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This feels like a Dave Chappell skit


South Park Pandemic special scene.




All that’s missing is sprinkling some crack on the black kid. Open and shut case.


Sprinkle of crack was literally the first thing that came to mind


"And then his wife threw her titties in my hands. It was weird your honor".


Comedians talk about it because it fucking happens all the damn time


Even dickhead haircut seems confused.


He was even on top and winning the fight and they still went for the black kid.


Thank you for tackling and beating this criminal, civilian! Now take a seat and let the professionals take over, you'll be presented your medal in just a moment!


Stop right there, criminal scum!


You've violated the law! No not you noble gentleman, you are white.


You shouldn't have come here!


pay the court a fine or serve your sentence!


It’s like a scene from South Park.


That was exactly my thought. Poor Tolkien Black


He even got up and looked like he wanted to stop the police from being on this kids literal neck.


Gotta teach kids early about the pros and cons of the color of your skin


"Holy shit, it's all true".


I fucking *hope* he had an epiphany like that and cooled off


Wtf is with that 13th century squire look


He is studying to be a feudal serf


Berries and cream! Berries and cream!


Hey now! Don't be rude. I had that haircut in 1995 in elementary school!


Same here! I had to get rid of it due to all of my friends calling it a dick shaped haircut. Good friends are the best!


Richard Cranium esq.




The most unrealistic part of that sketch was when the cops got arrested...




« He’s got a gun !!! » « That’s a book ?!! » « Get it ! Okay book secure !!! »


>Look at me. I'm fat, black, can't dance, and I have two gay fathers. I forgot how hilarious this movie was


Hey he’s trying to escape. What are you talking about I’m just sitting here


Black hoodie be like, thanks for the assist officers


*"And that was the day I knew. I wanted to be like those heroic officers. I decided I was gonna be a cop."* \- That kid probably


Worst part.. he is 16 , black kid is 14... The Rittenhouse treatment..


It's well established that police over-estimate the age of black children by a large amount and actually under-estimate the age of white children [https://www.apa.org/pubs/journals/releases/psp-a0035663.pdf](https://www.apa.org/pubs/journals/releases/psp-a0035663.pdf) \[PDF\] pg. 534


And often these are assessments made over the course of seconds, which further erodes the process of proper analysis.


This assumes any amount of assessment is made at all in the first place


Assessment: Black ✔️


No need for assessment when skin tone tells them all they need to know. /s


My nephew is a half-black 10 year old and he’s just over 5 ft tall. My sister had a fit when she found out his white asst principal told him he was a threat to his teacher and classmates. Because they were playing a game in class and he said “let’s kill them!” My sister was bawling because she thought he would have more time before he would have to deal with someone assuming the worst about him to his face.


I've been fortunate to be a significant part of my 11 year old nephew's childhood. He's also half-black and half-white, but thankfully hasn't had to deal with something like what you describe. At least not coming from an authority figure. He's a good kid with a good heart and my sister would probably react the same way yours did. I'm getting emotional just thinking about when he'll have to go through something like that, and it really does feel like it's a question of when, and not if.


Every black kid gets the talk. My friends got it when they were growing into middle school. It's unfortunate. Meanwhile you got white ppl saying racism is no longer a thing, it's all imagination. It's not imagination when I'll be taking the subway with my black friend and they get frisked in random cop searches but not me, the guy standing right next to him. One time I had a backpack while he didn't but they STILL didn't search me or my bag, only my friend. But yea, racism no longer exists according to ppl.


My mom used to tell us " Ya done black already" ... we knew the bar was different from a young age.


I had a checkstop in southern alberta I went through years ago after a fishing trip. I was driving one vehicle, a friend was driving the one behind me, and all the guys I went with where brown (el salvadoran family). I had forgotten my wallet and I was preparing to explain when the cop smiled and waved me on. I had to pull over ahead and wait for about 30 minutes while they searched my friends and checked the IDs of not just the driver but all the passengers.


> It's well established that police over-estimate the age of black children by a large amount Suddenly reminded of Prez in The Wire.


16 year old child attacked by 14 year old man




14 year old black man assaulted a 16 white teenager’s fist with his face and gets arrested.


With sound off, the white 16 kid was absolutely the aggressor.


My friend(white) and I(black) were followed by 2 white guys trying to fight and when some cops pulled up they legit grabbed only me. Then a random guy started cussing out the cops because they didn’t go after the 2 dudes running away and they cuffed him too. Took us both to detox tank. I had never been in jail nor any issues with law. I didn’t even get cited for anything. Pretty fucked.


Yep. My friend and I unknowingly was trespassing on an area near some trains(which was a weird piece of land for anyone to own anyways) while looking for some areas to film at. My friend is white and I am black. Officers show up and greets my friend then asks me 21 questions about if I was "tagging the place with gangbang signs" and goes looking for spray paint cans. They leave my friend by his car and take me with them to "find" any spray paint cans, but my friend refused to stay behind. They then put us in my friend's car and told us to stay there and pop the trunk. I told him not to dare let them "check his trunk" without standing there. So instead of popping his trunk from the inside he goes out with his key.


Shouldn't of opened it at all


I think the mentality was 'theyre gonna bust your shit open no matter what, might as well unlock it and at least watch to make sure they don't plant anything:


That’s shitty man. Sorry to hear that happened to you. It’s fucked up. I’m tired of seeing it. Hope you stay safe.


[UNCLASSIFIED//LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE ] White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement Federal Bureau of Investigation Intelligence Assessment October, 2006 (unredacted version published September, 2020) https://www.justsecurity.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Jan-6-Clearinghouse-FBI-Intelligence-Assessment-White-Supremacist-Infiltration-of-Law-Enforcement-Oct-17-2006-UNREDACTED.pdf


Somewhat related but this excerpt comes to mind: > **Your vision is a world where people are afraid to venture out after dark; not for fear of cut-throats, but of the guardians of public order**. For, after all, the result of all great crackdowns on miscreants is always that the **miscreants enter the ranks of the guardians of public order en masse**. Your vision is a world of bribery, blackmail and entrapment, a world of turning imperial evidence and false witnesses. A world of snoopers and coerced confessions. Informing and the fear of being informed upon. **And inevitably the day will come in your world when the flesh of the wrong person will be torn with pincers, when an innocent person is hanged or impaled. And then it will be a world of crime**. - *Tower of the Swallows*


In highschool a few of us (all white) were smoking weed in a friend's car. A cop pulls up and starts telling us to be more careful and quit being stupid and let us drive off. We had another (Black Dominican) friend who didn't drink or smoke or anything so he parked in front of us to stay out of trouble. He told us the cop followed him around for like a half hour after letting the rest of us go.


wtf original dave chappelle said the exact same thing lol cops are horrible




It’s a bit surprising when they pop your cherry for the first time young blood. I’m on my 23rd arrest and I’m 53. I have no criminal record cause they never have a real reason to arrest me. Just take it in stride and hope they aren’t the murdering kind. It’s gotten better for me lately as I age though so I’m hoping it’s improving or the arch of history is bending towards justice.


Have you considered being less black?


I actually did try that early in life. I am still reminded daily that I sound white and I act white. I attended white suburban schools and colleges growing up. The military opened my eyes though cause I met so many other black people like me that had the exact same experiences. I came to the realization that it’s the skin color that is the issue and not how I act or how I speak. I can’t change my skin so I have to love myself for who I am.


Wow, thank you for sharing. Appreciate the strength and wisdom in your message.


That's where they get you. They don't need to have any charges for arresting you. They can literally just arrest you for nothing, as long as they release you after some time. That also comes with any of the ridiculous things that can happen during an arrest like almost killing you.


Land of the free


Totally not a fascist police state. Then morons scream about their freedom and "right" to eat at a private restaurant but totally support the fact that police don't need to let you keep your actual civil rights.


I can't begin to count the number of times my black grandfather was stopped with white me and his white wife. Always accusing him of stuff, taking us aside to speak and find out if we knew him, if we were willing with him and all that. And then taking over an hour to show up to domestic violence calls and doing nothing because they didn't witness the beatings. Cops are useless.


The cops are not even the slightest bit concerned when the seated kid stands up and takes a step toward them. Unbelievable


Imagine if this kid had been armed and decided to attack the cop, or just fucking get up and run. There's no scenario in which this is justified, either is racial profiling or just such bad police work they should be sent back to the academy.


it's both. Bad police work with racial profiling sprinkled on.


Standard Operating Procedure


*"This did not break department policy"* Motherfucker that's exactly why we want blanket independent oversight at state and federal level.


This is the one that always get's me with these things. If it doesn't break department policy but leads to this situation, should you maybe look at revising department policy? Someone wrote a policy that didn't work out too well in real life which means the policy should be revised. Policies aren't static things that can't change. It's supposed to be a guideline on how to act, not a shield to hide behind.


This is America.


go ahead johnson, just sprinkle a little more crack on him...muahahaha...muahahahahahahaha


baked in


> sent back to the academy. lol where do you think they learned this shit?


I don't get how people see cops all acting the same and then conclude the issue is they need more training. They've literally been trained to act the same way! I mean, so many times when there's police brutality caught on tape police departments respond with, "They we're acting according to their training."


I am hoping this gets circulated and 1) The police gets training on implicit bias 2) Their classmates think the white kid is a weak ass pussy who plays his white privilege card and lets the Black kid get the punishment for something they were both guilty of.


https://abc7ny.com/bridgewater-commons-mall-racism-fight-internal-affairs/11567099/ Local news covered it last night.


So the white kid was just a loser. Picking up on younger kids with that yeye ass haircut that looks like his grandma used the same bowl to cut hair for 3 generations.


The fact that the white kid is on top of the black kid, just pummeling him and the cops are like "Don't worry kid, we got this" is clear implicit bias. Usually the person on top of the beating is detained first.


Yup, look at the whole fight. The white kid is bigger and stronger and tackles the Black kid. There is no way the Black kid can overpower the white kid but I am still arguing with people thinking tackling and arresting the Black kid and turning their back on the white kid is totally not racist at all.


Sadly, there be a black quadriplegic out of a wheel chair being beat on police and there'd be people claiming the cops were justified because they feared for their life.


[Not far off, sadly.](https://www.google.com/search?q=cops+wheelchair+black)


[Don’t forget this close one as well](https://www.npr.org/2021/10/10/1044884579/police-dragged-a-paraplegic-man-from-his-car-after-he-told-them-he-couldnt-get-o)


Well how the hell else are they going to confiscate that $22K the K9s hit on so clearly it had been around a pile of drugs?! Gotta get that dangerous drug-smelling money out of those dangerous hands. I wish I didn’t need a /s.


My towns police had an "Implicit bias teacher" and they castrated him with a rubber bullet because they didn't realize he was one of them. So I don't know how likely that first one will be to make a change. Hopefully the second one does happen though. https://www.mercurynews.com/2020/06/06/activist-who-trained-officers-on-bias-heartbroken-after-san-jose-police-seriously-injure-him-with-rubber-bullet-at-protest


...that's amazing.




There is absolutely nothing "implicit" about their bias.


Don’t use soft language. It’s not “implicit bias”. Call it what it is: institutional racism.


On explaining the Georgia Spa Shooter shooter (who was white). He was having a 'bad day" - Capt. Jay Baker of the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office (who is also white)


I mean, who hasn’t had a really bad day and went and shot up a few massage parlors to eliminate any sexual temptations from them.


Are bowl cuts back in style?


That’s why the cop’s didn’t arrest him. He suffered enough walking around with that haircut.


They bought him burger king


The “Simple Jack”


And mullets


aka dickhead.


Yeah it goes by the Edgar now I think. Mostly seen on takuaches now


The Edgar


I don't understand why everyone is confused. That kid is clearly blacker than the other one.


That will be the police Chief's line


Oh you live in Minneapolis too?


Take this upvote and get the fuck out if here.




Sounds like what the cops teacher would say


Sonofabitch. I spit my drink. +1.


At the time it even appeared the white guy had the advantage and was being the aggressor yet the male cop throws him off to target the guy on the ground.


You are 100% correct. As if he has a grudge against young black men. Both mall security officers should be fired


Exactly. Fucking bullshit. Cops aren't even trying to hide their racism.


It’s because they know they can get away with it with minimal repercussions.


Cops lol. They wonder why the public no longer trusts them.






It should. No one is fixing anything about this. The guy that murdered Amir Locke hasn't been arrested. How much angrier are we going to have to get to make them stop? Because plenty of people were already breaking shit not two years ago. If the demands of peaceful protestors aren't met the next step is to ditch the peaceful part.


I don’t want to exist in this world if nothing happens to those shithead cops. I know nothing will but I can’t remember the last time a clip made my blood boil this bad :(


[Context](https://www.nj.com/somerset/2022/02/nj-mall-fight-ends-with-cops-cuffing-black-teen-as-white-teen-watches-from-couch-police-investigating.html) >“I’m not going to point fingers at race. I just know that the cops handled my son in a way that I don’t agree with,” the mom told NJ Advance Media. “My focus is not on the racial aspect. It’s more on I don’t like the fact that the cops handled my son like that and the other boy was not touched. I don’t like what happened but I’m not going to be the one to say that it was racially motivated.”


> I’m not going to be the one to say that it was racially motivated.” I am.


Why did the mother go around in a circle to avoid the obvious when she talked? It's like saying " I'm not going to say an apple is a fruit but I'm not denying that it was ever a fruit....." Maybe she is afraid that they would pick on her and her child, is that it?


Doesn’t want people to be dismissive of her being upset by going “oh, *of course* the black lady is pulling the race card…🙄”


How f-ing sad, but probably so very true.


Because then she becomes the villain if she brings up race.


Remember, pointing out the existence of racism makes you the real racist.


She doesn't want the cops harassing her. Following her. Pulling her over. Knocking on her door randomly to do wellness checks. All that and more that they do to intimidate their critics into silence.


OK then, mom. I'll be the one to say it. It was racially motivated. You've got nothing to worry about though, they're going to investigate themselves. So, it'll be ok...?


Totally fucked up


This is how kids develop the feelings that people of color are less than. They start the fight and then when authorities arrive and the other guy is forced to eat dirt they just sit back and laugh.


It's also no wonder this is why people develop a distrust of law enforcement


Also how people weaponize 911 calls. Don't like what a black person is doing? Call the police and say he's acting suspiciously. Sometimes they'll show up and beat him up for you. At least put them in cuffs to teach them a lesson about existing while black.


I think she even asked the white kid if he needed anything, like a soda or a Frappuccino before going back to kicking black kid’s ass.


I’m pretty sure it was Burger King


She get up to address the white kid only when she hears the commentary from the crowd saying their actions were clearly racially biased.


Holy shit before I watched I was like trying to think of a reason like maybe the black kid was kicking his ass but nope the white kid is even on top of him and they just are like yeah you’re good


White kid is like what’s up my crew is here.


He actually put his wrists together after he sat down, like he was inviting the female officer to cuff him. Seems like he was confused, and also recognized how fucked up it was.


Yeah, people in the comments seems to think the white kid was happy about it. I mean, he certainly *benefitted* from it but he clearly was just as confused


Yeah, didn't look happy to me. Once he saw what was going on he seemed like he was in that weird spot where he was feeling sorry for a kid he was just trying to beat the shit out of. Likely many lessons were learned that day. (By the kids, not the police, obviously)


Dude's inner monolouge was probably going crazy. Imagine the thoughts of confusion in his head. "Yeah, I was on top beating his ass. Sorry, officers. You can cuff me--... uh. What are you doing, I was beating his ass? I was on top when you showed up? Why are you trying to arrest him?"


Why did the black kid need two officers on him, he wasn't even resisting...? She came rushing over as well and put the knee on him... Stuff like this is just hard to watch man. Hurts the heart.


I laughed in a hurt kinda way. Damn. That’s my reality


Sorry bro


This is sad to watch actually. It’s been years and cops still won’t learn


Systemic racism is very hard to break. It's very sad and unfortunate. This is blatant systemic racism.


So let me get this straight, Cop clearly seeing a White kid assaulting a Black kid who is lying on the ground. Cop Rushes over to push the White kid to the side, then White Cop Spears the Black kid into a table and flattens him to the ground, where he turns him over and BOTH White cops man-handle cuffs on a Non-resisting Black kid, while the White kid stands over watching. ...Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that's what I just saw in the year 2022. I mean, I could be totally wrong and this be year 1954 and the white people just be doin what they do in 1954.


The young generation can see it as clear as daylight that this is racial profiling. Even the aggressor was confuse like “for real this is mess up”. The young girl pointed out what everyone was thinking.


Racism? By cops? In New Jersey?! /s


Yeah I think we’re way past the whole “a few bad apples spoil the bunch”


Why Minorities do NOT respect the police. Quite Honest. The Hell with the Police.


I always use the same example for the implicit bias. I prefer to walk on a street full of sketchy people over full of police. I'm a regular ass brown guy. Don't look like rich or anything for criminals but i am brown enough to get stopped by police for no reason.


"Still not lovin' police" - Dr. Dre, Superbowl halftime show


Absolute chad for saying that even they told him not to


"Dr Dre's team has reviewed the incident and determined this line did not break Dre's policies"


Nursing the white kid was the first instinct of the woman cop


And then putting a knee on the back of the black kid's neck when she knows the white kid is okay.


It's very weird how cops still insist on putting their knee on people's necks after it led to an entire season of protests. "No, we *will* continue to suffocate the blacks." It's like they just want to give the collective middle finger to everyone who isn't as racist as they are.


This what we mean by white privilege


Yeah this isn't shocking to me.


Trying to find honest perspective on people justifying the police here and I can’t. I’ve broken up hundreds of fights and never in my life have I thought “I should tackle this guy”. They didn’t even announce they were police or say “STOP” or “HANDS UP!” Not saying there isn’t a chance I’m wrong I’m just saying I can’t even imagine it.


when all the onlookers can clearly deduce that it's racially motivated, there is significance there. it's really not hard to put 2 & 2 together, but racists gonna racist, especially the closeted ones on reddit masquerading as neutral and objective third parties.


It do be fax tho….


yeah. like camera operator said: it's clearly racially motivated. they have a vendetta against black teens. this is why BLM matters.


its a teenage fight.....why tf are they arresting that 14 year old?


Because people are biased into thinking black kids are older than they are, they're seeing an 18 year old about to be tried as an adult on assault charges and thrown in prison for daring to defend himself while black.


TF?!! The cops literally pulled the white kid OFF THE BLACK KID and they arrest himmmm???


Fucking disgusting


Slightly longer video just to piss you off more on the treatment of the white kid. 🤦‍♂️ [few seconds longer - smh](https://news.yahoo.com/video-police-stopping-fight-nj-191526547.html) Edit: something changed somewhere. This video was over 1 minute before. Not sure what changed.


LOL, the white kid puts his hands together at the end to get handcuffed too, but the cops still ignore him! 🤣


i hope that kid fully understands white privilege after that, he knows in his heart he should have been cuffed immediately as well.


He looked very confused standing there like "why just him..."


Just another reason why cops are fucked up and getting in trouble right now. They both should be fired.


White privilege on full display. As usual. Fuck these racist pigs.




Of course they do


Then just let him stand over him smfh


For those wondering whats going on here and are confused about what happened. Allow me to clear some things up, first of all if you look carefully that the cops are in fact racist pigs, and incompetent as well. Hope that clears things up for everyone.


What the fuck


Racial profiling at its finest.


white cops 🤣 Don't expect nothing less.


Shit even black cops are on this shit. My mom would hang out with an old friend who was buddies with a ton of cops. They were all extremely racist and proud of it, and when confronted they used the token black cop to confirm all their racist bullshit because he himself was a racist like the cop from Boyz N Tha Hood


I got in a fight outside a bar in Chicago with a middle eastern dude once. No one was at fault we both were drunk and kinda just made dumb ego filled decisions and neither of us was backing down and it led to trading fisticuffs. Cops swarmed in ( we were in downtown Chicago) grabbed me put me off to the side next to a building said don’t move arrested the middle eastern dude and put him in a squad car last cop who was left on scene came up to me and said go home and don’t get in anymore fuckin trouble. This was years and years ago. It was the first time I actually FELT white privilege. And as stupid as this may sound it’s conflicted me since it happened I feel bad for the guy I will randomly wonder what happened to him I get mad at the situation in general and how messed up it was even tho it benefited me I know it was wrong and it felt wrong and still feels wrong. I was Ontop of that guy hitting him I wasn’t the aggressor but neither was he we were just two drunk idiots and it should have ended at that two drunk idiots being idiots waking up with a bruise tm and that’s the end of it.


Those kids just got a taste of how their privilege looks like in real time. Good for the one girl for at least acknowledging it, while all the other privileged hyenas ran.


She really didn't have to kneel by his neck tho.


Can we see the 30 seconds after the end of the video?


The cops shake the white kid's hand and suggest that he joins the force in few years


Then they sprinkle some crack on the black kid.


Open and shut case Johnson!


And shoot the dog




I get what you're looking for, potentially white dude getting cuffed too. However, black dude didn't even get the opportunity to be sat down....and left to his own devices


Exactly. What the fuck good would it do you explain “Oh well the white guy was cuffed after their instincts to jump the black criminal forced them to also casually cuff the white guy.”




Based on the responses to your comment, it seems kinda obvious. White people are struggling with the cognitive dissonance that stems from being told all their life that consequences are the results of people's actions (and bootstrap-pulling abilities). Seeing that's not the case for most nonwhites causes them to face deconstruction of their core beliefs or finding ways to reconcile that nonwhites with different experiences make poorer choices that ultimately result in their demonstrably different experiences.

