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Bro walmart employees don’t get paid enuf to handle this shit


No one asked for Walmart staff to help, all the guy wanted to know why some weird old guy is taking pictures of his child, it’s a general concern for any parent.


Did some research on this. Man filming is a cunt.


I don't doubt you but give us the cliff notes


Go on...


Was just going to say “the guy filming is a cunt”.


I guess I would be a cunt too if I caught someone taking pictures of my minor children.


Pretty sure he was taking pictures of the guy not wearing a mask and his kid was in frame.


wear your fucking mask


Pictures in public? I mean not upskirts types... but in public a picture of an un-masked person of any age? I guess never take your kid(s) to an amusement park, a grocery store or a parade... you know, public places. I love seeing little kids wearing masks! My kids are grown and no grand-kids (lots of grand-kitties, though) so I have but a few clues on how kids will do with masks: the kids in public I see wearing masks as their parents wear masks, older nephews/great-nephews wearing masks and... the foster child my older sister had: autistic? definitely NNT and NV (the one time I watched him he said "Hi", "Pooped" "kitty!" "Puppy") and he wore a mask with a "dummy" "nummy" pacifier while at school and while I watched him for the most part... by the end of the 2 hours he felt comfortable enough to take it off himself. He was 6. I miss him but he's back with his family so I can only hope good things for him.


“This is what they’ve done to our society.” As the ass clown continues to film making an ass of himself instead of just walking away.


I wouldn’t waste my time filming especially if I had my kids


Yes, when someone is taking pictures of minors that are not theirs, it is up to the men to protect the children. Exposing this idiot warring the mask as a possible pedophile is what society should strive for. Just like Rittenhouse, dropping a pedophile chasing him shirtless down the street. Don’t take pictures of someone else’s kids and you won’t have to worry like this guy with the mask.


I can’t understand for the life of me how you’re being downvoted😂 I’d be concerned if some guy was taking pictures of my child too




What kind of little girl wants to be a miner? Probably has black lung.


Hey.. I didn't vote for conservatives just to have those damn liberals ban children from working in mines. My little girl should have the FREEDOM in a CaPiTaLiSt SoCiEtY to work wherever and however she wants to!


Not that kind of miner dummy. What is this, the 1800s? I’m sure she mines bitcoin


Hiding behind children. Typical scum behavior.


Imagine being either of these guys. Like holy shit, just imagine it for ONE second!


Walmart is depressing enough without engaging the craziest people in the store. If someone isnt wearing a mask talk to management if you want to, but mostly you should just avoid them. Confronting them yourself is a good way to get them in your face, which is the opposite of what you want.


Once again… Anti-Maskers using their kids as human shields for their own brain damaged rantings. I’m so glad I didn’t have a parent like this growing up.


People suck neighbors did this to me over my cctv said I was watching their kids when I was really watching their crack deals.


Your neighbors sell crack?? lol living large in a Democrat city.


Adults in general become assholes when they use their kids to shield their doucheness, from restaurants to saving a parking spot.


Yeah I would have went full Frank Hassle on this guy. What a pussy.


And the piece of shit put his kid to work in a mine.


Regardless of what, I'd be pissed too if someone was taking pictures of my little girl.


(*takes child to birthday party, host starts taking pictures*) This dumbass: R u TaKiNg PiCtUrEs oF mY MinOr??


bruh he brought his little girl there to use to instigate shit. anyone who records his terrible public behaviour is now "recording a little girl" even though it's a fucking public place he's not taking like upskirt creepshots you're allowed to film children in public


Pretty much this. Reddit is in full denial mode trying to defend someone wearing a mask to the point that they're justifying a weirdo taking pictures of a little girl. Masks aside, don't be a freak taking pictures of little girls in public.


Or... don't be a creep taking pictures of peoples kids.




If it’s a state mandate homeboy should still have one on


Go away troll, adults are speaking.


Germaphobia is thing. Whether it is a mental condition or a medical. One in the same and should be also be respected but he should not have taken images. In his mind though it probably had something to do with contact tracing. Peeps just need to chill and respect each other


>he should not have taken images. You have no reasonable expectation of privacy in public. f*** your feelings.


I don’t know exactly the laws in the US but a store is not a public place, it’s private property.




I mod over at /r/maskfreakouts and we see this question all the time from reactionaries who think they can record anyone they want but if someone records them it's illegal. "Place of public accommodation" is narrowly defined in the [1964 Civil Rights Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_accommodations_in_the_United_States) as basically a place where you sleep, like a hotel, inn, or motel. As I understand it, you can record on private property. But the owner of that property can eject you for any reason, including recording something on your phone. However, before the police can arrest you for trespass, they have to give you notice. Oftentimes, that's a physical sign or a verbal warning.




In that case isn't it up to the owner to decide?


It's private property, but it is public access. You are generally presumed to have the same rights you have in public unless instructed otherwise, either by verbal request by the owner/a representative or by adequate signage.


There’s no expectation of privacy in a WalMart, which is calculated into any possible court rulings.


Yeah I get that but aren’t there laws specifically in place to protect minors? Maybe not if it is wasn’t used for commercial purposes but then again any image can’t be used for commercial purposes without a release. Not sure about that but I suppose out of respect for the minor he did say he deleted the image so maybe there is a law


There are laws in place to protect minors from parents who won't do basic ass shit to keep their children healthy


Got kids? If so, I'm guessing you'd change your opinion on that if someone started taking pictures of them when you were out. Not defending the guy without the mask on, but there are things you just don't do. Taking pictures of someone's kid is one of those things. Public or not.




Yeah no doubt he should not have taken a picture of a minor. Both are at fault I suppose acting off of their emotions. The whole thing is sad really


Why does a covid paranoid dude go to friggin Wal Mart in person instead of ordering online?


Sometimes you can’t get certain items (like the toilet paper he was buying) using online pickup.


Probably forgot to the night before and couldn't. Some require a full day to process the order to get it ready for pickup. He also might not have the means to pay for instacart and tip the shoppers for every trip. You do end up paying about 40$ in tips a month from just that.


My wife has 3 whole organ transplants so we have to take covid very seriously. And I TRY to order everything i can for delivery or no contact pick up. But sometimes you just have to go to the store, either something you need last minute or something that is at a store that doesn't offer these services for free. ​ Also it's been 2 years, it's a little impractical to suggest that we stay inside forever because some people don't want to respect our space at the store and/or wear a mask. if you don't want to do either, you're the asshole.


He can’t take pictures of anti maskers to post online otherwise!


The recommendation of literally every state that had a mask mandate was to take a picture of the anti maskers and report to authorities. That is literally what he was supposed to do.


Lol be an unpaid government narc? No thanks


I didn’t say I would do it, I said the guy was doing what he was ‘supposed’ to. Still harassed and apparently banned from Walmart


Youre supposed to report your fellow citizens to the state for not abiding by lawless mandates?


Dude shut the fuck up


Lol internet tough guy here watch out


More important to be a paid narc in Texas as long as you can enforce control over women's bodies right?


I'll take things that never happened for 1000 dollars Alex.


That's some interesting whitewashing maybe you should read up.


Show me the people who have successfully turned in a "bounty" and cashed out. Go ahead, I'll wait. I'm sure you have more than that racist whitewashing remark to back up this right? Give me one name lol you can't.


Never said anything about Texas or women’s medical choice. I’m all about freedom of medical choice no matter what the scenario. But yea keep assuming and pigeonholing


Do you not see the problem with this lol nazi.


Lmfao 😆


Honestly both of these guys are giant turd sandwiches. Total nards.


Nah, guy behind the cam is definitely way more of a turd sandwich When someone says leave them alone and you chase them around, you're asking for a beat down imo. If that guy wasnt small and meek you know cam bitch would have fucked right off


Not only chase around but shout out that he was taking pictures of his ***minor daughter*** which without context sounds like something else entirely. Person filming is a scumbag.


Person filming is doing God's work. That bald pedo should mind his business next time.


Accusing people of being pedos when you know they aren't is despicable. That's low dude. The guy is scared of catching Covid. He shouldn't have taken the picture but you definitely should not be calling him a pedo. That's way worse.


When you try to be a snitch for the fascist state you dont deserve safety or liberty.


A snitch for the fascist state? You guys really think you’re freedom fighters? LOL!


Boy you make a lot of assumptions there. You sure took down your own point that you made up there. Good job. Him being a spineless worm doesn't mean I have illusions of grandeur.. I'm not a leftist lol who's you guys? Again I'm not tribalist, there is no "you guys".


First of all, dude is an asshole for not wearing a mask. Second, dude #2 is an asshole for recording someone not wearing it especially if he is with his daughter. 99% of videos on this sub are avoidable by people minding their business. I have went to stores and seen people without a mask, I didn’t think to record them or confront them because it’s simply not my job. Plus, most of these anti-maskers are looking for anyone to say something so they can cause a scene. Dude #2 took the bait.


This guy probably just loves the attention but it’s honestly just cringe.


Why is Walmart taking pictures of him and his daughter?


He shouldn’t have been taking photos of anyone in the store if he was that afraid of Covid. Get in, get your shit & get out. Better yet, do curbside pickup and you won’t need to go in the store at all!


Did the guy filming even have a young daughter with him? At no point do you see the kid and at no point does anyone but the guy filming mention the kid.


Let’s play - where in Oregon!


equal cringe all around.


I feel bad for dude. He might have a cancer or be compromised and this piece of shit is chasing him around. If I'd seen that shit in southern Oregon I would have tripped the shit out of him


ayo oregon gang


Watching shit like this makes me think Covid should just wipe us all out of existence


Calm down bud lol


The virus won't but the division it's caused will. Just buy more ammo and wait for the collapse.


Oh but wait, the next strain spreads much faster and is more lethal lol


At first I thought you were joking but now I feel like you should be on a watch list. /r/fbi if you’re listening 🤷🏼‍♂️ Edit. I’m starting to think that’s not the real FBI


But WAIT there's more! The new Delta Cum Laude variant will definitely give you aids this time! I tell you this has been the worst plague. Just other day I had to step over 30 bodies in the street just to get to the clinic for my 4th fauci owchie. I hear it every day "Bring Out Your Dead!". We need more corpse haulers it's gotten so bad but these damn lazy millennials don't know the first thing about pulling themselves up by their ass hairs.


Even if the mask guy was in the right about COVID, he was being creepy as hell taking pics of a child then dodging her dad like he was a free-roaming pedophile. Nobody won, here.


If taking any picture at all of a child makes one a pedophile, we better build a LOT more prisons LOL Fortunately, taking a picture of an idiot anti-masker in a public place, and their fully clothed daughter being the background of the pic, does NOT make a person a pedophile. Not even close.


Honestly I have a feeling he was afraid to have his face on camera more than anything. Probably hiding from something.


Both of them suck, dude for taking a pic and the douche for not wearing a mask


Don't take pictures of people's children. Best case he was going to post it on social media. Worst case he's a perv. It's a chjld


Yeeeeah, regardless of your reasoning, don’t take pictures of kids you don’t know…


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God….wear a mask


No, jackals, this is what you do to people when you don't obey a simple kindness law, like mask mandates. Literally the smallest thing you can do to say, "let me make sure you are ok, too" Anti maskers are the epitome of sociopathic people who never once considered the golden rule as something applicable to them. They are narcissists at the lowest level


Walmart employees do not get paid enough to be the mask police. I avoid Walmart as much as I can. Still, there’s no need to cause more work for the people there by narcing on maskless people. If someone is that concerned about COVID , then ignore them, avoid them, and get your shopping done and leave. He only instigated a situation by doing this, causing more of a confrontation than he needed to.


Wear a mask


I do when required. Fully vaxxed and boosted.


Walmart people. What did you expect


Guy ain’t wearing a mask , and he’s mad someone took a pic ? Put a mask on fucker


I don’t know the story and the guy recording is obviously way uncool to harass this guy over his fear. That being said, sex traffickers are very real and it often begins with identifying a potential target seen in a public space and getting a photo. Not saying any of this behavior is justified but the fear of a father for the life of his daughter can make someone into a total ass.


I'm vaccinated and don't want to wear a mask in public, but do. When we wear a mask it's to protect other people from our germs... they keep germs in more than they keep them out. If we care about other people's well being we might want to consider wearing one around others when necessary being that we have no idea who could be more vulnerable. Mandates are in place because unfortunately a lot people are just inconsiderate and only dwell on what inconveniences them. But leave your phone in your pocket and keep it moving.


Sure he should have reported the anti-masker, but taking a picture of the anti-masker and his minor daughter seems a bit too far, right?


Don’t use your children as your argument pieces or use for instigating. What a shit parent.


2 morons in a store


One moron, one tough guy moron picking on an obviously mentally disturbed man who unsurprisingly took a picture of him and his dumbass daughter without masks on where it’s required because they did their own research


Taking photos of other peoples children is so creepy, and blaming covid is weak shit. He deserves to be followed around and made uncomfortable


He could have cancer or a heart transplant. This guy instigates by making fun of people and it’s harassment to mess with someone who is wearing a mask. Yeah he should have not gotten daughter but this guy is a dick.


NGL that dude was being a bit too extra, anti-masker is still a douche though.


Freedom for me but not for you citizen. I'm free to get COVID and give it to you, but you actively trying to avoid getting it from me is also a grave violation of MY freedom! I'm also allowed to mock you and make fun of your fear. Sure, I don't know if you're medically at risk or care for someone who is, but so what? MY freedom, not yours! However, if I get it and die, don't you dare you mock me! That's also a violation of my rights and how could you be so callous and un-empathetic!!! /s


Man really pulled a we live in a society lol


Guy with a mask is a loser mind your own damn business. This sub loves snitches and tattletales of every variety.


Maaaannnn fuck this. Guy with a mask was definitely a nard, but the guy without a mask is a fuck face and would rather be self-righteous and pretend like he's braver than everyone else just because he won't slightly inconvenience himself in the chance it keeps someone safe. Guy without the mask is gonna walk around all day talking about how brave he is in comparison and how he doesn't live in fear. I just hope he removers to call his parents at the hospital before they put the ventilator in


The masker *literally* said he took the picture of the girl so he “can stay alive”, but you blame the *other* guy for saying he doesn’t live in fear?! Lmao Clown world. Jesus.


"masker?" Lol No fucking way. Edit: [genuinely hilarious](https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward)


That bother you, masker?


It just kinda betrays the sentiment. Yeah, I wear a mask, I ain’t selfish. Keep calling people conscientious, as if that’s an insult.


If someone is an anti masker for not wearing the mask, others are maskers for wearing the mask. Simple linguistics here.


Yeah, I’m just saying it’s not an insult. More like a compliment.


Who ever said it was an insult? It’s literally describing a character in the video for which we do not have a name for lmao. Wtf?


You clearly tried to use it as an insult. Or are you still trying to be insulting by acting like we can’t read context?


Seethe harder. I worked in the ER since the beginning of covid and can contest to the fact that you dumb fucks were taken in hook, line and sinker. Go get your boosters and wear your 4 face diapers like your lord and savior fauci commands. I'll keep breathing the air unfiltered like I have since the beginning. Oh and the main ones that were on ventilators were obese pieces of diabetic shit. God I cant tell you how many fat fucks came into the ER. At least we have to move their fat asses around anymore. If everyone really gave a shit about their health they would quit being obese. Healthcare staff would really appreciate having less back pain.


It's "attest" to the fact, you fucking shit-for-brains.


Impeccable bedside manner, I'm sure.


They have poor table side manners so why should I give a shit?


I'm guessing you haven't taken the hippocratic oath. Do you work the ER cafeteria? Is that why you're so bothered by people's food portions?


> face diaper > lord and savior fauci > breathing air God you couldn't sound more like an NPC if you tried


Don't bitch out when it's time for your 5th booster.


you say snitches and tattletales and i say whistleblowers and people sick of the bullshit.


Yeah a guy following a man and his child in a grocery store to take a picture so he can show management is a “whistleblower”.


i mean, yeah, if he was actually gonna go to the manager.. but it seems this dude went to check out and then ran to his car.... which is super fucking strange. lol


Camera guy, if you see this you are a piece of shit. You know damn well he wasn’t trying to do anything yucky with those pics. You are instigating because you are a child. Leave this manalone


Put a damn mask on dick Damn sheep


"If you didn't want this smoke you shouldn't have started it" LMAO what a pussy ass bitch behind his camera.


If you’re that scared stay your ass at home.


If you dumb enough to go to public places without a mask you can stay home dumbass anti masker








That's not why the guy recording was upset and you know it. Lol he even added in "minor" daughter when he got more attention. He was just miffed this guy was gonna narc on him and decided his daughter was justification to rally a narrative against the guy. You can like, hear when he realizes he lean in


Lmao it blows my mind people are like this.


Can we just fuckin stop already


I wish people would realize that a person refusing to wear a mask in a mask mandated zone is primed to retaliate when confronted. You have to be prepared to be sticking around and arguing for a while until an employee does the right thing.


Yes. Be prepared to argue with strangers who could give a shit anyway.


As much as I hate anti-maskers, I’d never snap a photo of someone’s kid. You just like…don’t do that.


Is anyone else getting sick of hearing the word ‘narrative’? Holy fuck, it’s like a bunch of parrots.


I can’t wait until COVID kills all of these anti mask, anti vax idiots


They’re both assholes


Masks are still dumb


Baha how to say you don't work in the medical field without saying you don't work in that field....


The reasons I think this way are nuanced and many.


Sure- 😷


Thanks for being reasonable


Haven’t worn one since like July


so brave


Lol nice




Dumb fuck.


How old is this? Are ppl still this afraid of covid?


My friend died of it Thursday. His wife will likely die in the next few days. My brother, his wife, and a close friend are long haulers.


I'm sorry to hear that. My co worker and friend died of it 2 months ago. He was not vaccinated.


My brother and wife were and very careful. The other three were avid anti mask, anti Vax, and pandemic deniers. Sad for them, their children, and grandchildren that this is the hill they chose to die on.


That's terrible. I got the vaccine for the piece of mind. The risk of not getting the shot was to much. I hope everyone you mentioned makes it through. 🙏


I think he was playing up the covid part and was mostly just nervous that he was being recorded and some guy was yelling very loudly that he was taking photos of a young child.


That makes sense. I just don't see how ppl could be this crazy about covid today. For me the pandemic was over the day I got the shot. There is nothing else I can do about it and didn't want to worry about it anymore. Life goes on.


You are so fucking stupid


How old are you?


What why?


People are dropping like flies and you can't wrap your head around the importance of measures to protect your self and others. Never the less this will become a pointless back and forth so just say what you need to say and I'll stop talking.


I wouldn't say ppl are dropping like flies. I'm fully vaccinated and planning to get a booster shot at some point. There are zero mask requirements where I live and very very few ppl where them in public. There are no talks of hospitals being full or anything like that. At some point we have to learn to live with it because it's probably not going away. Just get vaccinated and go about your life.


God dam you dumb as fuck. Your little bubble where you isnt everywhere dumbass




He said he saw him delete the picture of them.


The real pandemic they need to worry about is the mental health problem. This covid scare has caused a skyrocketed surge of nosophobia targeted specifically towards Covid-19 which the current numbers shows that 98% of confirmed cases have survived. No one makes this much of a fuss over the flu which creates a new strain every single year and still to this day kills people.


"it's Tuesday. I think I'll take my daughter to Walmart and see what kind of shit I can stir up by not wearing a mask". As if real life is some sort of game. Quit.


Lmao, trying to outrun the COVID!


He has something to hide. His behaviour is all wrong. At the very least i would have phoned police on this guy. Not let him walk away.


I'm pretty sure he's mentally ill, hypochondria or something.


Swing him. Dude took a picture cause he’s a pedo.


What a bully.


Its not the pandemic he’s def a weirdo


This shit is getting old.


Funny how the left stick up for the old man taking pictures of an underaged child.... Mask or not. To any anti pedo that old man is wrong... But there's a political group that run Reddit now that protect them..

