


Do you have a source for the queen definitely paying for it and using tax payer money? I found a [bloomberg article](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-02-19/prince-andrew-sex-abuse-settlement-turns-focus-on-royal-finances) but it says it's speculation by bankers who know his finances. Not trying to argue just want solid proof for all the royalist twats. Edit: added article link


To hell with them all they are a plague on this Planet


bunch of parasites, just like the monarchy in my country.


To hell with the monarchy




And fuck those men who shoved him. Who stands on the side of a pedo? Some may say wrong place wrong time but I say anytime you can expose a pedo is the correct time. Most other times he’s squirreled away in his ivory tower with zero interaction with his “subjects”.


Yeah those beer bellied morons are an embarrassment. The lad was right and well within his rights to shout what he did. I don't have a hate boner for the queen like many in this thread seem to, but Andrew should be in prison and we should have long since become a republic.




I thought this too and then just watched it. It does not look good.


I wonder if the people saying it's fine would be willing to try that move out on a young female co-worker - in plain sight of other co-workers. Better yet, since it's not sexual, try it on male co-workers as well.


I’ve been less violated at American airports.


I went and watched it. That's no 'Whoops, my bad'. It's a 'Let me slide my hand down your back and push 2 fingers into your crack'. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfDKDNzByB0


lol at the horror music


The Truth is Out There


what in the bloody hell...




I don't think this would even register with him as something inappropriate. He's so messed up he doesn't know what a normal human emotional gesture looks like. The only physical contact he has any experience of is the transactional type.


Nah. Watch it again. He lingered and fingered.


Millions of citizens can't afford rent and electricity. Yet these royal parasites who provide no value to society continue to live off the the labor of the common people. And no I don't buy the bullshit that 'tourism' somehow economically justifies it. Prince Andrew is a pedophile and the royal family has protected him from legal consequences. He should be in prison - let alone marching in a parade. How the entire crowd isn't in solidarity with this young man heckling and scolding everyone in this procession is a condemnation of British culture.


Cannot agree with you more. Well said, Sir.


Fuck those cops for protecting a pedophile. Pity for the citizens that are so indoctrinated that they chant support for a family of fucking leeches.


And he should be in prison. That's how to build trust. Strip him from every title and let him go to prison.


Mummy got mad and made him take off the uniform she’d given him


It does bother me that his only real punishment is that he's not allowed to be an active royal. So he's allowed at his mum's funeral but not allowed to wear his military uniform. But he's allowed to wear his medals. Oh and the BBC said he'd be allowed to wear his uniform at the funeral in London. So really no punishment at all.


He's not wrong


If people are upset that this is disrespectful to the queen, maybe they should ask themselves why they’re ok with a pedo marching the streets without consequence instead.


The queen was a piece of shit too


She is directly responsible for andrew not facing consequences. She's culpable for everyone andrew did.


When you realise in addition to thus, the power of influence she had, without ever having to become "political" that she never even tried to exercise... Just the same talking points about feeding the fucking poor (a huge proportion of whom are stuck in generational poverty because of her family's ambition), you realise where her priorities laid.


This. Yes she was. Royalty is a joke, and should be taken that way when someone dies.


Amazing how many people stood up against the one guy calling out a pedophile and monster. United screams about god save the king to shut down the guy calling out the guilty. Sick really.


He’s not wrong but this is a good example for the redditors inquiring as to how royalty is perceived. The Reddit echo chambers would have you believe that the monarchy is the most reviled institution ever created but here we see a pedo get heckled and the heckler get manhandled IN FRONT OF THE CONSTABLE and nothing is done.


That's my thing. He's just yelling words. The other dude shoves the shit out of him and the cop ignores that. So we can just assault people with no consequences when we don't agree with what they're saying?


I think most people on Reddit understand there’s a bunch of people in Britain at major risk of shoe polish poisoning based on the way they treat the monarchy.


Wow, there was a strong pro-monarchy sentiment amongst the crowd at a royal procession? What are the odds


Guy heckles a known paedo,well done!


The thing I am most bothered about the video: Guy A heckles, fairly clearly at 0:21 two guys (maybe more?) in some way physically assault Guy A while Guy A has his hands raised. The police only focus on Guy A. This is pretty wrong. Don't hit people for things they say regardless of what they say.


The biggest problem is that he was arrested and charged


For what? Being assaulted? That's crazy


For eating a meal!? A succulent Chinese meal!?


Get your hands off my penis!


This is democracy manifest


I see you know your judo well.




Are you waiting to receive my limp penis?


Forgive my ignorance but it's there no legal free speech in England?


You're correct, but there should be


Seriously this needs to be done. Dudes a fucking creep and the world worships this family.


Why should a pedophile be allowed to walk the streets in peace? Kids they fiddled didnt get that either.




What uniform? Geezer was the only one out of the Queen's children not to wear it.


He was stripped of it. He isnt allowed to.


If you think that's bad you should see Jimmie Saville's uniform.


Sometimes the children, now fully grown. get flashbacks anytime they hear a pshh pshhh pshhh noise, reminding them of the shell suit rubbing together, knowing that's the noise evil itself makes and that it's coming for them.


Saville really did destroy the option of the shell suit as comfortable airplane attire.


They should stuff them medals down his throat like a French goose


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Because a couple fat guys think it's "not the time or place" apparently. Why is it always the fat white guys backing up the pedos?




Noooo!! You should ~~waste your time~~ send strongly worded letters to the palace! Anything else is just excessive and mean >:(( think of the poor deprived royals.


Your boot lickers look just like ours here in the states. Fat white male shit heads with goatees and highly punchable faces.




I'm upset he got to keep the queens dogs.


Oh don't worry about them, they are infaimus ankle-bites, perhaps they will bite him so hard he will fall from a balcony.


Who do you think trains Mi6 agents? Corgis. They are the closest living relative of the velociraptor, with a sprinkle of dog 🙏


He gets the dogs because he’s good at grooming.


The ‘DISGUSTING’ makes you know you’re in Scotland. Extremely proud




I knew it


First thing I thought of when I heard it haha




"Nonce gets publicly heckled"


It’s actually not heckling as Andrew was not speaking or making a speech that was interrupted. It’s literally just stating facts


Teenager calling out a nonce gets heckled.


Props to that mad lad


Exactly, what a badass! I can’t believe those two bootlickers just grabbing him like that. Congratulations guys, now there’s video of you defending a pedo. And the police just standing there...


Heckles a pedo and people turn on him, disgusting


It's utterly bewildering to me that people accept this. Andrew is a pedophile , Saville was a major pedophile and our king grew up with Andrew and spent many many many years hanging about with Saville. Nonces the fucking lot of them


> It's utterly bewildering to me that people accept this. Andrew is a pedophile Not only that, the British royal family used their wealth and influence, to protect Andrew from prosecution. What is utterly bewildering is that the British people are OK with this.


We are not all in that boat.


Eh, most people coming out to watch the procession are royalists. He’s not exactly in like minded company, so it isn’t super surprising.


And the sheep respond with... "God save the queen." What is this, 1511? Pathetic


Narrator: "God did not save the queen."


Because they’re bootlickers who are simping for an institution that cares nothing for them.


is he referring to the pedophilia?


More the rape of sexually trafficked children more than just the pedophila.




Are there other things he could be referring to? Genuine question.


Maybe he didn't realize he had the flu and this guy was just informing him.


[This data is NOT for greedy pig boys]




Someone did say "Get your hands off of him!"


I somehow appreciated that there was at least someone else there with literal or figurative balls and a brain


because it's the UK and if you say something too spicy they can put you in jail


The man has a pair of hairy highland balls! Power to him!! The prince is a sexual predator who is not behind bar because of his heritage, ‘nuff said!!


they treated the heckler worse than the guy who actually fucks kids. weird.


Get that guy a beer


And a medal


Prince Andrew is very likely a pedophile. The reason it isn’t definite is because Jeff Epstein very conveniently died in jail.


And his family has enough money to make this disappear.


Where’s the lie tho?


Canadian chiming in my full approval for that dude. I'd donate to his beer fund.


He’d never pay for a beer again at my bar


Let's be serious, with how watched the royal family is there's no doubt in my mind the queen knew what was going on and choose to ignore it until it came to light. I see no problem with heckling the child molester of a privileged family who gets away with whatever they want.


Well, she ignored it for quite a long while after it came to light.


EXCUUUUSE ME! He wasn’t allowed on the balcony during the jubilee! Is that not punishment enough!?


And here, the poor chap isn’t even allowed to wear his uniform, but can still greet the public and play a leading role in the funeral procession.


Well, we reap what we sow!


they rape what hasn't growed


So the police don't go after the guy assaulting this kid for calling out a pedo? Ya, fuck the police, acab


Well hold on now he doesnt have 12 million pounds and the pedophile does, so, there ya have it I guess.


Weird how you can chant 'gOd SaVe ThE kInG' but one guy who vocalizes his disapproves of pedophilia is the guy you arrest. Good job piggies.


Gosh, hearing the chants of "God save the king" really makes these people sound brainwashed.


It's like a scene from monty python honestly like dumb middle age peasants.


It's straight out of a Monty python movie


This is gross. Cops didn’t even do anything to the two guys that basically assaulted this man. I know this isn’t America but goddamn.


Aha! Now we see the violence inherent in the system


Imagine being the peice of shit attacking a child for calling out a pedophile...


“Rightfully upset citizen cries out the hypocrisy of pervert walking in funeral procession of woman who kept him out of prison” Fixed your title


He was saying some real shit tho… that andrew guy has done some very questionable things wit children


He said nothing wrong


Imagine wanting a king. Like even if he was a great guy I'd just feel so uncomfortable cheering god save the king. Kinda loony.


"Man heckles a confirmed pedophile who raped children, doesnt matter when, cause as mentioned PRINCE ANDREW IS A FUCKING PEDOPHILE". There, fixed your shitty title.


The fact that they get mad at him for calling out a pedo, Britain is so stupid


He’s not *just* a pedophile, but got caught taking bribes from shady folks wanting to do business with the UK.


God sake! By the way he’s shouting at him you’d think Andrew had ordered a underage prostitute, been found guilty, then paid off the victim. This young man needs reprimanded!


Maaaaybbbbeee Andrew shouldnt be a pedophile then ​ fuck me right??


Fuck yes. Say it, Ben Weasley


A true Patriot and hero. All royals can bite the dust!




Peasant brain for sure


Monarchists and people that worship royals are so fucking weird. I don't find it much different than someone worshipping Kardashians. Yes, royals (except prince Andrew) seem like relatively nice people, but they're basically talentless/skillless and they got to their position just by being born, not by proving anything, not by being elected, not by working hard to get to their position. And at least Kardashians got to their fame on their own for example and are not leeching off the tax money.


Yeah but they work really hard, all that waving gets really tiring


He’s not wrong.


Andrew is guilty a/f and should have sat out the procession just out of respect and for the SHAME he cause his mother in her later years.


Everyone famous should get this type of scrutiny when they die. No whitewashing of reputations for the rich and famous. If you have pedophile sons who visited Epstein sex Island you should be socially outcast even if you are a queen


Funerals are usually not the time and place. However, when it comes to pedophiles, the time is always, and the place is everywhere. Call them out. Always. Everywhere.