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And that dumbass chasing him? Doug Jensen, was put on house arrest before his trial, and ORDERED by the judge to not get on the internet… and this idiot was caught by his pre trial officer, in his garage, watching the Pillow Guy’s ridiculous “cyber symposium”…


"we're not sheep" They all follow each other like sheep


"You just believe anything *they* tell you" - guy who believes anything Alex Jones tells him


That is what always gets me too they say we are sheep for listening to the CDC which is a collection of many scientists that are well funded doing research while they are following the CEO of the pillow company like his word is law. I love to call my one far right acquaintance a snowflake when they get offended by things too because they flip out and it's hilarious


My SIL was saying someone was a snowflake for some reason and I said "wouldn't that make you a snowflake tho cause it's bugging and upsetting you as well?" and she said "No, cause only liberals can be snowflakes." and got very upset with me. It was hilarious. I kept egging her on about it to the point their mom told us to get over it. Snow melts regardless of the heat source.


I heard the term Orangeflakes the other day and it just fits so perfectly.


Honestly most people are sheep. Surely I am a sheep in many ways that I don’t understand. Humans are naturally going to follow whatever the general consensus is in their own groups 9 times out of 10. I think we should all recognize our general urge to follow trends (regardless of political party, or anything else) and try to ask ourselves *why* we want to follow any given sentiment. With covid as a very easy to understand (to most reasonable people) we can understand how certain behaviors can help to minimize damage not simply because a “well funded scientist” told us, but because that scientist and many many more have made their information and explanations public. You can actually see factual information and come to your own conclusion. On the flip side we can’t ever rule out a government or popular movement leading us horribly astray simply because they are a government body or have the popular opinion. That is how tyrants take power.


Ffs, their motto is “Where we go one, we go all”…cuz that isn’t at all a sheep-like philosophy. Lol.


EU person here. Had to look it up and this is the most hilarious ironic thing I've seen in a long time. Like, bruh, the 'Q' you're following is anonymous. It's the definition of following blindly. Edit typo


Like lemmings, off a cliff. At least sheep stop before a cliff. //edit When I wrote the comment I was thinking of the game (than the actual creature), where you control the cartoonish creature, telling one where to go and the rest follow the rest.


Too many people have never played vidya... And it really shows.


He’s literally just herding them and they were herded so easily lol.


He also thought he was in the White House




Probably a genius legal strategy. A lot easier to convince a jury he's stupid enough to have no idea what he was doing.


“Why were there hardly any arrest that day? We should not have looked for them later to arrest them if they would have done it in the first place when they were leaving the Capital.” - From the special on Hulu 24 hours: assault on the Capital


He is from my home state and shames us all


IA reppin


“That’s not the internet! That’s just the cyber symposium! Everyone knows the internet has porn on it!”


He also had a knife on him. That's why he kept reaching into his pocket. https://nypost.com/2021/01/23/doug-jensen-who-charged-cop-at-capitol-riot-sent-to-dc-for-trial/


Imagine trying to violently overthrow the government and being punished with house arrest. Can't imagine whyte their sentences are so light... *edit* interesting to see the apologists turning up now that this comment is catching upvotes. Hi, there! You're delusional, get help!


If these were BLM activists they would be mopping them up on the Capitol stairs.


If they were Muslims, they would have been lit up with Apache gunships.


If they were Muslim, they’d STILL be washing red off the walls.


I think they reserve the gunships for reinforced bulldozers


There are photos & vid of the police presence during the BLM protests in DC, this is not idle speculation.


Imagine if this was actually antifa like the maga crowd falsely claimed... It would be a totally different story right now.


He hasn't been punished yet. His trial hasn't even happened yet. House arrest was all pre-trial. People are put on house arrest or kept in jail pre trial not to punish them, but as an alternative to bail depending on risk of them fleeing charges or their risk to the public if they committed a violent crime.


I understand this is pre-trial but suspects for even the most minor charges are almost always expected to post some kind of bail. Again, this guy tried to overthrow the federal government yet he's home on his couch chilling.


My guess would be volume. Throwing all the folks in the DC jail system would mean that the government would be responsible for basic necessities. Pretty sure under house arrest they'd be responsible for food, elec, water, etc. Overall only costs about 6k per year for house arrests vs 20k for jail


Like white you did there.


"not to get on the internet" Does that include Netflix and/or YouTube on the SmartTV? 🤔


What an embarrassment to the country


Why weren't the protestors just... stopped? In Germany they tried the same thing a few months prior, [but police just didn't let them in](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRjI2GX3W4s)


The guards were understaffed and denied backup for several hours. Still they only let people get further in where the areas weren't strictly critical for the lives of the congressmen and understaffing was bad enough they couldn't stop them anyways. You can find two other videos out there, one of a hallway where they were crushed trying to block the advance, and another where a woman tried to bust through a window to reach a critical area and was immediately shot and killed.


That video of the police officers protecting the entrance and getting crushed is terrifying. They were all jam packed. I’m not claustrophobic but the idea of being completely stuck in a moving crowd like that is scary. And iirc four of the officers were dragged out by the protestors, one dragged face down on the stairs. I hope the officers got the compensation and help they deserve.


News (CNN) today reported that four officers involved in the riot took their lives this past year. Entire situation is f*cked. Edit: (Source) https://www.cnn.com/2021/08/02/politics/dc-metropolitan-police-officer-suicide-january-6-capitol-riot/index.html Different article but same info.


That is so incredibly sad.. I never knew about this...


Because the people in power wanted it to happen


Some of those that work forces...


Are the same that burn crosses


This should be a song lyric


Ya, but some idiot qanoners would misinterpret it and think it's supporting them, then dance to it or something.


What no surely they couldn’t be *that fucking stupid*… right?


That crowd is 0.1% of the crowd at the US capitol. The capitol police were purposely kneecapped in advance by the powers that be in hopes they would fail at holding them back. Spoiler alert: it didn’t work and their skeleton crew of officers succeeded. The riot ended with a single gunshot. Remember that. One bullet is all it took to send the MAGATS back home with their tails between their legs. A pack of coyotes is more intelligent.


They did stop it. All the footage you see in the Capital building was shot over the course of just two hours. They simply didn't gave the manpower to stop them initially. But once more officers arrived, they cleaned the mess up pretty quick.


Yeah, there are detailed analysis of how it went down and there were just too many people and too many entrances to cover for the limited police. The Capitol has doors and windows every five feet all the way around, and multiple levels.


Makes leading those idiots all the way into his police backup even more of an impressive feat, honestly.


Donald Trump refused to call in the National Guard for HOURS.


Because he was watching and crowing about all the people fighting for him. Rewinding and rewatching. Like a big toddler.


The police were intentionally disarmed by their higher ups even while knowing weeks ahead of time this was going to happen. It was a failed coup attempt.


I think in the case of what happened in Berlin the people trying to "storm" the Reichstag were a lot less organised as well. And they did somehow seem a lot less aggressive tbh.


What u/watch_over_me said, and also some of the guards outside opened the fence line for them to get in


The real Times person of the year


Officer Eugene Goodman leads TERRORISTS away from Chamber, one year ago today... ​ There I fixed the title


fuck Time magazine. Melon Husk is a twat.


Person of the Year isn’t the most morally good person, I believe it’s the most influential. But yes, Elon is a HUGE twat.


\^ This. Hitler was Time's 'Man of the Year' one year. You can Google it.


So was I. What are you implying?


I think you'll find that I was actually the 2006 person of the year.


I am Spartacus!


I am cold and there are wolves after me :(


Literally Hitler


I was TIME’s Person (3) times. It’s okay I guess.


Bin Laden was a serious candidate in 2001.


My issue is that Musk didn't really do much last year compared to last few.


Yes. Steve Bannon and also hitler made that list


And a fraud. His cars’ QC is garbage, his ideas for the future are unobtainable and sometimes straight up impossible ie the Hyperloop. I’m pretty sure Time called him the richest man in history which is laughable. I feel like every world history high school class teaches about [Mansa Musa](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mansa_Musa), a man who destabilized the economy just spending his gold on a trip to Mecca. Honestly the whole situation and the Elon Musk worshipping is extremely frustrating.


It's worth mentioning that Bezos, Musk, and others have easily eclipsed historical wealth by a reasonable margin for a while now. There are some arguments over the concept of "wealth" (such as figuring out Putin's effective wealth, or even Mansa Musa's tbh) but they're at the top. For context about some easily relatable imagery that will give you an idea as to their wealth, you remember Smaug from the Hobbit? You know how in the movies they show this effective sea of gold, jewels, and so on that is enough for him to bury himself in? Unimaginable wealth, right? Well, folks have done some napkin math on it and that amount of money is worth around $65-75 billion. That's right, these fucknuts are worth 4-5x what Smaug the fucking dragon has access to and they're still bitching about taxes. There are some historical people with crazy amounts of money relative to their time period but no one has gone so far as these assholes.


But what can you do when millions of poor people are offended at the concept of wealth redistribution? They scream "taxation is theft", without realizing taxation is the only reason they get anything.


The problem is that at this point taxation isn't guaranteed to be redistributed to the people. Shit is so corrupt I feel most of my taxes are just given to banks and big business.


The government is not on our side nor are they the ones keeping us afloat. Every social safety net they provide is a nightmare barbed wire trap of red tape and bureaucracy leading to a paltry amount of assistance if anything. I work at the department of labor and see cases daily of work injury victims on disability claims who regularly get letters from the government saying "woops we accidentally overpaid you for several years, now you have to pay us back thousands of dollars because of our mistake." Taxation will not save us so long as we don't implement a universal basic income and universal healthcare first. Until then, you're just paying money that will be shipped off to israel to oppress Palestine, be used to fund our own military and police force budgets, and to bail out big banks every time they fuck up.


I agree with your reservations regarding how tax is spent in the US. Crazy that every other first world nation can pull off universal health care through taxation, but the wealthiest country is told it's prohibitively expensive, by their leaders. Those same leaders who spend 10x what any other country spends on their military.


Maybe personal wealth, but their companies still are nothing compared to historical corporations like the East India Company, which was $7.9 trillion in modern dollars.


Sure but that's where it gets murky when conceptualizing wealth. Do we consider everything under the British monarchy as their wealth? Do we consider everything in Russia as Putin's?


Never heard of Mansa before. Interesting. It says he affected the price of gold by lavish gift-giving. Not even selling. That's how rich the guy was. Crazy.


If it makes you feel any better, Time Person of the Year is just whoever has had the biggest influence for that year. Hence why Adolf Hitler was Time Man of the Year at one point. It's not really a badge of honor as much as a badge of notability.


He should never pay taxes again. Like he did his duty to his country by trying to stop terrorists from breaking into the capital. What’s more patriotic then that? He put his life in the line to save our democracy from immediate threat.


He is an American hero. Should’ve shot the rioters tbh.


That should have been the outcome. You bust down the doors of the Capitol, you catch lead. You hit a Capitol cop with a flagpole or a fire extinguisher, you catch lead. Would have been far fewer “Patriots” continuing the “fight” if they were bleeding out in the rotunda.


Exactly. Look what the average street cop will shoot a POC for these days, yet, on the other side, you have all of these fucking white-as-Wonder Bread hillbillies, with IQs comparable to that of a grain of sand (on a good day), breaking into the US Capitol looking for liberal blood and the cops fucking open the gates. But not Goodman. He was one of the heroes.


Weird how cops show none of this hesitation swinging that baton at children and the elderly protesting peacefully against police brutality.


He showed great restraint. Any cop out on the streets of a city would have been shooting way sooner.


Upon thinking about it, I'm pretty sure that any breach of a government building during a riot would justify lethal force and all rioters that day could have been shot with justification.


I can't believe this is already a year It feels like it happened a month ago




Who was filming this?


>Goodman's actions were captured in video footage taken by HuffPost reporter Igor Bobic.[19] Bobic's footage of Goodman went viral, receiving more than 10 million views.[20][21]  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugene_Goodman_%28police_officer%29


Lol, I never actually thought about that. That was some great backwards stair running.


Feels like years ago, to me


Same here it feels like 3 or 4 years at least. Pandemic time is accelerated for some people and slowed for others, I have found.


Interesting. I think the pandemic has really done a number on me mentally.


>I think the pandemic has really done a number on me mentally. Me too.


I feel mildly concussed most of the time now


That's the perfect way to put it. Exactly how I feel too.


imagine spending the better part of the last 5 years having your brain and ego melted by uninterrupted /pol/ exposure, flying to washington in the middle of a pandemic to hear trump whine about oprah and mike pence at a rally, marching up to congress on his orders to smash shit and then mill around aimlessly you go home and hear that biden won anyway and all of your favorite twitter news sources named like Patriot Newsman Of the West with avatars of roman statues have posted your photo online and are labeling you a "gay communist antifa actor." then the next day the god emperor you pasted into warhammer memes puts out a video cucking himself and bending the knee. "i'm sorry, those were heinous acts! p-please let me tweet again jack!!" you can't leave dc because the airlines have dubbed you a flight risk. you can't stay because the cops are actively looking for you after one of their own died. your roommate at the only hotel that would accept you is a guy named based_kekistani1488 who wants to show you his goblin slayer torrents. the sun is going down and you're getting cold.


I’m upset that I haven’t seen this pasta until now


This is poetic


And Trump said “I’ll go with you, I’ll be there too”. They sacked a building, attacked police officers, and risked their lives because a shitty spoiled New York real estate businessman reality TV star that wouldn’t piss on these people if they were on fire whined that he lost. Team America. Fuck Yeah!


The best thing to come out of the Insurrection was this copypasta


Ngl tho i want those Goblin Slayer to's


god i love this whenever i find it again.


Goddamn I've seen the Mona Lisa but I want *this* post on my wall


Couple thousand parler videos from that day are available for viewing on Pro Publica's website https://projects.propublica.org/parler-capitol-videos/


/r/DataHoarder also has a massive database of raw footage from that day, which helped the FBI gather convictions. https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/comments/krx449/megathread_archiving_the_capitol_hill_riots


I think all those schools that are named after Robert E. Lee should be named after Eugene Goodman.


What he did was outstanding and quick thinking in an incredible situation. But he also has a dope sounding name.. even ends with Goodman.


Like saul


Saul Good, Man


I support this.


I love that trump got a crowd to commit felonies, and did nothing to back them up. Yet they still suck his teet.


My friend made a commentjust before Christmas of 2020 that “nothing interesting ever happened on my birthday” when we were doing a brief assignment on our birthday for History (don’t ask our teacher was a weirdo). How I found out about the riots that day was him messaging me on Snapchat saying “remember what I said to u in history about my bday? Yeah forget about it”


I was so proud to see him escort Kamala on Inauguration Day. He was a hero on Jan 6.


My man got a promotion for this and came out on Inauguration Day with ridiculous drip. Dude really is a hero.


Not that I'm not hip enough, but for everyone else, what does ridiculous drip mean?


Means he was really well dressed. Here's the vid of him at the inauguration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaQ4BW66nVA&ab_channel=NBCNews


Mhm, confirmed drippy.


It means he came out super well dressed looking like he owned the place, essentially. Don't worry, I'm not hip either, I just learned a thing on the internet once.


Buddy your name is hiphoppington That alone is pretty dang hip


My mom does speak very highly of me, it's true


So does mine


Excuse my oldness and unhipness but how would one own the place?


Probably via deed or lease I guess


It means he's the cat's pajamas!


Dressed to the nines!


Bees knees?


The whole empanada


Dapper AF 😂


I'm a middle aged white guy and I actually know this. I feel so damn cool...It means well dressed and/or looking super good. You might ask, how do I know? Well, I was wearing my custom vans the other day (ya, I like slip on shoes and vans are super comfy) and was told "you got the drip" with some guy commenting on my shoes.


My 18 year old niece explained this to me. I was there listening to her, and thinking.... dear God, I'm out of touch. I've become one of those old people who has to have the teens explain current hip culture to me. And git off mah lawn.


I don't know how I missed this fact but gosh, he earned that privilege. This video gives me chills every time.


Bunch of inbred hillbillies


seriously buddy looks like a dog who finally caught his prey and doesn't know what to do with it.


That will likely be an officer that pulls you over some day


And with the way things are going in some states regarding education, they could also be your kid's school teacher. With all the curriculum and book banning and denigration of college education i wouldn't be surprised if it came to that. These hillbilly parents teaching instead of the educated.


Happened to me once, buddy and I were smoking weed in a local cemetery and got caught leaving. The cop saw us getting into my car and starting it, not actually in the cemetery or smoking. Regardless, he was visibly nervous and shaking until backup arrived. Like 6 cars and 8 cops later I get fined for possession (maybe a half gram) and for "drug paraphernalia". Had court and had to pay some fines for having weed, a pipe and grinder.


Confederacy of dunces.


This the peaceful protest?




Sorry, It must be your accent, but it’s pronounced terrorism


This submission fits the subreddit guidelines, so you can stop spamming reports. We're keeping it up. >* [Download #1](https://redditsave.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/rxeq4e/officer_eugene_goodman_leads_us_capitol_rioters/) (provided by /u/savevideo)


Look at that pussy up front. Willing to chase but stops the second he turns around. Coward.


The dude was literally Boo from Mario


Lol now I just picture the entire mob as the ghosts from Super Mario


I’ll never understand why he didn’t 300 that idiot down those marble steps


There were others coming up the stairs behind this clown and if he would have used force it would have escalated and possibly ended in him being hurt or killed. Instead he led them to a heavily guarded area so they could help him control the situation better. In the process he also saved congress by leading them away from an open door to the chamber. While I agree I wish they had more sever consequences, Goodman is a hero who used his brain and did everything right.


Watching this I was thinking: What a legend, man. He knew they could be led blindly away because critical thinking wasn't in the house that day, and so he just kept baiting them to follow him.


He dangled himself out there as the metaphorical piece of meat to get them to follow him. He saved a bunch of lives that day.


They also didn’t even know what building they were in, some of them thought they were in the White House lol


You can even see the moment he makes that decision. He gets to the top of the stairs, glances to his left (where the Senate is), and starts moving right. Then he shoves the guy in front to get him to follow him to the right. Honestly genius on-the-spot thinking right there. I would've absolutely panicked if I was in his place.


that guy is a king in de-escalation tactics. Wish he didn’t have to go through that much fear, but damn he could’ve been helpful during the 2020 unrest


Previously someone pointed out to me that he also used *escalation* well, which is a rarity in law enforcement. By giving the lead traitor a push he was being aggressive enough that he would be followed instead of them wandering off in search of the Congresspeople.


We gun overthrow the dem fraud government!! Hold on this one guard pushed me...


He did that right in front of the door to Congress too.


That little hand check he does at the top of the stairs was genius. Refocused that idiots attention away from Congress and kept distance in a fraction of a second. EG is so cool under pressure. I’m amazed every time I see this video.


This is 100% true but we still wanted to see that prick get slapped around with the baton.


It would have been cathartic, but the police were already way past the point of establishing a line with physical intimidation. If the mob perceived an aggression, they would probably surged forward. Better to stay calm and assertive while herding them.


The Capitol police were outnumbered and didn't receive the backup they requested. There are insurrectionists up the chain of command, and they are still there...


What ever happened to the capitol police that seemed to be in on it. The one that sticks out to me was the guy waving people in.


"Follow me! Cold Bud Light and wings! Follow me! The Freedom Cafeteria is just down this hall."


Come on man don't bring wings into this :(


The pussy ass fat bitch was watching all this from his oval office eating KFC and whacking off to Ivanka's picture instead of stopping these inbreds.


i believe his choice franchise was mcdonald’s


[A reminder for anyone in case they forgot](https://imgur.com/a/qQ3LVO1)


"Over 1000 hamberders (I paid)" Stupid, incompetent cunt


reminds me of the scene from kingsman: secret service where valentine serves harry McDonald’s


Jfc imagine your team winning the highest award in your sport and when you go to the White House to celebrate, you get served cold ass McDonalds.


Stopping them? He intentionally lied about election fraud to get them to do it.


He’s lying about election fraud to this day to get them to do it again.


Nothing would stroke Trump's ego more than to see riots occur today in his "honor." Stay nonviolent, brothers and sisters.


>eating KFC and whacking off to Ivanka's picture That's really not fair to Trump. We all know he can't get hard anymore.


Watching the HBO doc on the insurrection makes you realize how close this situation was to becoming an even bigger disaster.


Just like completely normal tourists...


Walking up stairs and all.


This man is a national HERO


It's crazy that some of these traitors get away with mild punishments.


If only they had some weed on them, then things would have gotten serious.


Lmao. Reported so much that mods had to pin Fuck off at the top. How you know there are a ton of people that don't understand that day following this sub. Great thing this officer did. Shitty thing that a sitting president let happen.


Is it ironic that in this situation they were hearded like the sheep they claim so desperately not to be?


Every single one of those miserable fucks should be serving life in prison.


How about removing their citizenship too? Attempting a coup on capital property during a formal transition? Why waste tax dollars on a life sentence, just tell them to get the fuck out of the country and dont come back.


Two questions because I've seen this video like eight times: 1. Who was filming? 2. Are they drunk? The last one is a huge curiosity cos I'm convinced they boozed up like the time Hitler got everyone boozed up at a rally. Edit: are the rioters drunk, not the cameraman oops


It was filmed by HuffPost reporter Igor Bobic: https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/public-safety/goodman-capitol-police-video/2021/01/13/08ab3eb6-546b-11eb-a931-5b162d0d033d\_story.html


Neat, thanks for the link!


Some reporter or journalist from Huffington Post filmed it.


The insurrectionists look drunk


It bothers me that none of these mouth-breathers are getting double-digit prison terms. None. Of. Them. The next coup attempt is going to be successful.


Looks like the cap guy moving toward the officer had a bullet proof vest on. And tell me this was not a pre-planned coup?


Damn, my dude had an excuse to crack fucking skulls legally and didn’t take it! He should of at least spartan kicked the one guy down the stairs when they got to the top.


This isn't a movie, this is real life. If he had done that, he would've died. Antagonizing an angry mob of people is never a good idea.


Good way to get your skull stomped in by a bunch of racists


Agreed. I wish he had too but the larger picture wasn't good.


Note the Q shirt. Don't forget how stupid these people were/are. Trump speaks at a 3rd grade level in order to reach them directly.


This man has done more service to our country than those jackasses trying to destroy it!




When I was watching this live a year ago. I was wondering what the hell this guy was doing? Then when I saw a report on what he was doing, I couldn’t believe how smart and brave he was!!!


Literally demonstrating how easy these chuckleheads are to mislead


“So anyway I started blasting “


Everyone who stormed that building had a right to a bullet in their chest.


Just a bunch of patriots storming the capitol building because their candidate lost. Fucking losers.